It was confirmed yesterday at Tokyo Game Show that Wargaming would be doing an official Girls und Panzer voicepack. This voicepack will be free to download. The first person to do the voiceover will be Mai Futigami (the voice of Miho Nishizumi). Other actresses will make voiceovers later after that. Also, the players have been assured that the cooperation does not end with the voiceover and manga.
nya :3
Awesome GuP 4 eva :3
I wonder what other things are in mind.
i hope some hot porn action
No it’s HENTAI!!!
You are the Japanese expert, you should know… Or, are you afraid that you will get involved into this ;) ?
Well honestly, this will be the first mod i will be installing. I love the series, i love japan, i love anything to do with the country of the rising sun <3
Have you at least been there? Just sayin…
No, I havent been. No money to go there, but i dont care what every one says, i love the people, culture, everything :)
I think it’s very interesting that when someone is interested in Japan many people think it’s weird but when someone is interested in Germany or France or similar countries people barely notice. Even when they live on a different continent.
That’s probably because a lot of those people don’t go around using expressions they can barely pronounce all the time and push their extreme liking all the time.
Look, I am interested in Japanese culture as well. I’ve studied Japanese, I’ve been to Japan. But you sure as hell don’t see me spamming crap like “KAWAIIII” all the time like an idiot.
The problem is not that they like the culture. It’s that they behave like stupid kids.
I have, actually. Nice enough place to visit and didn’t give that uncomfortable “rich whitey slumming” feel China did, but don’t think I’d like to live there.
Ye, its a very expensive country :P
Not in terms of basic everyday consumables from what I saw. Now land prices are quite another thing for reasons obvious from a topographical map of the islands…
I’m thinking skins, or crew icons. Perhaps even garages or maps.
oh and official one, i wonder ……
Retard idea…..
Not really retarded, but childish for sure.
Are you maybe slightly bitter that you cannot draw fun from the same sources as other adults can? All while playing with toy tanks?
Adults drawing fun from stupid silly childish retarded manga stuff??? suuuure….
10 years old adults maybe, older for sure not, as there are many other things you can do for fun.
I find some animes fun ( Ghost in shell for example), but this is plain stupid for anyone that doesnt live in japan.
Get off of your high horse, after all, you are playing a video game, and one rated 12+, maybe even less if i’m not mistaken.
You are aware that there are people out thete that would call your hobby stupid and childish?
It’s not like you will be forced into using anything that has to do something with Girls und Panzer.
Classic case of “stop liking stuff that i don’t like”.
actually i find it entertaining reading all the butthurt comments , is not like they can do anything , all they do here is whine , whine , whine , not realizing all their butthurtfulness is creating net entertainment for some
“Popcorn, popcorn! Sweet popcorn!”
It seems kow has some insecurities.
If your definition of being an adult is what it appears to be from what you said, then all I can do is pity you if you consider yourself to be an adult by your definition.
Obligatory XKCD:
Seriously, grow up.
PS: My previous comment was @kow. Just to avoid confusion or misdirected insults ^.^
I neither watch such series nor enjoy these things from Japan or any other country and yet I have no problems with people that do. In fact, one of my friends loves such things and I had no problem standing right next to her in public when she was promoting such stuff. Only thing that I was afraid of was how others would cope with that, because there are people like you who can not handle it.
I find it wonderful that there are still people who can express themselves and show their affection for what they love, no matter how society judges them. Such passion and personality these people posses is magnificent.
Takes one to know one.
Makes me wonder about the real age of theese anime lovers, I bet they are almost all at puberty.
Attack on age lol. How low can you guys get.. Really. Put simply, you will not criticize star wars fans and why? Let me tell you what’s exactly happening. A standard has been put on what’s normal and not. and if it doesn’t pass said standards obviously it’s abnormal and you hate on it. You’re as guilty as the crusaders on the witch hunts who killed someone because they differ from what they view is normal. Again… The sooner you guys realize this is just a big waste of time the better for me. You might ask me why am I wasting my time here as well. To give you a simple answer, it’s a personal crusade to pump sense back into the world which is obviously losing it. Oh boy please do not comment something like “want sense? remove anime” or anything that closely resembles it. If you will answer please put up something actually worth reading. would actually be great if you can prove me to be wrong.
Well said :)
Did you actually mean to say…
” I bet they are all almost at puberty.”
^old fart.
and frankly, don’t question it, is culture.
is like wondering why people like rap music/misc.
just preferences.
and all rap music lovers are African that carry guns and what not.
***seriously, is culture, you like it, or you don’t. but don’t insult people.
nice to see some people making their own opinions rather than adopt one of youtube :) totally agree well put ‘coz age (doesnt) make a point ;)
+1, no official british voices, instead we get that shit. Bravo.
Nobody gives a fuck about Britisher ego issues you know.
You know what? I give a fuck. If you’re so immature that you can’t bring yourself to care about anything then that’s your problem. Yes, the hate towards the japanese fans has to stop, but also the hate towards the others. In case that you are a fan of anything whatsoever and you bash someone else for being a fan of whatever else, you deserve to be bashed too. Go fuck yourself.
Recursive. Also missing the point.
@Kellomies Said the troll of FTR….
Is that Victor Kislyi doing the peace sign? LOL
That’s not a peace sign. But it does have a meaning in the UK…
I foresee a new SerB middle finger style picture coming up. Especially as there’s a large notice board right in the picture already.
Yeah, but wouldn’t that meaning require him hold up his hand in the same way as the if he was just showing of his middle finger? :-)
Never seen that clause to it. All I can say locally is if you want to stick two fingers up, then being overt about it isn’t needed.
Someone told Victor that Manga culture is an urban phenomenon and he is just being as urban as he knows how.
Well, he’d not exactly the first one to make that mistake:
Personally I suspect he’s subtly trying to raise shareholder confidence by indicating there may be cuts somewhere down the road… :v
That’s double penetration on that girl, not a peace sign…
In your country, yes, definitely. :)
Its more like…
“Fuck you!!!
..I have lots of money and hot japanese school girls, I will make voicepacks of me having sex with them for you to download….”
sad but probley true.
Grow up retards…
You comment says so much about your need to grow up.
Grow up kiddo, video games are for children! ;)
Then for whom are these chinese cartoons?
I was just following his retarded logic while writing my comment.
chinese? chinese? chinese? chinese? chinese? chinese?
Anime was invented by a Chinese guy named “Sum Tingwong” who originally lived in Harbin, and migrated to Nagasaki in 1927. From then onwards, he pioneered the Japanese animation industry.
1/10 for the effort
I’m not making this up though.
“Animation technology was eventually introduced to Japan by former employees of animation studios located in Shanghai. Various western countries, including Great Britain and France, had already created such studios in China by 1923, and with the introduction of Western-style motion animation to Shanghai’s rising film industry came interest from neighbouring Japan.”
Sad for you I read the whole thing.
Who cares if a chinese man invented anime? This cartoon is made in Japan, it’s Japanese. And don’t you dare say you wasted your time reading “for this guy”. Reading that’s probably more worthwhile than half the things you do.
I Love Anime But this Gone Too Far….
Why? Its not like they are forcing you to download and use it…
its gone to far because you dont like it? So if some retard says games are for 10y olds u should be banned from gaming as well right?
I’ll stick with Duke Nukem thanks.
I’ve got balls of steel.
Overly compensating for something aye? Better use Chuck Norris ’cause Duke Nukem is not enough to cover your gaping hole. :DD
Lol you must be gay because you have a MAN VOICE ACTOR.
You don’t like the voices of women? That’s what I thought.
and here comes all the butthurt >:D
The butthurts are strong on these comments :D
quite amusing reading this ^^
They should focus on contemporary sounds and voicepacks. British tanks with american voices, 3 default engine sounds and 4 default gun sounds… Come on! First make the game look and SOUND like real tanks and then add such a childish thing as Girls und Panzer voicepack.
I’d guess that the resources used on the GuP voicepack would not really be helpful in achieving what you desire, if redirected.
On the other hand, producing this voicepack may make WoT more appealing for target demographics in Japan (and anime fans around the globe, but this is clearly aimed towards Japan first of all), thereby creating additional income which may then be used to pursue other goals (possibly including the goals you state).
Making the tanks sound more like real tanks right now would hardly appeal to audiences which are not already covered, thereby by itself that would hardly create additional income.
Oh yes because there is such a huge lack of entertainment about war where we have men growling into a radio set.
…. I am gonna quote that.
asians and their manga…
I’m not particularly fond of Manga – GiP is funny and I can see how it would appeal to all manga culture fans not just asians. WG has hot-wired a way into a world wide cultural phenomenon that is going to have a multiplying effect on the WG bottom line. That will also have a big plus for the funding of development work and whatever anyone thinks of WG they are not shy of puting money into development.
Westerners and their violent video games and stupid comics…
Does not sound good, eh?
lol “westeners” clearly by your statement you are not in such an area but still you play WoT so in this way whereve you are is just as bad as the “west” and as for the stupid comics i think you might find that if they were stupid then none would like them and if that were the case then you would not know about them, therefor they are not stupid cause they are successful enough for you to have heard of them. However same as justin Bieber because most people find the Anime childish you simply adopt their opionion of the comics whithout knowing much about them at all.
Run-on sentences much?
Learn it.
I was making fun of people that hated on anime (a part of literature, and ART form dammit) by simply turning the table around. Does not mean I believe it.
I’d like a Woras made voicepack. Not with his own voice mind you, but … you got the point. XD
Seriously, that would be really cool, some Terrible E-100 Driver Voicepack!
If you don’t want just don’t download it then
it’s was “optional” , they didn’t forced you for using it at all
and there are many voice pack from this anime long times ago , this is just an offical one.
i think they are complaining because they think that the makers might steer their developement in the same direction as this if they dont complain so they butthurt
personally im gonna download it try it and then probably replace it with a different one depending on how good it is
Wow, its don’t take too long.
For both Official GuP voice and whiner/hater commented here.
Don’t like it? don’t DL ? Just hit backspace ?
I will play shit out of Japanese tanks , so i can play with cute commander voice :)
Full woman squad in tank ? Ofc, any day.
well no matter how butthurt the haters are , like they can do shit about it
since is already been decided >:D , i love them butthurt
WG won’t even give a fvck about whiner and butthurter, as long as PROFIT!
whilst that is true and yes WG is profit centered it has to be said arent all companies profit centered? i definately know a lot more games that are pay to win so is WG actually that bad?
I love that you have made more posts about people being “butthurt” than the actuall butthur posts.
there is no need to be butthurt about their anti anime replies , as i say before , they cant do shit about it , if its confirmed, is going to happen
i wonder if you get off on writing that you lol aout the butthurters? :3
All the retards that write grow up and similar shit should shut the fuck up.
Obviously you have no fucking idea how the Japanese mentality works. Anime and manga is for the Japanese folk more then “girls with big eyes and small noses”. Its a lifestyle and the audience goes from toddler age till death basicaly. Noone gives any looks if a business man in a suit reads a manga in the public or watches anime same way like a “Westerner” reads his daily newspaper or watches Breaking bad or Fringe in TV.
Girls und Panzer was a great success in Japan and Victor did the only possible smart thing to make a contract with the GuP producers. One hint was also the mentioning of WoT in the first series of the anime. I knew some sort of partnership will follow.
yeah, don’t let other competitor have the cake!
This man speaks the truth. Only ignorant westerners talk bullshit knowing nothing about whats behind their countries walls.
Anime in general is a lot less stupid then the Reality shows that infest current TV channels.
I’ll tell you what’s stupid. this whole thing. Not even worth arguing about yet People do argue. entertain me more :D anime haters.
wow, never made that connection…
but yeah, definately.
lol a smart hater dont see that often ^^ but definatly a good point
WG should have been all over this from the beginning. They should have had premium WuP voice packs and camo patterns in the store last year. Their marketing director should have been beaten with a 2×4 for letting this slip by.
I want a hentai voice pack, with proper crew icons.
I wonder how PENETRATION would sound :)
Donkey hentai sound voice + donkey soundtrack very nice package lucky you are not the 1st guy.
WTF is with the donkey thing?
How dit all this started?
people kept posting “First!!”, and so the standard responce became “to get raped by a donkey”. It then changed to things like “Excelent, spread your legs, the donkey is waiting”, and progressed from there. The donkey even has a name now. He is Panzer Nerfer.
Actually SS wanted to call the donkey the “Big D” :D…
Shadowrun afficiandos would protest methinks.
…what do uoi mean, “just me”? >_>
I was just scrolling through and did a double take when I reached Donkey Hentai.
Donkey hentai scat porn… in a tank… with underage schoolgirls…
No wonder Vik looks so happy…
He won’t even need any vodka for that!
It’s Mai Fuchigami not Futigami.
Anyway – for me, this cooperation and especially these voicepacks is like a dream come true. Next one – team anteater playing wot in gup ova? Pretty please!
It is a common mistake in Romanization, not the worse thing to happen though.
Yeah, getting some surprise buttsecks from a donkey sounds worse.
I’m happy that WG decided to join forces with GuP community ASAP, not gaijin :P
Shit for retards.
yet is still going to happen , butt hurt ? >;D
How did your breakfast shit taste?
He ate shit as breakfast :3
Would you like a side of shit on your plate?
oh shes kewt
get ready for Steam Workshop, yay!
i want Ex-Nazi convicts sound pack + Stalin lovers butt-hurt,
I welcome with much love and goo GuP community, maybe they can bring much needed fun into a dying game with crazy old people crying like babies every time SerB farts.
all those “historical” crap has gone too far in their diseased mind, they should go out and watch the little flowers grow…
Nazi and Stalin again? what about the American bombing of Japan with nukes and the American massacre on Vietnam. lol. Western bias?
You do realise that the only way to force the Japs into surrender was to threaten them with total annihalation? .. and prove capability…?
The japanesee mind/psyche does not really contemplate surrender….
Which is why they treated PoWs with such abuse and hatred, they considered a surrendered soldier worse than a diseased dog.
It was the only way to finish the war in the Pacific theatre…
Nutters at the helm =/= Japanese in general, you know. They had legitimate reasons to be worried about the popular mood.
Murica bias.
Asian bias. The Vietnamese massacred far more of their own, and the numbers got really big after the Americans left. But just as Russians killing Russians doesn’t count, neither does Asians killing Asians.
One word: AWESOME
You’re treading on enemy waters.
Just hope they don’t introduce camos according to GuP
I hope they do :D
i intend to keep calm and UTE! UTE! UTE!
also come on guys this game isnt historical or even fair most of the time so let people get their fun where they can
Keep calm and miss again? :D
More like Keep calm and bounce :D
Gonna use it for lol :/
No Kay voicepack?
After SerB was watching GuP and this happen.
adults wanting their tank crew sound like little school girls?
That’s just fucking weird. Getting a pedo vibe there.
Butthurt? Good
Totally agree with you.
Next patch, pink camo and pony inscriptionns for tanks in order to satisfy theese pinkie fuckers.
Buttblasted much?
Totally pedo.
They aren’t even bothering to know what is Anime. They just do worthless,nonsense retarded comments. Srsly, where did you get that conclusion ? Liking on Anime is Pedophilia ? Geez
Pedophilia is sexual attraction to children. Hearing adult Japanese voice actors in tanks is not even close to Pedophilia. Anime is Pedophilia? how? they’re not even kids, it’s not even a her. It’s a fictional character. Fact check before commenting. Kthxbai.
Pedophilia is sexual attraction to children. Hearing adult Japanese voice actors in tanks is not even close to Pedophilia. Anime is Pedophilia? how? they’re not even kids, it’s not even a her. It’s a fictional character. Fact check before commenting. Kthxbai.
The characters are schoolgirls..
The voices are therefore representing schoolgirls
schoolgirls are, generally, considered children, not adult
Sexual attraction to children from an adult, is paedophilia…. (your words, spell corrected….)
… pedoporn voicecomms…
gotta quote scroobious pip
“Thou shalt not think any male over the age of 30 that plays with a child that is not their own is a paedophile. Some people are just nice.”
Not everyone who watches anime with schoolgirls is a paedophile.
If you think liking something equates to sexual attraction, you’re going to need to get your brain checked on.
hey hey, I can record my old woman voice for you if that whats you into.
Lel mad lil fochs
Nice, I hope they also make a voice pack for the national voices.
- Black Forest on German tanks
- Saunders on American tanks
- Pravda on Russian tanks
- etc
People always make things complicated lol.
If you don’t like it, don’t download it, simple as that…
Sure I am ok with the voice pack. as for the butthurt comments. Keep ‘em coming. Anime is childish? sure, that’s one view. The world is full of opposing views anyway nothing wrong with that. If you think it’s childish then why the F should I even care. It’s not like you matter to me and I matter to you. Let’s just stay away from each other. After all I’m sure you can’t voice out that opinion in front of anyone and you’re just getting boulders between your legs because… you guessed it right! This is the internet. If you can actually say that in person then great for you but I still won’t care anyways. Point is all of you are wasting your time as I am wasting my time trying to make you airheads realize this. Anyways I have wasted more time than I anticipated. Just keep the butthurt flowing and entertain me.
Are we going to have voices for pravda? I want Nonna and Katyusha too!
add some Mass Effect ones ;p
Apart from kids, who likes manga unless they are pedos?
Breddy Gud Troll :DDDD 10/10 :DD
(seriously though, there are bona fide nazis playing this game, starting every match with “sieg heil”, I think people who will install an official GuP voicepack because they enjoyed the anime are going to rank pretty low on the scale of people the WoT community could do without)
Oh boy so Nazi is bad because of why exactly? They killed a lot of people and started a war right and their political view is deemed to be wrong? As for pedophilia.. (tell me this isnt a form of pedophilia). So how it is different from America as of today?
point is as you said it you’re one of the ” people the WoT community could do without”. But as I view it, you’re referring to yourself I wouldnt go so far as to tell that you are like that though. I believe you exist to entertain me and should continue doing so. but please… Just please make it more entertaining.
Also. who are you to judge how low people are? Isn’t it the people who step on others the lowest. (i.e. you.)
Ahh I wasted more of my time trying to help this poor babies that cry over the internet. Maybe it’s my fault for thinking too positively lol. anyways very good troll 10/10. Keep entertaining me.
Pretty good trolling too. Lost it at “They killed a lot of people and started a war right and their political view is deemed to be wrong?”, but I’m only giving you 9/10 because your english isn’t all that good.
how about japenese?
The obvious implication was that Japanese = pedos…
Just a little observation, watching all theese retarded comments on both sides:
There will be an official sound pack, big fucking deal, some care and some dont.
But watching all theese morons acting like its christmas morning and they are opening their presents, are you all fucking retarded? This mod has been around for ages, nothing new here, but the fact that its unofficial. Thats all.
And the moron typing butt-hurt every 2 minutes at other comments agains this GuP, dude ( or should I say kiddo ) grow the fuck up! They all have figured by now that it’s already decided, no need for your retarded childish joy about nothing, in fact.
Some like the mod, some dont, its normal. I dont think anyone was expecting to be liked by everybody, but filling the comments list with retarded ” butt-hurt, good” threads, makes you the retard childish here. ( i ncase you haven’t figured by now, I’m talking about silly Aigis and his butt-hurt anti butt-hurt).
^ LOL Getting butthurts on butthurt comment … BUTTHURTCEPTION!
LOL nothing better to say. brainlessception. +1 on time wasted
Well, this mod will be different from the fanmade ones as it will have the character’s VA(the girl in the photo) do official phrases for the tank crew rather than have random dialogue lines ripped from episodes of the show.
lol i think its safe to say that your time was wasted not cause its a bad opinion but because what you state is damn clear to all of us anyway :D (i hope that the others IQ is high enough that is …)
These goddamn butthurt-vampires!
2 words: Fucked Up.
Congradulations your counting ability has improved and for you that is remarkable progress.
as fucked up as what’s happening to Syria? not really.
please ffs if you decide that its fucked up at least leave a description as to why you think that cause that comment alone is pointless
Arghh, this will be an instant download, that voice pack huehuehue.
And in the 9.0 New Boss tentacelmonster yahhh (sarcasm)
Some drinks to go with that?
I still prefer my Team America Sound pack.
Some official in-game camos based on the Ōarai team’s er…’individual’ paintjobs would be pretty damn popular, I’m guessing.
Those would give like -15% camo, though…
True…but seeing shiny gold Panzer 38(t)s, neon pink M3s or metallic red StuGs with banners isn’t going to get any time soon =)
Do you have bigger version of that photo? That GuP WoT pic looks cool!
I don’t get why there is so much hate and bickering each time the subject of anime is brought up here.
I think that it’s pretty clear to everyone that we like WOT, but aside from that its should also be clear that everyone likes different stuff too.
Please look for other subjects to get inflamed about.
Retards, sir. Retards everywhere.
“You know, there are some words I’ve known since I was a schoolboy: ‘With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured…the first thought forbidden…the first freedom denied–chains us all irrevocably.’ Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie, as wisdom…and warning. The first time any man’s freedom is trodden on, we’re all damaged.”
Quoted from:
Picard, Star Trek TNG, season 4 episode 21 “The Drumhead”
Will there also be World of Tanks Hentai ? :D
>implying there isn’t already
Want links?
Very happy to see that!
Now we (I mean: “I”) need Yukari and Nonna. I hope they’ll try stay in “GuP mind”, not sure how to explain this, but the voice pack crated by fan was very good (even if what they said isn’t related to what you do with tanks).
And again… Yukari voice is absolutely needed.
I wonder if we’ll be able to use it for the national voice packs…
Other than that.. maybe the custom skins/camos and logos?
I fully support this. An Oarai emblem to go on the side of my tanks is a must.
Gonna womit from this crap
that the best hater message you got? lame
please try leaving a description as to why your stomach is so terribly weak that even hearing some girls makes you vomit i would like to avoid getting so fragile …
Try harder.
Oh dear lord, so much hate and bile going around in regard to a simple optional voicepack. You’d think everyone just hopped into a tier ten match with nothing but arty and platooned MS-1s from all the bitching that’s going on… .
It’s funny, those people being called pedo/weird/weaboo/fag are actually better players than those people who are bashing em’.
Most are reds
*parties internally*
as the old saying went, “people get the game dev they deserve”
or something like that
Anime is for pedos
Not really, depends on what you’re watching
Wow, really?! Oh well, I allways told myself I was born in the wrong decade, guess I was right…
Shut up and take my money!
Oh, it’s free…
This is going to be good.
Also, I’m loving the butthurt tears flow, keep ‘em coming.
as long as wg doesn’t screw or change the audio file we r good
Nishizumi voice pack for the start? not the whole member of anglerfish team?
not I care though
what I want is Uesaka Sumire voice pack!!!!