Hello everyone,
every week, Wargaming FM radio runs a one-hour show, an interview with various developers on various topics. Earlier I translated the show name as “developer time”, which is not correct, sorry for that (was caused by the fact that the same word means “time” in Czech and “hour” in Russian). This time, it’s about game-mastering (punishments for breaking the rules) and the developer is a person from the GM derpartment, introduced only as “Kirill”. Here’s what he said. Please note that this deals with ingame report system, so when I write “report”, I mean “complaint in the game”, unless specifically stated otherwise.
- developers are collecting statistics on ingame complaints and it’s possible that the number of complaints will be increased, but the issue with this is that people use 2-4 complaints on one rule breaker
- the system deals with several million complaints every month
- when a complaint is made, it is saved on the server along with chat log, general battle log, damage log etc., everything is written down and WG employees have a look at the sum of information and make a conclusion out of it
- to report one player multiple times is completely pointless, the report will be investigated either way even it you report only once
- earlier, the amount of reports per day was limited to 5
- if multiple players report one player, that one player will be investigated earlier
- the amount of reports does influence the speed with which the reports against that player are handled
- it is true that the players with most reports against them are investigated first
- developers would like to implement a “positive report” (saying “thank you” to someone) – it’s possible it will be implemented, but there is no final decision yet
- voting on ban/kick will not be implemented
- investigation of reports by normal players (like it is in CS) will not be implemented, it’s too much responsibility and it would only end by people banning each other
- as a general rule, troll platoons are not punished, as they are not forbidden by rules, but situations where tier 10 tank brings tier 1′s into high tiers are investigated on individual basis
- bots are a major issue at the moment (they are being developed very fast), WG is strongly opposing them. When investigating a bot complaint, more WG resources are spent than when any other type of complaint is investigated
- general punishments for rule breaking are the following: 1 hour ban, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days and permaban
- investigating forbidden mods is the most difficult issue for game masters, as the files are running on player’s PC, but WG has some methods of fighting them and can determine, whether the player used illegal mods or not
- more complaint reasons will not be added, all the main points are already there
- developers are keeping tabs on recidivists, there is even a top ladder of rule breakers
- the compensation for damage caused to you by allies will not be implemented
- false reports do not lead to punishment
- do not respond to provocation, you will also be punished
- complaint system abuse by platoon, clan or company (as in, entire clan reports someone) will be noticed by game masters
- the automatic ban system (punishment for teamdamage) does take various factors in account, such as where the tank is located, where is it looking, how much damage did the player do etc
- the system keeps track of “teamkill points” and it’s possible that if you damage someone in the battle, you will be banned before the next battle after your last battle ends
- complaints in battle and after battle are reviewed exactly the same way
>developers would like to implement a “positive report” (saying “thank you” to someone) – it’s possible it will be implemented, but there is no final decision yet
Make it like DotA2, where you can “commend” a player for a few different categories, I know two are leadership and teamwork.
That would be awesome. When someone helps me or does really well in randoms I’ll sometimes send them a message to thank them. The option to “commend players” sounds like a good idea.
Good idea for AW, I see :D
It already has command “Thank you!” in command wheel.
1-suggestion gains popularity
2-AW implements it
3-WG uses AW as a lab rat and implement popular features
That’s… dirty.
and AW is doing the opposite
1. look at what half of community wants and other half is against
2. implements it: 10% rng, reduced dmg to non crucial modules of tank
1. Clever people wont just implement it because of how many idiots yell same stuff.
2. Stuff that is logical.
3. WG is too lazy to do anything on their own – might as well spin against them :D
Particularly under the new message system since you can’t just send anyone a private message anymore; you have to send a friend request and they have to accept before you can text them.
Yes positive reports would be good but not for people in ones own clan and enough positives report should get a commendation. I suggest “he took one in the arse for me”, “not a complete dickhead”, “The worlds best meat shield” and the most sought after “came back to save arty but, arrived much to late or accidently TK’ed arty”.
they dont have to accept it, you just have to send it… but i wish i have to accept friend request to let someone send me message, it would have help me get rid of all that “want clan?” annoyance….
I’m guessing you didn’t try.
Actually, there is an option called: send message. You do not have to friend people in order to call them degenerate headless zombie chickens – or to thank them for saving the game through their brilliant play.
Others are “friendly” and “forgiving”
ah yes. I remember that in the year I was playing it I got 2 teamwork, 4 leadership and 3 friendly.
Another category, though perhaps hard to properly describe, could be “Helpful to team mates”. I don’t mean team work in terms of play. I mean someone who someone thinks was giving out helpful advice.
Also, aside from categories, what’d be the point of positive reports? Some sort of popularity stat linked to each player? Honestly, I’m not that keen on the idea. I’d rather do away with likes/dislikes than further enhance them. Neither the game, nor the official forums, should be a popularity contest. And one’s level of popularity or lack thereof shouldn’t be used to decide whether to boot them from the forum (or the game).
Helpful advice?
You mean “Go and play Barbie” or “Urgent, uninstall immediately!”
No but it might help identify asshats to clan recruiters.
I’d like there to be a reputation system in the game so that there are positive and negative reports, and the player could have a dot beside his name that changes from yellow to green or red depending on what kind of reports he receives.
Bots? I thought there were no bots in Wot ;)
Wrong, there are no Bot on Eu server ;)
Really old commentary to be snotty about, no one says there are no bots in WoT anymore, jackass.
- investigating forbidden mods is the most difficult issue for game masters, as the files are running on player’s PC, but WG has some methods of fighting them and can determine, whether the player used illegal mods or not
Must be on all the servers except for the EU ones.. Even in the WoT forums people openly post screenshots with active laserpointer mod for example and don’t even get yelled at.
No server does. Maybe assumptions when looking at how player reacts in replay file. But only that.
One can run with all illegal mods and never can be caught.
But then theres EU where you can use what the fuck you want :D
I would like to see that ladder of rule breakers :D
Not gonna happen. Don’t want people competing to be top of the ladder. And you *know* some jackasses will do just that,
“- to report one player multiple times is completely pointless, the report will be investigated either way even it you report only once
- if multiple players report one player, that one player will be investigated earlier
- the amount of reports does influence the speed with which the reports against that player are handled
- it is true that the players with most reports against them are investigated first”
So, are reports differentiated by submitting player or is this contradictory?
If only 1 player reports a another player multiple times, it’s useless.
If multiple players report 1 player, the reported player will be investigated earlier.
Geez, what a load of crap.
And on unrelated note… fu WG for continuous support of trollplatoons. Amount of lost battles where that was a factor is noticeable.
Because if 2-3 players took their time to keep ruining your game under current ruleset, they’re totally going to stop doing that once the trollplatoons are gone.
Well, sometimes failplatoons happen due to stupidity/lack of knowledge of game mechanics, rather than evil intentions. For example, three otherwise harmless players forming a DW2 + DW2 + pz 38 nA platoon, thinking it would go well since all the tanks are tier IV. And suddenly they end up in a tier VII battle.
Sure that wouldn’t stop the idiots forming Maus + Loltraktor + Loltraktor platoons to find another way to ruin the game, but at least that will stop the other kinds of failplatoons.
Would like to see a TY button to give brownie points to helpful players and a Forgive button for if like a player damaged or TK’d you and you know it was a accident. Some people damage or TK and do it on purpose, sometimes its a accident and they feel bad. Those that apologize and I know its a accident I would be inclined to forgive.
I really like that idea, a forgiveness button – an easy way for WG to not waste their time on innocuous accidental team damage.
- the compensation for damage caused to you by allies will not be implemented
I thought this was already in the game?
Probably thinking of something like “full compensation”. Currently the compensation is smaller than repair costs, so some silver gets lost there (to prevent abusing it).
it would be nice if we have a possibility to see how many bad reports/good reports has a player …. even if he is a bad stats player (but with good spirit in battle) would be nice to know if you can trust his judgment (to see how many TY reports he has)
“the compensation for damage caused to you by allies will not be implemented” – ehm… what? that is already in the game… translation mistake or developer fail?
“- general punishments for rule breaking are the following: 1 hour ban, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days and permaban”
Lol no
Its: “1 hour chatban, 1 day chatban, 3 days chatban, 7 dats chatban, 14 days chatban and…well…thats all”
- as a general rule, troll platoons are not punished, as they are not forbidden by rules, but situations where tier 10 tank brings tier 1′s into high tiers are investigated on individual basis
Simple solution. Limit platton tier which player can choose.
That would be proces of learning like shity missions we have now. Cuz they said, missions are implemented for players that dont understand game mechanics.
It is not often but it happen that u have platton – Tier IX heavy and Tier II light.
I think they dont want to troll, they just dont understand how MM is made. In some % plattons like those are just retarded monkeys…
So some blinking message in platton menu is solution and its simple to implement..
When 1 player choose Tier IX heavy and his platton mate choose Tier II light, warning message popup “line that you have selected is not recommended” + link to platton tutorial.
I think it is more about of not understanding exp earning mechanics, rather than MM mechanics. From what I see most trollplatoons are made of players with fairly low battle count ( there are exceptions ofc) and they think that lowtier vehicle will get more exp if mixed with high tiers, no matter what it does in battle.
+/-1 tier restriction in platoons seems OK to me, except for scouts and, maybe, arty.
Actually, they understand the game mechanics just fine. You do in fact get more xp in high tiers, quite simply because everybody gets a chunk of credits and xp no matter what they did. So if they were to fail equally badly in tier 2 or tier 10, it is in fact more advantageous to play in tier 10. It would, obviously, still be a LOT better to do well in tier 2. :P
- the automatic ban system (punishment for teamdamage) does take various factors in account, such as where the tank is located, where is it looking, how much damage did the player do etc
Works well… tried it out yesterday.. uhmm accidently ofc…
I was blue all day.. and even then i didnt got ban after some more….. unfriendly poeple asked me for help :)
“- developers are collecting statistics on ingame complaints and it’s possible that the number of complaints will be increased, but the issue with this is that people use 2-4 complaints on one rule breaker”
The obvious complaint reason that is clearly missing from the available options is “Intentional teamkill/damage”. That would cut out some of the confusion,
” – if multiple players report one player, that one player will be investigated earlier ”
” – the amount of reports does influence the speed with which the reports against that player are handled ”
” – it is true that the players with most reports against them are investigated first ”
…is it just me or this is the same statement 3 times with differents words ..
I occasionally see troll platoons where the low tier accounts are disposable (less than 1K battles) and they spend their time griefing their own team. IMO the top tier tank should also be punished for bringing the griefers into the battle.
I kill lowtiers in TierX… and if possible his friend(s) :)
Why shouldn’t i? “Teamkilling” is what they did – i just sort out the bad apples. (aka doing WG s job) … no need to thank me.
I would love a “forgive” feature for instances where it was the fault of the person shot not the person shooting for the team damage. I doubt it would be used often but there are many instances where I would like to forgive a player so as to remove the fine from his after battle earnings.
“- general punishments for rule breaking are the following: 1 hour ban, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days and permaban”
This part is interesting. Does it remember previus punishments forever or do they get “erased” after some time?
For instance, let’s say that Bob gets banned for his first time, but as he plays he gets wiser and stops shooting his teammates etc. Then after X months, Bob is playing in a game where he by accident manages to hit a few allies which gets him auto banned. Will he then get 1 whole day ban or will he get a 1 hour ban?
Personally I think that it should be reset after like 6 months or 1 year. A player should not be punished harder just because he did something like 1 year ago.
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Wish there was a way to report the developers for screwing up the game.
developers would like to implement a “positive report” (saying “thank you” to someone) “”
Good idea.
“- the automatic ban system (punishment for teamdamage) does take various factors in account, such as where the tank is located, where is it looking, how much damage did the player do etc”
I have my doubt about this as I have lost points for being rammed from the side while not moving and lining up a shot.
Very useful post.
Thanks for your continuing work.
Wow look at that wall of text…Of complete bullshit.