Hello everyone,
an interesting post by Awasaky (IIRC he’s a supertester actually) appeared in the Ponyushnya community about the workings of the aim circle and a few other things.
No, you didn’t take too much LSD, the video is like that. This has a reason. The author basically took two videos – real battle and the same battle from a replay and superimposed them on one another. For some reason, he did not manage to actually sync the frames, but he did it the best he could. Nevertheless, the video proves an interesting point, which is: there is a difference between the autoaim mechanism behavior when you look at the live battle (server aim circle) and when you look at the replay. The replay one is the one slightly lagging behind the live one.
In order to see it properly, you have to switch the video to high resolution and preferably fullscreen.
Notice one thing: in live battle, when you activate autoaim, the aim (serverside!) automaticalls sticks to the target. Then the server “remembers” that it shouldn’t do that and moves the circle back to the correct position. In replay, there is no such thing. It’s well visible at 1:22 and 1:40. The aim circle also doesn’t get massively bigger, unlike when you move it manually. As such, using autoaim, you can “steal a snapshot” like this whenever you don’t have to pre-aim.
This also partially explains the “shots are firing beyond the aim circle” issue – the shots are flying correctly, the serverside reticle is just somewhere else. At cca 2:30, Awasaky is driving around with manual aiming, notice how the circle get bigger.
Now, this is nothing really that new, but it’s nice to see it demonstrated on video, even though it makes my head hurt. I wonder what this could be really used for.
If I read well, so for example, when driving a light tank, if we aim a ‘soft’ enemy tank, is it better to use auto-aim than manual as the reticle keeps smaller?
I… guess.
So a failure of that mechanism is maybe causing this issue?
Yes. You can focus better on manoeuvrability than on aiming.
accuracy on the move is calculated by multiplying tank dispersion value and current turret rotation speed (in degrees)/tank rotation speed/tank movoment speed (in kph), and if you are (for example) circling around enemy tank, the auto-aim only influences dispersion during turret rotation (assuming you are driving same way when autoaiming and when aiming manualy). And auto-aim keeps aiming at the enemy tank by correcting the way turret is aiming much frequently then (most) humans can, and that reduces the maximum speed turret is rotating at…
And just in case you have no idea what i just wrote, i will try to explain it:
- lets say auto-aim is correcting the way turret is aiming every 0,05 sec and player aiming manualy every 0,2 sec
- and during 0,4 seconds your turret has to move by 20° to keep aiming at enemy
- your tank has 0,1 dispersion on turret traverse value
Now, auto-aim will turn your turret every 0,05 seconds by 2,5° (20°/(0,4/0,05)), so your maximum (!) dispersion will be 2,5°*0,1 -> 0,25 acuuracy loss.
And if you aim manualy, you will move your turret every 0,2 seconds by 10° (20°/(0,4/0,2)), so your maximum dispersion will be 10°*0,1 -> 1,0 accuracy loss…
So, in both cases you will turn your turret by 20°, but the fact that auto-aim adjust turret more often results in less dispersion on the move.
P.S.: i just wanted to write it because i love math, feel free to ignore me ;-)
P.P.S.: there is technique called “preaiming turret”, witch is even better then auto-aim, but that is not something i want to bother you with :-)
I presume that the ‘preaiming turret’ is something like fixing the turret and then going in circles just firing when cannon can hit — holding the right button fixes the turret
Bless you.
We need more people like you
GTA I soundtrack! :D
Glad I wasn’t the only one who recognised it
Notice one thing: in live battle, when you activate autoaim, the aim (serverside!) automaticalls sticks to the target. Then the server “remembers” that it shouldn’t do that and moves the circle back to the correct position
So its possible to write mod where the gun shots in the moment where the server had it wrong?
If you are fast enough, you can do this manually. Or assign a macro, that will do this for you. Like – assign auto aim; attack; disengage auto-aim;
Watched the video, got my eyes burned out and still didnt understood what the hell he was doing :D
At least you managed to watch the whole video…my brain got fried around minute 5-6 and I stopped the video…can’t watch it.
something like this should be night battles!
Friend got mod to See Both circles…
Also autoaim is faster/more accurate… No doubt.
Let alone because u say Server exactly where it has to AIM. So u cant be fooled by ur display or micro corrections of ur Hand movement
- more movement -bigger circle.
Snapshot favorable.
Regular driving… Not really.
Remove auto aim, only for scribs.
What is music?
Yes, auto aim is preferable in peak-a-boo shooting (although you need to expose yourself more) because your gun is often not aimed at the spot where you think it is, seen way too many of my shots just hitting the house i used for cover…. Auto-aim also helps mitigate high ping issues where the lag just makes it impossible to aim manually at anything but a house. Auto-aim also helps a lot when shooting on the move, especially when driving a light doing manouvering where you need to focus on drving rather then aiming, just punch the LMB whenever you know the auto-aimed shot should penetrate.
I have almost 24k battles and never used autoaim,idk why probably I’m not used to it, i tried few times but i just forget about it and keep aiming manualy
Aiming manually is alway better, autoaim is just for bullshit gold users and thosw who are aiming for the track guards for the e100 and complain.
Shooting a stationary target while you are moving is almost always better with autoaim
Nope, because it may aim on spaced armor stupid. I say remove autoaim and gold ammo.
And who told you people use gold ammo while auto-aiming?…duh…where is the common sense on this one?
Auto-aim works while circling stuff because it snaps the crosshair onto the target, something that you can’t do very well manually…because, you know, you also need to look where the fuck you’re driving meanwhile.
It also works better while peek-a-boo-ing ‘cuz you won’t get tricked by the server sync and you won’t land shots into the wall you were hiding behind like you’re doing when you peek-a-boo using manual aiming.
Of course, like a player with at least half a brain, you’ll figure out this doesn’t work on targets that can be damaged only by shooting weakspots.
Edit: In my first sentence I wasn’t talking about gold ammo as a whole, only about HEAT ammo.
Just install ServerCross2 and you will quickly understand how full of shit the client-side reticle is. I’m not even playing anymore without it, because the normal reticle is not reliable at all.
Yeah, the client-side reticle is retarded…but for a player that has over 40-50(?…not sure of what’s the ping required for a stable server-side reticle aim) ms ping, using server-side one is eye-damaging and disturbing.
I, for one, am unable to use the server-side reticle because of this problem.
I have around 60-70 ping, but I don’t rely on the server reticle entirely. It’s just an indicator whether the client-side reticle is fucking with me again, so when I shoot I don’t waste my shot by hitting walls or thin air, because the reticle wasn’t actually there or was twice as big.
Well, you can do that as you have both reticles active, but I, whom I use only one (playing vanilla), cannot use the server-sided one.
When I use the server one it just stays too far away from where my gun is pointing, and when I want to aim softly, it burns my eyes with the stuttering.
due to (mine) autoaim snapping mod i was able to trigger autoaim on a target outside of turret direction and it happened couple of times that I hit it without the turret being turned the right side; however it is impossible to make a rule from it / make real use of it
I need to try that
Yep, this is why autoaim as always been invaluable to me. In fact if you can master manually aiming at a weakspot then enabling autoaim and clicking fire at pretty much the same time. (not giving it time to move the ret from where you are aiming) And I swear by this. Your shots will hit far more often than just manual aiming alone.
50 shades of gray? Well for when you can autoaim (not too long distance/slow shell travel time, not too armored target or angle, not too low pen) it is often more useful than manual (at least for snapshots around corner)
50 shades of gay.
50 milkshakes for gays