Storm on 0.8.10 Test 2


Hello everyone,

Storm posts a lot these days, luckily for us. Now, he is asking for your feedback on test round 2 of patch 0.8.10. Specifically, if you have some FPS problems, you are to upload dxdiag log, python.log from game files and a screenshot of your graphic settings. Please note there is no point in uploading them here and posting them in comments, Russians have enough feedback on their own (for once, the fact they have weaker computers on average is a benefit to us).

If you REALLY feel like giving your feedback, go to the source linked above and post it in comments. However, what I think is more interesting is the discussion:

- 0.9.0 will bring HD graphic models, these HD models will be on standard graphic render too
- the levels of detail for HD client will be “normal” too, eg. you won’t have to buy a new computer from 0.9.0 (SS: if I understand it correctly, it will be possible to switch the HD models off by reducing your texture quality)
- 0.9.0 will come in 2014
- in next patch (0.9.0) following maps will be fixed: Malinovka, Erlenberg, Redshire, Highway, Sacred Valley, Northwest (SS: noooo don’t touch Malinovka :( )
- apparently Malinovka has imbalanced base winrate
- in next patch there will be tier 10 TD fixes (nerfs), they are already being tested, Storm states he will not tell what changes “so the New Year is peaceful :)” But it’s not a camo nerf, Storm states that camouflage changes will come later, as they require a lot of testing
- T57 Heavy will not be nerfed at all – Storm states its winrate actually dropped, he’s now 3rd worst on its tier.
- the FPS drops in test 1 were apparently fixed, Storm states that they were caused by “improperly assembled shader package during the assembly of the patch client, this was the reason for not only the FPS drops, but also the graphic artefacts and weird trees, this is why the supertesters have not caught it – the supertester version was assembled normally”
- in 0.8.10, the garage sometimes shows different crew skills than those, that are on the pop-up skill window, this is because there is a bug in the number rounding
- Storm states that to implement both colours for the Japanese tanks would be “expensive” (SS: or it could be interpreted as “requiring”), because it would increase the client size by 10-20 percent
- according to Storm, the Ferdinand size difference is insignificant

46 thoughts on “Storm on 0.8.10 Test 2

  1. - Storm states that to implement both colours for the Japanese tanks would be “expensive” (SS: or it could be interpreted as “requiring”), because it would increase the client size by 10-20 percent

    what? o.O

  2. - in next patch (0.9.0) following maps will be fixed: Malinovka, Erlenberg, Redshire, Highway, Sacred Valley, Northwest

    Can’t wait for 9.0 then, Those are easily the biggest cuntmaps in game, excluding northwest that one isn’t that bad.

  3. @SS – Could you please ask some of your contacts in WG-Minsk what is done regarding the lag issue? Beside the fact that the EU-Servers seem to be running near their limits at primetime …

  4. I wonder if we will finally have “real” multi-core support.
    Not just 1 core for havok and one for everything else. …

    • That was answered some time ago, true multicore support will probably come in 2014… from 28.11.13 Q&A “- Storm states that there will not be one “super patch” with HD client. There will be series of patches with improvements and additions, which will eventually lead to the “HD client”. The “HD client” will also feature full multicore support.”

      • oh… and some more from 10.12.13 Q&A

        “- full multicore support will come in patch 9.something next year – Storm states that previously, they weren’t completely sure whether to do it or not, but they solved some problems within the engine and decided to implement it in full”

        • Oh, great !!! I’ve heard something about it, but it was more or less regarding havok running on different core. I wasnt sure it was “real” multicore support.
          Great news!

  5. - in next patch (0.9.0) following maps will be fixed: Malinovka, Erlenberg, Redshire, Highway, Sacred Valley, Northwest (SS: noooo don’t touch Malinovka :( )

    Remove redshire, no fixing will help that shit hole,

  6. Do I understand it right: with 0.9.0, the “big” tank remodel overhaul will be introduced (or even completed), improving all existing tank models in WoT?

  7. “T57 Heavy will not be nerfed at all – Storm states its winrate actually dropped, he’s now 3rd worst on its tier.”

    Yay! All the scrubs have reached it now.
    Good to know that my second tier X target isn’t going to be hit by the nerf bat.

      • I am so relieved my beloved T57 is not going to get the nerfhammer :))). Very sad about Malinovka – I love that map – suits my long range sniping stylie

    • taken the food out from my mouth
      that i was going to say about that
      also i think thiis is being done cause of the kv1s
      OP from the minute it was introduced didn’t bother to find a way to fix it so they let it grow in his popolarity and now eveeeery almost newbie/seal clubber/avg player/whatever have a kv1s but the kv1s is played by a large number of newbies so it has bad winrate and when it comes to nerfing reasons devs say’s look at it’s win rate it’s normal
      P.S. i know they have said they will neeerf it somehow/split it and stuff like that but i dont seem them 1 year after being introduced to be doing anything about it

  8. Just don’t fucking nerf the Jagdpanzer E-100, that thing is anything but overperforming. Great vehicle, not overpowered.

    • Just don’t fucking nerf the Jagdpanzer E-100, that thing is anything but overperforming. Great vehicle, not overpowered.

      Jagdpanzer E-100, that thing is anything but overperforming.

      that thing is anything but overperforming.

      Jagdpanzer E-100 that thing is overperforming

      AHA! Nerf bat incoming!!!

      • Get back when you figure out “anything but” meaning.

        Jagdzilla doesn’t need a nerf, Foch needs it. That thing is so easy to play that any siemka player can do well in it.

      • I dont have one, but I dont really have problem with them.
        Sure the gun is sick, but its Tank DESTROYER after all.
        Most players just feel its power once they are destroyed by one.
        They dont see the +-8 deg. gun arc or the 20d/s traverse or 2.3rof

  9. T57 Heavy will not be nerfed at all – Storm states its winrate actually dropped, he’s now 3rd worst on its tier. becaouse idiots grind t57 then rush like idiot 3 tanks pen 1 shel from drum then day? all god players have best win ratio on t57

  10. This is the problem with buffing/nerfing based upon WR. Does WG ensure the population representing the estimated WR isn’t biased to certain types of players.

    • Yes. They’ve said they take the ‘elite player’ effect into account, they only balance for average band players. This is why only some tanks are used for serious competition, IMO, because they don’t balance for performance with skilled players (as they are too small in number to be statistically significant) – some tanks perform dramatically better with a skilled player, but only average with a potato/tomato/other-nightshade-plant-for-brains.

  11. - T57 Heavy will not be nerfed at all – Storm states its winrate actually dropped, he’s now 3rd worst on its tier.

    1600dmg every 23.43 (+2 for round reload) seconds is fair and balanced.

  12. - T57 Heavy will not be nerfed at all – Storm states its winrate actually dropped, he’s now 3rd worst on its tier.
    Biggest joke ever.

  13. - T57 Heavy will not be nerfed at all – Storm states its winrate actually dropped, he’s now 3rd worst on its tier.

    Looks like my work is done.

  14. Any “behind the scene” info about what the TD changes could be? There were hints about changing alpha and reload time.