Straight Outta Supertest: Reworked Prokhorovka

Hello everyone,

another reworked Prokhorovka appeared on the superstest server. Check this out.


The green zone landscape was completely changed (mostly levelled from what I can tell). The circles represent new buildings added for cover and the purple zone had its environmental objects changed (some stones and such were added for cover).

62 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Reworked Prokhorovka

        • YEA, please, dumb asses at WG, ARTY causes camping!!!! Can they truly be that dumb?

          • thats a rethorical question, right ?

            on map-reworks, i am mostly happy at the beginning like “oh, finally you changed that piece of s### of a map” until i see the result “just to f### it up even more.

            so lets hope for the best, but expect the worst.

          • I’ve played arty less than 5% of my total games, and only in low tiers (max one was M41). Still, I would really enjoy for the arty to be buffed, contrary to the hipster trend; camping is caused by OP TDs and idiot medium/heavies waiting near their own base, too lazy to actually play in bushes.
            Way too often, campers abuse the one/two bushes spotting rule; I’d say that this is the real camping bonus, the fact that campers can stay hidden as long as they like.
            And it could easily be fixed: if a tank fires twice in the same 25-meters radius circle, make the second shot nulify ANY spotting cover (ergo, make it just as visible as it would be without any bush between him and the potential spotter).

      • It only prevents camping in instances where an advance isn’t locked down by other vehicles, particularly tank destroyers. In reality, artillery is an “I win” button for killing heavily-armored vehicles that people are unable or unwilling to damage by other means (i.e. flanking).

    • Yeah, one more map for crying kid heavies…. Every map specalised for heavies, and don’t leave map for other classes tanks advantages… Because I love playing with nashorn or 13-90 on kharkov, stalingrad, ruingberg, himmelsdorf, (el halluf is shit now) etc… Why are they pick all map when other class has prevail?

  1. Now hopefully heavies wont be totally screwed because there is a huge lack of cover on this map. Hill and Island should be a more interesting fight and Forrest less of a fail flank.

    • Heavies were not totally screwed; you just, generally, need an American heavy that can go hulldown near the center or the hill.

        • A lot of heavies can be successful around EF6 (?) near the RR crossing, aiming towards the hill or north slope when there are enemies there to shoot. I will admit though that this isn’t a particularly good map for really large superheavies, i.e. the E100 or Maus.

          But so what? There are plenty of other maps that are super friendly to such tanks. Why shouldn’t there be other maps that are friendlier to other tank types?

  2. Actually, that purple area might resolve the campfest that happens in the lower corner usually, cause ppl tend to stay in cover cause there is none on the way and the crossfire can get really nasty over there.

    However if the bushes stay the same, then you can still park there spotting :)

    • The biggest reason that people camp the 1/2 lines is that one has to be insane to move down the 1/2 lines without being having that area lit ahead of time by your team’s scouts (working around EF3 or so). Without any spots, it’s suicidal to drive blindly into the ambush you know will be waiting for you. Only rarely will you come across a team that’s dumb enough to not have a sufficient number of tanks along the 1/2 lines to cover that flank, meaning that it’ll be rare that you can waltz down the 1/2 lines without having a nasty bunch of tanks or TDs waiting there to mess you up.

    • Hardly. Think of old vs new Murovanka. If anything, the new version of that map is less flat than it was before. The flatter the map, the more sniper friendly they become. And since when have the new or revised maps become more sniper friendly? If anything, new and revised maps have been becoming LESS sniper friendly with shorter sight lines, not the reverse.

  3. Pingback: Supertest: Přepracovaná mapa Prochorovka

  4. Next map that will be destroyed, why not just have one map that is a tunnel so the mongols can be really competive.

    • Seriously-serious-Seriousmode:
      Because that would make heavily armoured TD’s OP.
      Make Lights completely useless
      Make Mediums get shot to death with their small healthpools and bad hull armour,
      Heavies will go hulldown behind fellow heavy wrecks till the stalemate is solved.
      Glorious Russian tanks cannot snipe worth a damn and Russian tanks have to be superior in at least half the scenarios. IS-7 has a hard time going hull down because it’s so low. IS-4 has a shit turret.

  5. And instead of removing arty, which is the fucking problem on this map, they are going to destroy one of the last good maps in the game…. Good when there is no arty ofc. Well, it was slightly unballanced, and it needed small tweaks to fix that but it looks like they just want to fuck it up. WG as usual.

    • Heaven forbid that there’s a map that doesn’t cater to the heavy brawling tank crowd!!! With so many maps that favor heavy tank brawling, what’s so wrong with having a few maps that favor the opposite, FFS?

      • This map isn’t even that bad for anything but some german, most chinese and most russian heavies. American heavies do fine on it especially the T-34 as it can own the ridge as long as there isn’t arty on this map.

        However as soon as there are two arty on this map is a piece of shit campfest inducing pain in the ass to play in most classes. Often mediums have to constantly moving along the ridge in the middle after most scouts die just because it’s of high importance to spot hulldown tanks there and then they end up getting spotted once which means having to drive erratically because there is no arty cover to drive toward and even the bloody strategically important mountain is a hell hole where arty can preaim.

        Of course you can always snipe with a good number of medium tanks and a few heavy tanks but that means that you’re actually joining in with the camp-bush-fap-fest already taking place.

        • Too bad. There are plenty of other maps where big, slow heavies rule and soft TDs take it on the chin. What a crime it is to have some maps where TDs get to be top dog and heavies have to fight against the odds!

  6. bye bye antoher map destoryed for TD’s
    why not just remove them from game with arty and keep only lights meds en heavies

    • It is a map that has good things for all the tanks. I could be wrong, but WG tends to modify those maps that are good for people with some skills and location knowledge, so the map can be played more face to face. I only play this map every 31 matches, it cannot be that bad for the rest of the players.

    • I’d rather have this map be destroyed for arty, ridiculous lack of hardcover makes it a pain to play even in medium tanks if they have fast aiming (turreted) arty. Taking shots on the move in most mediums tanks rarely does you any good but sitting still and aiming while there is that type of arty on the map is suicidal in most cases. Scouts and mediums will spot the middle ridge and arty will preaim for either the mountain or the middle ridge zone where you can get shots on the hill.

      Arty makes this map bollocks. Even playing the Grille or something myself on this map feels horribly broken. Heavies can’t do shit to avoid taking fire once spotted unless it’s those amx *** 50 things but those suffer massive damage from splash alone.

  7. The map I like the most … there is not hope for light drivers. I had good games in this map driving other tank types, once I was in a tier 9 match with a tiger II showing the turret as our lights died early on. The arty had a great time but I managed to finish the match and our team won. I like to play open maps and I think there should be more.

    • Problem is that once spotted in a slow TD, medium or heavy tank you cannot do much to avoid arty and that can end your game right there. The lack ability to counterplay arty on this map with slow tanks is what makes it annoying to play.

      WG also probably doesn’t like the fact that the MAUS, E-100, IS-7, ST-I, E-75, VK 45.02B, 113 and IS-4 by average on this map are a joke.

      The occurrence that mediums do low average damage on this map despite some heavies being bad on it probably isn’t helping with their opinion of it. Most notably their favoured T-54 doesn’t preform well on this map which must be annoying for them since they went out of their way to make it as pay to win as possible by design. in B4 they change the 330 HEAT to APCR because ”balance” and then increase both the normal shell price and the premium shell price because ”balance”

      • I’ll say it again. What a darned shame. There’s already a considerable number of maps that are heavy tank friendly and TD unfriendly. Why is it such a freakin’ crime for there to be a few maps where this is reversed?

  8. AMEN ! finally the worst of all wot maps got a rework..
    no matter what it is- it cant be worse than 300 meter open ground!

    ps. what about the PURPLE area? i hope an hill of some kind (slight one).

  9. Another map where scouting/sniping is possible bites the dust. So now if someone wants to do lt-15 he has to get malinovka.

  10. Are you f*cking kidding me? F*ck off WG. This map is fine. Poor heavy tank drivers are crying because “hurr durr I can’t brewl in my stronk is-7 or e einhundert, no skillful shooting cupolas and lfp’s from 100m!”. Only map that really rewards good spotting, vision control will be infected and ruined by corridors and indestructible houses everywhere. Some people have so many problems with this TD’s in the corners… After all this nerfs it’s not that hard to get them in the endgame.

    • Oh come on. Give them a chance. Could the map be wrecked? Yes. But I want to wait and see before I start dumping all over WG about it.

      • After all this “reworks” and retarded new maps they did in the last six patches I will not trust them anymore for a long time when it comes to this. Currently a “rework” in WG way is to throw a lot of shit all over the map and block any line of sight. If something is not broken don’t fix it. WG can’t understand this simple rule.

        • Ah, but I don’t think that any map is perfect. And even if one was, I have no problem with tweaking them from time to time just to make them fresh because maps that don’t change occasionally get stale and boring, no matter how good they may be.

    • WZ-132 is a tank that presumably will get buffed rather sooner than later, though. I think it was already posted once that they were considering buffing it more than they did already.

      I mean, they buffed the T-54 Lightweight to make it even more better than the (lulz) T-44 than it already was. Of course the gun still is shit but the WZ-132′s gun isn’t great either and the tank is far worse in everything but acceleration and gun than the T-54 Lightweight.

      The lightweight has a mild chance of bouncing 13 90 shots off it’s turret you cannot say that about the WZ-132. Heck as long as you’re moving in the T-54 lightweight the 13 90 is unlikely to hit the weaker area’s of the turret.

      Plus the T-54 lightweight is the second most legit ramming light tank in the game after the aufklr panther.

      • as a scout there’s nothing in the game better than the 132, the only issue I have is that IMHO the DPM with the 85mm should be off the charts 0.1s reload buff was an insult (although most people play with the 100mm anyway) the only way to come out on top in a fight with the RU-251 is to aim HE which isn’t always possible…

        although thinking about how much fun I’m having with Aufk. panther with controlled impact (especially against tanks like Lorraine 40T and Type 61 that don’t expect to come off worse than me in a ram) T-54Light which i hadn’t given much thought is moving up my list of priorities considerably.

        • Yeah i dont get it either. Tried the 100mm after the buff and still prefer th 85. If i wanted a 100mm, id rather (and do) play the RU. The 85mm is specific to the 132 and i like its style. Not doing bad in the tank at all (55% WR) but more buffs are always welcome :D

  11. I played all LT lines except Germans (unless pz 38 na counts), but I don’t see how it will ‘kill scout’ or td unless that purple area is spammed with boulders that it become impossible to shoot from north side to south side and vice versa. For you passive scout users, you could always go to the usual bush just like before (again, unless sniping become completely impossible)

    If anything it will make mid more important (I have no idea how east side change though), and it’s possible that you could get side shots from there. And people should indeed use mid more (even in some LT, standing in a bush doing nothing is boring IMHO), together with someone “scouting” the east hill that place is the key for most victories (for any tank with turret)…

    …however most tomatoes have no idea about that, and then proceed to derp in line 1-2 or staying in east hills doing nothing. No wonder this map is not popular.

  12. One thing I’m curious about is whether this map was originally based on actual terrain around Prokhorovka or created from whole cloth with Prok as its inspiration. We know that the Stalingrad map was based on the actual lay of the land. So I’m curious if this is true of this map as well.