Practically nothing today. But: Overlord decided to answer questions on World of Tanks: Blitz (WoT for mobile devices), you can ask him on his blog here. What we know from him so far:
- current stage is pre-closed beta, functionality and graphics are not final
- cca 85 tanks, 5 maps
- both iPad and Android versions are functional
- controls take a bit of practice, 20-30 mins, the more agile the vehicle, the more practice required
- will come in 2014
Wow, SerB and Storm on vacation perhaps? :P Or just free work day :P
> Saturday
Omfg, wot on tablets, as if the rng and controls on PC arnt bad enough…sigh.
What is wrong with the conrols lol? go play it on xbox than you know what shitty controls are.
Exactly, what’s wrong with WoT PC controls? o_O WSAD + mouse is no brainer to me, kinda standard to all shooters…
WSAD is horrible Vs. a joystick, no graded control sucks. Even a touchscreen can give you that.
PC Controls>>>>Console controls . mouse and keyboard AND controlers AND joysticks…
Troll detected.
Most of them just use W.
Or 3xR :P
2XR if you tap fast :P
cmon cmon..
Fuckong wp8 haters
I feel you have you noticed the assistant app has stop working and has been removed from the store aswell
Relatively few people own a a phone with Windows Phone, which I assume you’re referring to. Porting the game to an entirely new OS would simply not be practical, with the small number of people who own a powerful smartphone running WP – an even smaller number of which would be interested in WoT:B.
Microsoft could pay to WG for making it to WP8 & RT ( and win8)
They are also Linux and OSX haters on desktop WoT.
iOS and Android games are generally almost identical code wise, but WP8 requires a complete rewrite and it has extremely small market share. You should blame MIcrosoft for designing their API in a way that is completely incompatible with everything else already in the market (most importantly no OpenGL ES support in WP8).
World of Trackpads, anyone :) ?
Indeed. I plan to try it out, we’ll see.
I’ve tried when I don’t have a Mouse it’s much more difficult for brawling but good enough for sniping
Yaaay, WoT for android! I can play wot in a confty little bed. :D:D
And start grinding all over again
That is my Major gripe with Blitz. If I can CONTINUE grinding my tanks through a tablet/phone whilst on the bus or something it would be great… but it seems like I have to play it from the ground up :( .
How do you get it?
I have an andorid tablet
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