
- Storm has an idea for Foch 155 changes: either remove the 155mm autoloader and leave the gun as normal, or give it a 120mm autoloader gun. This is however not a plan, just an idea. He considers the current gun parameters “not normal”
- situations where large caliber shells don’t penetrate very thinly armored targers? Storm: “Give us replays of that. Whenever we ask for replays, everybody backs off.”
- it’s not yet clear, how the situation with new physics where tanks are able to climb to insane places will be solved, but some zones will have to be inaccessible
- the current set of maps for the physics test is “more than enough sufficient” for testing
- the current new physics effect where the tank “slows” as if you were shifting gear is not intentional and will be fixed
- new motion physics will not be split into stages, it will be introduced all at once
- improved motion physics caused the turrets to rotate really fast (SS: combined with improved hull rotation using handbrake), there are no plans to nerf them
- currently, there are 5 connection points with ground (5 roadwheels) defining the movement of the vehicle
- it will be possible for the developers to set the track grip for each suspension individually
- it’s not yet clear whether some vehicles will be rebalanced with new motion physics
- tanks getting to such weird places as this will not be implemented to live server, the possibility to move to such spots will be removed
- there is also a bug in new physics that the tracks on destroyed tanks are stuck in the air (as if the tank was regularily on the ground), this will apparently be fixed

103 thoughts on “28.2.2015

    • I gotta say, I’m currently grinding french TD’s and this is somewhat true.

      Best example here is AC48 and Foch, the first one is terrible, the other is actually good and then you get foch 155 which gets owned all day despite seemingly immense potential. The best part is that they all look almost the same yet their performance varies tremendously.

      • The tier 8 isn’t thaaaat bad, you can do damage at least with it.
        The Foch 155 is rather retarded…it got overnerfed…not only it had it’s mobility fucked up but also it didn’t got any RPM compensation when the t10 TD alpha nerf hit the road.

      • I got owned in AC 48 each time.. almost till I’ve researched Foch as I thought it has great armor.. and apparently its frontal plate is not that great against something as simple as IS3

        But Foch was quite good. Still didn’t try out 155, but.. I think I can have fun with it

        • Foch 155 is quite a disaster TD after not so bad “regular” Foch. Everyone lookin’ at it’s autoloader, but it is not so much advantage like in E100WT. Only 3 shells in clip and 5 sec reload time gives your enemies a lot of time to react.

    • I kinda like the idea of Storm. T9 Foch is great TD, give me that with autoloader and I will not complain.

    • I consider the french TDs to actually be quite good. Tier 7 is ok, tier 8 is good, tier 9 Foch is tier 8 on steroids while the Foch 155 can be a wreaking ball if used correctly. That being said they’re not noob tank, you want a tank that requires minimal effort to use jump into a russian heavy and get up close, they require a competent driver who knows the limits of their tanks and their strengths.
      When I hoped into the Foch 155 i was prepared for the worst but I was quite happily wrong. In fact I consider most weakness negligible in combat that most people bitch about. The 40mm side armor will every once in a while get penned but those are luck shots and the maneuverability is good enough to prevent that. Speaking of which the mobility is still Quite good. No heavy, besides the 50B, is faster and only the 263 rivals its speed from the TDs. Its mobility will only cause it to lag behind medium tanks a bit so you can still get up to the front and surprise people with some faggot shots. an Also if your angling the side armor your a moron the gun traverse is to bad to enable you to fire back and generally when you do angle the tank it will be too much to allow you to auto bounce anything anyway.
      Most people shit on the Fochs armor so they don’t shoot at weakspots so they shoot at the deceptively strong front plate that will reliable bounce anything below tier 10 TD guns and with some additional angle (say from on top of a will or pulling back with your sides covered) will bounce those as well. Even the weak-spots will get a troll bounce every once in a while due to the thickness along with being well rounded. It is NOT impenetrable from the front but it will provide protection you can be confident in.
      The gun will clip anything below an IS4 and has decent accuracy. The aiming time is somewhat long but not so prohibitively so, a little longer than the e4 and the shell cycle is not too long for the most part. In 10 Secs you do an average of 2250 damage, a batchat has to be exposed for about 2 secs longer for much less burst damage and a 50 B still has to be out in the open for 7.5 secs for 650 less burst damage and has less survivability up front. The 44 sec reload is pretty brutal, but not unexpected given the devastation it can do to even a Maus.
      If I were to pick a crippling weakness it would have to be the large profile (Arty will deep throat you until your eyes water) and the thin gun traverse, but even those can be worked around. All in all I could really care less if they change the foch or buff it, its still a game changer if in good hands. Changing gun to a single shot would turn it into a copy paste 268 and 120 mm autoloader? Please don’t pick path of least resistance make the tanks unique we already have enough auto loaders that do 400 dmg. The only buffs I would consider would be RoF compensation for the alpha loss that all the other tier 10 TDs got (SerB rascist to frenchies, I knew it) and/or mobility buff.

      • The whole Td tech trees are screwed. They added the tier 10s. That messed it up > Uber powerful tds forced nerfs of many of those lower. They should introduce Tier 11 and 12 tier tanks and stop the over tweaking of the tanks. That just ruined it for too may players. Get a few favorites then ruin them after a bunch of whiners cry too much instead of staying true to the design

      • They’re flawed.

        They’re supposed to be all or nothing armor schemes with smaller than average guns, but compensating with better gun handling, and decent mobility.

        The result? Poor armor at the front (weakspots galore) and horrendous armor everywhere else. It’s so bad that roof and side armor can be overmatched and penetrated if you shoot it at 80 degrees. You have to point your tank exactly at your target and hope RNG won’t make his shells pen you. Not that it matters, because autoaim is pointed at a weakspot : the center of your gun shield. Any hit there will do damage AND break your gun. That goes for tier7-10

        The guns? Smaller than average at tiers7+, with worse gun handling than the ISU with the BL10. What the fuck is the point of having a TD when you have below average DPM and at best, average alpha, and on top of that having to aim longer than most derp guns ?

        Mobility? That’s the only thing they have left that’s actually above average. And I pick that term precisely, because it’s exactly that: above average. Nothing more.

        And while you seem to be ok with playing gimped tanks, I don’t want to play TDs that fail horribly at being TDs, and simply can’t do anything else.

        Even the T25/2 in all its mediocrity can double as a slow medium.

        The only TWO French regular TDs that are actually worth something at the tier5 Bathtub and the tier9 Foch.

        • Oh Dear lord, Judging by your statement I have come to 3 conclusions.
          1) You’ve never played the tanks before. 2) Your a tomato who has no idea what hes talking about. 3) You have the tank but youre so bad and refuse to adapt your play style in it in any way shape or form.

          “Poor armor at the front (weakspots galore) and horrendous armor everywhere else. It’s so bad that roof and side armor can be overmatched and penetrated if you shoot it at 80 degrees. You have to point your tank exactly at your target and hope RNG won’t make his shells pen you. Not that it matters, because autoaim is pointed at a weakspot : the center of your gun shield. Any hit there will do damage AND break your gun.”

          Now first off the gun shield is the most heavily armored spot on that tank and autoaim DOES NOT aim there, it aims at the lower spot on the hull where there is a weakspot but if you hit that small strip with autoaim you fucked the RNG gods favorite donkey in order to get their favor. The gun mantlet will not get penned reliably. The machine gun and range finder are weakspots, but only east to hit at close range. 100M Away and the tank becomes significantly harder to pierce unless you have an accurate gun. And even up close your maneuverability can confuse the their aim and have them miss, or hit the 150mm thick weakspots at a bad angle and ricochet in a manner similar to the e5s wart. Realistically the over matching 40 mm side armor is not an issue as most of the time you would’ve gotten pierced there anyway or its exposed for too little length of time to get targeted.

          “The guns? Smaller than average at tiers7+, with worse gun handling than the ISU with the BL10. What the fuck is the point of having a TD when you have below average DPM and at best, average alpha, and on top of that having to aim longer than most derp guns ?”

          What are you smoking? If anything the tier 7 has one of the most powerful guns of its tier along with the tier 8. The tier 9 has less alpha then its peers but compensates with much better accuracy and RoF then most of them. Again I seriously doubt whether or not you have played these tanks. The aim time is not too bad considering at close range its not much of an issue and at long range the camo is good enough to get a shot off with their great accuracy (.33 or .34 roughly for the majority of them).

          “And while you seem to be ok with playing gimped tanks, I don’t want to play TDs that fail horribly at being TDs, and simply can’t do anything else.”

          Your exactly right, im ok with playing gimped tanks. The Is-8 is one of my favorite tier 9s and I loved the Lorraine 40t. Are they bad tanks? no only bad players give them that reputation. But saying that the tds “fail horribly at being TDs” is just dumb. In don’t know why you chose those words as they are great at being TDs if sitting back and sniping with support fire is what you’re referring to. They have great camouflage values and fast firing and accurate guns so I don’t know how that makes a bad TD

          The way French TDs are meant to be played , depending on the map, is either through furious aggression to confound and intimidate your opponents, or to provide supporting sniping fire and then jump into the fray at the critical moment and become a hammer using your firepower and mobility. This is due to their well armored fronts and although they do have large weaskpots this can be countered through maneuvering. It is also important to note that If you play aggressively and relentlessly you will panic most players and cause them to take worse shots. Only experienced players will stay calm and consistently take well aimed shots, but if that’s the case they’ll probably penn you no matter what tank your using. Your arguments seem to indicate classic pubbie mentality, but thats ok these TDs are not for everyone, it takes experienced players to learn how to use them effectively. The french TDs aren’t broken, even the tier 10, they’re balanced with powerful strengths and huge weakness which can lead to misconceptions of their ability, This is understandable but not excusable so please dont bad mouth any tank unless you have played the tank alot and have done good with it.

    • There biest.. if the tanks lavking buff the engine.. give its mobility back >> we dont need any of this unhistoric shit.

    • Recently I’m grinding the french line (started around before the Foch 155 nerfs, taking my time), now I have the S35CA, which is amazing, absolutely love it, and AC48.
      First, I really hated the AC48, grinded through the all modules, and stop playing. I played it like JPanther II, which is really good, with binos and camo net, trying to snipe from distance. But the gun handling is awful, it takes years to aim, and RNG always screws it up. So, I begin to think, maybe I’m playing it wrong. I’ve started to look around the web, reading about how other people use theirs AC48, and changed my gameplay. When you think of it, AC48 has 150 mm nicely sloped frontal armour, with some weakspot on top of it, somewhat decent mobility (except going backward), gun has the amazing penetration, with good dpm, and bad handling, sniping with it is horrendus, and awful side and top armor. You want to hide the back of the tank, peek with frontal armor, which is relatively easy, because the gun stick out from the front of the tank, which is sloped, and has really small LFP. As a equpiment, I picked up everything that supports the gun handling, Rammer, GLD, etc, and strated playing it as a support tank very close to the frontline.

      Just get fast to the corner where waits enemy, peek exposing only front of your tank, the rest hide behind the hill/building, quickly snapshot enemy (when you are close enough gun handling doesnt even matter, and 257 penetration will go through almost enything with ease) and quickly retreat, heavly angling your front, but not exposing your sides. And it works wonders. Most recent game, bounced from my front multiple times T-44, T28 Prototype, T30 with 155mm (lel) and some other tanks, while penning almost every my shot, racking around 3k dmg before enemy tracked and flanked me. This tank is just king of corner fights, doing those snapshots, enemy don’t have time to actually aim weakspot on the tank, and becouse you wiggle it constantly they don’t even have a chance to hit it.

      The worst about it is just terrible amount of hitpoints, and you have to be extremly careful when enemy has artillery.

  1. - tanks getting to such weird places as this will not be implemented to live server, the possibility to move to such spots will be removed

    :( party breaker :))

    • Of course we couldn’t have places where total idiots would struggle to get to and/or be surprised by someone firing at them from there. Total idiots require corridors and corridors only.

    • That’s bullshit. I tried climbing the stair on Abbey today, only to get stuck on them, with all parts of my tracks tounching the ground and not grinding my hull against the fences at all. It took an IS-3 about three minutes to help me dislodge myself, and despite pushing me 3/4 of the way up the stairs, I would just slide down back into the same position. In the end, he only managed to save me by driving under me so I could reverse over his hull back onto normal ground.

      Only to get stuck in a sideways position on a wreck 10 seconds later. For all the talk about how the new physics are gonna prevent people from getting stuck, they sure did implement a lot of new ways to get stuck.

      • Hm…..Himmlersdorf ones work well. Up to that point when I got stuck vertically and platoonmate failed to push me back on track.

        At least people wont get stuck when they try to go down.
        Also WoT REALLY REALLY REALLY needs a winch or cable.

        • Haven’t tried the Himmelsdorf ones, but I did find a nice spot between two rubble piles there where you can get your ELC stuck and nobody can reach you.

          And there’s a wooden fence on Malinovka that launched my AMX 13 90 15m into the air, doing a backflip and landing on my turret. First game I ever tried with the new physics just driving normally and I get turned over. I kinda hope this gets implemented on live server soon just for the RNG videos it’ll spawn.

  2. - Storm has an idea for Foch 155 changes: either remove the 155mm autoloader and leave the gun as normal, or give it a 120mm autoloader gun. This is however not a plan, just an idea. He considers the current gun parameters “not normal”

    They were talking about balancing the Foch, but giving it a 120 mm autoloader won’t fix it, because WTF E-100. If they want to balance the Foch 155, try balancing the WTF E-100 as a practice. Balancing the Foch 155 should be just as easy.

    If they don’t want to balance autoloaders, just give it a 155 mm gun with the same DPM WITHOUT an autoloader.

        • Still, 6x120mm autoloader with actually decent gun handling (lets say T9 Foch gun with autoloader), could work.

          And Foch is “armored” only against totally dense people. And you would be surprised, but even tomatoes slowly start firing at cupolas…

            • Just guessing, if they intend to keep current burst dmg. Anything below and who same would choose Foch instead gold plated Batchat?

              4 shooter and it would have to reload similarly as T57, if not faster. With reverted mobility nerfs, I don’t mind 4×400 every 20s

          • Honestly, I’d rather that the Foch 155 was simply a single shot, 155mm gun, rather than another autoloader. And perhaps give it back its mobility.

            I wish that its side armor was buffed a little as well. Buff it enough so that it doesn’t get overmatched by nearly any tier 10 heavy tank gun. Even an upgrade from 40 to 50mm of armor would seem to be enough to get that done. I’m not thinking that the Foch 155 should be an armored fortress, but it’d be nice if it was a little less squishy, because honestly it kinda sucks that you don’t dare showing even a sliver of your side out of fear that you’ll get autopenned by any heavy with a 120mm gun (basically any Russian heavy), if you try to wiggle your Foch to make aiming for frontal weak spots more difficult.

            And when coupled with the supposed eventual removal of the WTFE100, this’d be the end of tier 10 autoloader TDs.

            Back to the gun. Frankly, if they went with an autoloader version of the t9 Foch’s 120 gun, I believe that this would make the tier 10 Foch the weakest t10 TD in the game, with only a pen of 257. This is why I’d rather go the route of a single shot 155mm gun.

            • “Back to the gun. Frankly, if they went with an autoloader version of the t9 Foch’s 120 gun, I believe that this would make the tier 10 Foch the weakest t10 TD in the game, with only a pen of 257. This is why I’d rather go the route of a single shot 155mm gun.”

              They would probably give it APCR rounds as standart, with over 300mm of penetration

      • Yet mine T57 have 4×400 with 22s reload, turret and decent gun depression. Armor is okay enough and its not one shot by any arty just looking at him…

        • Base stats for T57 are 25s reload and two seconds between shots. 1200 dmg every 20 seconds should be enogh dpm compared to other tanks.

          • The difference is that the T57 is a heavy tank and the Foch 155 is a TD. A tier 10 TD shouldn’t be armed with a gun (autoloader or not) that’s no better than most tier 10 heavy tank guns. T10 TDs should have, IMO, significantly better guns than that.

            • You seriously saying a faster reload doesn’t make it a better gun?

              Tortoise 120mm at T9 has 4270 DPM

              You’d still say it’s no better than the 120mm guns the heavys have? At ANY tier?

    • “If they don’t want to balance autoloaders, just give it a 155 mm gun with the same DPM WITHOUT an autoloader.”

      I see a few problems there. Every TD with such powerfull gun has 2 loaders. Removing of autoloader will require to put another one crew member into the Foch. Who gonna give you trained extra crew member?

  3. - situations where large caliber shells don’t penetrate very thinly armored targers? Storm: “Give us replays of that. Whenever we ask for replays, everybody backs off.”

    tell me where to send it, got 4gb of bullshit 0 hit replay,

      • hmm, he’s talkin about math in this game, you drunk or what, that shit won’t work on me m8, when a heat ammo can pen the spaced armor and can bounce of and pen other tanks don’t talk me about this bullshit “70 degrees” ever heard about E 100 lfp? thats another bullshit like your 70 degrees

      • There is the overmatch, you know. If the shell’s caliber is 3x larger than the thickness of the armor, it’ll go through (or it’s supposed to, at least). The roof overmatch is one reason people don’t like the IS4, or so I’ve heard.

        • Overmatch=/=autopen

          If the caliber is 3x larger, the shell will TRY to pen(no autobounce angle) and normalization will be increased, but if the angle is to sharp it will still result in too high armor and therefore a non penetrating hit.

          • HE and, more importantly, HEAT shells do not overmatch thin armor or gain additional normalization from their size. So it’s entirely possible, though improbable, to have a 17cm HEAT round bounce off the rear of an ELC AMX.

      • Ever heard of normalization or double- or tripple-overmatch? No? Thought so.

        • It is a fact that if the shell size is greater than 3 times the thickness of the armor it will automatically penn and do damage, unless it is a heat round which will ricochet on 1 mm of armor if the angle is steep enough. Denying this is defiance of Serbs laws of WoT.

          • PLS FFS READ THAT UP!!! What u say is TOTALLY WRONG!

            There is no thing like “automatically penn”.Overmatch only means that ur normalization gets increased (which as a result reduces nominal armor) and ur shell will always TRY to penetrate (as in there’s no autobounce anymore (at least for tripple-overmatch)).

            Cmon, how can ppl not know such basics and than cry about broken game mechanics.

            • It’s because when you have triple overmatch you will almost always have enough pen to go through regardless. If I use a 122mm gun to overmatch a 40mm section, he will need enough angling to have 450% increased armour to bounce my shot. 70 degrees sloping gives ‘only’ 300% increase (IIRC), and remember that the x2 overmatch rule gives increased normalisation.

              So in practice, when you have triple overmatch you’re not realistically going to bounce unless your gun has absurdly low penetration for it’s caliber.

    • At the last minute while looking around the French archives, they came across a vague consideration to stuff a 155mm autoloader in the Foch, and that was good enough for WG to implement

    • “Based on the M 4 chassis in 1950 a prototype was finished of a heavy tank destroyer in the form of a 120 mm self-propelled gun, the Canon Automoteur AMX 50 Foch, named after Marshal Ferdinand Foch. It was intended to give long range fire support to the medium AMX 50 “100 mm”; after the tank version itself was planned to be armed with a 120 mm gun, the Foch project was abandoned”

      No, it was never planned. Foch was supposed to have 120mm autoloader, but then they upgunned AMX 50 to 120mm and the whole project was dropped.


  4. For that last part about the tracks, that’s the same case as you have right now. What causes it is the fact that dead tank models are modeled solid and lack moving parts of any kind. Just look at any video that shows tanks that got destroyed by falling.

  5. T9 foch is actually really decent.

    Also the T10 foch is just so boring and broken I barely ever play it so any change is welcome

    • I agree that the T9 Foch is decent. Not great, but decent and workable. Its ROF is rather lacking compared to similar 120mm guns on the Tortoise or Conway (6.45 vs 8.45 or 7.69). So, it would be nice if the T9 Foch could get a ROF buff. Still, when used well, it’s can be an effective tier 9 TD.

      • Foch loads longer than SU-152 with 122mm gun that has only 10 alpha less.
        ROF on Foch is a fucking joke. So is the aim time … and alpha alike, for tier 9 TD.

        It’s ONLY redeeming qualities are agility and armour. This is not enough to put Foch anywhere near “decent” category.

  6. - situations where large caliber shells don’t penetrate very thinly armored targers? Storm: “Give us replays of that. Whenever we ask for replays, everybody backs off.”

    Front plate of BC 25T bouncing t95? Got it if you want, just need LONG time to search.

      • You know what’s funny? Historical Bat-Chat 25t had 80mm of frontal armor and never had the AMX-30 gun. The irony is that WG didn’t want to put the AMX-30 in the game (A or B) because it was “too new” and thus gave the Bat-Chat (which would make a good Tier 8 with it’s IRL 90mm) into a tier 10 with a gun from a “too new” tank. The fact is work on the original 25t ended before the 105mm was developed. Only the 90mm and the 100mm were available.

        Though there was plans for a Bat-Chat 35t, uparmored 25t to compete with the AMX-30.

        • That would be interesting to see, a 90mm armed Batchat at tier 10. Firing APCR default and having a much-improved rate of fire, maybe? It’d never happen, of course, but it’s an interesting idea.

          I have no idea why the in-game Batchat would have 60mm armor instead of 80mm, though.

        • Nice information. Maybe we will get an own BC mini line in a far far future *begins dreaming*

          BC is love, BC is live

  7. - situations where large caliber shells don’t penetrate very thinly armored targers? Storm: “Give us replays of that. Whenever we ask for replays, everybody backs off.”

    even jingles showed that on his show
    ELC AMX + E100 … every f time<.<
    its a extrem strange combination causing this bug (150mm cannon ofc)
    yeah i call that one a bug… cause firing a shell with enough mass, to flip over the tank… 0 damage? (not even chains!) ………… SURE. works as(s) intended!

    • True, and that wasn’t the only one he’s ever shown. So… yeah, no replays, everybody backing off, except the biggest WoT youtuber. It’s probably something historical about those bounces cause WG is all about historical accuracy, they said so on NatGeo :D

    • I wrote a long post explaining the exact reasons you’re hilariously wrong about the whole flipping thing but I accidentally closed it all as explaining highschool physics gets pretty dull.

      Here’s the information you’d need to find the maximum acceleration a 152mm AP round from the SU152′s ML-20 could cause an ELC AMX to undergo in fairyland where there’s no friction and everything behaves like a point particle.
      v(152mm at muzzle)=600

      In reality either your 152mm round uses its kinetic energy to smash through the armour plate on the target or the target is so lightly armoured as not to stop the round (And it sails out of the other side still carrying the vast majority of it). End result? The tank rocks on its suspension a bit, maybe gets slewed a few degrees due to not being a point particle and having a force applied somewhere other than directly pointing to its center of mass. All in addition (of course) to either having a giant hole bashed into it or acquiring a new rather large dent.

      • Ur a Boring geek.

        150 or 152 … = elc whiped off map. Literally.

        Dont care if Kindergarten math applies.
        An melon big hole in 2 melon big tank = flip over.
        Due force or sudden destruction (tank out of control)….

        Its bs no matter how u turn it.

        If 200mm Ferdi gets wrecked on 1200m…..sure stronk elc on 12m withstands. Not.

    • i’ve seen someone bounce a shot from a 122mm gun in an m5 stuart, was really confused at the time….

      have also bounced a few shots off m5 stuarts myself, in things with 140+ pen…..

  8. “Storm has an idea for Foch 155 changes: either remove the 155mm autoloader and leave the gun as normal, or give it a 120mm autoloader gun. This is however not a plan, just an idea. He considers the current gun parameters “not normal””
    How about both ?
    Give it a 155mm gun with DPS and handling somewhere around e3, and a 120mm autoloader with better handling and DPS than the 50b gun.
    There is no reason that there be a single gun option for a tier X vehicle, especially that French tree is anyway noobie un-friendly. Make the 120mm stock, and 155 grindable. Everyone who had foch would just get the 155, and new owners would have to grind that.
    How can this be so hard ?

      • IS-4 with D25-T very competitive.

        No, not even filled to the brim with gold ammo.

        Please, don’t try it on my team, guys, IS-4 players already suck on most open maps… so please… Actually now that I think of it I haven’t seen an IS-4 in weeks… I’ve seen more MAUS’ than IS-4, that’s peculiar…. I cannot think of any reason for it either, it’s not like the MAUS does better in open maps…

      • I’m not so sure that I can agree with this. By the time I get to a tier 10, I’m tired of grinding out more modules on that line, and I sure as heck don’t want to have to dump 60+k free XP either. And having to actually grind modules on a tier 10 could be really painful, if you’re having to go up against bucket loads of fully elited tier 10′s and be faced with the prospect of crap tons of credits during the grind.

        No, I’m perfectly happy that most tier 10′s are elite from the moment you buy them.

        • The slight difference here is that unlike in BC or Fatton, both guns are competetive, they just offer different options.
          Also tank should be cheaper to buy, somewhere around the price of the gun. So you would be grinding the last gun, in more mobile version of the Foch with autoloader.

          • Honestly, Ego, I don’t want to grind anything once I get to a tier 10. They’re expensive enough to run even when they’re fully elite. The idea of trying do more module grinding in a less than fully capable tier 10 sounds horrifying to me.

            • Ofc man, I can understand that. I was just pointing that it was supposed to represent two different – equally viable possibilities. Both guns would be equally suited for the job and offer different options, burst vs alpha to put it bluntly. The idea that you get a TX and then you need to grind it with 218 pen is truly horrifying. But the poor Fatton is a victim of power creep anyway, and both it and M46 should be redone anyway.

              • Fatton needs buff definitely, but the m46 if anything is one of the better tier 9 mediums.

  9. - there is also a bug in new physics that the tracks on destroyed tanks are stuck in the air (as if the tank was regularily on the ground), this will apparently be fixed

    I dont think it is a bug, they didnt change the look of the tracks in the first place and everyone has noticed it and they catalogued as a bug just so peple think it was unintentional

  10. - situations where large caliber shells don’t penetrate very thinly armored targers? Storm: “Give us replays of that. Whenever we ask for replays, everybody backs off.”

    An if you dare to send a replay, you only get a copypaste of game mechanics to make fun of you.

  11. ,new motion physics will not be split into stages, it will be introduced all at once’
    yep, said the same fucking thing about hd models of adding 10-15 models per patch, and they can barely put 4 every new update..

  12. - Storm has an idea for Foch 155 changes: either remove the 155mm autoloader and leave the gun as normal

    preaching this sice this piece of shit exists

  13. “- tanks getting to such weird places as this will not be implemented to live server, the possibility to move to such spots will be removed”

    welp, it was nice while it lasted. Sounds like we’ll be getting some more of those dumb invisible walls from Stalingrad.

    RIP, 40%+ of Pearl River, ye shall not be trodden upon again.

  14. The man wants replays? I think I have one of a tiger 2 shell bouncing off a T1 light – twice. And a truckload of cases where big guns failed to pen the roof on the WT E 100.

    • Storm trolls.
      He implemented this shit.

      Auto Tier bounce.
      If target 2 Tier lower = bounce angle -60 degree.

      So anything than dead center is bounce. 1 more way to Suck credits out of system. Economy. Wont be fixed.

      Bzw ghost shells -no proof either…dont exist. remember?

  15. I think strengthening the F155 could be done with a 2-shot autoloader and a more solid range finder. Tier 9 foch also really need stronger range finder and Id nerf tort reload to match rich instead of buffing…

  16. ‘- there is also a bug in new physics that the tracks on destroyed tanks are stuck in the air (as if the tank was regularily on the ground), this will apparently be fixed ‘

    I hope you know that this isn’t a bug. It’s just the fact that it’s a fixed visual model which doesn’t move according to the physics. They’re simple glued to the bottom of the tank because they haven’t developed physics for free moving tracks.

  17. It’s really easy to ask for replays.
    It’s really easy to make replays.
    It’s NOT easy to make replays system better, apparently. I think WG needs more manpower if they’re gunna get their shit straight