Storm asks for player opinions on WoT


Hello everyone,

Storm made a summary post, asking players, what they would like WG to address in WoT. From the discussion:

- Wargaming knows about bots and Storm says they will fight them, but he also says there are much fewer of them than what players think, “less than 1 percent of all players” (there is an analysis running, after that botters will be banned)
- new anti-bot system is in developing process
- Storm states that saying every battle has 1-2 bots camping spawn points is exaggeration
- Storm says that AFKers and leavers will be punished
- according to Storm, North-West map in 8.11 is just fine
- Storm admits that Severogorsk and Sacred valley have some balance problems
- all the new “problematic” maps were made by the same people, who made the old maps
- Komarin will be either once again reworked, or removed altogether
- Storm uncovers plans for light tanks:

“We will introduce top high-tier light tanks (tier 7-8) for main nations – USSR, Germany and USA. Old light tanks will get their battletiers changed and maybe some buffs” and “in any case, we will try to make the LT life easier”

- regarding tier 9-10 light tanks introduction: there are no candidates even for main nations
- US LT branch will start from Chaffee, candidates are T49 and T92 light tank (both for tier 8) (SS: Storm originally wrote T42, but there is no such thing)
- roaming will come in 2014
- a player was complaining that it makes little sense to do full damage to a tank by shooting a tiny copula or other external weakspot, since the shell doesn’t actually go through into the tank. Storm states that the developers have the possibility to assign reduced damage coefficient to a certain armor group, but if a 100-damage shell did for example only 50 damage when shooting a copula, there would be a lot of confusion amongst the players
- the same thing as above could be said about HE shells (they are also confusing), Storm however states that the playerbase already understands that “HE = strange, AP = not strange”, removing them would just piss people off
- developers are considering an option, where damaging the tracks or the gun (external modules) with high power shells would transfer some of the damage to the tank HP itself, if it came, it would be tied with additional text and sound info
- Storm states that WoT has constant optimization, for example in 8.11 a lot of players report higher FPS (SS: including me – IF they fixed the new maps, haven’t tried)
- optional blocking of showing your stats “has a huge number of opponents”
- KV-220 will not be nerfed, there are too few of them to make a difference on battles
- MM works fine ATM, the only real problem Storm sees is longer waiting time on tier 8, it will be solved
- Storm states that currently it’s not as interesting to play arty because of large aiming time
- there will be a US premium TD, a candidate was already found
- there will be no maps especially for Team Battles
- no hardcap for TD’s is planned, TD’s will be regulated by the means of balance
- platoons (as whole) are doing okay statistically
- historical battles mechanism will come in several rounds, for example the garage battle mechanism, that will be a part of the historical battles (“spawning”) will come later

150 thoughts on “Storm asks for player opinions on WoT

    • Sometimes I like Storm more than SerB ;-)
      BTW, Why remove Komarin!? It’s good map for attack! In fact they should remove some bushes near bases, but whole map is really ok! I have great attacking tactic that makes all bush campers sitting in a**hole and loosing 15:4. The whole thing is split, take good deffensive positions and attack all 3 sides in one moment. It’s the best intelligent rush map EVER!

      • Then there’s that part if i’m not wrong the 45% of the player base is retarded or bots :P

        But yea Komarin can be fun at times.

        • After reading post about how bots work, I think calling those “players” of more distinctive red color than on USSR flag, it is an insult for bot system developers. Those bots could at least hit something and move around…

      • It is not a good map, Take for an example competent scouts (or even an average or worse, i.e. me). If I take my Chaffee out and get Komarin, I can get into nice position from which I will spot ALL tanks going to one or another side. Result of it: Opponent team loses about one quarter from collective HP pool in first 2 minutes, maybe some even die and some will be discouraged to advance forward, staying near their base and further weakening said flank. Good luck winning with that. And if that scout is even more experienced than I am and will manage to get to the other side in time, he will spot many tanks on that side too. All in all – battle decided in 2-4 minutes and it is a pure carnage. I would say Komarin can not be effectively won by “better attacker”, it is just decided by morons who try to attack even when they know enemy is camping in corners. I do not know about you, but I enjoy more if I win 15:14 and I even enjoy more if I lose 14:15 than when I win 15:4.

        About that Storm – SerB thing; yep, I like Storm more, too. In the end, they can be informative about the same, but I am not interested in SerBs attempts to be funny. Perhaps he is doing this job for too long and is tired of those stupid questions but one would expect such an established man to behave accordingly to his age and position, not like some teen-year-old-wanna-be-popular.

        • Its a shit map, always has been. 90% of the games on it now end in draws (battle time expired) because all you need to do is camp the corner forest with invisible TDs – which there are always plenty of – and you are pretty much unbeatable.

          • it was a bad map and WG reworked it ,
            BUT they reworked it in a way that made all that was bad about the map even more of a problem. Its a camp fest and putting more cover on it just made it more so.
            WG missed the point, but it looks nice I will give them that.

          • lets wait for TD nerfs… we will see how can camo loss afect the gameplay…
            If you cant see WT you are screwed… but if WT gets spotted …

          • Mr Lova Lova – you’re funny guy.
            If you have one good attacking platoon, you won this game. The problem is many of the players (by most of us called noobs, retards, idiots, red army, tomatoes, tomato soup, or somehing like that) are chichens who thinks camping is the best way (2nd best is KS – killsteal) to get at least one frag.

        • martin4x4 – that’s why teams HAVE TO attack on this map.
          This map is really good.
          The decision of deleting Port didn’t make me sad. But Komarin – MUCH AS HELL! They better remove all campers!
          To WG: Nerf camo, or remove some bushes BUT DO NOT REMOVE THIS AWESOME MAP!

      • Because Komarin isn’t good! It’s shit! Your choices are either one, go up the central chokepoint, two, advance across open fields on either flank, or three, camp in the woods.

        Then again, that sums up almost all of the maps in a nutshell save a few very recently-added ones:

        Take your pick of one or more chokepoints, or advance across an open field with no cover, or camp.

  1. “We will introduce top high-tier light tanks (tier 7-8) for main nations – USSR, Germany and USA. Old light tanks will get their battletiers changed and maybe some buffs” and “in any case, we will try to make the LT life easier”

    I hope to see three American LT branches… T42, T92, Astron Light… they are all too amazing and unique! ME WANTS ALL!!!!!!!!!!

  2. “- Komarin will be either once again reworked, or removed altogether”

    What’s the problem with it? I don’t say that it’s my favourite map, but there are worse maps than it.

        • Yea, but atleast those maps grant a player room to move around a bit to perhaps get a flank position on a group of campers.

          Komarin has alot less landmass to manouver at its three typical chokepoints. Add to that the forest in each team’s corner which are pretty much any TD’s dream. They dont get spotted that easy, and the limited movement space on the map usually ensures players spotting for you.

          At higher tiers, this map is a campfest with powerfull TD’s sitting in their forests, and other players being too afraid to move out of cover. If Komarin had more alternate routes and roads, it would be different.

          To be honest, Komarin sucked in closed beta. And it still sucks today.

        • Campshire’s getting edited slightly.

          I’m also surprised you neglected to mention El Halluf (Sniperistan, adding the small hill only helped a little bit) or Highway (aka the most biased map in the game, but that one’s getting fixed as well)

    • The problem with this map is that every single time it’s a campfest and the brave players who don’t camp got executed by the tank destroyer that are in the damn forest. i’m glad that they will either rework or remove that map. it was a problem in the version 7.5 and it still a problem in the version 8.10.

      • Fixed that for you:
        The problem with this map is that every single time it’s a campfest and the foolish players who rush like fools get executed by the tank destroyer that are in the damn forest. I’m glad that they will either rework or remove that map although I would prefer skill based matchmaker.

        Seriously though: The map *can* be great, but too often it is decided by which team’s fools die first by rushing like the fools they are or using the clearly wrong flank to approach the sniper woods.

        Good WoT maps are dumbed down so that the idiots’ influence is limited. That means lots of hard cover and few hiding spots.

        • Siemka (I hope it’s appropriate greeting for your brain level).
          On Komarin there is no tactics, there are 3 choke points which all lead to magical forests in the corners of the map, where all of the red barons in their Nashorns and Hellcats camp all of the game and execute everyone trying to approach them without getting spotted. Bases are guarded from any angle so there is no flushing campers out by capping. The game is massive campfest unless one of the teams goes full retard, dies without killing anything, so the other team can attack at once in large numbers and hopefully make it to the forest before they get spammed to death. Otherwise it’s most definitely a draw.
          Yeah, that question about skillbased MM also tells a lot about your skill. :)

    • Komoron is the most boring map ever with three routes that all lead to a WG induced coma. It does not lend itself to dynamic play and even when I’m on the winning team I just want to drown my tank. The only reason that I try is that I am fucking daft enough to believe that I owe it to my team.

      • Just like most maps.
        People will always prefer map edges, but sticking useless fucking mini lakes and mini mountains (that only add to the toy’ish feeling of the game, lakeville im looking at u) in the middle doesnt help, especially when ur limited to 1KM..

        Imo campinovka is one of the best maps coz it doesnt have pre defined “lanes”, and gives you freedom of sorts, instead of confining u to the same street/bush every goddamn time (at least as a medium)

    • I do agree with Muerte92 here. Komarin isn’t a bad map and most of the times winning the central peninsula grants you victory. With all the TDs camping in the forest, a good medium player will know how to get in the cap zone and flush them out of the forest. Also, the flanks are not that hard to win since there are a lot of houses that can provide cover. Getting near to the forests does require some skill but it’s not impossible.

      And why should everything be easy? Think of it as a challenge. Yes, it’s a map that favors TD players but why complain about it? I’ve never seen TD players complaining that Himmelsdorf has no bushes where they could hide.

      There are worse maps than Komarin and I’ll only name a few: Pearl River, Highway (the new version is better), Severogorsk, Sacred Valley, Redshire (the new version is better).

      • Komarin should have some more “lanes” across the water..

        .. then made only for low tiers…

        low view range and low “damage at range” would stop this being so campy….

        • I don’t think Komarin is that bad. I can say I like it. I agree that peninsula gives one team big advantage but well-planned attack from the sides of the map can lead to quick win. I even liked old Komarin more, but I think it’s just me :)

      • “Komarin isn’t a bad map and most of the times winning the central peninsula grants you victory.”

        True, but it’s usually the counterattack to the center that leads to winning. The team that goes there first most often loses its tanks there due to crossfire from both sides.
        The center becomes viable for the second team to go there once the first team has suffered some losses (including the tanks that it sent to the center).
        In the early phase with lots of enemy tanks all over their side of the map it’s a death trap.

      • Good luck getting a team to cooperate to a great enough degree to actually do what you just said on Komarin.

  3. “- regarding tier 9-10 light tanks introduction: there are no candidates even for main nations”

    Just do something similar to what you did with arty… bump the tiers, lose the scout MM, fill in the tier gaps. Simple!

    • “- regarding tier 9-10 light tanks introduction: there are no candidates even for main nations”

      That’s bullshit. There are candidates for tier 9 and 10 in the French tree. Tier 9 : AMX 13 105 and tier 10 AMX 10C.
      AMX 13 105 has a different hull and turret than the AMX 13 (as the 13 75 and 13 90 are basically the same tank).
      The AMX 10C has a bigger volume than the BatChat but is two times lighter (less armor).

      • You do realise that 10C have like 500+ pen due to the APFSDS rounds and whole concept is from 1970s?

        • So introducing APFSDS will fuck up game so much, that Sheridan with it’s 15cm super shells will be normal candidate for tier 10 LT

        • The 10C has a riffled low pressure gun derived from the AMX30 gun. So if the AMX30 fits, the 10C should also with a less powerful gun. The concept is from the early 1970s, i agree. It has absolutely no armor (20mm) but around 18HP/ton.
          It is clearly described as following the concept of the AMX 13.

      • The problem here is that you may cause a brutal disbalance for nation v nation battles, even worse than you have now.

        The likes of Britain and Japan [once they get their heavy, arty, and TD lines] are going to be badly screwed enough as it is by their total lack of scouting vehicles. If one of the nations suddenly shows up with tier 9 and 10 scouting vehicles… well… yeah.

        This is one of many reasons I think LT’s should simply be rebalanced as same-tier mediums.

        • You make a good point, but what is the difference between national battles where one side has tier VIII scouts and the other has no scouts, and where one side has tier X scouts and the other has no scouts? Those kinds of match-ups would be imbalanced either way.

        • ‘This is one of many reasons I think LT’s should simply be rebalanced as same-tier mediums.’

          This really is the ideal and easy solution. Too bad WG will be stubborn about it. I reckon most scouts would be balanced with normal MM if their tier is increased by 1 and maybe their health is nerfed. It nicely fits the trend of gun penetration appropriate on a tier 6 TD being appropriate on tier 7 HT, tier 8 MT and tier 9 LT.

          • Eh. My ideal solution would be if I, in the VK16.02 was just guaranteed that I only had to deal with tier 6 and 7s, I would be in heaven. I am somewhat overpowered already when I meet tier 5 tanks, since I’m a Pz IV going 60 kph, spotting 380, with a 95 pen gun that outputs 360 damage on a good burst.

            The T71 is just the same way. Hell, at times, I think the thing is overpowered DPM-wise, even in tier 10 matches if I play my passive scouting cards right.

            • T71, played correctly, can be pure evil..

              Saw a T9/10 game where a T71 got TopGun and something like 3-4k damage..

              He did win the game for us, we were suffering a bit until he let the dogs loose..

        • The nation vs nation problem of high tier scouts is very easy to solve. Axis vs allies. Japan gets German scout tanks to help them and Britain can have US scouts helping them.

          You can actually mix any two-three countries together to make the battles interesting.

          • Fine, except that the German scouts suck at higher tiers (true you have the Afk.Panther, which isn’t THAT bad once it’s fully-upgraded with the Konisch gun, but it still suffers when up against…say…T71s and AMX 13 75s).

      • Well obviously it would cause a problem in that way, just as arty currently does. Top tiers on one side all artillery, other side gets heavies.

        Both arty and lights will have to have something added to stop this from happening.

        I was also thinking that tier X could possibly be a gap tier itself… for example: AMX 13 90 on tier IX and AMX 13 105 on tier X. Other gap tier would be between (current) tiers III and IV I’d say.

      • I know I would if they get rebalanced.

        I don’t expect much change in gun, armour or mobility department. But hit points and view range are arbitrary. A moderate boost to hit points would ensure the “new” tier 10 light tanks would survive long enough to be useful. A good increase in view range – and I am thinking something of 450 meters of base view range – would make light tanks true scouts. They might be outgunned but never surprised or ambushed. Lights would finally be as what they should have been, eyes and ears of the team. When implemented that way a team would perform better with one or two tier 10 lights than with one or two extra tier 10 tds or heavies. They could even find their place in clan wars.

      • In encounter and assault, the foch & IS would win. In standard mode, the WZs would win (assuming both teams are coordinated). Mobility rulez.

        • I think we don’t need any 9 and 10 tier LT. I remember times when leopard on IV tier was able to do 7 frags without any problems. It’s the same with T71 vs 7 tiers. Tier 10 tanks will only increase ammount of TDs in battle due to their long lifespan. I can’t even imagine something faster than batmobile or Leopard 1A1. 8 tier as light’s top tier is just fine.

  4. “- developers are considering an option, where damaging the tracks or the gun (external modules) with high power shells would transfer some of the damage to the tank HP itself, if it came, it would be tied with additional text and sound info”

    This may potentially nerf side scraping. While I do enjoy playing tanks that perform that tactic well, I suppose it makes sense to be discouraged somewhat since side scraping really is not a real-world-viable tactic…

    • What about hitting an ELC AMX with the ISU-152′s BL-10 and you only track him… oh the RAGE!!!!! :)

      • aye, this is one of the best changes listed here. Shot a 59-16 today with my T110E5, crit, tracked! No damage!
        I have enough pen to literally pass through the tank twice or more!

      • As a midtier scout player after the accuracy buff, the effects of this would only be good in the short term. Even halving the health of an ELC after track damage would doom it, if the track itself hadn’t already broke. Spotting for TDs would become that much more difficult, making games even more blind, which could make maps like Erlenberg or Malinovka even more campy, or lemminglike. Mediums would have to throw themselves at an unknown position just to expose what’s out in the brush for 7 seconds.

        Be careful for what you wish for. Scouts already have enough problems as it is from the BL-10 (and for some insane reason, artillery. I’ve been blapped by orange WN7 artillery more times at any range in the ELC than any other tank).

  5. Very interesting information, SS, thanks for this!
    My clan members that grinded the Chaffee for the cup will be happy to hear it’s no longer a dead end (if you don’t want to play arty) =)
    Also, it’s a great thing that Storm does this and on many things seems to agree with the players… Very nice :D

  6. What about bigger maps? I think “meta” gameplay in many maps will drastically change when the 700m render finally comes.

  7. - Storm admits that Severogorsk and Sacred valley have some balance problems
    Some balance problems my arse, they’re total crap and kill framerates as well.

    - all the new “problematic” maps were made by the same people, who made the old maps
    Time to fire them, especially after that Hidden Village joke.

    - Komarin will be either once again reworked, or removed altogether
    Remove this campers’ paradise plox.

  8. Scorpion incoming?
    I hope that tank is, like the E25, as specialty and not just a worse version of its real tier version.

    • If they make the M56 Tier6 then it should be ok. If they put it at 7 then it has no advantages.

      It would be a God at Tier5.

      IIRC, they were talking about having a candidate at the “paper stage” that had 5 crew members, so this excludes the M56.

  9. “- Storm states that currently it’s not as interesting to play arty because of large aiming time”

    and ridiculously big dispersion while turning hull/gun – artys unequivocally needs to buff these stats – or introduce new crew skills/perks who does this.

      • “Yeah, let’s bring back arty to pre-8.6 values, brilliant plan”

        How about not. WG has never really got arty right. They literally have no plan or idea how they want it to work.

        To me they really need to divide up artillery into three “missions”. One, Close Support. Artillery with good accuracy, rate of fire and very good gun elevation, but with weaker pen, alpha damage and range basically have to move up with the team and support with fire. Second would be higher pen, high damage, high accuracy, long range heavy guns to hit stationary targets, especially enemy arty. But they would get a longer aim time and a slow ROF. Then the heavier howitzers with long range, poor accuracy, but a shorter aim time, lower pen, but wider splash. These would basically be for hitting likely sniping spots and hitting multiple enemies that cluster together.

    • The very best option to balance the arties is, surprise!!, removing them all ;) sinc when Arty (as presented in-game) shot the moving targets ?:-D Because WG is not competent to proper balance such game mechanic so remove it then…

      • If they compensate me with 5.000 gold for each arty I grinded (including premium account, credits spent on modules and time invested in grinding them), hell yeah, I agree with that! Otherwise, nope. Arty has a nice spot in the game and it’s fine as it is.

        • or you can just quit the game and stop ruining battles for other people with your fagget retarty class

      • ” sinc when Arty (as presented in-game) shot the moving targets ?”

        Since always. Except in real life you would have a whole battery of them raining shells on a group of enemy tanks, either knocking out some of them or making big holes in the terrain, forcing them to find another route.

  10. 1% of all players. Hmm, out of all players, how many are active players? Since bots basically play all day, what is the usual population of players online? How does that population compare to all players? I think we are looking at around 10% bots among players online.

  11. What about “DO NOT ALLOW a Fail Platoon to hit the “Battle” Button.”

    Simple fix that does not involve MM

    • Rubbish. MM balances team weights. Fail platoon with e.g. one useless tank on one side, and “normal” tanks on the other means one team with fourteen stronger tanks versus fifteen weaker tanks. Thus it balances once more.

      • I keep hearing this all the time – but you do realize that for MM – 15 T10 tanks vs 14 T10 + 1 T1 is perfectly fine?

        • I have yet to see such a battle, but even then, not all tier 10 have the same MM weight, and even if in the case you describe the weights of both team were not equal (i.e., they fell within the margin of error), the same bias could be also had without a fail platoon, by definition (i.e., it’s simply the fact that the MM has an acceptable margin of error).

          Seriously, the issue is a) so infrequent, b) the battle not a forgone conclusion even when it happens (fail toons I mean) and c) so overshadowed by the advantage any team can have if they have more good players that I really don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time to fret about.

      • Yeah that will help new players get into the game. They will be playing trying to figure out whats with all the invisible tanks and all of a sudden they are thrown into a match when they can’t hurt anything. Allies rage at him and tell him to go scout but he has no idea how, then gets TKed when he gets runs in front of a speeding med tank.

        They can have MM take the platoon overall weight into account but make sure it doesn’t brake current MM guidelines so a random tier 4 isn’t thrown into a tier 10 game because of a fail platoon on the other team.

        It would also really help if they better educated new players about MM. Like when forming a platoon a tip pops up on how the selected tank matches up and warns you about bad matches.

  12. “Storm states that the developers have the possibility to assign reduced damage coefficient to a certain armor group, but if a 100-damage shell did for example only 50 damage.”

    LOL Imagine the foch!!!!

  13. - Storm states that currently it’s not as interesting to play arty because of large aiming time.

    At this rate SPG’s will be somewhat normal by 2020…

  14. - US LT branch will start from Chaffee, candidates are T49 and T92 light tank (both for tier 8) (SS: Storm originally wrote T42, but there is no such thing)

    Really? Not the M551? I mean, the laser guided missiles were never fired in anger, just HE and in Vietnam the guidance system was removed and stored while the tanks were deployed. So yeah, have it only fire 152mm HE. 20 rounds of ~900 damage with about 86mm of Pen (similar to the KV-2), horrible reload (2.5 rpm). No armor to speak of.

    - Storm states that currently it’s not as interesting to play arty because of large aiming time

    Either could either buff all arty equally, or stop being brain dead about arty and split it up into three types. “Lighter” artillery with short range, high angle of fire, weak pen, splash and damage, but with better accuracy, aim time and fast reloads. Then two types of “heavier” artillery. Howitzers and Field guns. Howitzer with short aim times, wide splash, weak pen and poor accuracy. Field guns with high accuracy, good pen but longer aim times and a flat trajectory.

      • Development of the M551 started in the late 1950′s as a response to the russian PT-76 after it was discovered the T-92 couldn’t easily be made amphibious. It can easily fit within the time span considering we have the Leopard 1,the T-62A with all of its clones, and the M60 with the image intensifier mounted on the front of the turret.

  15. - Storm says that AFKers and leavers will be punished

    I’m not sure about AFKers, but leavers already (8.10) get a huge penalty. I’m not sure whether it’s an absolute or relative reduction, but if you hit “Back to garage” before your tank is destroyed or the battle ended, at the very least your XP for the battle gets hit drastically. One recent example of a toon mate of mine put the figure to a fifth (rough estimate) of what he should have received otherwise.

    I also remember seeing spawn-camping AFKers get zero XP from a win, but perhaps that was combined with leaving.

    (A measure I do welcome wholeheartedly)

  16. While bots may only comprise 1% of presumably registered players, they probably are present in a much larger percentage of battles simply because they are active far more than a regular player.

    That’s pretty much a case of picking the right stats to make the problem sound much smaller than it actually is.

  17. Had to laugh my ass off when I saw storm say that 1% of the population is bots…

    What he meant to say is 1% of the population is bots because that’s all WG is smart enough to catch

    • Yeah…just yesterday I saw a variant of that bot seen in the “Komarin SU-85″ video – a T32 afking on the spawn point the whole game and once some enemies popped-up in it’s direct LoS it started to fire at them without moving.

      Needless to say, by that moment it was the bot alone vs half the enemy team :P

  18. The US has *always* had a premium tier 8 TD option the entire time.. the T34 … WG moved the T30 (the upgunned T34) to a TD… the T34 by simple logic would have been the perfect choice. Because of that stupid “preorder promise” on the NA server that NO other server had…. they couldn’t simply make the change and use the M6A2E1 as the premium tier 8 heavy – which is why they’ve been so screwed for a TD for so long.

    • As I see it, the worst decision WG ever made was to switch the T34 to a premium heavy – I mean what’s the logic behind putting the best T8 heavy gun on a premium tank?

      They could have moved it to a T8 TD and that T28Proto abomination could have been a sucky premium TD :) Or the other way around, that would work too.

  19. As long as they’re not outright admitting that light tanks like the Awful Panther are pure garbage and unplayable at this point, I’m not holding my breath for these changes.

  20. - a player was complaining that it makes little sense to do full damage to a tank by shooting a tiny copula or other external weakspot, since the shell doesn’t actually go through into the tank. Storm states that the developers have the possibility to assign reduced damage coefficient to a certain armor group, but if a 100-damage shell did for example only 50 damage when shooting a copula, there would be a lot of confusion amongst the players

    No!! Don’t touch the copula damage model; it’s often the only way to penetrate and damage a hull down tank.

    • While it makes sense to inflict reduced damage it would be a serious buff to all hulldown tanks – and that would bring more problems than solutions :)

      • i must disagree, the only advantage of those tanks is only hulldown and not all map alowing this, T-95 is ridiculously slow, AT-x the same, T29/T32 is paper tank except that turret,…

        • The copula is a small target generally any way, so the chance of a miss or ricochet is high. But at least it is a damage opportunity.

        • The T29′s cupola is already impractical to hit with contemporary guns in a combat situation.

  21. @SS, it would be nice if you could give me an answer to this. you mentioned once that they are going to make a 700m rendering circle, but is that its radius or is that diameter. if it’s diameter than to hell can my plans for long range sniping go :(

    • 700m from the center (your tank), so a diameter.

      350m wouldn’t make much sense with tanks sporting longer viewrange, would it? :)

  22. Komarin may be removed? oh yes

    leavers should be punished Only, if they go another battle after quitting the current one. why? i had some good battles when i remained with 4-5 tanks overall and needed to quit without hesitating, e.g you are late from somewhere or the computer breaks down.

  23. Honestly, if these comments are going to Storm, please for the love of tanks, fix the issues at hand. Stop adding new content for one patch and address the pain points. Biggest one they can start with is Gold shells. Either remove them or nerf the damage on them. It’s just stupid rolling into matches these days and half the people are shooting gold. It’s annoying. Some tanks should feel like a definitive raid boss. It’s their reward for getting to the tank and playing it. Defeating it is called using your brain and strategy. Armor is useless for the most part. It’s all about who has a faster rate of fire. From a dev point of view I would be sad.

  24. Storm states that the developers have the possibility to assign reduced damage coefficient to a certain armor group, but if a 100-damage shell did for example only 50 damage when shooting a copula, there would be a lot of confusion amongst the players

    - the same thing as above could be said about HE shells (they are also confusing), Storm however states that the playerbase already understands that “HE = strange, AP = not strange”, removing them would just piss people off

    Yeah, i think the average IQ of the WoT community must be smth like around 80 points.. so they might not understand this – but hey.. if these bobs quit (cos they are pissed off), WoT increases in Quality of Gameplay for sure! So dont worry… do it! We will understand it… cos it makes absolutely, totally sense to do that!

    And… Remove that Komarin Crap – better today than tomorrow -.-

  25. - Storm states that currently it’s not as interesting to play arty because of large aiming time
    = Translation: Arty is mostly worthless, mission accomplished

    - there will be a US premium TD, a candidate was already found
    = Translation: WG finally found sth., but first we have to implement the techtrees of Madagaskar and Andorra and more birds

    - no hardcap for TD’s is planned, TD’s will be regulated by the means of balance
    = Translation: Big TD nerf incoming (what worked on arty should work on TDs too)

  26. to make the game more balance (now it is not balanced) S-100y, kv-1s , kv-1, t18 , WFT-E-100, isu-152 those needs nerfing and sau-40(somua),M3 lee ,M48 patton , fv4202, fv215b ,valentine, amx 40 those needs BUFF and ARTY removed , M4A3E2 needs normal MM now you meet 90% tier 8 , derp for hetzer needs removed too

  27. Regarding the Bots: Even if Storm is right, his “less than 1%” claim doesn’t invalidate the claim that in virtually every battle you have a bot… If only 0,5% of “all Players” are bots ‘playing’ for 12 hours, and an average player plays for about 2 hours that means that 6 players would “average” on one bot timewise. That means 3% of the ‘active players’ at any given time are bots, and with 30 Tanks in a match that pretty much means one bot on average in every game…

    • Or even more, everytime i see player with 40-44% winrate and thousands of games, its pretty much 100% bot. Kinda lost will play wot with bots.. i think alot of players feels this way.

    • Let’s do some math:

      Over 60 million players registered (not active playing).
      According to WG 1% are bots = 600.000 bots.

      Let’s assume that these 600.000 bots are doing what they are supposed to do, playing 24*7 a week.

      Let’s split these 600.000 over the regions in regard to the number of players according to

      NA – 37.000 / EU – 200.000 / ASIA – 22.000 / RUS – 815.000 / KOR – 10.000 / CN – 150.000

      So we have a total of 1.234.000 active players, among these are 600.000 bots, that makes 48,62%….

      That’s my math, yours may differ.

  28. “- Storm states that currently it’s not as interesting to play arty because of large aiming time”
    And when was it interesting to play? I apparently missed the moment when clicking targets on a map was interesting.
    Just bring it to the old values so every battle will be a wall-hugging retard trip, where everyone drives everywhere so they could fool the arty fags and don’t get obliterated or crippled without any ability to shoot back. Mid-tier arty is already becoming a nuisance back again.
    And yes, remove that piece of junk called Komarin, I feel like drowning and choosing another tank rather than sitting behind hard cover for 15 minutes because of the bushwanking TDs camping in the forests.

  29. - KV-220 will not be nerfed, there are too few of them to make a difference on battles
    M6A2E1 & other pre-order tanks could use a well deserved buff, there are too few of them to make a difference on battles anyway…

  30. Arty is already effectively in classes:
    - my Bishop is a short ranged but accurate & fast firing annoying snail (unless I hit your engine covers :) )
    - my French tier 6 thing can fire all the way across the map, reasonably accurately, every 30 secs and do 50kph to get out of trouble
    - one day soon I’ll invest in the Soviet tier 7 which fires shells the size of small cars every minute or so, no doubt horribly inaccurately.

    My point is that arty is often perceived as an amorphous mass; it isn’t, it most definitely isn’t.

    More power to your elbow by the way SS, you’ve really stirred things up with your bot posts. Well done!

  31. Severogorsk and Sacred Valley have “balance problems”? These maps, do not “have” problems, they *are* problems (i.e. sh!t).

    How much more time do WG’s gruesome map designers need to understand how to make a good tank map, and not produce more of that cramped bullsh!t with too many steep slopes and open areas that can be shot at from everywhere, forcing camp fests all the way?

    Hidden Village is just more of such crap.

    WG net does not have a really clear concept of their game and how to implement that.

  32. “- KV-220 will not be nerfed, there are too few of them to make a difference on battles”

    Finally, some GOOD news for the tanks I drive…