Source: WotLeaks VK community
- maximum forward speed changed from 38,6 to 56 km/h
- maximum reverse speed changed from 16 to 20 km/h
- ammo carried from 1100 to 1350 rounds
- rate of fire from 450 to 550 RPM
- maximum firing range from 350 to 395 meters
- penetration from 22 to 27mm
- maximum firing range from 350 to 395 meters
- penetration from 25 to 27mm
Finally, a buff to my T7 Car… I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting, now it can be lubricated by pubbie tears from the crying about OP…
Oh man this thing is gonna be a beast now.
Hmm t7cc now have 27mm pen not 22…
I’m looking at the ROF increase and firing range. This thing can be a wicked sniper but I could never reach what I was shooting at. I never really thought the tank was THAT under powered to begin with
Seriously what *are* they putting into the water these days…
You will still ding-ding-dong T18s…
Head on with 90% of the rounds. Yeah. But even now they can still kill a T18 at the side aiming low and the rear at the lower plate with ease. Tho getting around there is still the issue. Speed buff with help on that tho. Now its actually on pair almost with the T2 light.
God damn it… and I sold my T7 car a while ago. :(
I sold both. :/
Free slots.
300g for two otherwise unobtainable (without spending lots of money in some WG action) T2 tanks? Meh, how cheapskate can some people be.
I do have Pz S35 and FCM Pak – those two of you mentioned? They dont sealclub very much – only Tetrarch was something else.
To be honest, those 2 tanks were lame. On the other hand, LTP was and still is awesome, I kept it and I`m playing it with pride.
LTP is the poor man’s T-127.
True that :)
While being a bit slower, it has better armor and feels mightier :)
T-127 is *cuter*. :3
LTP is terrible and certainly much worse than Combat Car.
If you like the LTP, I strongly suggest buying a T-127 the next time it’s on sale. It’s basically the same tank, only angled more towards aggressive play and with slightly better stats in nearly every area (what with being a premium rather than a gift). Definitely worth the 425 gold.
Rule #1 of premium tanks: never sell them.
Rule #1 of gift/one-time only tanks: never ever sell them, even if you had to work on the galleys to earn money for another free slot :))
Concur. Not to sound like a bragger (or an over-zealous wallet warrior) but I have every gift tank ever offered (minus alpha and beta tests) and every premium tank ever offered (minus that damn french arty). There are some I haven’t played more than once, but the cool factor of driving in something that few people of have seen or know how to defeat is pretty epic. Plus, free xp/credits is always a win.
I cannot believe I sold my T7 … I did not expected this buff. It is going to be a nightmare to play tier 2 matches with the t7 and t18s … my BT2 is not going to do too well
Time to dust off the lead spitters…
Sweet you-know-who came through on the Hunnicutt info and got the speed buffed. Along with the historical penn to the 15mm.
So ecstatic!!!
However I don’t know what they are smoking with the .50 having such a penn but I guess it’s ok.
Who came through? It wasn’t The Chieftan, as he originally supported the slower speed.
- maximum forward speed changed from 38,6 to 56 km/h
Excellent! That’s the one thing that really disappointed me about this tank, I always felt that it should go a lot faster, now it will :)
The top speed was something that Hunnicutt came up with in his research and it had to be confirmed. It just took some time.
I doubt that was the case. The developers just thought it would make a gift tank OP, so they deliberately nerfed the speed. Now that it hasn’t proved to be OP, they unnerfed it.
Does this also mean that these guns on non-premium vehicles (Medium I, Cruiser III and M2 Light) get the buff? (The gun buffs at least)
Great news! Unexpected but welcomed nonetheless. Glad I didn’t sell these :-)
Wait, does this mean the M2 Light’s .50 will also get a pen buff?
That would make sense.
no this only aplies for the T7 CC tank
Vengance is sweet!!! God i knew it will be good to keep these tanks :D :D
Let the clubbing of those T18 begin! :D :D muahahahaha
Yes, 27mm pen will now RAPE those T18s. Sure, whatever makes you feel better.
…..dude… it will. t18 has 22-25mm of side armour. very easy for a skilled or competent player.
Or madcap platoon of 3 T7CC…
actually, it raises the chance to pen a T18 on the sides/rear from around 15% to something like 65%. considering the 400 damage in the clip, you can potentially kill them with shots to spare. you still have to find a way to flank the darn T18, tho.
they RAISED rpm on t7 ?!
This will be glorious XD and you will be able to kill other auto-loaders from safe distance awesome !
Good , my T7 is still in garage. And VIc… :)
I was already owning in T7, now it will be seriously OP :)
Well, at least I keep my Mk VIc in my main
I think my dark side acc has T7, LTP and Mk :)
haha buff for premium tanks pathetic…
i know that t7 cc is poor tank since 1rst battle..
Just because you want to play it like a well armored machine does not make it a poor tank.
Food for micromaus…..
27 pen? Will still bounce on my 35mm Stalinium frontal armour on the T-60
Who says I need to shoot it in the front? :)
Good thing I still have amazing maneuverability, and now I have the speed to get behind you with ease.
now i regret that i sold all my premiums… i wonder if we could buy it back :D
You can get ONE/1 premium tank back through a support ticket. Choose wisely.
if i’m as lucky as in WoW then i will get the tank back in 7 months… after i proved them with a screenshot that i had it.
so i’m waiting for the time to buy it back instead :D
it’s a gift tank, they’ll never sell it.
i know, i know, it’s WG, kinda schocking to hear that they don’t want to make money off of this right?
Sure they will. But it will be coupled with a gold/T8 premium bundle so you’ll have to fork out at least £50 to get your hands on one. Just like the Tetrarch/T1E5 bundles we saw at Christmas.
Dat speed buff
I TOTS KEPT MY T7 AND MK. VI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111
the Mk.VIc still has its crappy reload. But the penn is more historical now. Which is nice.
Great news :)
I kept both tanks but they just sit in the garage so far.
After this buff these tanks will be usefull in the batllefield.
Nice. I liked these two tanks already, but the range buff will come in handy. Also, that T7 will be a regular race cart. Nice. :-)
Glad I kept them both!!!!!
people are really excited about 2mm pen increase? please, take your clown cars on the battlefield i’ll be waiting and laughing my ass off.
i dont trust this leak all that much, first off, the T7CC already has 27mm of penetration in 8.11, and secondly where does this 450 RPM value come from?
edit: didnt intend to reply to you, and i read the preliminary patch notes post, and i saw they are actually being buffed, however i still dont believe these changes are correct,
I agree, it allready has 27mm of pen to begin with lol
What are you guys talking about? I just checked and it has 22mm penetration…
I’m looking at it in the garage right now and, indeed, av. pen. is almighty 22mm. No idea what these people are on but it’s unlikely to be legal. :/
than you didn’t check it all too well, it says 27mm of pen…
12 Caliber (mm)
17 – 28 Penetration (mm)
6 – 10 Damage (HP)
We’re talking average penetration in case anyone is confused..
No, it’s definitely 22mm average penetration. It can go up to 28 on a lucky roll (or down to 17 on a bad one) but the average is the number that matters.
22 to 27mm is more than a 2mm pen increase, my friend. I’m guessing you have a t18?
The Vickers is going from 25 to 27, that’s what he’s talking about. And that’s not ‘just 2mm’, that’s 8!!! percent more. Which is a lot. T7 sees a… 22,7% increase, if I have it right.
This should made them a lot fun to plays!
Does this made both tank a great tank?
ofc not
but to sealclubing newer player full of leads after a bad match in high tier is just too entertain to give up
“Does this made both tank a great tank?
ofc not”
Actually, it does make Combat Car a great tank.
Does this buff means that my M2 Light with little .50 cal also get a buff?
Doubt it. As it got 30 pen now and can use premium ammo to get 41 average pen. The T7 CC can not. Tho now the T7CC will be a close 2nd to the T2 light. Witch it should have been form the start.
Yea, and you would like for T7CC to see Tier3 and Tier4 battles as well, right?
I guess the time has come to get another tier 2 (apart from Tetrarch) so I can trollolololo. I can’t decide between H35 and T18.
H35 has good armor but is slow. T18 is better, but it’s gonna get nerfed in near future. Decisions, decisions, decisions… (:
Cruiser Mk III all the way ! I’ve got H35 too, it’s awesome for trolling with its RoF of 35 and its shiny sloped 40mm of armor. But it’s too slow to save a game. T18 is an overpowered no-brainer, not my kind. Cruiser has decent view range, depression, mobility, and firepower ! Of course you have no armor whatsoever so T7s and such are tedious enemies up-close, that is, if they manage to fire at you before you drain their whole life in a quick pom-pom burst. ;)
Insane buffs for the former T7 crapcar.
This is going to be some serious tank now – I mean, even 25mm penetration of current mk VIc was noticably better than 22 on CC, but 27 mm pen? Sounds pretty awesome… Yet they also buff ROF and gun range. Wow, is it really WG?
I’m amazed.
And to all that sold the CC to get a lousy garage slot – shit happens. You’ve just been hard trolled by WG.
This leaves one question – are other spamtanks planned to get the gun range buff from 350 to 395? This would seem fair…
Garage slot is still worth more than T7 or Vic. :)
Send a ticket to WG support and tell them you sold it by mistake. You can use this method to get back one premium/gift tank which you previously owned.
And what if they already used that one time on another tank? Trololol on them then. I shall finally be able to play my first match in the T7 CC.
Best tank in game! more over powered than the KV-1s at tier 6 lol
Well i have ~57% win rate on My T7 car with 200+battles
o_O Really? I got 68% in VIC (60 battles or so) – and I’m far from calling it OP.
Wow, this is freaking amazing! I loved my T7 anyway, now with that buff it will be a monster!! :D
Already sold my T7CC, but kept the Mk.VI
matters not, T18 derp FTW
It’s going to be hilarious when they finally get around to “taking care” of the T18, either through the massive nerfs it needs or the proposed switch with a comparatively unarmored TD.
The rest of us will bake and partake of delicious cake made using the ample supply of sealclubber tears~
If they replace T18 with M3 HMC then it still doesn’t matter. As long as it gets the 75mm derp and non-Russian gun handling it will still be OP.
mini-maus, french mini-maus and t18 prepare to suffer…
Quick Calc-Fu says 27mm av. pen. maxes out at ~34; the Hotkisses have like 40 plus slope damned near *everywhere*.
Not exactly quaking in their shells I suspect.
But the T18 and H35 will now die faster from the rear as more shells per clip on avg will penn. And that does matter…
*Can* you even penetrate the Hotchkisses from the rear with that thing? I mean, without shooting straight down at the engine deck or somesuch?
Lucky for you, I just happen to have Tank Inspector open.
And the verdict is…”hahaha NO”. The lowest armor on the H35 is about 30mm dead-on, that being the driver’s hatch. Even the upper glacis is 30mm thick and sloped more than enough to ping high rolls.
Being somewhat above it and shooting the turret/engine deck tops is a viable, if situational option.
On level ground, assuming it’s not taller than the T7 or VIc (as I recall they’re actually both slightly bigger, being surprisingly large for “light” tanks), you CAN shoot at quite small strips of not-autobounce engine deck armor just below and to the sides of the turret, while behind the tank. Literally the only sub-30mm place (being 25mm or so after the angle is taken into account) available on the tank, and it’s useless if your gun is below level with the engine deck.
So yea. Get behind one on the same elevation, aim off-center just below the turret ring, and pray enough go dead-center/aren’t low penetration rolls to kill them, because they’re going to be PISSED after your magazine runs out :v
” – penetration from 22 to 27mm”
Makes me wonder why they changed it in the first place(from 27 to 22mm) before releasing it…they thought it’s enough to pen the ass of a T18 under perfect circumstances?(or the upper plate if you sit above it)
So glad I didn’t rage sell my T-7 like a lot of people did, The 50 50 round clip made it great against lite skinned targets to begin with. Now it will be better off against heavier armor and will have the speed to flank as well, looking forward to it.
Heh. All those buffs for the T7, and it still has a turret that turns as slowly as something like a heavy medium/high-tier heavy’s would.
Remember to pre-turn, kids, it’s not fun at all to fly by people and then wait 5 minutes for your commander to get off his ass and work the crank enough to bring the gun around~
That the VIc isn’t being buffed as much as the T7 makes me sad…the boost in clip-dumping speed in particular would have been nice to have.
Welcome buff. I love my Light VIc but facing hordes of stat padding seal clubbing T18s gets old pretty fast, so any extra pen is good news. I sold the T7 CC because there wasn’t much point having the same tank twice imo – and I’d sooner train a Brit light crew than US.
T7 CC looks like it will be the better tank of the two now though.