Hello everyone,
Wasn’t in the mood lately to write anything intelligent (not that I usually write any intelligent stuff, but, you know…), sorry for the break. Anyway, a bunch of interesting photos. This happens when a BRDM is hit by a 125mm tank shell. Photos sent by Peter Khromov, thanks! :)
well, i wouldn’t call a BRDM a too armored thing, even bmp-2 has more armor
I wouldn’t say BRDM has much armour, but I was expecting to see a wreck. I did not expect it to cease existing.
This was more a case of: “oh, that’s a wheel. And that’s a…thing. And there are… more things over there.” That BRDM became many things all over the place.
now imagine if it got shot by glorious 152mm HE shell
or 203mm
There should be a “before” pic. ;)