Hello everyone,
since the older invite codes are valid only until the end of the year, we better post them :)
From kreso03 and Prohibition – invite codes from a Croatian magazine Info Gamer, they give you 100k creds, 1000g and a T-127 (the last one is from a guy whose nickname I don’t know, sorry mate)
Steven77′s code: 500g + 7 day prem
Also, don’t forget there are still Alienware invite codes left here (simply register on Alienware site and click the GET KEY button).
Sigh… One of the first to get here. Wrong region codes. Is it possible to get some of all EU/RU/SEA/NA?
What region do you need?
I used this: DP8GBB-8M79EA
All used… :(
Hope u can provide codes for NA too…next time :)
That’s what I meant…
:\ i would love some little light tank code for the NA server, would be amazing to have a good start to get the chaffee
I never understood where these codes come from but I most definitively welcome them although I got late as usual.
Are those codes for NA anyway?