
- Storm confirms that the new render limit will be a 700m radius circle (currently, it’s a box and the maximum distance of render is 707m)
- Storm states that the new chat system will fix the bug, where during high server load periods, you don’t see your friends in friendlist as online, if they are on another server, this will however not be fixed soon
- apparently, national battles will not increase random battle waiting time (SS: if I understood correctly)

- Type 59 upper frontal plate was changed by 0.5 degree after 8.11 remodel
- team battle improvements (choosing your setup depending on your team) will not be in 9.0
- apparently, developers are considering adding tank names on minimap
- SU-152 will most likely not get the OBM-53 (early BL-10) gun
- Storm doesn’t consider the 8.11 WT E-100 nerf a “mere formality”
- no plans for +/-1 MM
- there are differences between Jagdtiger and Jagdtiger 88 in speeds and such, because developers don’t want to touch a premium vehicle
- multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this
- Storm posts that “hardcore mode” (SS: very realistic mode with instakills and such stuff) is wanted by very few people, it could theoretically come, but it has very low priority, when a player argues that e-sports stuff is not for the masses either, Storm replies that for one, e-sport is much more popular than hardcore mode and second, e-sport has very high share of paying players
- apparently, historical battles will run with a matchmaker (SS: earlier it was considered to have fixed setups), there will be limitations and individual MM weights for historical battles only
- there will be two Panzer III tanks, Panzer IIIA will be reworked under the “early” variant apparently (tier 3 and tier 4)
- all of the Panzer IV, III and StuG variants have the possibility to actually have optional hulls
- Q: “More Panzers? Stolen from War Thunder?” A (Storm): “From Hitler himself!”

145 thoughts on “30.1.2014

  1. multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this

    Sure only like 90% of EU playerbase, you know like ppl with computers, not calculators…

      • Small? More like everywhere beside Russia. Just check out any electronics store in europe and try to buy something that doesn’t have multicores. Maybe you will find some dishwasher or calculator. On one hand WG claim’s that they make casual game for EARNING adult men and on the other hand game looks like it was made for 3rd world students who had to build their computer from wood and entire village has to starve for month to get internet connection for hour of gaming. Not to mention according to WG “multicore support” is 2 cores… LOL
        Despite earning MASSIVE amount of money, WG is too gready to buy a real game engine and hire programmers who aren’t too drunk and too dumb to remake game for it.

        • Most of EARNING adult men don’t even know that a PC have a graphic card. And not many of them bother to upgrade their few year old PC, please try to use your head.

            • Oh poor little child. When you grow up, you’ll understand that for _adults_ the latest and most shiner PC is not anywhere near the top when thinking how one spends money.

              For me, I spend couple of weeks in Japan for example. The flights alone are worth more than your PC..

              I mean, yeah, I could easily buy a top-notch-super-calculator, but I rather do something else with my money. And my pocket calculator pulls 30-40 fps easily with 1080 and med-max details with i3-540 + 2Gb GTX660. So .. multicore .. naah, rather focus on _optimizing_ the engine.

          • Dude.. I have a laptop from 5 years back that I am playing on at the moment. It is crap, old and ANY working person playing on a computer like this would upgrade to a new one, since its almost unplayable with this computer.
            However. I DO HAVE a multicore processor on the computer.
            (I am a poor student, thats why I dont have a better computer)

        • I am an Australian citizen living in the third world (Argentina), and I am a student.
          I do NOT live in a village. My computer is NOT made of wood, and my CITY does NOT have to starve for month to get an internet connection for an hour of gaming.
          If you are going to belittle people from the third world and treat them like they came from some village lost in time, in the middle of Africa, at least make sure you don’t speak like a cavemen. Thank you very much. Now please, don’t pollude my part of the internet.

      • I’m sure the millions of dead accounts (with 0 battles) are counted as single-core PCs …

        • Exactly this (you beat me to it was thinking of this myself)

          For single core machines (intel), you have to find:
          A) Old Pentium 4 or earlier – mid-to-late models all had hyperthreading, which is different to dual core but still allows concurrent threads.
          B) Core, not many in consumer devices
          C) Early Atom, but unless you have one of the first tegra devices you wouldn’t go anywhere near one with a game (all in those mini notebooks, and the form factor isn’t too conducive to gaming. Also rare as they were (rightly) a lot more expensive than the ones without nvidia graphics)

        • Except 16% are DX10/11 GPU on WindowsXP, and that means it’s DX9 only.

          I bet on Russia the amount of WinXP users is even higher.

          You can blame Microsoft on this. They intentionally left WinXP without later DX just to boost sales of Vista.

    • It´s about it, tahat if you have got multi core 1,5 GHz processor and multicore support you are able to play but without it nope. And it will get much more FPS for those who got multi core.

      And its really useable. about the 90% its probably like this :D

      • I already have 60 fps stable on single core, so while I do have a multi core CPU, I don’t give a shit.

        • If you don’t give a shit, why the hell are you commenting? Does it not occur to you that there are people out there who have multi core CPUs but get WORSE fps’s than you because of the lack of multicore support?

          I personally have an i7 3770k that could easily play this game at >100fps (with a 144hz monitor to boot), but because of the lack of multicore support, I get about 60fps.

          • Stop like it what I don’t like!

            he can commenting is perspective. that’s why comment is here

            • I must add some more thing. I think I was a little bit rude.

              thing is 3D physic game like this (WoT is not really has physical interaction during the game but why not), the graphic card is more important, frequently Storm said “update your GC driver” due to improvement of performance by maker.

              so you have about 60 fps! that’s fair enough, unless you are the guy who scream with the benchmark chart that 3~6 fps makes everything different.

              and game itself can block the fps, as the frame in garage is blocked to 60 fps( it was updated after feedback). things are complicate. so shall we chill?

          • because some dip shit claimed 90% of the EU playerbase longs for multi core support

            you need 100 fps? You’re delusional.

          • @ Mort: well, the difference between 100 and 60 FPS can’t be noticed by human eye, so why you whine about something like that?

    • At the current day even the shittiest PCs in my school have a two core processors, it really is russia who still uses the old USSR computers….

      • Soviet Union never manufactured personal computers in large numbers, and anything from the 80s wont even run the shittiest game of 21th century, maybe mobile games from Nokia cellphones from year 2000

        Unless you are stupid enough to believe that USSR still exists, which I have to spoil it for you they imploded in 1991 (1993 for abolishment of Soviet System in Russia)

    • I have a 4540s HP notebook, with amd radeon HD 7650, i-5 3.10 (or less) GHz. Im running WoT at low settings, with textures and draw distance at high/maximum and light off, and i get 35-55 fps. How much will multi-core suport improve my performance, fps?

      Thanks :)

    • yeah, exactly.. what planet does Storm inhabit… Multicore support is the _one_ thing I’m waiting for..

      • Hmm, here I am running a QUAD core laptop (and an inexpensive one at that, barely $900 USD)
        Sure the GPU is a little weak (radeon HD 7XXX series, I forget which), but Im struggling to get 30FPS on medium settings. The sooner true multicore comes, the better.

        • yea hmm.. i remember the WG Movie bout their company, i remember their CEO vikytor playing around with his Alien Ware top Laptop.

          i guess you have in russia those who have and those who don’t have.

      • Im having old C2D E8400 3GHz, and a HD7870 2Gb, with a 8Gb of ram. getting solid 30fps. but not higher than 40fps. But the wierd thing is, these FPS’s are at ANY GRAPHICS SETTINGS, std render and improved, MAX and low…

    • I have a 4 cores hyperthreaded (so 8 “cores”) laptop and box and I am not waiting for this neither.

      You eyes, if you are the quickiest person of history, can’t see more than 30 FPS, let’s say that above 40 FPS, you won’t notice any difference (and don’t try to even say the opposite, you simply CAN’T notice the difference unless you drop under what you are physically able to see).

      Multicore CPU won’t affect much the game FPS for many ppl. I barely notice when I go from 120 FPS to 30 FPS, sure things seems a bit less smooth but it is still VERY playable.

      So please, don’t state that since we have multicore computers we are waiting for a multicore game. It is obviously not the case for everyone.

  2. “- Q: “More Panzers? Stolen from War Thunder?” A (Storm): “From Hitler himself!””

    My Favourite :D Looks like someone is scared of competitors…

    • Why? Wt system of multiple version of same vehicle is so bad

      Unlocking la5 then la5fn then la7 and finally la9 has 1 more cannon
      Its boring

      • But at the same time U have more of the plane u love to waste in AB :) And its not like u have to play each LA-5 100 times to unlock the next, u play w/e the f U want to unlock the next.

      • Yes, but look at all of the Bf 109s
        Bf 109 E-1 and E-3
        Bf 109 F something and something
        Bf 109 F-4 and F-4 trop
        Bf 109 G-6 and G-10
        Bf 109 K-4.

        And this WILL be the same with German panzers.

        • WoWp isnt much different you have


          and the different gun upgrades are basically the different versions of each.

    • Historical Battles are a thing in WoT.

      Makes no sense to not represent the earlier marks of Panzer IV in them.

  3. Q: “More Panzers? Stolen from War Thunder?” A (Storm): “From Hitler himself!”

    OMG Storm Trolling!

  4. - there are differences between Jagdtiger and Jagdtiger 88 in speeds and such, because developers don’t want to touch a premium vehicle

    oh for the love of god, please stop it! since when do they NOT want to touch a premium, becasue SP pops in my mind right off the bat, and now the type 59..

    • The Type 59 changes are so small they’re hardly worth mentioning.

      The Super Pershing changes were because it was physically modeled wrong. Unfortunately, it did amount to a nerf and WG didn’t do anywhere near enough to compensate for that.

      • They did compensate for it – one could get a full gold refund for it from WG between two patches, which amounted to rather more than a month if I recall correctly. I kept mine, and I don’t horribly mind the changes because I never played it like I thought it was impervious to harm like some SP drivers.

        They are perfectly willing to alter their premium vehicles when it suits their purposes, so any statement about “devs not wanting to touch a premium vehicle” is nonsense.

        • They most certainly did NOT compensate. The option to sell it for gold is a mere “if you don’t want it anymore, we’ll give you your money back”.
          Compensating would be “i see it lost a lot of armour, let’s give it more penetration!”
          The 170mm of pen ruined it for me. Not just gameplay-wise, but historically too: there’s a reason it’s called SUPER pershing. The T15E1 gun was supposed to perform as well as Tiger II’s 88L/71, but 170 is FAR from 201.
          The problem is, you can’t brawl the heavies (no pen), you can’t flank the heavies (no mobility), you can’t fight other mediums (no agility), and now you can’t even bounce shots.
          I can’t friggin wait for the T-54 LITE, as long as it’s anything like WZ-132 I’ll love it.

      • You might be new to the game… the Type 59 has been changed (a lot) in the past. There is a very good reason why it is no longer in the shop.

      • The big thing about the SP armor nerf was that they went back on their own previous statement that various types or qualities of armor plate are ignored when calculating effective armor (which is how early war Soviet steel and late war German steel aren’t weaker than their thickness would suggest)…then they say that because the spaced armor on the front is boiler plating, it’s less effective than armor-grade steel, so they nerfed the effective spaced armor to reflect that.

    • There’s also the T34 (but that’s a dead horse that I won’t beat anymore), and the Lowe (which is due for a buff after Hillary Doyle showed them documents that proved that the ammo capacity and side armor were to be greater than what the Lowe has in the game already).

  5. - SU-152 will most likely not get the OBM-53 (early BL-10) gun

    Who the Hell suggested that?

  6. - no plans for +/-1 MM

    So many (bad) players moaning for that on the French section of the official forum that i’m really happy to read that. It will give ammunitions against their moanings !

    • Those people oviously weren’t playing in the times of +/-3 MM. M3 Lee sure was fun in tier 7…

    • Well,

      1) this is not only a french forum request, almost any community have ppl asking for it

      2) what those ppl are saying is somewhat legit since they also ask for a premium ammo removal. Premium ammo is justified by this +2/-2 MM for many players, it is obvious many ppl are whining about premium ammo nowadays since it just ruins the game mechanics for heavy armored tanks

      3) it was +4/-4, then +3/-3 and so what ? It was removed for a good reason, don’t you think ? Facing a T10 heavy with a T6 one is fun ? If it may be balanced for the whole team BUT if your top tier tanks are just idiots, what are you supposed to do ? You can’t always say that ppl asking for something you don’t like are stupid, it could even be the opposite. I am not asking for it neither but at least, I read their comments and everything isn’t crap. Stating than before it was even harder is crap.

  7. - Storm confirms that the new render limit
    will be a 700m diameter circle (currently,
    it’s a box and the maximum distance of
    rander is 707m)

    Could’t they make it 720m as most shells live 720m? I know 20m is not much but when you are aiming at a tank for 7 second with your TD and in last moment he moves out of renderer effectively making you waste time. I know you can shoot but there is no guarantee that he didn’t move 1m to side.

    Still this is improvement as most shootouts today happen at maybe 550m, rarely over.

    • “Could’t they make it 720m as most shells live 720m?”

      So that when he moves back to 721m you’r shell will “expire” 1m in front of him ?
      You should stick to playing game more and less to comenting mechanics.
      And btw effective shell range is 750m …

  8. I like how in the last three years, the fanboy fags on the official forum always defended wargaming when it came to the stupid render limit box and how it would be impossible without wasting million megahurtz of computing power to make it a circle.

    • Since it happened “always”, I’m sure you can provide a handful of links to people actual saying that?

        • “And why should I do that?”

          You make an overblown claim, be ready to back it up with some facts. Not fair enough for you?

          “You don’t believe people defended wargaming over that?”

          I believe that people might have made statements similar to what Baldrickk wrote below – and I also believe that for people with poor reading comprehension skills difference between his post and what you wrote might be undistinguishable.

            • If “asking for examples of someone’s exaggerated claim and then deriving pleasure from watching them squirm as they’re unable to come up with anything” is tantamount to “only posting to argue” – then yeah, guilty as charged. :)

    • I’ve said in the past that the resources required are less for the square vs circle, but not that it would break the servers or anything like that.
      More of a “so that’s why they did it that way”

      This will actually be a really nice buff to scouts, extending the scouting area in the cardinal directions by about 500% e.g. prokorovka 1/2 line…

      Wasn’t really a problem before because you always had arty to shoot things at range.

  9. quote: “- multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this”

    allow me to laugh my ass off

    • a few wait for multicore, the rest wait for WT (sry, couldnt resist)

      Instead of golden joystick WG should have won Worst game engine 2013, Worst map design 2013 (we all missed Komarin), Best Sci-Fi-free-exp-b4-they-nerf tanks of 2013 award aaaaaand Most Ignorant game company of 2013 award.

      I’d be less pissed if they didnt have any money to upgrade/buy a new game engine, but they do and they spent it on digging for spitfires WoWP and other BS

      • I used to play WoT on a computer that got 1-5 fps on min settings, did that for about 2.5k battles, then started using a computer which got up to 10 fps until 4-4.5k battles at which point I finally bought myself a computer with an i5 processor @ 3.1 Ghz and AMD Radeon HD 7650M graphics card. Until 8.4 or 8.5 update that ran the game on high with about 30-40 fps, but because Dell does not allow you to upgrade graphics drivers I now get about 25 fps on medium settings.

    • well those who don’t wait, they simply play on standard graphics everything on the lowest possible at 20fps. (seriously, I’ve heard of players playing on low at TWENTY fps, I’d say “fck this slideshow!”)
      And the point is they could play at med/high pretty fluently…

      honestly this is the only feature I’m waiting for since around 8.6
      I dont give a fcuk about their copy-pasted russian-chinese-japanese-klingon tech tree, and their new maps that roll once a week because Erlenberg is every second map.
      Yohoo “windstorm” .. who cares, that map will roll like twice a week.

      If I could “upgrade my account” to support more than 1 core for 10000gold I’d do that right away.
      WG: fix the technical issue, more content won’t help.

      • I dont get all the bitching. You can get a Core i3 or FX-4300 and run WoT on decent settings. Fork out for a core i5 and your will run at 1080p with no problem (If your GPU is decent that is).

        • I got i7 + GTX770
          I’m running 45-50fps at maximum settings. only Shadows medium. No v-sync.
          I’m bitching because I want v-sync.
          And I’m bitching because once we get “hd models” without multicore, framerate will go down. And it will.

          • FX-6100 @ GTX760 = 30FPS with everything at max and track effects & traces turned off (big FPS drain).

            • WoT has an issue with v-sync. For me (560ti, dual monitors) most of the time was stuck at 30fps constant (all off except textures) and drops with load to 20 or less. With vsync off and almost all at high it’s between 55-75. Might be the 2 monitor setup or drivers or WoT but can’t really pinpoint.
              My suggestion, try with vsync off.

      • Shoot, I was one of them until about 4 months ago. 15-20 FPS on the lowest settings, could never justify the expense for an upgrade to the computer. Not with bills and such. It was pretty rough, rough on the stats too. Unfortunately, I’m still paying for it there.

    • ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz (2,00 GHz) ** RAM: 2047 MB Total (464 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 **

      This is my system. Bitch please……

  10. - Storm confirms that the new render limit will be a 700m diameter circle (currently, it’s a box and the maximum distance of rander is 707m)

    Why is this information ignored everywhere? All this talk about TD nerf and tank hulls, but the render limit increase will change the game on a whole new scale.

    Until now there was only a very small distance in horizontal/vertical map directions where you could shoot a tank without getting spotted. Take attack mode on Karelia: With a minimap mod displaying the render limit and the spot range circle I could distance myself in a perfect spot while defending and did a ton of damage. Or our beloved forrest in Murovanka: The inner side of the forest (left on minimap) is in view range of the hill line in the west, the outer side of the forrest is not.

    It will change the maps a lot, take Campinovka: Render limit won’t change that much for the field between the bases, because that is already a diagonal view, but shooting up and down the hill near the map edges will change drastically.

    I think they just revived the scouts with that change.

    • welcome to the sniperlands where you can shoot without being spotted(from the maximun 445 spot distance to the 700 max render is a lot), the main event is the drawfest(the first tank spotted will die since the maps are so small you will be able to shoot from one side to another), and wt will be crowned king, since will have 255 mts to play without being spotted(with 0 cammo in maps aligned with the axis, south-north or east-west, he only had 55 mts of not being spotted while shooting, now that has changed completely)

      • I think that you have missunderstood the system right now..
        The maximum distance you can see a tank on your screen right now is at 707m (diagonaly on the map). This has NOTHING to do with the distance you can spot tanks. NOTHING AT ALL!
        All that it will do is to make campers less safe, since a scout can go scout the campers and they can be shot instead of the whole team needing to go there at once when some people are camping in some bushes.

  11. Did they just tell us they nerfed the type59 and in the same sentence refuce to change the premium jagdtiger because it is a premium vehicle?

      • It doesn’t even specify wheder it will gain +.5° of slope or lose .5° of slope.
        And stop calling everything a nerf. Superpershing was a nerf, the rest is just a slight change in model.

  12. “- apparently, developers are considering adding tank names on minimap”

    and again a feature that is already available with addons – how many patches WG need to do this? (just like the reload timer)

    • Not that surprising really, considering 70% of the players never look at the minimap. Besides, WG have a long history of adding mods to the game.

      A nice feature anyway, I would love to get it soon.

  13. - “because developers don’t want to touch a premium vehicle”

    Wish they’d had this mentality when they were beating the T34 with the nerf bat patch after patch after patch.

    Also, it’s funny that they say this, while doing this:

    - “Type 59 upper frontal plate was changed by 0.5 degree after 8.11 remodel”

    So is that an buff or a nerf? Is it going toward the vertical 0.5* or toward the horizontal 0.5*?

    “multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this”

    “A few” being everyone with a multi-core CPU. I’ve been waiting for this for years. I’m getting a pretty bad bottleneck because of the lack of multi-core support.

    • “Wish they’d had this mentality when they were beating the T34 with the nerf bat patch after patch after patch.”

      My T34 is fine, what’s wrong with yours?

      • It was better immediately after they made it a tier 8, before they spent the next 5 patches nerfing it?

        It works now, yeah, but it used to work better.

  14. Storm confirms that the new render limit will be a 700m diameter circle (currently, it’s a box and the maximum distance of rander is 707m)

    SS, tell me that’s a typo, and you meant 700m RADIUS.

    • Yeah that’s probably what was meant with that statement. I don’t think they will halve the rendering distance to less than the average viewrange of most tanks. ;)

  15. multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this.

    Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this
    This is pull shit Storm seriously asshole.

  16. - multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this

    so the majority of the EU, NA, and SEA servers only count as a few people? RIIIIGHT

  17. “- Storm confirms that the new render limit will be a 700m diameter circle (currently, it’s a box and the maximum distance of rander is 707m)”

    This is very old news. The more important question is “When will this come?”
    If someone could get them to answer that, that would be great!

  18. They really should upgrade their renderer to DX11, we’re in 2014 and there’s no place for DX9 in gaming.

  19. - no plans for +/-1 MM ? ? ? F**** !!!!!!! im very saaaaaaaaaaaad =[ not gooooD WG
    +/-1 MM should be in VIII and IX tiers.
    i dont like be VIII and play with X ;/ its better to be VII and play against IX but no VIII against X
    think WG !

    • You can make that argument with any tier. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re not implementing it.

  20. - there are differences between Jagdtiger and Jagdtiger 88 in speeds and such, because developers don’t want to touch a premium vehicle

    I just have to lol @ this.

    • Somewhere in Germany, during WWII, an 8.8 cm gun is installed in a JT, reducing its top speed by 10 km/h. -_-

  21. - multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this
    Yeah,my PC is powered by Siberian Hamsters,
    Multi core,whats that about,never heard of that one.
    You can keep you new fangled Muti core voodoo.
    I am more than happy to live in the dark ages

    • lucky you, my score in the party was downgraded they toke my Siberian Hamster, now i’m single core + 2 farm chicken.

  22. - apparently, developers are considering adding tank names on minimap-

    So, WG is buying the rights on more mods, and guys like Locastan or the XVM folks will start making money out of their mods? That would be nice for them, with all the effort they put in :)

    • Not even month ago I’ve seen Q&A where Serb/Storm said they won’t do that cuz it’s overwhelming. It’s gonna be extacly the same story like with reload timer. First they said it’s not needed, then after months of struggle cuz it’s so hard to do they manage to rip it off from mods and claim that they came up with that on their own when only true diffrence between it and reload timer in mods is that it looks worse and is more bugged lol..

  23. - multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this

    /signed. One of the many “few” people.

  24. I was going to ask you to stop putting “- no plans for +/-1 MM” into every freaking one of these (Seriously, someone asks in almost every one)…but from the comments, I’d say there are still plenty of people who have either ignored it the past elenty-bajillion times they’ve said it, or have just started reading.

  25. it’s better change the GC than wait for multicore


    the game itself is bad. admit it

  26. I still have alot of problems with the team battles menu.
    Looking through all the teams I see alot of double entries, other entries that lead nowhere, and if I click on a team it often happens I cannot view another team and its stuck, so I have to exit and start up the team mode again. It’s a mess.

  27. - Storm doesn’t consider the 8.11 WT E-100 nerf a “mere formality”

    and what about RHM? most OP tank these days…

    • I think most players suck at it and die early, even if the good players get 4k+ damage regularly with it, so its “balanced” :D

  28. ” Type 59 upper frontal plate was changed by 0.5 degree after 8.11 remodel
    - there are differences between Jagdtiger and Jagdtiger 88 in speeds and such, because developers don’t want to touch a premium vehicle”

    Type-59 = bad guy of WoT, so we can nerf it ALL TIME!!!

    Good irony WG!

  29. “- multicore support will not come in 9.0, it will come “when it’s done” and it will support as many cores as you have, Storm notes that only a few people actually wait for this”
    This is a simple answer why I won’t give any money directly to those idiots. Last time I’ve seen a computer with a single core processor was in 2006. The game looks like shit and runs like shit and they don’t give a single crap about it despite milking it until it’s dry.