Hello everyone,
according to the internal Community Contributor Wargaming forum post by Tuccy from today (should he be spreading it earlier than the release?), official 9.0 info (probably the ASAP magazine, but Edrard also mentioned a bunch of official screenshots coming this week) will arrive at 16:00 CET tomorrow. Looking forward to it :)
Tuccy: “Ahojte, pánové, Během dneška dostaneme nějaké nové informace k 9.0, které jsou určeny ke zveřejnění zítra v 16:00 SEČ. Kdo má zájem?”
(“Hi gentlemen, today, we will get some new pieces of info for 9.0, that are intended for publishing tomorrow at 16:00 CET. Who’s interested?”)
Tsk, tsk, tsk…
Great news! Eager to know the reccomended specs for PCs regarding the new graphical stuff (9.1?)
No kidding. I literally am waiting for two things before buying a new comp. parts
1.) PC specs on WoT for the upcoming patches
2.) New Intel processors in Q3
Me too lol… In a way… Anyway I think my i5-2600k is more then enough for atleast the next two years of WoT development, but my GTX570 might come to its limits.
We will see soon enough I supose.
i5 2500k or i7 2600k – there is a small difference ;)
buy one or two Titan Black Edition and you are on the save side.
Not sure if stupid or trolling.
if you are not sure it seems you are stupid, poor boy.
GTX 770/780 or R9 280x/290 should be enough. As long as you have a CPU with 4 cores or more.
Downloading tons of stuff again? Oh my poor mods… Hope it will be worth it.
Když jen informuje o čase, tak je to v pohodě :) Ba právě naopak – namlsává lidi, to táhne a je to fajn strategie, máš obsah na jeden den navíc, možnosti ke spoustě spekulací… :)
How about english? :)
I’m japanese too and his reply basically says “I hope that the new version will be easier to play than the current one because I suck so much now”
youre japanese and speak czech? ok
“If he only informs about time it’s all ok. On the other hand, he’s just teasing people and it is a fine strategy, you have content for an extra day, possibilities for a lot of speculations”
you’re welcome
Can’t wait for the new pz ivs and stugs :D
Tuccy must be glad that you publish this internal info :)
How terrible… :)
When is the scout tank re-balance coming?
With the arrival of the new T8 scouts I guess. NOT in 9.0… I can say so much…
At least modify the Chaffee so I dont lose money when I play with it; it is still considered a end of branch tank, like a tier 10 !!!! but slower that most of the new tier 6 and 7 scouts
You will loose even more when the Bulldog gets into game, but fun factor will be endless with a possible derp gun mounted on it. I wont play anything else tbh if that happens lol.
I think, there would be much more better to have whole game working properly and then updating stuff like graphic…and new maps..tanks…… servers still lagging, tanks are disbalanced, some textures are bugged..etc.
I agree, having bugs where tanks can shoot through concrete walls is silly. But bigger maps and 30 vs 30 matches will be a great thing too have. We need more maps.
Dont you think that adding more maps now would be contraproductive? Since they would add them now only to rework them in the following months all over again for the upcoming graphical upgrades? Balancing tanks equally while there is 300+ of them in game is something I cant really imagine doing perfectly. Thats not an MMORPG where you balance 4 or 5 classes and that it… IF you think WoT tank balancing is bad then just check War Thunder… Every patch brings new hilarious balance fails… Had a historical battle with 10 JET fighters against 10 1941 proppeler fighters… Game ended in 4 mins. Comparing it to WoT MM it would be like 10 IS7s against 10 Tigers…
Bugged textures? Wow lol… what does that have to do with gameplay? You derp around watching the scenery or you shoot tanks?
The only issue in that post is the lagging servers, but Iam afraid thats something the development team isnt responsible for. WG uses a server hosting company like many others do and connection issues or high latency issues are more their responsibility.
Play 20-30 matches in a night, specially in a platoon, not sure why, but most time we end up playing mostly in 4-5 maps. The two new featured maps, the one with the snow and the one in fire, are nice but they just increase the chances that you end up playing at the same map again and again.
i like thouse 2 maps so i dont mind playing on them more often ;D
Looking forward to historical battles in 9.0 and then the Havok physics in 9.1 or 9.2 or whenever they come. I might want to play the Panther more often after that to watch its turret getting blown up at most of the hits in front and sides.
i will totally expose my sides in my Tiger
It’s 16:13, where are they?
I have exactly the same question…
Come on, WG …
FTR is news for grandmas, yellow press, nothing else…