- both the L7 gun and the engine on Type 61 tier 9 Japanese MT are historical according to SerB
- regular Type 98 Ke-Ni in game will have Hara suspension (SS: Christie suspension “Otsu” version will possibly be a premium tank)
- Japanese heavy branch is being developed
- according to developers, radio mechanism is working fine and its impact on gameplay is sufficient, especially on low and mid tiers
- too early to evaluate the new 8.9 TD statistics
“The analysis of new vehicles doesn’t begin immediately – not by a longshot. Of course, it is constantly monitored and analyzed, but when it comes to new vehicles, unlocked in the beginning by experienced or active players, of course their stats go up and down. And when finally the majority of players gets used to the vehicle, other players develop tactics against this vehicle and when it is played by all who wanted to unlock it and not only those who succeeded, it is then when we start considering the statistics valid and make decisions”
- all TD’s have an abitrary camo bonus, but WT E-100 has a really poor camo in general, because it’s too big
- the fact some maps act differently balance-wise, when you use different tech on them are a feature of the game and this is considered normal by the developers
- Object 430 will appear in 8.10
- Lowe weight (and other data) is based on this table from Panzer Tracts (model W1662)
- Storm on “Chinese leak” (SS: you know, that garbage with “IS-7 will be getting a gun swap, currently it has the S-70; in 9.0, it will have the S-70A ” and so on): “Crap to the God of Crap! You probably believe fortune tellers too…” – so, once again, it is CRAP.
- new maps based on historical locations are being developed: Kharkov, Minsk, Königsberg
- the power of the engine is always constant in WoT (revving has no effect)
- some players keep complaining about Lowe weight being too high: Storm states there are no reasons not to trust Jentz and Doyle and Panzer Tracts and there are no other data about it
- according to Evilly, STB-1 tier 10 Japanese MT will have a good depression, “almost like Patton” (SS: -6)
Storm answers on questions under the “patchnotes” post:
- the new Japanese map will not be like Sacred Valley, it’s rather flat – half of it are fields, half is the village, there will be mountains around the edges
- according to Storm, it’s pointless to save video and audio settings on server
- it’s not possible to display post-battle statistics when your client crashes before the battle is over
- Object 140 as a whole will not be rebalanced
- KV-1S will not be split in two tanks before the model rework stage is reached (SS: that means at some point next year)
- tomorrow, the supertest final stage for 8.10 starts (8.10 common test will NOT come this week)
- Storm confirms that in 8.10 the Japanese tanks will be green, not brown
- Northwest map has some imbalance between bases, but a small one (won’t be rebalanced for now)
- whether SU-76i and Ke-Ni Otsu will be premium (or gift/award) tanks was not yet decided
- apparently, SU-85i was also retested lately to make it ready for release
- the motion blur effect mentioned in patchnotes will be possible to switch off
- serverside replays will be implemented (when it’s done it’s done)
- no client optimization is planned for 8.10
- it’s possible to implement “last replay for each tank” instead of “last replay from game played” saving too, but so far there have been no requests for that
- about 30 interface issues for Team Battles were fixed in 8.10
- apparently, the developers wanted to call the “Hidden Village” map “Ninja village” at first :)
- according to Veider, there are plans to somehow limit the amount of TD’s in tier 10 battles, Storm however adds statistics for battletiers 10, 11 and 12 (in percent) and adds he doesn’t think there are too many tier 10 TD’s:
Battletier 10 (percent):
LТ = 7,11
MТ = 21,97
HТ = 40,07
АRТ = 7,99
TD = 22,87
Battletier 11 (percent):
LТ = 7,75
MТ = 24,41
HТ = 34,90
АRТ = 9,31
TD = 23,62
Battletier 12 (percent):
LТ = 5,26
MТ = 22,64
HТ = 35,17
АRТ = 12,02
TD = 24,91
- devs didn’t manage to fix the bug where WT E-100 “turret” gets damaged and is impossible to repair
- events and discounts will be implemented into the Mission window as a part of it
- Lowe increased ammo count doesn’t mean the ammo rack module got bigger
- premium Soviet MT has not been fixed yet
- full remodelling of non-combat interface will come in distant future
- Japanese heavy branch is being developed.
What monster lies in T10.
My guess is a tier X cross between Maus and Black Prince.
Not especially well armored, boasts the biggest hp pool in the game due to its huge size, small caliber gun with low damage, high penetration and high RoF, very sluggish, and has no camo value. :)
if it is like that it will be useless
Think about it:
Japanese + heavy monster = Godzilla
That’s an actual wartime Japanese propaganda cartoon, called something like “Science Warrior attacks New York” if I remember correctly that one book on the history of manga. :P
Holy Japanese TOG II.!!!
I’m thinking it’s gonna be a slower version of -100 (about 25km/h top speed maybe) with about the same protection on the hull with mini turret as weak spot like KV – 5 but with better mobility. Instead of 2 big guns it woud be a fast firing and accurate gun couple with good depression, a big ass and well-protected turret better than E-100.
I think this thing don’t have mini turret, with 305mm frontal armour with weaker side than Maus and E-100. It will be turret-version of T110E3
- Storm on “Chinese leak”…
I laughed my ass on that question :D
So Storm is a heretic, since that was most likely a warhammer 40k reference? Hm… :D
- serverside replays will be implemented (when it’s done it’s done).
Does it mean that replays are saved on server for some time?
I’d rather have free camera officially implemented and backward rewind fixed – srsly, forward loads in a sec and backwards has to load 10x longer.
fix ?
you must not know how replays work. there is no ‘fix’, if you make it possible to view the replays backwards, the replay files will have to be bigger or the client will have to calculate more stuff (could cause lower fps than when actually playing the game) as you view the replay.
I have yet seen a replay that can go backwards – even StarCraft II replays can’t.
Lowe getting alot of Love, i might get one :o
Soo many news, i finish reading and stil less that 5 comments lol
if this will be your first t8 premium, i advice you to buy the t34
Don’t buy the Lowe, it’s too powercrept now. Almost any other tier 8 premium is better.
Not necessarily.
True, it’s not exactly spectacular, but overall it’s an equal to the likes of the IS-6 and T34. The IS-6 has armor, the T34 has alpha damage, and the Lowe has accuracy.
The trick is of course learning to play it right, but once you’ve done that, you can become an absolute MONSTER with it; for example, a week or so ago I had a game where I scored 8 Kills, 5 of which as the only tank on my team remaining alive, earning a Radley-Walters’ Medal and a Kolobanov’s Medal for my efforts. Yes, I do have the replay, and I can provide a link to it if asked.
why cant the jap tanks be brown :(
i want to laugh at them and call them “shit on tracks”
we already have the US tanks for that!
Well, unless you shit like a baby… I wonder how much milk do you drink and who do you get it from? =P
I kind of liked the light brown better, seemed finely attractive to me.
So does this mean the Chi-Nu Kai will change to a green base color too? Gonna make for a strange desert camo being green and blue.
They will probably do the same thing as they did to the type 59, keep the original color it had instead of the green the Chinese had.
And if not, it will probably keep the old camo color.
- KV-1S will not be split in two tanks before the model rework stage is reached (SS: that means at some point next year)
Which “model rework stage”? Hopefully, we’ll see this adjustment in 0.9.0.
Battletier 10 (percent):
LТ = 7,11
MТ = 21,97
HТ = 40,07
АRТ = 7,99
TD = 22,87
Battletier 11 (percent):
LТ = 7,75
MТ = 24,41
HТ = 34,90
АRТ = 9,31
TD = 23,62
Battletier 12 (percent):
LТ = 5,26
MТ = 22,64
HТ = 35,17
АRТ = 12,02
TD = 24,91
World of Heavy Tanks???
Yeah, wg needs to put a hardcap on hvys, there’s too many of ‘em. :D
Looks like the game is about to return to its original styling of Heavy tanks stomping all over the map, and anyone not in an HT is simply cannon fodder hehe…
“- according to Evilly, STB-1 tier 10 Japanese MT will have a good depression, “almost like Patton” (SS: -6)”
But doesn’t Patton have -9? -6 seems like a far departure from -9 to me…
- Northwest map has some imbalance between bases, but a small one (won’t be rebalanced for now)
Why? shouldn’t this be high priority?…
its too early to make that call they need more stats
- full remodelling of non-combat interface will come in distant future
do they mean the garage?
“- according to Evilly, STB-1 tier 10 Japanese MT will have a good depression, “almost like Patton” (SS: -6)”
-6 isn’t almost -9. Let’s hope they buffed it to -7/8
- KV-1S will not be split in two tanks before the model rework stage is reached (SS: that means at some point next year)
So we can expext next year to KV-1s gets splitted into two OP tanks…now when Zlobny was kicked out why not take the opportunity and make players even more mad :D
Its not so much TDS needing nerfs, its just some maps are a massive pain when there’s to many TDS. Games also become much worse if there is no artillery to counter TDS from sitting in the open.
Patton’s -9 compared to STB-1′s -6. Yeah just reverse that 9 and it’s almost Patton. I think there’s a problem with their eyes or a very bad pun from them.
Daigensui says that it is apparently hacked to -10/+13, which I find hard to accept until I see the monstrosity.
Japanese tanks mobile, fast firing and good gun depression … I can’t wait! :)
“KV-1S will not be split in two tanks before the model rework stage is reached”
And so the most blatantly OP tank in game avoids nerf for another long time. Because it’s sooo totally balanced.
As I said, SerB waits until players get quiet and then he will cancel that nerf permanently ninja-style, because soviet stronk.
Will you eat a hatful of shit if your prophecy then falls flat?
Or maybe they don’t want to have to implement a new tank (that’s not yet fully modeled) when they are about to do a full revamp anyways. While the delay is annoying, it’s understandable that they’d just want to do the model once in the upgraded set and not waste time on it for the old version.
- apparently, SU-85i was also retested lately to make it ready for release
Yesssssssss… Wanted one of these for so long.
” – according to Evilly, STB-1 tier 10 Japanese MT will have a good depression, “almost like Patton” (SS: -6)”
In what bizarro universe is -6 depression “good”, especially in a nation tree that is supposed to boast exceptional (-10 – -15) depression?
‘- no client optimization is planned for 8.10′
No optimization on WOT? So don’t play it.
Serb must be happy to answer like this.