- the devs are studying the issue with the MM (SS: arty being balanced against heavies)
- VK4502B won’t be buffed, SerB thinks it’s doing fine
- the aim circle won’t apparently be possible to turn on and off
- aim circle is calculated on the server, but the shaking effect is doone by the client (hence it can be turned off) – it’s possible everything will be done server-side at one point, but it’s not certain
- the airplanes collision model on the airport map is fine, you can shoot under its wings – it doesn’t count as a “box”
- SerB doesn’t think that the arty is the most difficult type of vehicle to play for the newbies
- SerB also states that a lot less people than previously will level up the arty branches after 0.8.6 – and that’s a good thing
- When asked when gold actually counts as currency law-wise, SerB answers: “Without going into legal details, gold is an ingame valuable, obtainable for real life money. It has no relation to the gold metal, except for the name.”
- regarding roaming: if you have an account on other server, when roaming is introduced, it will NOT be possible to unify the account on one server with the one on another (SS: in other words, if you are American, but played some battles on SEA server before making a new account on US server, you won’t be able to transfer the tanks from SEA to US account)
- Q: “Guns too accurate in 0.8.6?” A: “How terrible!”
- the delay between the actual detection and the point when the lamp lights up (Sixth sense perk) won’t be reduced
- one of the roaming idea variants is that when a Russian account plays on EU server, the player will have _RU suffix (SS: I have a bad feeling about that…)
- SerB likes comet, but he liked Cromwell even more, he played on it even after he unlocked the Comet
- the reduced shell spread is a final decision, it won’t be removed
- SerB talking about the arty-is-underpowered whiners: “Right now, the arty noobs will be flushed out. After that happens, there will be whine that arty is OP again.”
- there will be no “switch one tier 10 for another tier 10″ possibility implemented
- other territories than Asia will also be made as maps in the future
And, a bonus question by a very “special” Russian player:
Postal_a42: Will there be any special event for 22nd June?
Storm: Don’t you feel ashamed asking such stuff?
sorry for newbieness, what happened 22 june?
And who is that player?
just checked it on wikipadia: operation barbarossa
now i really feel dumb
wikipedia* wish i could edit comments
ALSO, the beginning of operation Bagration, which happened 3 years later, I think that’s the thing russians might remember more probably…
It’s also “Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic War” in Belarus.
I bet there won’t be a detailed news article about how many soviets died and just how big was the german operation and combat succes.
- regarding roaming: if you have an account on other server, when roaming is introduced, it will NOT be possible to unify the account on one server with the one on another (SS: in other words, if you are American, but played some battles on SEA server before making a new account on US server, you won’t be able to transfer the tanks from SEA to US account)
so… whoever has transferred from NA to SEA, EU to SEA will not be able to ‘roam’ ?
No, roaming will work in the way that you will take for example your AMERICAN account and play WITH it on SEA server, but if you have both a SEA and an American account, you won’t be able to merge them.
That will be one of the best things WG can do, to find the best server for you and able to play with friends in different server.
i’m sorry but what’s the point of roaming? to try playing with different people around the globe? i mean, if i play on RU server it doesn’t mean i’ll be playing only with pros, there r noobs as well as on the EU server (just an example)
I don’t think ppl on other server will visit SEA, as well……LOLOLOLOL
Operation Barbarossa?
Sily anons it’s Operation Bagration
Dude, both operations took place on June 22 but on different years.
Since the asking guy did not mention any year and judging the reaction of Storm I think he ment about Operation Barbarossa.
Postal_a42: Will there be any special event for 22nd June?
Storm: Don’t you feel ashamed asking such stuff?
There is also no Special Event on 1st September… No 5x-XP only for German Tanks…
That question is a little bit dumb :-)
BS on…
Could be 5x XP for the German Pz I, II and III tanks…*cough* for both dates. You might claim it is “Historically Accurate”
BS off…
Now… Back to TANKS!
But it’s for balance!
“SerB also states that a lot less people than previously will level up the arty branches after 0.8.6 – and that’s a good thing”
And how did he know this, the new version is live for less than a week…
Prediction? Its not even 8.6 in NA.
How he knows that? It is the main reason of current nerf. WG wants to prevent overpopulation of SPG in higher tiers in future so they made them less funny to use then they were so far.
This is why nerf was so strong. This is why they left mega powerful guns and shells, while they made aiming and reload so painful and shells are flying slower. They want SPG’s to be powerful, but very hard to use to limit using them as “easy way”.
We called that, “natural selection.”
if it is a prediction, than he would say that he predicts, but as you can see it is a statement, maybe SerB has super powers :O :)
The progression will be slower because arties no longer have modules, such as Engines, common with other type of tanks. Arties have unique engines which require a lot of XP to research, in addition to raised XP requirements due to Tier spread 1-10.
Serb underestimates people who are like him.
Which is fucking retarded.
Postal_a42 needs to be bitch slapped
And why is that? One dictatorship gets event after event and another can’t?
Because its a memorial day in post-soviet countries. You know that one particular dictatorship led by man with funny mustaches slaughtered 20 millions civilian non-combatants on soviet union territories.
That must be Stalin, right? Or hitler? Dunno, their track records were quite similar-still unsure which was better at killing Russians and their satellites.
Both russians and germans don’t deserve events, but if they praise one mo-fuka then why another one is discriminated?
Agree 100%.
Not this shit again…
- one of the roaming idea variants is that when a Russian account plays on EU server, the player will have _RU suffix (SS: I have a bad feeling about that…)
Like we didn’t had enough of this on TS xd
Priviet, kto rus? :D
Meanwhile on SEA server: “SIEMKA KTO PL???”
That’s mental !
Now SIEMKA vs Box Text will be Epic.
Err… Why would anyone from RU would ask about that in chat if they will have _RU suffix attached to their nickname?
*This* arty nerf will hurt the game.
They took the fun out of it, so only “special” people will play arty in the future.
I was never an arty hater, but what I always hated was bad arty in my team or pure luck-shots by enemy arty. This will be the new standard: bad arty players and luck shots.
The one arty i played myself in 8.6 is the russian su26. It is now a joke.
Ever since they introduced fast tanks like 1c and after this patch I feel they should just take out all the arties below tier 6. It’s become bullshit.
I’m sorry, but I think I missed sarcasm in your post.
How removing enforced camping by arty is going to hurt the game?
Or how SerB would say ”Dont play with arty then”.
every low tier arty is unplayable, mine gw panther barely playable – don’t have high tier arty
I used 3 different arty Sturm panzer 2, S-51 and Gw-Panther and I could say that GW-Panther was most playable. Sturm panzer felt crap because shells speed is only 100m/s which makes hitting anything that moves after my shot or just moving targets almost impossible. S-51 with 203mm gun had too slow reload about 50 sec and aiming took ages, so I found out that using stock gun might be better choice, since you have more than 2x faster rof and you aim much faster.
- SerB talking about the arty-is-underpowered whiners: “Right now, the arty noobs will be flushed out. After that happens, there will be whine that arty is OP again.”
And nobody even noticed this… ^^^
I see this as a good thing until the poor baby’s start crying about SPGs being OP again… Stupid pancakes just cant learn to drive… So they sit, camp, and die. And I am a PRO-Scumbag with half my games in SPGs and have a total of 6 SPGs in stock so far. Considering the reload times and AIM times on the SPGs now there should be less crying from the non-SPG player because they should only be blaming themselves if they get hit.
Granted, there is only one exception to this… At the start of the match the SPGs all aim at a choke point(s) and a light(etc) tank races up to that point to spot. By the time the tank gets there the SPGs are fully aimed and can “fire at will” at whatever is seen.
with arty nerfed so much it looks like we dont need lights anymore, weight of battle is now on medium and heavys
Light tanks with decent guns will still be useful.
It is the pure scouts that will be less useful, but they can still spot for TDs and Heavies that are good snipers.
The people asking some of these questions are just dumb. Guns “too accurate”, yet historical ratings had tanks hitting Km’s away… Not just a few hundred meters and immediately hitting the dirt. (You can watch as RNG says nope).
“- one of the roaming idea variants is that when a Russian account plays on EU server, the player will have _RU suffix (SS: I have a bad feeling about that…)”
This is no different than the test server, so if you care to elaborate on your concerns, feel free.
on test server russian players are offensive when the meet non russian players … that might be the case when they wisit eu 2
I don’t know the situation on other servers, but the majority of the RU players which play on test servers a lot are kids who wish to powerplay high tier tanks as they can’t get them on their accounts. Usual players either do not enter the test server at all or play only several games on it. So, the RU players you see on test server is only a part of the RU gaming community and.. errr… it is not the best part.
I saw english-speaking players on RU server, of course. there were idiots who tried to insult them, but the majority was quiet friendly.
Did you know about nerfing of 105 leFH18B2 0.74 /100m precision
I uderstood that will remain the same in 8.6
Oh, just look at the dispersion changes….
8.6 patch unofficial objective: Reduce arty whining.
Result of 8.6 update: Arty nowhere to be seen.
Objective? Complete.
I’m especially liking the increased accuracy. It actually rewards aiming for weakspots rather than pray ‘n’ spray.
Faster MM times for me… I guess… and those that also play SPGs…
Guess we get to have more High Efficiency Gaming more often… =)
Add that to the XP boost and it looks like a plus to me.
” – SerB doesn’t think that the arty is the most difficult type of vehicle to play for the newbies”
Whoever implied that it was has either never played the game or is an idiot. Artillery is the easiest class to play, having the fewest game mechanics to learn and keep track of.
“- When asked when gold actually counts as currency law-wise, SerB answers: “Without going into legal details, gold is an ingame valuable, obtainable for real life money. It has no relation to the gold metal, except for the name.””
I once played an MMO golf game known in the US as Albatross18 (now called by its proper name of Pangya). The currency in-game: Cookies.
NOT ONCE did anyone ever (seriously) ask if they could have their cookies mailed to them for consumption, ask what happened to these cookies when they were “used”, ask how the cookies were kept fresh, etc etc.
That’s right: the general audience of a casual MMO of all things realized that their virtual currency wasn’t, in fact, what its name implied it was. We’re talking a community with the bulk of its players being pre- to early teens.
God, WoT attracts more complete idiots than any other MMO I’ve ever played.
There are 900,000 Russian users odds are 1 will ask an idiot question.
I think the point he was trying to make is that virtual currency is nothing by the law. WG can take it away, never give a refund for anything, there are no restrictions. If gold would be handled with the same laws as normal currencies, there would be much more strict regulations regarding refunds. Now WG can just take away all your gold anytime they want and you can’t do anything about it. If it would be handled as currency, they could not do this.
Look at Ogame made by Game Forge out of German. They actually have to refund people in hard currency for the in game currency if the player asks for a refund.
Shaking effect is nauseating and only adds to lag please do not remove the option to turn this off.
Operation Barbarossa for example was very important event during war and as long as we are allowed to drive German tanks in game, I think it would be ok to make a special with it.
Is the main problem here is linking ingame special with some kind of celebration or smth? Personally I treat it purely just like video game event, not real thing, that’s why I wouldn’t mind special linked with every major war campaign with tanks playing some roles. We know the war was bad, still we are having fun in war game, so this level of political correctness or propaganda is a little bit absurd.
But wait, after all, had we not Ardennes special?
@arty nerf
It is very good. And as occasional arty player I say arty still can be efficient, it is just a little bit less OP. That’s very good.
You know I’m hazarding a guess Storm’s reply had way more to do with the question being roughly in the category of “will the sun set tonight too?” than the political bullshit Everyone & Dog seems to be knee-jerking (from which behavior one can infer all manner of things about the persons concerned…).
Because if we’re talking about a date with THAT much piled on it specials are kind of a given, doubly so as it’s a weekend. (Nevermind now that it’s been listed in the calendar since the start of the month…)
After looking at it again, I think you are right. Nevertheless, Barbarossa is still more famous than Bagration. :)
Use a translator, check the things under the medal. Looks like they are going to try out the missions with rewards for specials.
VK4502B has the lowest W/R out of all tier 9 heavies and its doing fine.
With russian standards it’s fine.
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- SerB also states that a lot less people than previously will level up the arty branches after 0.8.6 – and that’s a good thing
I was thinking WOT want to make money. Hear this from an developer is making me feeling good that I just have Quit this game after this patch and not pay to such people…
after longer reload times tier 4-6 arties do much less dpm + longer aim+longer fly. dpm-potencial is now underpowered. the longer flight time is enough. 3 seks where before a really long time for enemy to act, now its harder because most normal tank guns have aim times below 3 seks and most time they move after shot. so arty must be use precognition or ask a oracle. i liked arty before, but now i have to try it again more to state. but the lost dpm in midrange at 1800dmg/min is bad. they had better buffed the splash + 10% to compare the nerf or give them a better penetration. 1800 dpm means 1800 on a non existing armor or a super luck shot…. so vs hvy it is more like 800-1200 dpm-potencial vs hvy now at 2 full hits in min.