8-bit Tales – Differences between RU and EN

Hello everyone,

I noticed one thing, that is kinda strange/interesting. Do you watch the 8-bit tales? I usually don’t, because their “stories” feel like someone took a shot of LSD before creating them. Ranzar is better (when it doesn’t get political, but that’s another matter).

Anyway, there are apparently two versions of the video, that differ not only by language, but also by content

English one



Russian one



The differences are:

- in the English one, the T71 gets crushed by a hammer, in Russian, it’s a suitcase
- in the English one, when the player “wakes up”, he has the feet and ears of a donkey, in the Russian one, he has claws of a crayfish and antlers of a deer.

The second part I get (as explained many times before, crayfish and deer are Russian words for “noob”), but why the hell is there a donkey involved? I have never heard EU or US players referring to noobs as donkeys. Why not make his head in the shape of a tomato :P The part with the hammer/suitcase I did not get.

Invite Codes and 300g bonus codes

Hello everyone,

first and foremost, I would like to address something: many of you redeemed the Alienware invite code and then sent it to me. While I appreciate the gesture, please, don’t do that anymore. Whoever wants the code can simply get it themselves (will post the link later) and by redeeming it even though you don’t need it, you are kinda wasting it. I will post the codes sent to me, but honestly, I’d really prefer to recieve other invite codes for redistribution – the kind people can’t get themselves.

Alienware codes from M_RAGE, ulfsdalir, Lyman, Flyingmanticore, oduro, helldix, The_Paradiser_112, originoo, Matuis, Hari Seldon, Fegelstation, Luciferxix,


Other invite codes from Paris_Hilton, Animalmother84, Fegelstation, Mouth, Luciferxix


300g bonus codes for everyone (not just new players) from Alienware, you can get them only if you haven’t used one before (by Flyingmanticore, Trytocatchmeonce, 0romis, Milaja83,


You can also get your invite code from here (just register and redeem)


No More Bonus Codes from Stream

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/376371-no-more-bonus-codes/

Hello everyone,

I’ll be quick: Belizarius made a query at support department, regarding the codes. The official answer is: there will be no more bonus codes from WGL stream, because the ones that got leaked were all used up last night and the organizers have no spare ones.


Well, that’s that… and the morale of the story?

Don’t trust WG EU staff:


Don’t bother waiting for codes…

Hello everyone,

I will still post the codes if I get to them on time (as usual), BUT…

about 15 minutes ago, the following code appeared in the stream:


And guess what:


It’s one of the “leaked ones”, that got eaten up last night. In other words, by the time it appeared on stream, it was already spent and everyone, trying to get to it, will do it in vain. WG is clearly using leaked (spent) codes in the stream and I doubt they’ll get their shit together.

Edit: Wargaming reply – Gingerfraggle: BIG CODE UPDATE -> codes from the night ARE the codes that will be puted on the stream, BUT most of them ARE NOT activated yet – you have to wait for the right moment to know when to use it

WG EU Code Fail

Hello everyone,

this morning and in the night, you might have heard stories about players getting outrageous amounts of gold from “leaked” bonus codes. So, here’s how it happened.

In the night, around 1AM CET, someone posted a bunch of these codes on Reddit. These codes were not “leaked” by anyone, it was simply (yet another) WG EU screw-up. It’s like this:


This is a picture of the codes being released, as you well know. The address of this picture on WG server is:


These pictures with the abovementioned address were a part of the code release posts on the portal. Someone saw this address and figured out that since there is “001″ in the name, there might as well be “002″, “003″ etc., all the way up to “035″. And guess what – they were, because someone at WG EU was lazy and pre-uploaded everything. In total, around 30 various codes were “mined” this way





The sum of gold from all these mined codes was substantial (definitely over 11k gold plus months of premium, some claim to get over 20k gold from the event). All these codes work for all the regions, Russians caught up quickly enough and by 7 AM in the morning, all these codes were spent. The disaster was amplified by the fact that WG EU office only has skeleton crew over weekends (this used to be actually enforced by French labor law around 6-7 years ago, not sure how it is now), so there was probably noone to catch this quickly.

To my eternal shame, I was not there to catch it, I was quite tired and went to bed earlier, I apologize. Congratulations to those, who managed to exploit it though.

Batchat 25t RL photos

Warning: Post is VERY picture heavy

Hello everyone,

today, I have something quite interesting for you. Now, we all know Batignolles-Châtillon 25t, AKA Batchat 25t, right? You probably even known this photograph:


But… that photo is 10 years old and there are few new photos of the Batchat 25t prototype, sitting quietly at Saumur. Why? Well… because it’s not on the exhibition. Batchat 25t prototype sits within the space, that is normally not accessible to visitors. You either have to have a special permit, or you have to fulfill certain… other conditions. Wargaming themselves got basically told to sod off (not the first time either, the same story happened with Munster), they didn’t get to photograph or measure the prototype and constructed the vehicle in game based on freely available photos.

But of course, this is not the end of the world. Meet French player DrPikouz. DrPikouz has many things and access is amongst them – so, in this case, he agreed to share with us new photographs of the Batchat 25t prototype – and it’s not a pretty sight. He however intends to write some articles, so you can look forward to more French goodness!

This is how it looks now – a damn shame really to let it rust like that:


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