
- Q: “Is the T110E4 armor historical?” A: “Well, give us the data of the REAL E4, we’ll be happy to have a look at it”
- SerB on why can’t all the tanks have their maximum speed higher (the way IS-7 was buffed): “Well, try it – if the hill is steep enough, any tank can go really fast” (SS: the reason why the maximum speed is probably not increased is the suspension/transmission/drivetrain durability, which in real life would get torn to pieces)
- the source for T110E3, E4 and E5 tanks is the Hunnicutt: Firepower book
- from the player presented list of “Panzer 61, Panzer 68, Sheridan and Walker Bulldog”, SerB says only one thing: Sheridan has the smallest chance to appear in the game out of those four
- SerB states that when it comes to models, first, they are going to have a look at destructible model parts of various tanks under Havok and then they might have a look at additional 5th vehicle customization type (the 4 being visual camo, modules, equipment and consumables)
- additional archievements might be implemented, but they have low priority
- apparently no more Norse mythos inscriptions are planned on German tanks
- there was a suggestion to split KV-1S to tier 6 and 7 tanks and put IS-2 on tier 8, SerB said this won’t happen
- the game has no anti-archievements (SS: for 20 misses in a row for example), because SerB thinks there would be always be a bunch of retards, who would “collect” these on purpose, screwing up the gameplay.
- following patches according to SerB: British arty, cybersport, some unnamed tanks, roaming, clanwars (SS: lovely, so many things that most people would enjoy – if you wonder what roaming is, it’s the ability to temporarily play on other servers with your original account, for example with RU account on EU/US servers. It’s connected with upcoming clanwars merge (RU vs EU vs US))
- devs are not planning to reduce the amount of polygons on tank hulls and turrets in connection with the planned physics tank turning on their back (SS: tank turns on its back – you need to model its bottom properly = more polygons overall) – quite the contrary in fact
- SerB states that there are enough tanks for an Argentinian minibranch. All would be based on one vehicle – the branch would be small, but totally epic.
- the sound of turret turning is being developed
- the miniturret on top of the KV-4 turret doesn’t have its own minimantlet
- on one tank, various suspensions have various terrain passability factors
- SU-101 without M62 gun is doing fine
- 7/42 companies: “when it’s done it’s done”
- despite the fact Storm wrote that there will be no further nerfs of arty in 0.8.6, their profitability has been lowered in test 2. Storm states that what he meant was “combat characteristics”, among which the profitability doesn’t count

Vallter also offered some insights into the Superpershing nerf on his blog, worth reading. Amongst the stuff: Sexton I will most likely come in 8.7 with British arty (Excelsior is still scheduled for 8.6) – the way I see it, British arty branch will have Sexton I as premium and Sexton II as tier 3-4 (can’t remember) – nice :)

Make sure to also check out Vallter’s commented patchnotes (I earlier reposted them but that’s hardly fair, so I’ll just point them out here)

37 thoughts on “7.6.2013

  1. “Owners of the T26E4 SuperPershing, who purchased the vehicle prior to the changes, will have the opportunity to sell it for the full retail price in Gold (7,200).”

    Im so happy right now!

    • Such thing should be a normal practic for every premium tank they nerfing from day 1

  2. Argentinian branch once again?!? FFS, NOOOO!!!
    We already have noninteresting Chinese tree with tanks from a different period. We are scheduled for Japanese. We are still missing Italian. We lack Israeli, which would be very interesting to get (and unfortunately, the most interesitng tanks are too modern :( ). There were suggestions about Romanian or Czech trees, with tanks that WERE used in real wars, not just military coups.
    Next thing and we start talking about some Tasmanian or Islandian tree…

  3. - the sound of turret turning is being developed

    Huehuehue, Gnomefather already has a sound ready to replace it :P

  4. - the sound of turret turning is being developed

    This sounds like it’s some major thing so hardcore difficult to develop and i bet myself they could do it right now if they want but they prefer trolling players instead. Just remember how fast did they hotfix the 83mm shell price exploit.

    • It’s hard to develop because WG is a fucking incompetent joke of a company.

  5. - Q: “Is the T110E4 armor historical?” A: “Well, give us the data of the REAL E4, we’ll be happy to have a look at it”

    Because of the above, I present to you the link/thread/discussion below.


    I’ve brought this up in the past to even The Chieftain but with limited traction on the idea before I could present some useful figures. Seeing as how NA players don’t really have a gateway to ask SerB the questions directly like a lot of the FTR blog Q&A’s are written, I figured this could come up here, or maybe copypasta’d over to him for review. Enjoy.

    • When we see that only the fifth proposal of Chrysler for the T110 had a turret … And the hull of the fourth proposal was looking like the front of the T28 ingame !
      The real problem is that all the T110s ingame have a shorten and slightly modified hull of the M103, so all the T110 ingame have to be change strongly to sound a bit more historical (and when we see that SerB uses historical as justification only to buff the Russian tanks …)

  6. “- following patches according to SerB: British arty, cybersport, some unnamed tanks, roaming, clanwars”

    British arty: Yay!
    Cybersport: Damn, I don’t care about cybersports.
    Some unnamed tanks: Good, we can always use more tanks.
    Roaming: Of little use to me. Possibly a wasted patch.
    Clanwars: Fuck it. I don’t play clanwars.

  7. Am I wrong to think German Tank Destroyers were overlooked … or does that fall under unnamed vehicles? We’ve only been waiting how long now … ?

        • The new mediums will likely see the return of the T23, as well as the T54E2 and T95E2.

          The latter two were featured in datamined icon images from the 8.0 client or something like that.

  8. http://worldoftanks-sea.com/en/news/21/premium-vehicle-changes-86-update/
    Aside of that, as compensation of armour nerf, other parameters of the vehicle will be rebalanced and buffed (details will be announced with separate news article). Owners of T26E4 SuperPershing, who have purchased it prior to the changes, will have opportunity to sell it for full price in gold (7200), or have renewed vehicle in their disposal.

    I am interested in what they do with it. I hope we have the chance to sell it after they announce the changes, not the other way around.

  9. - Q: “Is the T110E4 armor historical?” A: “Well, give us the data of the REAL E4, we’ll be happy to have a look at it”

    This is getting to be so worn-out BS answer

    ” if you wonder what roaming is, it’s the ability to temporarily play on other servers with your original account, for example with RU account on EU/US servers.”

    I would like this to happen.

    - SerB states that there are enough tanks for an Argentinian minibranch. All would be based on one vehicle – the branch would be small, but totally epic.


    Nd for the end, German 2nd TD branch is nowhere in plans…again…

    • A mini-argentinian branch will pave the way for mini-hungarian, polish and japanese branches, each with their unique vehicles.

      Crew training will be a b*tch though.

      • Well, the Japanese are sure to have their own full TT, when it comes to Polish tanks… well, they said it’s possible there’ll be a seperate small tech tree, but I would rather have them in the mixed EU tree with their original vehicles, instead of a mixture of Soviet and British vehicles with some original constructions on low tiers. Same applies to Hungarian tanks, but they’re sure to be a part of EU tree. Maybe the Italians will get their own TT…

  10. “-Additional absorption for all types of Spall Liners increased to 20, 25, 30 and 50 percents depending on the type
    It’s converted in really useful equipment, and I would suggest trying it out. Will help greatly to protect your vehicle
    Bushes have now 0.8 camouflage bonus compared to version 8.5″

    This is taken from the commented patchnotes link.
    If I understand correctly, 50% of indirect HE damage to a superheavy spall liner will be negated, right?

    For example, an S-51 shooting the E-100 on hull side for 700 damage in 8.5 will only deal 350 in 8.6, once spall liner is installed? That’s amazing.

      • I believe the spall liner makes the armor 50% more effective against non-penetrating hits, not subtracting 50% off the explosion strength. An armor plate that stops 100 points of damage will now stop 150 points of damage, so they would still be of limited effectiveness against the larger shells.

  11. A lot of tanks need their bottom (re)modeled properly. Several of them have no bottom, and shots to the belly just disappear (even HE).

  12. It is funny that SerB claims the T110E4 is pulled from Firepower, that book has nothing on a semi-turreted design for the T110E4. It actually pretty much calls the T110E4 a slightly modified T110E3 IIRC.

    Firepower even has diagrams of the T110E4 and a wooden model, both clearly show no signs of a semi-turret.

    SerB cannot read.

  13. Pingback: 【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/6, 6/7 – 超潘不砍但是下架 | XVM战绩插件中文化团队

  14. argentinian tanks again? looking foward to see what they come up with.. we don’t have that much, but still :P