Storm Explains About the E-100

Hello everyone,

there have been a lot of detailed (and contradictory) statements lately about the HD E-100 rework. Here’s what Storm wrote what the changes will be like, as a summary:

- the angle of the majority of upper front plate will be 63 degrees, the way it was earlier
- the angle of the upper part of the upper front plate will be 70 degrees. The upper part 70 degrees strip will be 150mm thick. As a result, the effective armor will be practically the same as the 63 degree part, plus there will be a chance of ricochet
- the turret width will be the same as in 9.5 (it will be reduced compared to test 1). The other turret dimensions will stay the same as in test 9.6
- the “bar” on top of the turret (rangefinder) will have the same height as in 9.5
- the color will be a bit darker + some materials (surfaces) will be reworked
- the quality of the 15cm gun muzzle brake will be improved

The following elements will remain the same as in test 9.6:

- diameter and length of the 15cm gun
- length of the suspension
- tracks

These changes will not appear in test 2 (WG developers won’t be ale to do that on time for it), but only in live server version.

21 thoughts on “Storm Explains About the E-100

  1. Basically, if you look at the UFP of WT E-100, you can see how the UFP is thick (from side), but the more angled strip is thinner, even though the whole UFP is 200 thick. So when all the E-100 chassis tanks are in HD, this strip will become 150mm thick, am I right?

    • Most likely, you are right. It doesn’t even matter, if the more angled strip is thinner, because it has nearly the same effective armor as the rest of the UFP.
      200mm at 63° are ~440mm effective armor
      150mm at 70° are ~438mm effective armor

  2. Anyone have a good screenshot of the HD E-100 complete with the 15cm? Can’t find one…

  3. btw, what about the gun “depth” ?
    the rifling, inner side of gun, is really short, like 20 cm… it’s not even dark .. you can lok into gun ad see white texture in there…

  4. If only the British didn’t scrap the real E-100 chassis we could have scanned chassis in game…

  5. Pingback: Storm vysvětluje změny na E-100

  6. Pingback: World of Tanks - Änderungen am E-100 mit Patch 9.6 -

  7. Storm is part of the problem. he needs to get over the arrogance and listen to the player base.

  8. Sounds fair. The change should only matter when firing at a significant downward angle, i.e. from an elevated position or facehugging with good gun depression. Also a slight effect on arty hits on the front.