
Practically nothing today. But: Overlord decided to answer questions on World of Tanks: Blitz (WoT for mobile devices), you can ask him on his blog here. What we know from him so far:

- current stage is pre-closed beta, functionality and graphics are not final
- cca 85 tanks, 5 maps
- both iPad and Android versions are functional
- controls take a bit of practice, 20-30 mins, the more agile the vehicle, the more practice required
- will come in 2014

26 thoughts on “16.11.2013

    • I feel you have you noticed the assistant app has stop working and has been removed from the store aswell

      • Relatively few people own a a phone with Windows Phone, which I assume you’re referring to. Porting the game to an entirely new OS would simply not be practical, with the small number of people who own a powerful smartphone running WP – an even smaller number of which would be interested in WoT:B.

    • They are also Linux and OSX haters on desktop WoT.

      iOS and Android games are generally almost identical code wise, but WP8 requires a complete rewrite and it has extremely small market share. You should blame MIcrosoft for designing their API in a way that is completely incompatible with everything else already in the market (most importantly no OpenGL ES support in WP8).

      • That is my Major gripe with Blitz. If I can CONTINUE grinding my tanks through a tablet/phone whilst on the bus or something it would be great… but it seems like I have to play it from the ground up :( .

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