
- AMX-13/75 will not be buffed in 9.7
- it’s not yet clear where the AMX-30 “microbranch” will start from
- the tank position “twitching” at above 500 meters distance will not be fixed with the arrival of the render circle
- IS-3 in HD will not appear in 9.7 test, it will appear in 9.8 test
- new (high res) penetration/ricochet decals will be made using “normal mapping”
- it’s not yet clear whether the maxium amount of penetration decals per tank will increase (SS: to be clear – right now, the amount of decals (“holes” and “scratches” from nonpen hits) is limited – after you get hit a certain amount of times, the older holes start to disappear)
- a player brought up a theory (shared by many apparently) that when you are using autoaim, your gun gets suddenly much more accurate (bigger percentage of shots hit). Storm investigated this theory thoroughly, they made tests of accuracy while the vehicle is standing, in motion etc. – the result is that autoaim does not increase accuracy in any noticeable way. Storm thinks the perception of accuracy increase comes from the fact that at longer distances (and with worse ping), the autoaim simply keeps tracking the target better than a player would
- new motion physics is not related to BugWorld update
- new BugWorld update should improve game performance, not reduce it
- the option to assist your allies to get back on their tracks (when the tank flipping on their back will be implemented, like in War Thunder) will not be implemented

75 thoughts on “20.2.2015

  1. - the option to assist your allies to get back on their tracks (when the tank flipping on their back will be implemented, like in War Thunder) will not be implemented

    What?! Why not?

      • You press 0 and the guy who is flipped. After this you’ll be connected with rope and you can flip him back at the wheels.

        • Tried that – I dragged poor Stuart in KV-1 all across the map :D
          Also KV-2 dragged my KV-2 onto side :D
          Also dragged slower tanks to reach battle faster.

      • Once a teammate asks for assistance, drive near them (within a few metres), aim at their tank and press the “Towing rope” button – a tow cable will appear between your tanks (attached to the ally at the point you aimed at) and you can try to flip them back onto their tracks / pull them free from whatever they’ve become stuck in.

        Ideally it goes like this video: http://coub.com/view/45vg6

        EDIT: I got ninja’d.

        If you’re the one being assisted, you can avoid getting dragged around by trolls by cancelling your request for assistance, which should detach any tow cables on your tank.

    • I feel like it could partly be because of the shorter battle times in WoT. Trying to upright a friendly might take a few minutes, which could detract drastically from your impact on the battle.

      • Knowing WG they would add ”righten 2 friendly vehicles” as an IM because that would never cause people to intentionally flip over for their platoonmates or something!

        Player 1: Centurion, what are you doing?
        Platoon 1: Flipping onto my roof.
        Player 1: Why?
        Platoon 2: My IM, sorry.
        Player 1: Fuck that retarded IM.
        Platoon 1: Fuck this IM, indeed.

        • You can also occasionally spawn in ways that nobody can un-flip you, though.

          ( well, usually they eventually could, but it would take too much bloody effort to bother with )

    • physics, simply ;) try to imagine how the insides of the tank look after it flips over… ;)

  2. Well, another patch with UP AMX 13 75. Most of Frenchies have to be weak :(
    (D1, ARL V39, AMX 38, 40, SAu 40, 13 75, B1, AMX M4, AC 46, Foch 155)

    • I consider the AMX M4 45 quite a decemt tank, and a relatively OP one in T9 matches (compared to the other T7s)
      but yes, in general frenchies are weak, though they also have some of the best tier-to-tier tanks…

        • i got 1569 damage per battle in it … which is more than i get with T8 heavies…

          its good, provided you stick with 105mm and feed wit with vitamine G, then it has INSANE DPM for T7 heavy

          • You really should check with Tank inspector before saying something about tank because out of all T7 heavies only Tiger P has worse dpm…

            If you want to talk about insane dpm, you should check Tiger I. It has HP pool of a T8 heavy and on top of that it gets better dpm than any T8 heavy

  3. - the option to assist your allies to get back on their tracks (when the tank flipping on their back will be implemented, like in War Thunder) will not be implemented

    Keep digging the grave :D

    • It can’t be implemented to fit the gameplay and not look and feel weird. I completely agree with that, because I already see all those flipped top tomato tanks.

      • And flipping over does not look and feel wierd? I call bullshit. Besides, WTF are you supposed to do in a flipped over tank? Can do even less than when you get stuck currently and leaving the battle is punished…

  4. - the option to assist your allies to get back on their tracks (when the tank flipping on their back will be implemented, like in War Thunder) will not be implemented

    You could always give your teammate a nudge in the right direction. :)
    I’m sure they won’t glue the player to the ground once they are on the roof.

    • ….but u could get penalty for it (ramming/damaging your teammate :)) Work as intended…

    • ”Push push push…”

      -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

      ”Teamdamage detected”

      -1-1 -1 -1 -1

      ”Banned for:

    • ”Push push push…”

      *Tank vibrating intensifies*


      *Both tanks launched in opposite direction of each other into the air

      * both tanks explode as they hit the ground*

      Both players: ”European random material, eh? ”

      “Already send replay to Woras.”

  5. The only think im worried about with the new physics is that they said tanks will move whwen getting tracked? This will be a fucking big nerf for all of use that shoot on the front and rear drive wheel to keep enemies tracked and get extra dmg and assistant dmg.

    • I guess you will only be able to move a few meters when you get detracked. (I might be wrong but I read something like that previously on this site)

      Anyways I would try the following scenario/option:
      When you get detracked, you could move not faster than 10% of your max mov.speed (or a raw number)BUT during this time your track is not being repaired. When you stop your module is being repaired…This would mean that you have to / can be tactical, like you stay and get your track repaired ASAP, or you really need that cover and move because otherwise you would die.
      IMO this would worth a test if nothing more

    • Yep, it’s a major buff to shitters.

      People that don’t know how to protect their drive wheels can just back into cover and that shitter 183/WTF that is determined to yolo around the corner just for you can continue forward even if you track him.

      • I agree, and/or people who have crappy repair skills and no repair/used kit. Tracking dmg is the single most important aspect of the game to get assistant dmg and also general dmg. My avr dmg increased by 100 since I started to make track shots more often. And it is crucial as fuck when taking down higher tier heavy armored tanks that are slow. Now 300 wn8 scrubs can just derp around the corner get tracked and back off into cover, good mechanic.

  6. “it’s not yet clear where the AMX-30 “microbranch” will start from”

    Lorr.155 51 anyone? lel

    • WG: It seems people are amassing XP on the 13-90, Sir.
      WG2: Well, then the option is clear, isn’t it?
      WG: Indeed, the branch will start from the AMX 50 100.
      WG2: But that is a 54/7 tank, people might have good crew on it.
      WG: So is the 13 90, though.
      WG2: The only logical option is to make it start from the Lorianne as a side branch.
      WG: That Idea is brilliant! Nobody will expect to have to grind that branch in the Lorri!
      WG2: And it’s legit too because we mislabled the Lorianne a Medium tank!
      WG: You are genius!
      WG2: I know!
      WG: Can I have your kids?
      WG2: Mother russia is against such relationships, you’re fired.
      WG: You can’t fire me!
      WG2: *Grabs a bottle of strong alcohol and a match*

          • Nah, if it would start from arty that would cause a signifocant increase in arty numbers (aand we dont want such things, do we?)
            but it can still start from the lorr.40t which will also cause rage, and I can understand the butthurt..

    • I have an idea.

      ARL44 – AMX M4/45 – AMX M4/48 – AMX 30 proto – AMX 30B
      \_______Somua SM – AMX 50-100 – AMX 50-120 – AMX 50B

  7. - a player brought up a theory (shared by many apparently) that when you are using autoaim, your gun gets suddenly much more accurate (bigger percentage of shots hit). Storm investigated this theory thoroughly, they made tests of accuracy while the vehicle is standing, in motion etc. – the result is that autoaim does not increase accuracy in any noticeable way. Storm thinks the perception of accuracy increase comes from the fact that at longer distances (and with worse ping), the autoaim simply keeps tracking the target better than a player would

    Yeah, I’m sure they tested that stupid claim for days, weeks even. Tested it so hard.

  8. “- a player brought up a theory (shared by many apparently) that when you are using autoaim…the result is that autoaim does not increase accuracy in any noticeable way. Storm thinks the perception of accuracy increase comes from the fact that at longer distances (and with worse ping), the autoaim simply keeps tracking the target better than a player would”

    That and the fact that autoaim aims for the dead center, thus giving you maximum chance of hitting the target RNG-wise.

    • It aims at the center of the hull not the center of the tank, though. Of course tracking a tank as well as autoaim is practically impossible.

      If auto-aim was serverside it would almost be great sadly it can be desync with the server….

      • It’s well possible to track the enemy while autoaiming. It’s going to be very situational of course and depend on the enemy’s angle towards your gun, and it also depends on the height at which it’s tracks are on the hull. ow, if the tracks go high enough and the enemy will angle the hull in a way that one of his front or read wheels appears in the middle of his silhouette then the said wheel will also be on the path of your autoaim, offering you tracking potential.

        Is it useful? Lol no! But very possible. :)

  9. Concerning hit decals, I wish you would see the burning red hole a little longer. Hits look cooler when you slow the replay down.

    • Sadly WG would claim it would be unrealistic which in this instance is actually true, but rule of cool and all that.

  10. Autoaim hits better when you have bad ping because the server makes sure your gun is aimed at the center of the enemy tank – without autoaim and with bad ping the server might not think you are shooting where you want it…

    • I believe and experienced that auto-aim is sadly calculated client side, it’s not synced with the server. So you can still shoot out of the back of your turret in extreme cases despite auto-aiming. .

      • Well my derp kv-2 hits Center target with autoaim when driving around corners while a manual aim sends the shell in a different direction…