50 thoughts on “Girls und Panzer – WoT for beginners manga, part 2

  1. Nice,
    hope there’ll be more episodes from Girls und Panzer with the support of wargaming. I liked the show :)
    But, these comics should be translated to other languages and presented ingame. Some playes will realy improve their skill and game knowledge with this. I know, i’m too optimistic ;)

  2. More Yukari is always great!
    Playing with Mako will be very great *sniping from hill* *seeing his gunner (Mako) sleeping*. Well, that’s usually the case with your “team-mate” anyway.

    I hope we’ll get the Garupan’s voice soon!

  3. Its funny how it divides ppl into two sections. One is the anime loving part and the second one that finds it ridiculous and strange.

    Haters have to realise that the GuP WoT is directed towards the Japanese gaming comunity where anime and manag is so commin like newspapers and magazines here in Europe.

    • Well you can categorize me in the first part: the loving one :) I find it funny since i watch the anime, and actually a good way to teach the new players about game basics :)

    • Yeah but note that it doesn’t matter if these Japanse comics wouldn’t be manga, I wouldn’t still read because of the setting and how the girls are.

      • Not all mangas are girls in school uniforms with big eyes and tiny noses :). Its just a small fraction of the “shoujo” style.

  4. Where can I watch girls und panzer with english subtitles:)? I saw some clips on youtube.looks nice

  5. Ammunition :
    “AP blablalba…..

    While powerful, this shells are very expensive aaaaand [underlined] render the Maus useless [underlined]”

    Lol’d hard at that :))

  6. Pingback: Girls und Panzer Manga on FTR Blog | WoT – no whine!

  7. LOLWUT? Engine effects top speed? Newp…. acceleration yes, engine damage effecting maximum traverse speed for the hull yes, but top speed? Neeeewp.

    • I advise you to use worst engine on AMX 40, then use best engine, see which one gives higher top speed. (Hint: The manga applies mainly for vehicles that have trouble hitting top speed)

  8. Wow the TL is up pretty fast.
    and yes this seem divided people into Love or hate it (with some meh as well)
    btw you guys should now what group I belong to lol

  9. No reference to the T18 and AT-1, the Sandbox Snipers?

    For shaaaaaame. This is why Saori GITS REKT.

  10. But, manga is meant to be read from right to left?

    In any case, *shivver* I remember watching the anime when it was first being released. Never again am I watching it. I mean, a Pz IV taking out a Maus?

  11. The Anglerfish Dance reminds me of “So I heard u liek Mudkipz” thanks to the way they positioned the fins…

    They didn’t mention how to buy Prem ammo with credits instead of gold though… IT’S A TRAP

    • I went to see the Part 1, and ‘Murica had “We play fair” over a T29…
      In Tier 7 battle if hull down it’s almost invincible against anything but arty. FAIRNESS NEED NOT APPLY.

      • Also, a chocolate bar or whatever in this part of the manga named “Wank’o”? And this is not sexual how? (Wank in British English is a term for handling one’s own needs manually)