
One more thing to be clear: the fact 0.9.0 patchnotes appeared today (partially) is due to the fact that today, patch 0.9.0 appeared on supertest. According to regular schedule, that means that common test should come next Thursday. HOWEVER, this patch is anything but common and delays are inevitable. Storm posted that the test will come in 2-3 weeks.

- optimization of World of Tanks is being conducted continuously
- there is no need to rebalance arty in general apparently
- choosing your team setup for maps in team battles will come after 9.0
- current amount of arties in battles is 1-3 per team
- it’s not yet sure, whether confrontation will be completely scrapped or just temporarily disabled – Storm states that in order to work, it needs its MM fixed and there are no resources to do that for now

- apparently, according to Storm, confrontation setups like 15 RhB vs 15 ISU are not caused by faulty MM, they are caused by the fact that there are too many vehicles of that kind in the queue
- roaming: “when it’s done it’s done”
- according to Storm, the “epic” part of 9.0 are the HD tanks and historical battles
- the exact wording of new team battle awards and how Steel Wall was changed will be disclosed when the common test comes, but basically, Steel Wall had HE shell hits removed from its counter
- Storm confirms that T7 speed was buffed
- for now, new tree, bush and grass render is “when it’s done it’s done”
- T7CC and Mk.VIc were not buffed earlier simply because the department didn’t get to do it
- the way MM will work in historical battles is simple: each vehicle will have its special HB MM weight, both teams are to have the same weight and a hardcap on each team’s MM weight sum
- fixed setups (SS: as in, 5xPanzer IV and 1x Tiger vs 5x T-34 and 1x IS) for historical battles were not implemented, because they caused queues
- characteristics of tanks in historical battles will not be changed compared to random battles, the only changes will be the limits on tanks in battles, the limits on their configuration and historical ammunition setup
- no matter what, historical battles will not be removed – there will be no imbalance between sides and if they prove to be unpopular, that’s not reason enough for removing them
- the dynamic resolution means that the UI resolution will remain the same, while the texture and game resolution can get lower in order to increase FPS
- it’s not known yet, when (if at all) E-10 will appear in WoT, it’s not in plans right now
- Storm confirms that the T7CC and Vickers Mk.VIc changes leak is correct
- improved graphics video for 9.0 will be released when the graphics development is finished
- on the new models, rotating parts such as the ventilators will not be animated (SS: that’s okay, in real life you wouldn’t see that from outside anyway)
- destroyed tank model will be as it was until now (pre-rendered) and not changing with the way your tank was destroyed
- WT E-100 autoloader will not be animated
- T-62 will not get the automated shell ejector animation
- apparently, “small” tanks (lower tiers) will have improved income in historical battles, 50 percent credit bonus and 20 percent XP bonus
- there will be awards for historical battles as well
- 9.0 test will come in 2-3 weeks
- new HD models will have collision models changed as well (SS: one important thing to note is the fact that ALL reworked vehicles will have different collision models – in other words, even if you don’t use HD textures, you will still use the new collision model)
- parts of tanks falling off will come when Havok is introduced, eg. not in 9.0
- “British Shermans” (SS: Firefly) will come this year
- the timetable for HD tank implementation for Wargaming is very strict and leaves very little space for other model changes
- graphic improvements (not mentioned in 9.0 patchnotes for now) include new shaders and switch from SSAO to HBAO (SS: whatever that is)
- SMAA anti-aliasing will not be implemented, because it concerns standard (old) render
- ammorack hitpoints will not be rebalanced (SS: in connection with the turrets flying off)
- developers didn’t manage to finish the possibility of turning tanks upside down (on their roof) on time for 9.0
- other than T7CC and Mk.VIc, there will be no tank changes in 9.0
- developers already have statistics of how nerfing TD alpha influenced gameplay, but Storm stated he can’t tell
- aim sigma wasn’t changed recently (SS: not sure whether it means previously, or in 9.0)
- dynamic tank characteristics in garage were not forgotten
- various levels of detail of HD tanks will not consist of old textures (the current ones), but of new HD models, cut into lower resolution
- the “even spread throughout the team positions rule” (SS: as in, you spend on the bottom of the team the same time as on top) will be disabled for historical battles
- heatmaps posted by “an American server” (SS: not sure which sever posts these, wotlabs?) are invalid, according to Storm
- it’s possible new historical turrets will appear when vehicles are reworked into HD
- for now, it will not be possible to have platoons in historical battles, later this option will be implemented
- new shaders will not cause FPS increase

92 thoughts on “13.3.2014

      • Not bullshit afaik. Simply based on analysis of uploaded replays.

        May not be representative, given that only a few people use VBAddict compared to overall number of players…

        • Idk, seems to match my own experiences quite well. Even the tomatoes can blunder ahead only so far before they run into the enemy in the usual dating spots after all.

        • WG has long held to the mentality that if something doesn’t include all the players, then it is invalid data.

          • That may be logical… but lets ACTUALLY look at the logic here: Players who track stats are generally concerned with being better players. According to WG even, the stats on a site such as vbaddict are misrepresentations because they lean toward better-than-average statistics. This makes sense, but if you’re looking to take after better players and learn the game better… then a resource like vbaddict is precisely what you want.

            • For statistics yeah, but the heatmaps IIRC are based on replays, so you’ve got the (generally) good players uploading those, with 29-27 randoms thrown in too.

              As far as samples go that’s pretty damn large and random.

  1. “- fixed setups (SS: as in, 5xPanzer IV and 1x Tiger vs 5x T-34 and 1x IS) for historical battles were not implemented, because they caused queues”

    So historical battles will be something like the closed beta MM where were a sandbox MM for Tier 1-2 tanks and a normal MM for every other tier?

      • ahahah do you remember having the “training” button and the “real battle” for tiers 1-4?, trainig got you into tier 1/4 sandbox and “battle” put you into a simple first-come-first server queue, so you ended up with your T28 against IS4s/IS7s

        good old times indeed!, made you very happy to drive a t10 tank utterly annihilating low tier goons, that was good MM!

  2. - apparently, “small” tanks (lower tiers) will have improved income in historical battles, 50 percent credit bonus and 20 percent XP bonus

    Was hoping for something like this :D

    • the 50% extra of 0 is 0.

      no one will play a low tier when you can be the top dog in a tiger/ferdi/jt.

      • That is one reason I was always against historical match ups.
        If in game it was Tiger vs Shermans and T-34s… all (wehraboo m*r*ns) would play Tiger only…

        However, I see how it can still work out.

        • always funny when people only bring up that example, how about pre 1942, it was T34/KV1/2 vs Pz3/Pz2 and Pz4 with stuby.

          And its not like this will matter much, Tiger only will get the L56 and the T34s available will be the the ones with the F43 and the Zis4(which has no problems penetrating the tiger from the front) also KV1s, which have no problem bouncing the 8.8cms and KV2s which can 2 shot Tigers.

          • 112 pen against Frontal armor of Tiger i not really good, the APCR is better but do only 85 damage, the 76-F34 cause more damage but the gold round have only 102 average pen, so flank, flank, flank.

            T34 and KVs are only 7.2% of Soviet tank forces in 1941, the majority of the tanks are the BTs, T-26, etc.
            KV-1 is tough as hell, for the 7,5 L/24 pen a KV only using HEAT rounds,
            Or shooting the 40 mm armor machine gun in the KV-1 turret rear.

            Training a crew for Panzer IV 7,5 L/24 now….

      • There’s something wrong if you make 0 profit on tier 3-4 vehicle….

        BTW I look forward to those desperate Tigers trying to hit at least one of those five T-34′s circling him. No doubt that it’s not designed for tier 7 easy-peasy sealclubbing but to be a challenge for all, even the strongest tanks.

      • Well … StatPadders won’t play low tiers because of the stats.
        Me on the other hand.. YEAH! :D
        I play for fun! ™ ;-)

  3. - “British Shermans” (SS: Firefly) will come this year”
    is music to my ears :)

  4. “All we need to do is remove that parameter to allow tanks to flip”(paraphrased)

    -developers didn’t manage to finish the possibility of turning tanks upside down (on their roof) on time for 9.0

    • laziness level over 9000

      no, seriousely, what the hell WG, I’m a student only, so I know jack shit about how it works inside a company like this, but I wouldn’t be this lazy if my company was making dozens of millions annually.

      • Sad thing is even when some things are postponed this long they still are full of bugs and not balanced right when they finally come out.

      • I think it’s more a matter of the consequences of a flip.

        Is it an insta-kill? What if you roll back into your tracks? Does it do dps like when you’re on top of another tank? How do you attribute kill credit to someone who rams and flips you?

        They can make the tank flip onto its top with a single line of code, but if that is what they did then a flip would only result in you being stuck until you were killed or the match ended.

    • Flipping is allowed because of Havok, patch v0.9.0 will not have Havok physics implemented. The context of that paraphrase is important :)

      • Nope, flipping was potentially possible in 8.0, when they introduced physics.

        That is where the “single parameter” comes into play. They prevented the tank from rotating more than sixty degrees when they implemented physics, and modifying that single parameter would permit tanks to flip.

        • Also Havok IS being implemented. Theres 2 types of Havok for WoT (Client and Server):

          Server: Controls/Calculates critical physics – Turrets flying off, flipping, gearing/steering for new suspension and powertrain physics

          Client: Controls/Calculates noncritical physics – non-material object motion like new suspension animation, things falling off tanks, mudflaps, etc.

          Server Havok is in for 9.0 (otherwise no turrets flying and that’s in the patchnotes), Client Havok is for later.

          I suspect the Delay on flipping tanks is because they did not like how often tanks flipped (or didnt) in the tests so they want to tweak the parameters further.

  5. When would they introduce those new french tanks ? those normal tanks would be more played than the un-conventionnals AMX’s and Bat-chat’s.

    SS, do you know how differant could be the AMX 30 and Leopard 1 in game ? because they looks like the same. but AMX is planned…

          • I know that it had a pretty nice pen (althoug with the “obus G”).
            its muzzle velocity is good. but i don’t know much else.

              • local varient. as in game the japanese L7 is veru different from the british one or the german variant… we can expect something different.
                the obus g had something like 440 pen. nice prem shell.

              • I got the impression the French insisted on reinventing the wheel there and developed what in practice amounts to a domestic L7 because lolfrance and fuck les rosbifs. Should be essentially identical in game terms.

                • it is true, french are proud of themselves (says the french). but because of differant gun mount and a little bit differant gun itself, it can be differant in game too.

                • ahaaaah ! after some researches, i learned that amx 30 couldn’t fire apcr or apds shells. his only pen ammo were some super-heat (better pen, and accurate, because of differant inner organisation)

        • AFAIK the Modèle F1 is functionally identical to the RO L7 in just about all practical terms that matter for the game, and while the AMX is some four tons lighter it *also* has over 100 hp less engine power…
          And torsion bars are torsion bars.

    • There will be no new french branches this year… sadly.
      AMX-30 will be different from Leopard 1 like Obj. 140 is different from T-62A (aka. only visual differences)

  6. - according to Storm, the “epic” part of 9.0 are the HD tanks and historical battles.

    Screw that – I want flying turrets (mostly because I cant see ammo-racked icon :D).

    • letme fix it woras:
      - according to Storm, the “EPIC FAIL” part of 9.0 are all the features that where cut from it, leaving ONLY the HD tanks and historical battles

    • Did you not read the super test patch notes? It clearly states the “added turrets flying off after an ammo rack explosion”

      Unless you meant they were more epic than HBs (if so you weren’t very clear)

  7. From wikipedia: ” Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO) is a rendering technique for efficiently approximating the computer graphics ambient occlusion effect in real time. It was developed by Vladimir Kajalin while working at Crytek and was used for the first time in a video game in the 2007 Windows game Crysis, developed by Crytek and published by Electronic Arts.”


  8. The question and answer about “american” heatmaps is because one of the RU YTers made series of videos about imbalanced maps and said that vbaddict.net has only NA server data, when in reality it has data from almost all servers as vbaddict is used by anyone who wants to use it regardless of the server.

  9. Why do I have the feeling that historical battles MM will be a fail? Most of the people will take the highest tier tank they can use and the queue will last forever and few would decide to give up and take the lowest tiers. I hope it won’t be the case though, I’m really looking forward to those battles.

      • True, maybe that’s why there is increased creds and xp income for low tiers, maybe get them to grind their lower tiers in historical battles. But if you fight against your own tiers you could probably earn more xp than fighting against high tiers with an increased 20% xp. Well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

    • I would love to play historical battles with most vehicles, from PzII to JgTiger from Cruisers to Churchills, T34s, KV1, IS… heck, I would play any vehicle that comes to my mind, maybe except Su76, that thing may be a beast but I can not image driving it myself… I just hope they will give a chance to kill enemy, even if it would mean getting upclose and dancing with them, but if I would have to play, lets say with early PzIII against KV1 and to be literally imposible to pen him anywhere, I would seriously reconsider it, even while PzIII is one of my favorite models design-wise.

  10. - developers didn’t manage to finish the possibility of turning tanks upside down (on their roof) on time for 9.0

    they said they have to remove a simple RESTRICTION but they didnt had time =)))

    if in this kind of sittuation they dont have time , no wonder why this game is a total screw

    shame i like tanks

    • Except they stated numerous times that they want to add details to the undersides of tanks before they can be flipped over.

      Want to whine- knock yourself out, but do inform yourself beforehand or you end up looking silly.

  11. quote: “graphic improvements (not mentioned in 9.0 patchnotes for now) include new shaders and switch from SSAO to HBAO (SS: whatever that is)”

    this was discussed before, they are not shaders but ambient occlusion techniques – a subset of shaders

    quote: “SMAA anti-aliasing will not be implemented, because it concerns standard (old) render”
    SMAA, FXAA – I give a fuck about both, they are not real AA

    • “SMAA, FXAA – I give a fuck about both, they are not real AA”

      If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a duck, and not only tastes like a duck but tastes *better* and has 80% fewer calories per bite, why wouldn’t you take the improved duck over a boring ol’ outdated, inefficient, bland normal duck?

  12. Pingback: Noticias 13/3 y Más Cambios para la 0.9.0 - Wot y Leaks

  13. ” – SMAA anti-aliasing will not be implemented, because it concerns standard (old) render”

    I’m…pretty sure people would be ok with losing a couple % of frames per second in exchange for their game not being the blurry mess that FXAA causes. Especially if they’re using the old render where everything looks like crap to begin with.

    Or hey, on the other hand, if they’re using the old render, it probably means they have crappy hardware, so they *might not even have AA on*. Meaning the rest of us are stuck with either no AA or using an external injector/wrapper for AA that isn’t garbage, because…well as it turns out, no good reason, really.

    Oh WG, never change.

    • Not everyone uses old render because of weak hardware; personally I use it because AA is working and yellow-blue hue of improved render, wich I find it disturbing (even on maximum settings didn’t manage to get the same colors as in old render).

  14. “- there is no need to rebalance arty in general apparently”

    ofc they dont need a rebalance, they need some buffs (dispersions)

    • Arty is “okay” as it stands at tier 10 except some unbalanced ones. For example the tier 9 american arty is better than tier 10.

      My suggestions still stand; prevent arty from full penning in all instances, reduce dmg significantly, increase rate of fire and splash.

      • No point having arty making less dmg because its no medium tank. I support full penned hits, that is what making arty fun. Big hits from time to time. Just because people dont like beeing hit by arty doesnt mean they need nerfs or rebalance. Why make artys with 200mm cannons pathetic in damage. Splash is no problem, and direct hit or close hits arnt that hard to make if you have good crews and premium food. The only people that complains actually are anti-arty players. Those than can play arty are still doing it succesfully nowdays.

        Artys dont need buff or nerfs. With right patience and skill you can do well in consustent basis, but it is too expensive I admit. Why dumb down the game by making them shoot faster and so more splash, to the expense of lower damage. If HE mehanics for big arty guns should be rebalanced then all guns should be rebalanced, not more than fair in my book.

        • One shot kills (high alpha) is too unforgiving and is just terrible game-play. It wouldn’t dumb down the game-play by increasing splash, instead you could aim to splash the rear or sides of a tank and do more damage than front… arty would actually have to aim at weak-spots not center-mass. It is okay currently but could be better.

          • Unforgiving? Arty as it is now has 65% chance to miss and make 0 damage and 1 shots are even less occuring than regular ammoracks. So generally 1 shots are extremely rare with arty. I think I have ammoracked more tanks playing TDs and heavys than arty, and that says alot.

            Speak about unforgiving. Pretty much any tank not standing arty or “camper” save will die fast due to all tanks have decent alpha and pen at all tiers as well as TDs and tenks with gold ammo. Regular tanks punish ppl much more than artys now days.

            Also aim at weakspots at 600-1000m? That would require arty to have 8.6 dispersion and 0.3 accuracy since you can hardly hit weakspots at those ranges with regular sniper tanks.

            Speaking about “unforgiving”, is it forgiving that a kv1s (tier 6) pen the lower glacis on a tiger II and knock out engine and set it on fire? Is it forgiving that a autloader can take one shot for 350 dmg and then stand infront of you making 1500-2000+ dmg in 10 seconds? Alot is unforgiving on the battlefield these days, but arty is the least problem currently.

            As I have said always, you must talk about balance in all tiers and tank classes. Simply nerfing arty didnt fix any sort of balance at all, which lead to tier 10 TDs getting nerfed and all tanks will lose camo bonus while shooting, also also further possible TD nerfs in future. I agree arty needed to be nerfed, but now its enough they are just about okay.

            I bet the next potential class and type of vehicle that will be the trend are high tier mediums and autloader tanks and soon they will also get nerfed if they become too popular and the circle start again. All current tanks have alreaddy been nerfed once or twice if im not wrong, because they are “too unforgiving”.

  15. - it’s possible new historical turrets will appear when vehicles are reworked into HD

    AWw my god yes I hope the M103 gets the Tank light it should of had since the beginning that would make me soo happy it will also have it ready for Night battles if they ever appear and they add tank lights for equipment slots It will be there like the T-62 and such so awesome god i hope the M103 gets that light it’ll be so badass looking