Hello everyone,
Wargaming announced the clan missions mechanism, as you probably noticed. What they didn’t announce (on EU anyway) are the rewards. Here are a few examples of unique camo, emblems and inscriptions, that are going to be the reward for this thingie.
I didn’t know Germans invented digital camo:D
Funny that the Chinese have had the THREE TONE DIGITAL camo for their 50′s era copycate tanks for some time now
Looks like a creeper from Minecraft. I would totally dig a creeper looking E-100.
Creeper E100.. Provokes nuclear explosion when it rams you :D
SSSSSSSSSS…*150 MM HE shell to the face*
German Digital Camo ==> ” Rules !! ”
Gimmie Some :D
Yes, Dear what shall we drive out in today? “Traditional Camo, or shall we take the Digitial German Camo to go smashing Tonks in today?”
Meine Kleine Digital Camo…. :D
Bullshit, i dont want Digital in WW2.
Don’t use it then.
Personally I like it – Reminds me of AW.
Then go play AW???!
lad, go cry somewhere else
Lol :D
China has Digital camo already, so kinda late for that.
Since when is WoT WW2?
I don’t want YOU to spam this blog with your shitty YouTube channel (which doesn’t even exist anymore).
No one cares what you want 43 percenter.
Do u cri evry tim, historical-accuracy nazi?
That digital camo looks so great.
Do you have to take part in the battles or do you get them if your in said clan?
That digicamo reminds me of Minecraft mob called creeper :P
When I played Minecraft, I called that thing “Exploding penis”.
GREEN* exploding penis, as did everyone else including me :P
I think by using that camo your tank will start exploding from ammo racks in every game lol since it’s a creeper tank. Might be a trap.
Yay clan missions. “2015 wil be year of randoms” “Next IM campaign will come next year” Fuck off liars with you gay clan shitcontent.11!!
Mimimi I dont have friends?
No, I dont want to join a fucking clan?
“Mimimi I dont want to get in any form in contact with other human beings. This includes but is not limited to joining a clan, forming a platoon, meeting other people or other activities based around or including a social factor. ”
better now? :P
No decent clan accepted my application. Fucking elitists! So I’m gonna trash talk about clan related stuff because I can’t have their stuff!
Personal insults aside, the guy has a point.
WG have a strong record of saying one thing and doing another. They said 2014 would be the “year of randoms”, which was bullshit. The same will almost certainly apply to 2015.
well there was already the IM. Or do u want to point out that u were understanding “year of randoms” as “year of we will add nothing else except stuff for randoms”?
No, I’m perfectly happy for clan players to receive extra content & rewards. But WG have not, and will not in all likelihood, do much to improve randoms, despite their claims to the contrary.
And IM’s are NOT and improvement to randoms, they have the opposite effect, appreciably degrading gameplay.
well before IMs there was no teamplay in random and everyone was doing stupid stuff and after IMs: no teamplay and everyone is doing stupid stuff. Well at least its not worse than before ^^
I, and most informed players, beg to differ.
You couldn’t get into a CW clan even if you wanted to. You are hot garbage.
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Nice, this looks really interesting ;)
Need moar Gimmick for the dumb WoT Players cerebral Reward-Center to stick with the silly Game..
Look, that poor guy is reading a news page about a game he doesnt like :P
Why can’t we get more cammo for credits? Or more sexy looking ones for gold only, I don’t care. Now only these clan nolifers get nice cammos which are not even WW2 related. gg WG gg
I want the E100 camo in purple. Much swag. Lots of style points.
Third Street Saints.
Sealclubber camo
Anyone else think the E100 skin looks like LBX’s Project Honor Camo?
OFFTOPIC-have somone link to new version of the battle assistant mode?
Direct download:
I rather give and get unique camo/inscription than a tank that owns the battlefield whenever it joins the pub match :)
LOL, about time. WOW and games like RIFT have been doing clan/guild mission for 20 years now. This is a joke. How bout they remove the hackers first?
yeah all those hackers….lol get a grip, in 20k games I’ve seen maybe 2 guys using a bot program. Most of the folks screaming hackers are just people who do not understand the game mechanics.
You must be new or in denial like all the other old sheep. There have been many releases of free “Warpack” such as Slayers. Might not be full blown hacks but it is enough to give people an unfair edge. More than you know are using this shit man, for real. I bet most commanders use the tree down mod to name one off. I am sure you can think of more.
give us more camo for all nations ! .
Not only stupid clan reward ! ! !
will the camo be available for all nations? if so, I’m putting that on my CGC :)
Yuk, green cube puke camo, doesn’t fit at all in this game, guess it is too please the younger crowd or something.
How does it work?
Can it be completed multiple times?
Only players who took part in it get the rewards?
Honestly I don’t give a fuck if the digital camo on old 40s-60s tanks looks misplaced because it looks great to me.