Hello everyone,
today, after watching the 8.11 ASAP patch, I was actually quite surprised by the new “national battles” mode. Given the fact that I run a WoT blog, you can imagine I am not often surprised by something new announced publicly for WoT. But in this case, I was.
Why was I surprised? Well, there are two reasons really.
- first, Storm specifically said (a long time ago) this mode would NOT happen and ever since that time, noone bothered to ask about it anymore
- second, it’s such a weird mode noone wants or needs that noone mentioned it for months, literally – not a peep
Let’s have a look at it in a bit more detail though.
The basic idea is that teams of tanks of one nation (and one nation only) will be fighting teams of tanks from a different nation. All German teams vs. all Soviet teams for example. So, take a deep breath and try to imagine the number of reasons this is a very, very bad idea. I came up with a few in seconds. My bad feeling about this is made even stronger by Storm openly stating that there will be no special MM rules for this kind of battle apart from the fact each side will have
The main one is probably the fact that each nation has its characteristic tanks, suitable for a different style of gameplay. Russians have armor and massive, but inaccurate guns, Germans are (very basically said) snipers, the French are (apart from very low tiers) very lightly armored, the Americans are sort of jack-of-all-trades (but master of none) tanks and so on. The average playerbase however likes to derp around and the Soviet tanks in general are the most forgiving (if you make a mistake, you still get a chance to remedy it) and this will inherently be in an advantage versus all the other nations. Germans might potentially be the weakest, because their tanks require a specific gameplay style (if you go around rushing in a Tiger like you do in an IS tank, you will die very quickly).
But that’s not all. Imagine again Soviet versus German teams, tier 6 battle. Remember that MM explanation video Wargaming made a while back? In it, you learned that the MM (apart from using the “basic” template in the beginning) actually modifies the basic battle template based on the current queue. That theoretically means that if one class of tanks is popular on that very respective tier, there will be more of those vehicles in the battle than usual. In our example of tier 6, we all know where the problem is. KV-1S is currently the most popular tank on both EU and US server, if I recall correctly (and if it isn’t, it’s probably second). There is a huge number of those going around and one of the effects it is is that tier 6 battles tend to be “bent” towards more heavies (as in, I am pretty sure tier 6 battles have more heavy tanks on average than – say – tier 8 battles).
So, what you will have is for example a battle, where like 6-7 heavies on both teams correspond to the nation rule, which means the Soviets will get like 6-7 KV-1S tanks and to “counter” it, the Germans will have 6-7 VK3601H tanks and the Americans the M6 heavies. Good luck beating a KV-1S (in worst case driven by an experienced statpadder) with your VK3601H. You can imagine how this battle will probably go, the VK’s will get torn to pieces. There is no doubt that the KV-1S is overpowered and enabling this nation mode will ENSURE that your opponents will always be weaker (as long as you don’t end up in a tier 7/8 battle, but the amount of those will not change, so all in all it’s a buff). I am sure statpadders are very happy about this change.
On tier 10, this situation is reversed. We all know how popular the tank destroyers are now on high tiers. You get 4-5 every battle. So, the Soviets will get 4-5 Object 268′s (nothing wrong with those, after the nerf I think they will do fine), while the Germans will get 4-5 WT E-100′s. Good luck beating that. There aren’t that many of those around yet, but wait for a few months, there will be more. And this situation repeats for every “broken” vehicle on any tier really.
Unless “special” rules are introduced (stuff like “no more than X tanks of type Y in battle”, or such stuff, which Wargaming generally hates to do), I predict that this battle mode will end in failure. It is obvious that some battle setups will be clearly overpowered. This by itself is not such a problem (in current MM, some setups created are much stronger than others, for example when one team gets 3 KV-1S tanks and one M6, while the other gets 3 VK3601 and one M6), the real problem is that on certain tiers, such OP setups will now appear much often than before.
I personally will test it on the test server, but if it ends like I think it will, I will almost certainly disable this option. Unless I feel like playing the KV-1S that is :)
I have a KV-1S and a Waffle tractor …
I have a feeling that I will be going to like this new battle mode. xD
Meeting wolfpack of Hellcats won’t be very pleasant either.
Or T18s, T40s, T29s, T32s, T110s … it’s USA having best tanks overall.
Not to mention the greatest amount of vehicles are the German tanks.
Not the Russian bias, but the hate is the problem.
KV1S is possibly only truly OP Soviet tank right now.
t110s:D guy they are like a happy meal for every tier X tank
Pha! Amx50b is a happy meal. E5 is the hardest thing to beat if it’s in a superior position.
like … ehm … EVERY other tank?
its hard to beat TDs in long-range-combat
its hard to beat sidescraping Heavys
its hard to beat Arty thats shelling your position form the other side of the map
its hard to beat a flanking medium in close-combat
its hard to beat a lights … ehm… doing lights-stuff
Its not difficult to kill enemys when you’re in a superior position. And its allways difficult to kill enemys in superior position.
Sir, your argument is invalid.
Also, a good played AMX 50b is nothing like a happy meal ;)
“its hard to beat a lights … ehm… doing lights-stuff”
Object 430 mark II is also pretty OP.
Just Look at soviet tree: no UP tank, only balanced and OP, than look at the others
Soviet tree has plenty of bad tanks, while at the same time other trees have plenty of very strong tanks…
It’s Waffen Fagger ;)
Every tank its good if u play it right, go to malinovka with WTe100 vs batchats and so on, u will get wrecked before u can see, the problem is if this is going to be just other mod like defend or encounter with normal MM then will just be a fail cuz noobs dont know how to the tanks and they all will chose TDs, camp all game and wait for something like they do now, besides that some nations dont have enought tank lines to make such nation batles so i guess that will fail most probably.
it wont be just wts, you have maus, leo, e50m and e100 to spot and soak damage.
The vid clearly said no chinese and japs for now cuz of the tanktree
Hey SS, is there a way to report people making homophobic comments?
Faggot can be more than just a homophobic slur, it can be used as a regular insult ( basically meaning someone useless or societally unimportant).
I have also the opinion, that the national battles will be a failure. Another example is on T4: British vehicles against french ones. Good luck against Matildas in an AMX 40 or B1 or D2. Much fun. T4 is unbalanced in the first place, just compare TD’s against the normal tanks…Maybe this gamemode helps to show which tanks need to be buffed.
I agree this game mode will be frustrating and challenging at first but it might lead to some rebalancing in a good way and a lot of tanks that are over powered will get fixed and those that under perform badly might get much needed buffs.
the French Lobby beats the shit out of Matildas, KV-1s and Hellcats with their french tanks
‘Nuff said
You just reminded me how nice it is to own a B2. Each match will be 2 or 3 B2s and 10+ Hetzers. And if the MM rules are taken literally, the only team that can face tier 4 heavies would be poor, poor France.
This gun be cruel.
Worst case scenario: it’s broken and sucks so I turn it off.
No harm done, at least they’re exploring this possibility.
Gundepression nerf to -2
and the tank is fine!
I wouldnt be concerned about Kv1s, I would be concerned about 15 AMX 50 100 in one team on tier 8 ..
Ummm … good point. I have an AMX 50 100 too, and I like it very much.
Bring it on!
the MM will only rarely give you a team that unusual.
You’ll more likely get something similar to the below
4x 50 100′s
4x AC48 / 46 – AMX 13 90 / 75
3x AMX M4 45
3x Lorr 155 50
the lack of french medium tanks in the mid tiers T5 Upwards may cause issues
This is not going to happen, do you even know anything about the MM rules?
No, i play this fame since 4 years but gave never heard of mm rules :(
No seriously, there are already pure T8 battles out there, and since there is no special rule for TDs and French lack T8 med tanks it is absolutely possible to get AMX spam. If not 50 100 only then paired with some AMX 13 90. That will be the ultimate auto loader carnage.
Tier 8 only battles are very very rare
Only AMX 50 100 are quite impossible
There are still the TD´s and Artys and the FCM.
The 13-90 cant get in T8 battles.
So there is only the 13-75, the 12t and the ELC that can get in a tier 8 battle. And if they get in a tier 8 battle, its not a Tier 8 only battle.
So think aggain about 15 AMX 50 100
i recall quickybaby doing a t8 15 vs 15 german vs russian tanks event on himmelsdorf and streaming it.
germans got beant and torn up twice. whilst the even traded the nation after one battle.
i think it is a good idea to do, to point onto some underpowered tanks or specific overpowered tanks (or even balancing problem in national-trades) – or even to specifically deny the existence of either of those.
and im sure the stats for this mode will be quite interesting after a few months.
Looking forward to a German tank buff …
… which will never happen. :P
Me too..
I dont believe a tier 8 game with russians vs german tanks is unbalanced, because both teams has strong tanks. Germany have tiger II, löwe (heavy), ferdinand, jpII, and rhm (td) and indien pz, panther II (medium). Russians have is3 and kv4 (heavy), isu-152, su-101 (td), and t44 obj 416 (medium).
I think those are fairly similar in terms of advantages and drawbacks. Only problem is that it depends on how many tanks of each class it is in evey team as well as maps. Obviously some german tanks require possibly more skill to be able to outperform some of the russian ones and even different scenarios.
If german tanks control the situation I believe they will outperform pretty much any tank in tier 8 due to their generally better accuracy but also good rof, decent alpha and aim time. This will be hard on close quarter maps though, where trollish armor and higher alpha is more important. Germans cant play peek a bo as succesfull as russian due to their generally worse armor all over.
I have been playing some team battles lately and I feel a team full of tiger II and a ferdie or jpII for example is highly successful on maps where there is good cover or fought over longer distance. How ever in close quarters, you wont have a chance if a pack of is3 and is6 rush you. You will probably bounce more shots on them than they will do on you, not to mention that they prolly roll for 380-420 damage while you make like 300-350.
Mixed teams are still best no matter what because then you combine strenghts of different tanks to make the job done. For example is3 and a tiger II, one of the most deadly combinations in tier 8 if they make a ambush.
germans have no mediums t7 and higher and therefor will get slaughtered on open maps. Go spot something in your PantherII and tell me how that went for you. Panther and higher tier german “meds” are hvy/med hybrids, that suck compared to russian meds in the medium/scout role.
Ofc that requires that the russian med drivers arnt idiots.
Furthermore germans will always suck on maps, where it is important to reach key positions early, at least in higher tiers.
This game mode is totally retarded.
you forgot IndienPz and two Leopard
This game mode is retarded yes, but keep in mind I was speaking about tier 8 and also, that germans work well in “situations” that they control and or in special ocasions. I never said germans were better than russians, only that they have advantages in some situation. It is true that even at tier 8 germans dont have any real mediums, because indien panzer and panther II are kind of a hybrid between medium and heavys taking their big size, bad camo and mediocre mobilty into account. But because they have that, they generally have better alpha and penentration as well as rof compared to the t44 and t-34-2 to balance it out.
Just imagine Cgurchill’s and Black Princes against KV’s and KV1,KV1S and IS …. ooo the horror in their eyes …
Fighting KV-1S or IS in my Black Prince is not a problem. Regularly bounce both and I fire so often one miss/bounce from a 1S and he is toast
…if they are dumb enough to stay in harms way or you lucky to keep them detracked :)
But yeah, depends on the situation – a couple of well angled Black Princes can hold off advancing ISes quite well in a narrow space, but I smell roasted BPs if they can rush/swarm and overrun :)
SS, think again, this is a very good thing.
If nations battle eachother, than nations as a whole will get combined statistics, which will result in these nations being balanced against eachother, rather than on a per-vehicle basis.
I agree, but only if this mode is popular. And I think it will not be :)
On the contrary. I honestly dislike that part of WoT gameplay – why does my IS helps ‘muricans and Germans to kill another IS? This system is the best part of War Thunder tbh and I’m not surprised WG decided to copy it.
SS, now you know why WG changed their mind about this game mode so suddenly. ;-)
Lol, its about diversity of course. If teams would be matched only by same nations the whole balance would be redone. And if that was the case, it woulnt really be any point grinding different tanks/nations if all had same drawbacks and advantages. If all tanks in nations would be similar then even more made up BS balancing would be needed. I dont see why two tanks from different nations should be similar and play similar, whats the fun in that? Thats why MM are combining different tanks from different nations so everybody can play to their strenghts and take advantage of enemies drawbacks.
We’ll see on the live server :)
I guess they will turn it on by default, like they did with the other modes. 70-80% of the playerbase simply do not know how to turn them off.
Can’t agree with you more, when teams are mixed, both of them have KV-1S or T18 so they got raped hardly equally, BUT when you get the whole team of that OP monsters you just can’t ignore it.
And I’m going to enjoy that wave of rage safely locked in my Tiger, because honestly I’m going to enjoy beating the crap out of the noob-friendly russian tanks a lot, :D
And then you find yourself in a tier 9 battle against IS-8s and Object 704s. Have fun!
first thing on anyone’s mind would probably be the OP tanks which is why i hope it was on wargamings mind too when they decided to do this. Otherwise it might be a short lived gamemode.
If the “stacking” is a genuine problem, then maybe this will highlight even more any tanks which are genuinely OP…
…but maybe not, I really do enjoy fking over KV1S’s in my T49 and various other tanks…
.. I also enjoy derping T49′s and such like in my KV1S….
A lot of “OPness” is based around being noob-friendly for whatever reason, however any decent player can negate the vast majority of a tanks OPness by playing “in the correct style” against it…
As pointed out by the T49 raping KV1S’… so many idiots in a KV think “oh.. little mosquito.. can’t be bothered with him, I will derp that heavy armoured brick shithouse in front of me instead.. bounce? what bounce?? this gun doesn’t bounce? shit I’m on fire!!!!!! U CAN’T KILL ME U HAXOR!!!…”
…or something like… ;)
Personally, I look forward to these battles. and I’m a German tanks driver. Maybe because of these devs will realize how broken Soviet tanks in general are and will finally nerf the accordingly.
I’ll be seeing you in my team then :) In my opinion that opens a whole field for new tactics and gamestyles, it’s a challange for WG, but conducted well it might give the game a whole new gameplay expirience.
Well, I have not played for some weeks/months, but this I will probably check out. And as 80%+ of my battles are in german tincans,…
What I find bad is that one cannot select what type of battle you will end in. Setting these national battles as a separate mode might have been good, the fact that in 60% of battles you will end in pure random battle does not sound any good. (60% if you have all other modes disabled, which I will do in order to test this out)
Russians nerfing Russian tanks????
where do you think we are, 2014???? lol
SS 3 kv1s’s are only a problem if they work together or are platooned. With the tomatoes who make up most of the player base it should be OK.
An idiot in a KV-1S is still more dangerous than an idiot in VK3601H
True. But that is the same with all game modes. A fight against 10+ of them might be an issue but I have had 6/7 against me on standard mode so I am hoping that it will work. If it doesn’t they will remove it like Dragon Ridge and Port… well eventually.
True story
To be honest French T10 tights might be worse nearly every tank will be an auto-loader. If you et flanked your screwed regardless of the tank you are driving.
Totally agree =,=!
hear hear
or something like that,but,knowing WGs philosophy would not be surprised at all if this will be an excuse for nerfing more tanks proving to be dangerous for USSR line
War Thunder tanks are getting close, and WG is getting nervous.
And nervous WG does even more stupid things than usual.
There is a number of much more reasonable things that WG could introduce EASIER that that new mode, like companies of every tier (V, VII, IX – you won’t grind them on companies), or make encounter mode simpler just by placing cap directly in the middle of spawning points, not in some ass of the map.
Fortunately there seems to be option to turn off that new mode.
What if I platoon with my buddy, but we will have tanks from different nations and we have enabled nation battles? Will WG screw up and this situation will destroy the MM or we will go into random battles only?
From the vidoe the national battles are a separate option like encounter and assult.
If you have a platoon of different nations it’s pretty easy for the matchmaking to treat it the same way as if the platoon leader has switched off national battles.
Good point. Probably, you wont able to do that (the easiest option for WG) and this will be another reason to whine. Can`t wait ! :)
I could imagine the screw up in the first phase of the test server :D
Hey guys, my buddy captured a KV-1S from the evil russians, feel free to support him. :D
The entire team will follow one tactics, and everyone will know what to do.
I remember the first weeks since release on RU server, when every Homo Soveticus said “you are the Tiger!!! come out and kill them all!!!111111″
But if there will be entire team of players, who have ever played Tiger, than there will be no questions why I’m standing around the corner and can not stick my nose. And maybe someone will help me properly :)
This. Just imagine a line of 6-7 Tigers firing in unison, precise 88mm shells hitting the Russians every 5.5s… A symphony of colours and rage in chat :D
The mental image that gave me is epic beyond all description.
This is generally a bad idea because some tiers are bad balanced. Appart from that there are big differances between the nations heavys, light, TDs, and mediums. I mean take a tier 8 game for example which is considered as fairly “balanced” how is for example 5 kv4 vs 5 tiger II balanced? There are many fundamental differances between these tanks, as well as 5 amx 50 100 vs 5 tiger II. Team works best with variety of tanks I believe.
I was looking forward to historical battles. not anymore, everything about it is retarded.
well I actually stoped playing wot all together.
these are not historycal battles….
oh my bad than, still retarded tho :)
Indeed. Luckily, you will be able to turn it off. I know I will, as I have encounter and assault turned off. Screw that, glorious 15 on 15 deathmatch to the end!
Starting to think that WOT players my need a drink and chill out. People wanted new game modes and everyone moans when they announce a new one except for team battles which seemed more popular. I am going to at least wait for the test server to test it or possibly for it to go live (too much gold on the test server) If it is Russian bias for the win then I might turn it off.
i think this would help newbies…..just imagine Tier I battles :D
you have the same tank in your team…you can’t say you don’t know who is who……
oh god…that would be funny as hell….
btw…ok..they said teams will be formed from only one nation…but did they mention the case where there are too many KV-1S so they will put together two russian teams?
…….just imagine ……….oh yes………the surprise……the bloodshed……
A team of Loltraktors vs a team of MS-1s. Hilarity will ensue, guaranteed.
Hmm I wonder how they will deal with the UK having no high tier lights
Cromwell + Platoon = Win
Make some valid points. I think this game mode will be a transition into historical. They might add restrictions on what tanks can enter and slowly turn it into historical battle.
There is a lot of this BS going around. SS, you are often very much right, but now you are about as mistaken as you could possibly get. Take the KV-1S. Great gun, nice tank. Right. However, anything with a high ROF, enough HP to survive the first shot and about 110 pen or better, can annihilate the 1S. No matter who is driving it. The VK with the konisch gun, the Churchill VII, the M6, they can all win a straight 1 on 1 fight, in fact, given equal skills, they are likely to win from the 1S. Any dedicated fireteam ganging up on a single tank can annihilate it in seconds, so te argument of multiple KV’s is not really going anywhere useful. I am going to say the exact opposite: if you want to win, you are going to stay the hell away from the Russians. All the noobs are going to be in there, thinking they are going to get an easy win. The good players are going to be in German, British or American tanks.
Also, there has been plenty of demand for this feature. Just have a look on the forum. You should even find a topic by yours sincerely.
Totally agree,
I did the IS6 mission, that’s 700k XP to grind vs the KV1S, and guess what? I didn’t suffer at all from the KV1S. The E25 was the biggest threat.
You ignore the fact that the KV-1S is very mobile and is a terrific peek-a-boom and hull-down tank thanks to having 200% more-than-historical gun depression. There is not a tank at it’s tier, short of M18s/M6s/M36s throwing gold, that can reliably penetrate a KV-1S’s turret frontally.
KV-1S’s “slow” rate of fire doesn’t mean squat on a mobile tank that can hull-down like champ.
Also, having to “gang up” on a tank to kill it is the essence of an OP tank..
what are you talking about? the cupola is huge and you can pen the turret with 150 mm penetration.
That doesnt change the fucking fact that the kv1s is increadable OP in its tier and can autopen learly all tier 6 tanks, as well as making 390-450+ damage, while in return having more than enough mobilty and armor to NOT balance the tank.
Frontally, you can pen the cuppola and the drivers view slit. Also, despite the much vaunted mobility of the 1s, it is not all that fast. You can rush it once it has done its peek-a-boo stuff. The real fun part is when you get to shoot it in the side. Aim between the tracks, slightly after the turret. Conservatively, I would see every third shot is a bonfire.
Tank with high alpha usualy dont stay in the open to let the enemy shoot at them… DPM is largely theoretical stat.
I beg to differ. I put it to very good use with various tanks. It is not just the ability to shoot things full with holes, but also for how long you can safely be rushed. And seriously, how can anybody claim DPM does not matter with the E-25 showing just how much DPM matters?
KV1S yes is OP, but again this is random battle mode. Do you think you can make all players rush for example? Dont forget KV1S ant other soviet heavies tanks cant spot, they can be outspoted by helcats, dickerMax and so on. Dont forget about tier 2 spread, and other factors. There are a lot of noobs KV1S drivers who dies with 0 dmg in random too. KV1S can win easy if you play like the team, but hey its total crap in random mode. It can be disatvantage for KV1S, when your main half team will camp and snipe, they will die after someone spot them.
i don’t see a problem with this mode, i welcome it, finally it will be glorious soviet steel vs all the rest of the trash.
There’ll be hordes of IS7s/T62 backed my monster 268s (even with the nerf, they’re still impenetrable) and the best arty in game, the 261, good luck beating that with anything.
Oh and you mention WF100?, those are trash, the second they get lit they vanish and everyne with half their mind will shoot HE at then.
americans will also domiante, they have the best autoloader ingame: OP57, best/2nd best TDs in game: e3/e4, best bs t10 heavy: e5 and biggest arty: T92
i’m more worried about the french, all flimsy autoloaders, low alpha arty, nerfed TDs… not good.. not good…
And who cares about lowtiers?, this is all for T9/T10, fuck the rest.
And yes, T6 will be soviet tank best in world
My winrate sucks on the best T10 heavy in the game – E5. But on E100 and Maus feels much better.
And i dont know how to win on glorious soviet steel, except KV-5.
What i am doing wrong?
Trash WF100? really? No one said OP OP OP?
Fuck lowtiers? With plesure.. Pz1C, T-15 are ready.
Well said and good thoughts, SS.
I will disable this game mode for sure, especially because I drive no soviet tanks at all.
this mode will be awesome, cant wait for it.
Hmm i see one problem what about lack of arties in chinese and japanese trees? That would mean if you pick those nation you cant get a single battle with arty since those nation currently have no artillery. Or some nation wont have option to take a part in nation battles or some nation will have another nation as allied state which gives him missing types of machines?
PLZ read the news or watch the ASAP Vid. These nations cant participate in this game mode.
I watched it now I just started with top news.
“second, it’s such a weird mode noone wants or needs that noone mentioned it for months, literally – not a peep”
I would say no-one wants it, I was expecting WoT to be like that when I first started, and soon found out that this game loves its strange mechanics.
Hmmmm….Drop in one of these battles as a German in a Panther/M10.
May get a 1/2 second (WTH is he doing…oh) advantage if you happen to drop against an American Team.
Course you can throw that advantage away if you happen to get teamkilled. ;)
As a fellow M10 Panther owner I would love the red and green markers get thrown away! The look on their faces when the unmarked wolverine starts shooting them..
But, that won’t happen so I guess we’ll have to deal with it.
lol the rage would be epic (though not unjustified; irl, what you’re describing is in fact a war crime, but in a game it’s all fair play!)
If tanks would be mogę differentiated Inside nation free, i could work good. But for now all german tanks have slow rotating turrets and bad hull traverse. It means German team have to camp to win battle. And off they cannot fight on hills because of bad depression. Camp more.
I just imagined 3 camping Tigers… Poor blind IS
Just the one tiger will do the trick. :D
Push it one Tier higher:
Three Tiger II fire at IS-3, two bounces, reload, two bounces, IS-3 got visual and set’s fire to first Tiger II easily penning it frontally, two bounces, reload, half the Crew the Rack and Gun of the burning Tiger are toast, burning Tiger can’t hit anymore, so one miss one bounce, IS-3 set’s fire to second Tiger II… and so on… After two Minutes: Three burned out Tiger IIs and an IS-3 down to 500 hp :P :P
Am i watching RNG video?
If you manage to bounce on an IS-3 with a Tiger II, you don’t deserve to drive a Tiger II.
“bad depression”
Most German tanks at tiers 6-10 (not counting lights, arties and premiums) have 8° (or better, in case of Indien-Panzer, Leopard 1 and Pz.Sfl. V) gun depression. Just saying.
2 Maus
4 E-100
2 JagdPz E-100
3 WT E-100
2 E-50
1 Leopard 1
1 GW E-100
vs whatever….bring it :)
Slow moving bricks to be food for arties and tds
Surley Thy will have to relax the MM rules for this mode quite a bit for this to work because making teams of one nation will be straining it a bit.
I think Obj268 is way more OP than WT E-100. Obj can spot it from the other side of the map and it’ll surely remain invisible while firing.
What are you talking about SS this is such a great idea I can already see all the togs in one battle it’s gonna be for shits and giggles :D
new (german) players usually start with the german tech tree.
german tanks are not noob-friendly.
many of these noobs even freexp to tier 10.
its a big number of german tank players (so called retards) that will get raped hard in such a game mode
While the german tanks are really popular, its understandable that they perform worse overall with the huge amount of noobs playing them. But that doesnt change the fact that in 1v1 or close quarter battles, the russians do have an advantage.
Germans will get rape since they are snipers and they dont really have good and fast stealthy meds to do that job which also has some armor. For me at first glance we might witness the rise of soviet win rate in that game mode.
People seem totally retarded to think it would be “fun” to own in this game mode by choosing tanks that clearly are broken and give alot of advantages compared to other tanks. This is what happensed to artys and now with TDs, if everybody plays strong tanks it ruins the gameplay for others, and hence they will nerf the entier class. Team battles are alreaddy like that more or less, is3, t32, amx 50 100, tanks that will punish you more than you will punish them, and little diversity.
This is like LoL’s One-for-All :D
Ctfu nubb
imagine 10 E 50M in one battle, ramming party no matter what nation
That’s not a tank battle, that’s a Demolition Derby!
5x FV304 in one side, while much slower reloading and worse accurate artys on the other side…
Much will depended upon mix of British tanks with those 5x FV304′s. I watched some scouts and a platoon of 3x FV304′s in a random match run rampant. It was a nightmare. The other team (mine) collapsed under the continuous arty fire.
15 Hotchkisses vs. 15 T18s… huehuehue…
I will just be waiting here in my KV-2 ^^
15 S-35 CA’s, 15 ARL 44 with 105mm guns, dis gun be fun.
Oh yes! Finally people will see how op certain tanks will be. KV-1S and T18 will dominate for a while, but i hope developers will see now how op those tanks really are.
But when these are corrected i really do like the idea of national battles. :)
If KV-1S is not nerfed then M6 more alpha and Arl more accurate and faster shooter..
what about sucky vk3601h then?
U can kill any KV 1S with a M6 tank easily.. most Kv 1S drivers are very bad players..
but to be honest.. this game mode is useless..
So it’s the fault of the mode that tanks are imbalanced.
This is THE BEST THING since I started my WoT career. I wished for this game mode for a long time, now my dreams finally come true. Sadly we won’t be able to play this mode 100% of the time (regular random can’t be switched off), but still… I’m looking forward to kick ass in my GER and FRA monsters!
I am astounded WG are going to do this. They have so far managed to mask tanks performance by mostly having one on each team. Now that it will be one country against another and never against the same the OP tanks and UP tanks will really show up. get ready for a few months of slaughters on these battles.
1. I really love the idea to try this mode. Even if probably I would not play it in the long run.
2. Biggest problem with that mode is that tanks are balanced and game is organised for mixed nation team. French tanks for example work great if they have some meatshields to hide behind them while reloading and then show up and kill.
So it’s possible that some nations will underperform or overperform in this mode, even if the tanks are balanced perfectly well for random battles.
3. You are generally right with your predictions about broken vehicles, but let’s go one step further.
If on a specific tier one nation is OP, then people will notice and will not be playing other nations areound that tier. Only thoise who are too stupid or careless to notice, will play this mode.
Which means, that underperforming nations will be underperforming even more, because they will practically always face OP nation and they will consist of mostly mediocre or worse players.
4. I wouldnt worry too much about OP vehicles unless we are talking about real monsters like KV-1S.
Let’s look at tier 6.
Russians are of course OP with their KV 1S
USA are also very good, with Hellcats, M4A3E8, where M6 are a bit lacking, but they have chaffee
Germans are ok with VK36.01H, decent mediums, JgPz IV and Nashorn and VK28.01
Brits are still pretty decent with overarmored monsters like churchill, AT-8, best arty FV304 and OP cromwells
Only Frenchies are a bit worse, with ARL44 and tier 6 TD being mediocre at best and AMX 12t being some kind of mix between scout and medium.
At tier 8
Russians with IS-3, T-44, ISU-152 and SU-14-2
Americans with T32, Pershing, T69, T28 and M40/43
Germans with KT, VK45.02A, JgPanther II, Rhm, GW Tiger and sniping meds
Brits with Caernarvon, Centurion, AT-8 and FV spomething
All those are comparable – have heavy tank with good armor, medium with decent mobility and gun with good penetration, TD with either big gun or good armor and big splash arty.
Only frenchies are different – AMX 50 100, AMX 13 90, Lorraine – it’s a recipe for disaster – or for pure ownage in case the team will play right
So what about ter 10?
WT E100 hidden behind german heavies can be brutal – but if they will be played badly, they will be next to useless. Except mediums they are least mobile, so it will be limiting factor.
Russians are easiest to play, they have 2 similar heavies, 3 the same meds, 2 sniping TD’s and one accurate and quick arty.
Americans offer the biggest variety – E3 or E4, T57 or T110E5 plus high dps medium and big splash arty
Brits have very bad medium, okeyish heavy, high alpha TD and very useful arty, brits may be problematic to play.
Aaaaand…. frenchies
Everything is quick, have burst capability and no armor. Sometimes epic win, most of the time epic fail.
I wouldnt worry about OP vehicles.
Te only thing that really makes me worried is if people will learn to adapt their behavior from random battles to nation battles.
If they do, it could work, if they dont, no one will play french tanks and… that’s all.
Good post.
But I couldn’t resist to register for a simple question.
Tier 6 is statpaddling as well, now?
I think there are many skilled players with long running crews in this field.
So is it that all these players fall in this unloved category?
And if we all should play T8-10 to be “fair players”?
The percentage of noob players should be not too high in T6.
Also quickly thinking through the tech trees most T6 tanks are noob friendly.
I guess a player first getting T7 or T8 has more frustration fighting players with >=4 skill crews and playing experience.
Just look how many complaining topics the forum holds about the Tiger.
I could just have fun in the game and don’t mind.
But think some people will read you blog and get a mindset it is unfair if they get killed by a cromwell with 1000 matches.
There is enough hate and whine about mm, gold and what not already in the game.