Tyraforce’s Guide to the Girl Crews

Author: Tyraforce As you all probably noticed, you are getting a female tanker for every completed 15-mission set of the “personal” missions. When I played my first PC game called Golden Axe, I learned that the female game characters were pretty much useless. The original Prince of Persia didn’t really help as the female protagonist camped the base while you were getting cut to pieces by guillotines, spikes and other nasty stuff. Well, WG decided to change that and the tanker gals are actually MUCH better than the regular crew. The reason why the girls are better is not just the fact that they come with 2 free skills and that they look pretty, but rather the fact that the Sisterhood of Steel (Fallout faction wearing sexy power armor) does not count towards the XP requirements for the following skills. There are many XP tables out there but IMHO the only important one is the following one, which should help you with the decision whether and which current crews to replace. In short, if you want to improve any crew by 1 whole skill, the girls will get there faster no matter how experienced the male crew is. However, I would not suggest replacing a 4-skill crew at all, while a 3-skill crew should only be replaced if you believe you can get the girls to 5 skills. Check your average XP at your tier 10 tanks to see how many battles you’ll need. Replacing below-3-skill crew is a no-brainer.

More Thoughts of Personal Missions Fail by Tyraforce

Author: Tyraforce More thoughts on the Personal Missions fails Before I even start, let me make one thing clear. I do not think WG is generally doing a bad job when it comes to WOT development. Yes, there are bugs, lag and late rebalancing, however, compared to the MMOs I had previously played, WOT is pretty solid. I specifically remember one game (DDO), where you sometimes had a group of 12 people going on a 2-hour-long quest, which found the final boss stuck or there was another reason why the quest couldn’t be completed. The support would say “sorry, but you have to do it again”, which frequently caused an amount of frustration WOT cannot compete with. That said, I struggle to understand how WG managed to fuck up almost every aspect of the PMs. They had been testing and discussing them for months, activated them weeks after they were installed in the patch, yet they still look like something school kids developed during their 2-3 lunch breaks. Again, don’t get me wrong, I like the general idea of PMs and sure welcome an opportunity to give my T34 credit grind a rest but the extent of the fuck ups is just shocking. NAME FUCK UP: CHECK “Personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally.” I wonder if WG realizes that you have to complete ALL the missions personally. You even have to personally buy the tokens to get your WZ mission done, right? But wait, some of these missions force you to platoon! “There are platoon missions, but those too are personal, because every player has their own personal role even in platoon missions.” Sure. I guess football is a personal game then, cuz every player has his own personal role. The funny thing is that in the mission menu itself WG uses the term ”campaign”, which surprisingly makes sense when referring to a set of stages with a common goal. Why not use it from the start or at least rename it now?

Artillery Map Guide by Tyraforce – Part 1: Swamp

Hello everyone, today, we are starting another guide series by Tyraforce, aimed at artillery. This series will help you play better on specific maps. First to go is the Swamp. Enjoy! – SS Author: Tyraforce Welcome to part one of the Artillery Map Guide, which is an expansion to the general Artillery Guide, which can now be found at the forums. The plan is to go through most WoT maps and show you some suggested initial locations, relocation possibilities, conditions and focus zones. We will focus on typical scenerios for high tier battles so if you already are an experienced arty player who relocates intuitively, this guide will be of little interest to you. As for the creation process, we are currently a team of 6 arty players pooling our experience in hope of making this guide as complete as possible. Should you be interested in helping us with the next parts, feel free to contact me.

Artillery Guide by Tyraforce – Part 3

Part 1: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/12/15/artillery-guide-by-tyraforce-part-1/ Part 2: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/12/20/artillery-guide-by-tyraforce-part-2/ Welcome to the third part of the artillery guide. Today the big topic will be aiming, which might make some of you reconsider the way you click those damn tanks. Before we start, big thanks to those 50+ people who started sending me encouraging messages when the FTR comments got locked. Some even sent gold, which took me totally by surprise and made my Christmas a lot merrier. Sadly, some disturbed players couldn’t handle the guide again. No point mentioning the usual cancer wishes but one guy deserves a special mention. The “special” player award goes to Xensation, commander of IDEAL for 2 days of truly “original” trolling at our own TS. COMMUNICATION Arti drivers should be the most “talkative” players on the team but few really are. Talking to your team sure influences your win rate and many players are happy to work with arty when they realize you are ready to cooperate. Having an ally pull and track an enemy in the middle of your aiming circle is one of the most satisfying moments of playing arty. Due to your long reload and minimal movement you can use the chat and shortcuts more often than others. You also have the best tactical overview thanks to arty view and can see the HP situation anywhere on the map. That said, while you cannot expect your team to always listen or work with you, it is still worth doing no matter how many times you get frustrated.

Artillery Guide by Tyraforce – Part 2

Silentstalker: First a little announcement. After seeing the comments under part 1, following measures will be taken not to repeat the same situation. It’s okay not to like artillery, but a) spamming b) cancer stuff, death wishes etc. c) rude comments without any merit will be deleted and their posters will be banned (the worst cases, like Woel aka CosmicSquirrel here will be added to my shitlist and treated as HoS members). Sorry, sick of the arty hate shit. Got nothing constructive to add? Then stay silent. Thanks for understanding. Edit: as expected, turned out to be a bunch of moaning. Comments locked, some offenders banned. Author: Tyraforce First, thanks for all the feedback and suggestions concerning part 1 of this guide. I was shocked how much flame the guide started. I understand getting artied makes people angry in the game (almost as much as premium ammo) but I really didn’t expect such whining at FTR. This TK happened just a few hours after the guide went life and it was some funny reading indeed. Big thanks to those special folks for following FTR and reading the guide. I can’t really respond to all the 328 comments you posted but I feel one controversial topic needs to be addressed in more detail, ARTY and CAMPING The most common argument why arty encourages camping was “When there are many SPGs on each team, people camp harder.” This was really not my point. The question all the arty-haters should ask is this: “How would WoT change if arty got removed?” For one thing, E3, 261, IS7 and similar tanks would become very popular. Right now, they can only camp in arty-safe positions whereas without arty, any hulldown position would become a bunker full of these tanks. This would create huge kill-zones which would be painful to conquer without superb coordination. You know how painful it is now to break through certain camps. This would become much worse and would happen on more maps. Remember the arty-safe bridge camp on Pearl River where teams sat for 10min doing nothing? Would they sit there while getting artied? Can you even imagine CW? Right now every second team camps the southern base on Mountain Pass, which they consider reasonably arty-safe. Now, imagine what would happen if all the bases were arty-safe.

Artillery Guide by Tyraforce – Part 1

Author: Tyraforce Today we’re going to have a look at everybody’s favorite WOT vehicle class called SPGs, arties, f… clickers, scumbags, lucky bastards, sky pigs, cancer, cowards and worse (see FTR Hall of shame for the full family-friendly list). This is the first part of a 3-part guide that will cover nearly everything associated with these much loved vehicles WG blessed us with. The first part will cover general info and basic guidelines, which experienced players might not find as interesting. More advanced stuff will be covered in parts 2 and 3. Let’s get started. SPG ROLE & PHILOSOPHY SPGs are a part of the rocks-scissors-paper concept and their job is to deal with heavies and campers in general. While many whine and wish arties were removed, this would only encourage people to camp harder and more people would just drive E3s, find a hulldown spot with a solid cover behind them and troll the heck out of the enemy team. Arties reduce the amount of possible camping spots and keep people moving. Also, they narrow the gap between excellent and bad players by suppressing the excellent ones and making their life much harder. They are the necessary evil that makes the game ticking whether you like them or not.