See the earlier Q&A post from today for more info.
- regarding yesterday’s Strom comment that the T-34 ingame model is of higher quality than the T-34/85, he adds that specifically the “decoration” (the junk on the tank) is of much higher quality.
- the fact that T-34 and T-34/85 models are different is fine, as even in real life the vehicles differed, even though they were made on the same “basis”
- after most models are reworked in HD, WG plans to bring all the HD models to one standard of quality (polygon count etc.) without using the outsourcers
the fact that T-34 and T-34/85 models are different is fine, as even in real life the vehicles differed, even though they were made on the same “basis
Well no du. I mean the T-34 and the T-34/85 only have diffrent turents.
yes but maybe the chase was built better when the t 34 85 was build!
Different factories’ T-34s looked different, like other turrets and small changes to the hull.
Why WG tanks looks so shittier than WT, I wonder.
Your face is shittier than mine, and yet no one wonders why.
Vaistinu shittier…
Who gives fuck about WT?
Ok ok, AW has better, but come on – its CryEngine :D
No certain actually. The models of AW look comparable to WoT’s HD models so far.
BTW, enemies in Crysis 3 were of around 30k polygons :D (the CELL)!
I can promise you that the models do look gloriously.
I did not say they dont…
So far they look great.
The models of AW dont look better to me than those of WoT…
Woras, honestly I am a graphics whore.
But the actual HD models in WoT are GREAT. On Ultra that is. I dare say they are better then the equivalent models in War Thunder (though WT models are very high quality too).
Of coarse, everything else and non-HD tanks in WoT look worse then War Thunder. But still.
I dont question polygons. But in WT tanks actually look like ones – rust dust mud and dents.
WoT? Fresh out of assembly line :D
check out tiger p HD, it has dents in those thingies that protect the front and back of the tracks
Or the IS-7, which is damaged and rusted on several spots.
Cant say, I like both. But I judge graphics on technical terms, not aesthetic ones.
I would like higher customization of the tanks.
When WG introduces tank customisation – it would be too late. Also “har har har not historical to customise tanks har har har WTF100 har har har”…
Yeah it would. But i like the polygons and textures as is right now.
Not everything has to be weathered, ffs. “Real tanks” can be brand new, full of mud or full of rust…
And thats why they stand at museums, and not in battle ;)
Who gives a shit ?
And? I like fresh looking, or scratched tanks. it looks like you’re in WW2 and they were just made – not like you dug them up 20 years after war.
Face palm Nya-chan. How does your car look after 2 weeks without a wash. Now go drive that across open land, dirt/ mud, dust, sand. Keep it running hot.
THINGS RUST even when serviced properly.
Go to a gun range fire off 200 rounds from a hunting rifle and don’t clean it stick it back in the bag for a month.Then look at the corrosion in the barrel or the breach a month later.
why WT tanks move shittier than real life, not to mention WoT?
WT tanks move exactly like IRL. Spoiled brat :D
Uhm well I’m no military specialist and shiz but T-26 drifting like most of the cars in Fast and Furious doesnt seem too realistic (not to mention that it slides on low speeds)
At least that how it was when I checked War Thunder last time…well, it was both first time and last time..never launched this parody again
I meant its slowiness, how it accelerates and turns. Those drifts are hilarious, tho. And I too didnt check back after testing it. Gonna give it a go for WT and WoWp at summer – see how they changed (gonna laugh my ass off it seems).
Coming from a former tanker, I can definitely tell you, no they don’t.
Why WoT IS shietter than WT, I wonder?
Also a small rant that has nothing to do with anything, but I’ll just whine here.
Why the fuck were the tank missons for the M8A1 so fucking difficult compared to the I-301 missions, which I did in under two days?!
Because M8A1 is unbalanced and Gaijin knew it ?
Everyone says it’s shit.
I still haven’t played it even though I got it, because I realized how broken and shit the GF is and I kinda hate it now :D
Did they fixed the UI?
Was there something wrong with it?
Yes. There was none.
Well no, they haven’t “fixed” it then. Seeing all the damage done to your tank by pressing a key is a really good new feature though.
All it used to be is barely visible text :D So no damage panel? Oh come on! Even for planes?
WT UI is like WoT Havok :D
“Barely visible text”
You gotta check your eyesight man!
The War Thunder AI was not designed by humans.
It is dog shit. I hope whoever made the UI got fired.
I want a high quality log.
Which is still made from steel. Stronk.
Log is old meta. KV-85 in WT has a fucking _bucket_ swinging from a tow hook on the back.
Kindly called the “Stalinbucket” by everyone ^^
as much HD as the duck from bathtub from the house of the map in WOWS inside the house that gave so much lag that they fired the guy that made it :3 quack quack
- after most models are reworked in HD, WG plans to bring all the HD models to one standard of quality (polygon count etc.) without using the outsourcers
So remake the models into HD, so we can then remake them into HD again later?
yeah… it is pretty silly to have things done twice but I guess they are making so much money now of this 1USD=1EUR exchange that they can do it.
WG is very efficient and organized. [/irony]
Well it makes some sense. Currently if you look at the first HD models, they look different than the latest one. They could tell the outsorcers to standardize the models, but it could be done in this way too. Kinda weird but logical.
And it’s not like they will be creating new models, they would only edit the existing ones, so no real trouble there.
Aaaaand suddenly we have hovertanks. Remember, they can screw anything, anytime and they do just that.
Well in programming screwups are quite common even if you try to not make them, and even doublechecking. Just because they screw up doesn’t mean it’s intentional. But the bug/patch ratio isn’t that high if you look objectively.
Yeah I agree. and as is standard in programming: Fix one bug, make another.
True, though lately it seemed like someone is intentionally screwing up random models.
In War Thunder tanks hover, a few milimeters off the ground which shows that the ground visual and collision models don’t match – bad design.
And don’t get me started on the physics. That is far from complete.
I have not noticed the hovering, but physics are seriously bad, to the point where it resembles paper vehicles.
Stop offending WT physics! It’s a simulator, they are striving for realism!
Don’t you know M22 locusts ACTUALLY had tracks made of rock and ACTUALLY did 180s when going over bumps IRL, not to mention that they would jump 3 metres up after going over a small ditch in terrain? WT’s physics are 100% realistic! Noone can argue about that!
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- after most models are reworked in HD, WG plans to bring all the HD models to one standard of quality
And they will choose the worst one
i hope they chose the T-34-85
It has that good HD look, gun barell has rifling modeled in it etc. etc.
It looks good…
So by bringing them all to the same standard.. does that mean lowering the quality of ones that don’t meet the ‘standard’ down as well…
It sounds stupid but this is WG.
One only has to look at the new WT M6 to decide which models are better. I love WOT but they have zero on WT models.
Fuck me, GTA V delayed until 24/3
Witcher 3 mate.
Fuck Take-Two for sinking San Fiero and Las Venturas.
I stopped caring about it.
At least WG prepared me for such situations
I found a new WoT clone on Kongregate.. something very silly going on with it, any way to report it or show it to you SS? They are trying to make more money than a game developer for a mobile platform..
Not the first time :D
Pingback: 13.1.2015 « The Crow Clan
Just give me some HD barrel rifling!!!!
aghsrpuiqwgp.. HD…pasdfuckwargaminguehfiowhuRGUIHQPG… HD
Of all the HD reworks for far the Centurion 7/1 has to be the best in my opinion.
Nice to see that they are spending all their time twisting bits around on the models instead of working on fixing stuff that screws up the playability of the game.