Weather, exclusive maps… why does the Xbox version get all the cool stuff? :)
WoT Xbox developers introduced recently a new map, called “Pacific Island” (remember? it was mentioned by the Insider about a week ago) and let me tell you, it actually looks pretty cool.
In a rather long developer diary type post, they explained how they actually created the map (based on Corregidor island no less) and I really suggest you read it, it’s interesting. Check this out, this is how the map evolved.
Now, tank battles on an island aren’t as outlandish as you might think at first – in fact, they did happen, although they were mostly one-sided, as the Japanese operated tiny tankettes or light tanks and best, while the Americans were using the Shermans, that completely outclassed them.
In the end, the map looks something like this:
And here are a couple of screenies.
You know, I actually like the map. I’d like to have it on PC. What about you?
By the way, sort of an offtopic, but maybe you are wondering: how come WoT Xbox gets developer diaries in English and we don’t? Well, the most obvious answer is that WG EU is lazy and doesn’t care. But of course, it’s not that simple – Xbox version developers are Americans and can communicate directly in English, while this is not possible (or so they say) for the Russian developers. Armored Warfare on the other hand will have a HUGE upper hand over Wargaming, as the devs are American as well and can (and do) communicate with the players directly.
How terrible…
i’d love to see that map on PC, tho they should probably make it a tier 6+ map, judging from the amount of water that newbies could take a bath in…
Take a shot in arty, move back to relocate… drown…
Isn’t that the standard SPG tactic on any map?
Nope…not all maps have water :)
A nice cliff will do the trick in a pinch.
That “spotting” picture shows a suicide scout :D
I was thinking that, but with everybody using gamepads, it may actually be more viable compared to PC to do suicide scouting (then again i haven’t touched the console version)
I think that the best xbox online gamers use mouse and keyboard, if not most of the console gamers
Go Go Super Sonic Gotta Go Super Sanic XD
no wonder that I got recently TK’ed for NOT playing like on this picture.
“Don’t camp !” he said – an Obj 704 – before he cut his only eyes out and lost the flank and the game for the team …
As someone who lives in the Philippines and loves military History – I wish they’d implement this map on the PC as well. Would definitely love to play on it :)
Me too, I crave for an island map completely surrounded by ocean.
Warthunder…jungle map and live to regret what you just said :)
TBF, Warthunder has a movement system that is a lot more clumsy and more passive gameplay.
Damn, it’d be so beautiful.
“Armored Warfare on the other hand will have a HUGE upper hand over Wargaming”
In USA and large part of Europe – not in Russia.
Russian potato computers won’t be able run the mighty Armored Warfare! Aha
I don’t think AW devs will care about RU market..
-older computer users
-players are crazy for “stronk soviet history tanks”= WoT..
I think in USA and Europe, they’ll get enough players to compensate.
But WG should care – based on where the money is and how the Rubel falls …
Not so old – first.
Not so high system requirements – second.
Many Russian players interested in the battle between modern Western and Russian tanks – third.
And russians love crazy tanks like Waffen E-100 and others=). Regardless of whether these tanks Soviet or not.
Seems to me that AW would be crazy not to want to market their game to the Russian market, seeing how popular WoT is there and, according to SerB, how popular tanks are in general in that market.
Why ignore such a large market of potential customers?
Because they not ignore=).
AW Publisher – company.
Well wow that would make for nice new map, definitely is a nicer set of colour to look at after the standard boring colour maps!
I want that map!!!! God it looks beautiful <3 <3
Can be a good replacement for soutch coast
I’m thinking Mines (because sand and colors) and Swamp (because… well, swamps).
Edit: Also, they should have maintained that airstrip with a few “Zeroes” ready for takeoff.
When you mention it.. make a Wake Islands map :) :)
Ah hell, just give us ANY pacific island map… Guadalcanal, Midway, Tarawa, Iwo Jima…. <3 <3
Take one from Battlefield 1942, change it a bit and there you go. :))
I’ve been thinking this so many times :D “Why doesn’t WG just use BF 1942 maps”?
Some of those were really great like Gazala, El Halluf, Market Garden…. Ah the nostalgia :)
They did try that… There was a leaked map a while ago that looked like this:
And this is the one from BF1942:
Rotate et voila!
I remember that “Rivertown” map being mentioned here on FTR. I’m generally not too critical of almost any map as I’d like to see a lot more map for far greater variety. BUT the Rivertown map seems like a bad idea. Talk about “corridor map”! Having limited access across those few, narrow bridges seems like a wretched idea.
That was my first thought too… BF 1942 and Wake island. Was a lot of fun back then, i wonder why are there not more pacific maps in WoT. Would be a nice contrast to all the griddy european maps.
I wish that there was more variety in the locations of the maps as well. For starters, more desert maps!!! And an island map such as this would be great too.
As for why there aren’t more such maps, it seems to me that the reason is obvious. WG is a Belorussian company and they’re probably aiming most of their focus on the Russian market. And it’s probably easiest for them to generate historical maps from that theatre of the war as well. Honestly though, it seems like a shame. I would think that even their Russian customers would like to see a wider variety of maps than one grim, battered, gray European city after another after another.
Pingback: Jak se tvoří mapy pro Xbox?
This one opens new possibilities: Winter Pacific Island, Pacific Island on flames, Pacific Islandberg, Pacific Corridor…
Hmmm, the % of drowned tanks here can increase exponentially.
On a more serious note, it would be nice if at least one of the spawn areas was inside LSTs and disembarking into a beach.
I don’t see any good reason why an island map would absolutely need to be surrounded by water on 4 sides of the game map … unless they were to make the overall map, lets say 1.2k by 1.2k, leaving a USABLE map of around 1k by 1k.
It would be interesting if at least one of the spawn points was on a beach and you could see some LST’s behind the spawn (even if they were “off map”). I don’t feel the need to actually disembark from LST’s though.
#Silentstalker could you dig a little bit and bring us intel when can we expect version for Xbox One?
#Silentstalker could you dig a little bit and bring us intel when can we expect version for Xbox One?
2nd issue: you’ve mentioned AW so I would like to know more about secret testing you were invited to.
Testing is tomorrow.
can I count on review of testing?
I am not SS, but I remember what was said developers about Xbox One in russian livejournal. They think what at the present time Xbox One community not so large as Xbox 360\PC. So they wait until the players will not be enough to bring them good profit from the start of WoT on Xbox One.
Wake Island clone?
I Fucking hope not..
I HATE wank island…. a terrible map on every game it appears, I genuinely cannot understand the fixation with it.
can we get the half the Xbox edition gets ? like dynamic weather ? :)
this map looks kewl, i hope it will require dessert camouflage, WoT needs more dessert maps …
This will obviously require Summer Camouflage as it is in a tropical country.
I really wish we had more pretty eye candy maps… Like this and the soon to be completely removed dragons ridge…
Finally. We’ve needed a map of such a location for quite some time. I hope we get it for PC. I’d like to see some pill boxes and wrecked planes, though. :)
Would be awsome to have an island/jungle/whatever that environment is map, but not in the shape of this one.
If you introduce this map on PC version, you can simply copy all the Hidde Village whine to this one. Just look at it – same corridors and even less actual passable terrain.
Make the whole map area into lets say – 1500×1500, and then we are talking! :)
i think it will be an arty heaven, seeing the chances of drowning
FUCK THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. Reminds me of battalion wars.
Can anyone say “Jungle” from War Thunder?
It’s what it looks like to me…
Hmm, where did my comment go?
Says I already wrote that but can’t see it?
For anyone wondering it is a tiny map and one side spawns on a giant mountain overlooking the whole map, its so unbalanced its not even funny, yet another case where WGA is great at making content (Weather, Physics, UI) but is atrocious at balancing things ( T110E3 Buffed into OPness, Pz5/4 is tier 5, Map spawns changed randomly, Malinovka Assault)
Absolutely want to have that on PC. How do we tell WG this?