Hall of Shame aftermath – I’m gonna get sued!

Hello everyone,

sometimes, it just gets better AFTER the post is already published. Yesterday, in Hall of Shame, I published the rage of the following moron:


(“Die slowly and in pain fucking Polish”)

And guess what I found today in my EU account (Erenjager) mailbox:


“Hello, I am requesting you to pull down my name from your post, where you slander me. I do not wish you to publish anything without my consent. If you don’t do it, I will be forced to take legal steps and bring it in front of a court, I also don’t wish to become a target of further mockery by publishing this message. In case you don’t know what I am talking about, here -> *link to Hall of Shame*. I thank you in advance for your compliance. With kind regards, sranda27″

For such a letter there is but one answer:

How terrible…

152 thoughts on “Hall of Shame aftermath – I’m gonna get sued!

      • more than that, he doesn’t need any permission to post attacks on his person, if the dude doesn’t want his shamefull displays all over the net, then maybe he should stop acting like a child.

  1. Lol, that idiot wants to scare you? lmfao :D
    Good job you posted this, we can have some more fun out of this guy.
    Personally if I see him in battle I will teamkill him.
    What you say FTR readers? Want to hunt for some “hide behind lawyers hater”?

  2. To say the truth, he didn’t shamed him self much. He didn’t discriminate Polish nation in his message, he just offended a single player and that is something that I do almost on a daily basis. Out of all the things people write in chat, this is very tame. I don’t see the reason for him to be that much upset…

    Court :) :) :) Yeah, that is something that should be done, I will sue you for NOT sending me my chocolate, when I requested it :) :) :)

    • While it is indeed not per se shameful to show ones weaknesses publicly, it is very shameful to do so by disrespecting other peoples feelings. But, it’s your choice whether to be the bigger or the lesser man, of course.

    • you’re not really that much less of a misfit and horrible human being just because you insult people individually.

  3. I find it hilarious he thinks he has rights in this case that will allow him to win his “Legal” battle when he publicly posted that comment online in a game to 29 other people…

    • Yeah, guy doesn’t realise that saying something in public chat of FREE online MMO is kind of like going to a city square and shouting it for everyone to hear. You don’t need anyone’s permission to record and publish such ‘performances’ :D

  4. “I will be forced to take legal steps and bring it in front of a court”
    First step is to achieve time being alive for 18 years :)

  5. Actually we have real case in WoT when one players sued another successfully, forcing by law to pay for the moral damage. And that’s just because one called another ‘noob’.

    But that was in Germany.

      • Well, details of it was received by EU support and I cannot disclose the information I obtained due to documents I’ve signed. -) But probably there are some ‘remains’ of this situation, which happened in 2011, in German section of forums. -)

            • Any court papers are publicly available, and court judgements are public, so by giving us a link to any documents would not constitute a breach of anything, even your employment contract because an employment contract is not legally allowed to impinge on, or hinder, any actual laws.

              If this “case” was done as an “out of court settlement” then thats (possibly) not publishable, but then he didnt successfully sue anyone… he just scared them..

              If.. as someone states below, that real names were used and one party altered the quotes, that is ENTIRELY a different matter, because Person A alledged that Person B said XXX, when he actually said YYY, thats slanderous/libellous..

              Proof or …??

              and btw… journalistic freedoms in reporting actual events do not count as slander..

              “Libel is by definition false. Anything that is provably true cannot be libelous”

        • klar, du darfst kein Gerichtliches Aktenzeichen rausgeben.

          Fall das nächste Mal nicht auf Hörensagen ausm Forum rein…

    • ja erzähl mal keine Märchen. Aktenzeichen des Gerichts bitte, am besten noch diverse Pressemitteilungen. Würde das wirklich passieren, wäre das ein Strafprozess und ein Zivilprozess (aus dem Strafverfahren allein gibt’s keinen Schadensersatz)

      english: OP is full of shit.

  6. Next step :

    Print T-shirts with his quotation on the front side.

    Sell those T shirts in Check Republic.


    Profit !

  7. Hahha, idiot feels offended after offending others :D
    Idea with T-Shirts is very nice. I’d buy such thing :D

  8. Tis’funny, but actually, if he takes real legal action and knows what he is doing, could he REALLY sue you? Thats the question.

    • No, he can’t. Even if he convinced a judge of his insult being uttered in a private environment (which 29 people can be), he would then have to show that he was not anonymous at the time of SSs publication.

    • If it’s really SLANDER which he proposes, Slander or Defamation is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation. In this case there is no false statement. he’s just being publicly shamed for something he truly said. He can only claim he was misquoted (lol!).

      • Vtipné mi to nepríde. Pre zverejňovanie konverzácií potrebuješ súhlas oboch strán + jedná sa o správu pochádzajúcu z druhého fóra, ktoré ma tiež svoje pravidlá.

        • A co uděláš? Zažaluješ mne? :)

          Ne, vážně. Pokud je někdo takový dement, aby nejdřív sprostě nadával a pak ještě vyhrožoval žalobou člověku, který je známý tím, že takové dobytky nemusí, nemůže čekat absolutně žádné ohledy.

          • Nie je to môj problém, podobných dobytkov máš v hre 98% zo všetkých národov.

            Očividne ty nebereš ohľad na žiadne pravidla a podobne aj skončíš.

            • SS rešpekt Tvojej práci. Ale tiež si myslím že v tejto situácii nieje HoS na mieste. Denne vidím na WOT desiatky až stovky urážok medzi hráčmi a nikto sa tým nezaoberá. Už len keď niekto napíše niekomu “noob” je to svojim spôsobom urážka a o “idiotic team” ani nehovorím. Chalan neurážal národ ako taký ale konkrétneho jedinca, teda bežná prax na WOT ale aj iných online hrách. Toto nieje prípad toho facebookovského “targeting race or ethnicity” …. A keby si chcel riešiť a zverejňovať každý takýto prípad keď si dvaja vynadajú tak by si ani nestíhal postovať.
              A jasné, je nezmyselné ak sa niekto za takéto somariny vyhráža súdom, ale rovnako nezmyselné je aj to, keď chce niekto ťažko riešiť že si chalaniská vynadali.

              • Zelat niekomu smrt spolu s rasistickou urazkou je neporovnatelne s “noob” alebo “retard” urazkou. Primitivny idiot ako on si zasluzi ban.

        • So you don’t know the difference between the terms of service on a forum and the actual code of laws of a country or the EU? He’s free to publish this.

  9. Not sure if he could take legal steps.

    1st for slander, it’s not slander because it’s written on a website and not a verbal, should be libel. But he typed those words and nobody invented or photoshop that chat. So SS just posted what the player typed. I think that’s not a libel worthy case.

    2nd that was his online nickname, not his real name, so it’s not possible to destroy the credibility or shame the real person just behind that online nickname, unless someone post his real name though.

    Lol for him.

  10. But … after all …
    hes right.

    I mean this, this way.
    Lets figure it out. He was writing something out of emotions, everybody of us knows of these situations (me too), and now he find this message here in this for him and many thousand other Players (and maybe his friends too) watchable and not unimportant (not anymore) blog. And maybe he isnt an typical faggot, who is using polish bias, he just didnt found the right words in his helpless anger and this shit slipped over his keyboard. And now his moment of hate is recorded forever in the net on some public place, which of course can lead people to bully him, like these forums for schoolstudents in america, which led there victims to suicide. Maybe he has such experiences, of getting bullied over the internet. I mean some preposters here in this post already started to bully him.
    So his fear can have clear reasons!
    And this story about the lawyer… of course guys! Welcome to reality! Hes telling you guys, he is completely feared and will use every method to get his security back! Why? because you are threatening his privat live. He is not a funny nickname, this is him you are exposing to the public, like in the middle age, where everone can throw dirt on you. But now he is standing there forever and the whole world can throw there shit on him.
    Think of him as a 14 year old boy, who is acting out of his nature and is fearing at the same time to lose every social contact, because of the natural stupidity of his friends.
    I was in a similar situation in my childhood, and im hell of happy that the internet was not that important in this time (before 15 Years).

    Pls, SS. Learn to take responsibility for your acting on this now really big platform. The laughter of your comrads here is not legitimating your actions.

    • He is not “forever” shamed. Just as long as he doesn’t change his nickname.

      Using publicially derogatory slander of people who are other nationality, other race, other religion or other political view *should* in my opinion result in severe punishment. Public virtual flogging doesn’t seem to me very serious, because the moment you change your nickname you start with a clean slate again.

    • Spout raciest words in a public game, and prepare for the consequences. If it was a tweet he could end up in court for saying that…

    • I am widely known for not giving a flying fuck about feelings of such scum. He COULD have written me something like “I am really sorry I raged, please pull it down, because it could hurt me” – and I might have considered it. Instead, he chose to threaten me with legal action, which for one is total bullshit and secondly, I do not take to threats kindly. His choice.

      • my argument is: hes not scum.
        Hes a normal idiotic boy, who is not considering his actions clearly. Thats why hes speaking like his friends, using to much force for everything, what hes emotional about, like this court matter or polish bias.

        But to learn out of shame, is still not an argument for making him naked in public. Why? We are living in the internet age! Every User is almighty in net. He can say everything, which spouts in his mind, because he feels anonymous, completely secured. But! at the same time this person before the monitor is completely helpless against the other anonymous Users. And his “acting in the net” is of course part of his live, today it seems, like it is the only life childs really have. But if they begin raging against each other with here full force of feeling completely save and killing his life in the net completely, there are childs outside, who have the feeling of losing completely everything. ANd who knows of himself of how unstable he was in this time. He can imagine, that being bullied from the net can be killing people.

        And to make a platform for helping almighty kids to kill themselfs netlife, is nothing honourable!
        It should be forbidden!

        • First: I know a lot “mature” people (not friends) who talk way more shit in the net than kids.
          Second: If he is “mature” (what I think he is) then he is fully responsible for his actions. Racism is nothing to left unpunished.
          Third: Even in a private chat its a national insult. If someone talks to you privately and shows racism he is as guilty as elsewhere.
          Fourth:Yep he could win this with a lawyer but then he have to agree he wrote and meant that. And he would be punished for it.

          One way or another he lost already.

          • im not against punishment, and i dont want to say, that racism is less then this racism.

            but the internet is not the right space for (necessary) punishment! Here is no limit existing! it starts by: being watched by selfchosen moralguards, getting over to a public shame list, then everyone (mostly not involved) starts the hatred machine, it gets game for even more people, who want to have fun, and at the end you get chased by professional stalkers, which personal goal is to hunt you the rest of your internet and sometimes privat real life too.
            … and … i dont know, what you think, but thats no good old “punishment” anymore! A bitchslap in public is heaven against this, and would be totally enough.

            • So the better future is following? Law and Order in the Internet by the Government and punishment of all who stand up by themselves for punishing scum. This is the first step, then the next is to forbid people to speak freely in the Internet about crimes of the Government itself … and so on.

              Ya scum. Why? If they are to dumb to realize what they are doing to themselves when they write shit then they deserve it. If they cant deal with all facets of life then they deserve what they become.

              First world problems. Oh my god we have the internet its so bad to me … on the other side of the world parents have problems feeding their children. Grow up already, we have no real problems. And if people going to kill themselves because of it then they just follow darwins law. Survival of the fittest.

              And now dont tell me what we do become then. We already are humans: egoistic, brutal, crazy and dangerous animals at first.

              You still believe in a good core in humanity. I dont and about professional stalkers, yay let them come baby, time for a lot of fun for me. Im always prepared for shit happening in life since I had to learn to survive. To show fear always is the first step in losing. And I’ll plan to never lose again.

          • no, of course not.
            But even this nickname, he chose by himself, he played with it, he got called by it, by maybe many wotfriends. It has his value! And even more than that. It could too mean an identity for him, if he uses this nickname in other games and platforms and maybe in his privat life too. WE dont know! And obviously he wants to defend his name with lawyers … this tells me, it is reeeally important to him. And even if it looks childish and is maybe only an emotional expression. Let us take him serious, he pleased you to do this, by writing this personal message to you. Even if he was using this childish overstrenghtened “argument”.

            by the way,
            i just wanted to fill my point of view with all necessary arguments. Thats why im writing so much. I dont want to really offend anyone (despite this stupid girl, down there).
            im just an afraid father, who is feeling helpless by protecting his childs in this open killing field.

    • Doing stupid things and learning why they are so stupid through shame. Sounds like growing-up to me. May that be a lesson for him to keep his tongue on a leash.

    • WoW

      Such an impressive speech for defending such a noble cause!

      This is a game! He didn`t took the boy and tied him naked in the middle of the Red Square.If he is so afraid of the “horrors” of some people mocking hes anonymous nickname in a game then he probably already has some serious problems.Even more,if he doesen`t like it than he shouldn`t rage with racist insults.I rage too when bad players make stupid mistakes or don`t want to do what they should but I am never racist and,frankly,I would be more amused than upset to find myself on the “Hall of Shame”.
      Also,maybe this way people will start to rage less.

      In conclusion what SS did is a very good move,this will teach him and many others to take responsibility for what they do and if the boy really feels like he`s world is ending because of this than he already has mental problems.

      • You dont know our kids, men. :)
        If there netlife, which is for them there social life, is over, they get mad!
        I mean, maybe you dont know, what it means losing your social life and watch everyone laughing about you. I know a person, who lost his social life completely, but he told me, that he wasnt bullied, just ignored by completely everyone. But still, he wanted to kill himself.
        (This is an outcoming

      • we are all grownups here (i think), thats why … when our kids (theses stupid noobs, and yes they are) act this stupid, let us atleast take over responsibility.

        Show them there shame on this table, but delete everything after lets say 2 weeks!
        They are stupid! but they dont have to be punished (or could be punished) forever because of there one stupid action!

        • Or, like I said, he can change his nickname, and it it all forgotten.

          Such is the internet: Make a poo-poo, change your nickaname and you are anonymous again, the poo-poo all forgotten.

      • one idiotic half-assed joke and your life change completely
        but atleast she could delete her account.
        and now she should change her name and identity right? will cost more than some ingame gold :)

        • if yo are high profile person, then yes you should be careful what you say in PUBLIC

          this guys should count himself lucky that he’s a nobody and no one knows his real name

          • I’m pretty sure if he was an important person saying things like “Die slowly and in pain fucking Polish” under his real name in public the consequences would be more severe than some online ridicule, and rightly so.

    • sry… but your such a faggot!
      Your one of the person, i want to defend (14 year girl, has to), but you feel so really happy, right? throwing your own shit on some tiny naked boy? And if everybody doing this, yeah!!!! its the right time, your doing the right thing!
      But you have to make it bigger!! why, why, why ….
      not shooting him???

      (boy and girl, im sorry, sorry, sorry…
      and sad)

      • Look sranda27 (for we know that Knaller is just your alt), your best bet is just to take it on the chin, drop it, and change your nick.

        This is the internet, it will all be forgotten in a couple of weeks.

        • sry, im not sranda whatsoever.
          why should i be?
          and if, would my arguments lose there weight and you can feel better again?
          sry, i think not.

          • But thats really funnny!!! :D
            Because i defend someone, who is punished by nearly everyone,
            in the internet you are not getting declared as his culprit! NO! You have to be himself!

            fucking limitless internet

            • Because his actions are indefensible. Or are you saying you agree with the sentiments he expressed?

              • i say, they came out of emotions and are producing emotions. There is not more to tell about it.
                If he thinks like a rascist, nobody can tell, out of this one message. But everybody, who read this, want to believe this from now on. Even if hes defending himself with everything mankind invented, he stays helpless against the stubbornness of this internet audience, which dont know what she is doing, just like him.

  11. The problem here is that if he actually decides to sue, he will most likely win the case. Defamation is the keyword here, and on the internet it’s treated just like in real life by court. It’s kind of the same as if you post someone’s name and something defaming on the blackboard of your office, it’s actually illegal.

    • No, it is not defamation. Simply because

      a) the real name of the culprit is not known
      b) defamation implies untrue words have been used to slander, but in this case the quote of the words uttered in public by the nickname seems to be exactly true.

      The 2011 german case mentioned above was a different case *spesifically* because real names were used *and* because words were altered to not be an exact quote and yet it was implied the person had uttered such words.

      • Keep us updated about latest developments in court SS! :-)

        You could make an interview with the judge maybe?

    • Corvi please next time check the definition of defamation before making yourself look silly. Defamation means spreading either untrue or private information. Unless you are suggesting that the screenshot was photoshoped it i clearly true, and since he wrote it himself in the in game chat it is definitely not private.

      I someone posts a racist tweet and other people than repost it it is not defamation (oh wait, wasnt something exactly like that in the news for the last few days?)

  12. ” I also don’t wish to become a target of further mockery by publishing this message.”
    i see wut u did thar…

  13. Usually I’m not wearing my grammar nazi uniform, but I had to…
    I’m Slovak and that guy has some serious issues with grammar :D
    My eyes hurt.

  14. did the idiot consult a lawyer first (joking)? he would have told him since his own account name is anonymous and does not refer to this real *shitty* physical identity it does not in any way regards as slandering.

    some BlablaUser1 insulted some other BlablaUser2, yea the courts are all over this….
    but on the other hand his remarks (which are racist) do hold in the court of law even if he hides behind a alias.

    this guy is stupid as his name is moronic.
    he should get a good lawyer and sue his parents….

  15. I do not understand what you have against him is right so everyone who still swears he is the most handsome dick: D