- developers don’t concern themselves with WoT wiki
- there will be no special “cybersport” WoT mode with reduced RNG
- SerB would like to remove the unhistorical M-62 from IS-4 (SS: but he won’t do it, no panic)
- premium tanks purchases won’t be limited by buyer’s ingame stats (SS: a player suggested buying hightier prems for example only after some number of battles played)
- the Xbox WoT beta testing is not tied to US server WoT accounts
- devs won’t implement active perks (skills) into the game (SS: active as in you have to press a button to activate it), because they don’t want more buttons than the regular 3 for consumables (4,5,6)
- Xbox WoT will not be moddable, servers will be completely separate from PC version
- there will most likely be no special maps for historical battles
- the _RU tag on test server has nothing to do with roaming
- Xbox WoT will be exclusive for Xbox 360
- it’s too early to show any more data on WoT Blitz
- Xbox WoT wasn’t made for Xbox One, because One doesn’t have a decent base of users yet
- the fact that there are buttons for another 3 consumables in WoT keybindings settings doesn’t mean 3 more consumable slots will be added, they are there just in case
- keybindings won’t be reworked do so one consumable type is bound to a key regardless in which slot it is
- when the new fire extinguisher mechanism is implemented, there will be no possibility to active the extinguisher manually
- the tracks “toughness” (SS: earlier it was confirmed it’s 3x as high in the center of the tracks than on the edges) doesn’t refer to track armor, but hitpoints (Maus example: the track edges have cca 200hp, but their center has 600hp), the “center” counts approximately as the part with the roadwheels in the middle, basically from the point where the track touch the ground to the point where they get up again
- the fact WoT for Xbox needs golden account to work: “Sorry – it’s the rules.”
- Xbox WoT will support Live archivements apparently
- when IS-6 was considered for a tier 9 regular tank, it was to be equipped with the M-62
- shell impact angle doesn’t influence the penetration, when it comes to tracks module armor
- SerB things Sixth Sense still needs a nerf
- SerB doesn’t think British tanks are too unpopular
- SerB has a new type of “trolling”: tells people they are drunks and alcoholics: Q: “AMX-50B is worse than T57, are there any plans to buff it?” A: “You drink more than Winston Churchill in the morning. Are there any plans to do something about it?”
- Storm states that according to these documents, the traverse of SU-101 gun is correct in game
- there are no plans to reduce the general +/-2 tier MM spread
- Storm explains, why in real life tankers didn’t aim at lower frontal armor, despite the fact that in WoT it’s a vulnerable area: “Because in real life, the lower frontal plate was often covered by terrain irregularities. Tankers didn’t aim for weakspots anyway, they aimed at the silhouette.”
- in 0.8.6, the distance you can hear the sound of tanks rolling will be set to 150 meters, currently it’s less
- the range of shells in meters is 325-390m on rapid fire guns and 720 on regular non-arty guns
- there are currently no plans to fix the issue, where – when hidden behind a wreck or something – the enemy target doesn’t light the silhouette properly
- Komarin and Swamp will still return
- it’s possible that the WoWp function, where before the battle you can compare your machines to those of the enemy will be implemented to WoT also
And bonus:
- it is confirmed that 8.8 will bring SOME vehicles and it was confirmed they won’t be American regular vehicles.
Today I heard an interesting theory on RU forums (allegedly from come community contributor folks there) as to what it might be: British line, ending with Chieftain prototypes, also having allegedly some light tanks… with 20pdrs. Odd, but I really hope it’s true :)
How cool would it be if WoT and WoWp shared the same maps? I mean, WoWP has very beautiful maps, unlike WoT – restricted to swamps and forests.
El Halluf is shared. In WoWP, if you fly near the center, you can see the WoT El Halluf. Lighthouse in WoWP also appears to be very similar to Cliff in WoT. I figure they’ll keep doing this more in the future, at least sometimes.
- SerB things Sixth Sense still needs a nerf
- SerB doesn’t think British tanks are too unpopular
- SerB has a new type of “trolling”: tells people they are drunks and alcoholics: Q: “AMX-50B is worse than T57, are there any plans to buff it?” A: “You drink more than Winston Churchill in the morning. Are there any plans to do something about it?”
1. Nerf sixth sense? Yes we need to make arty even more effective :P
2. FV 215B 2nd least popular tier X heavy in NA, FV4202 least popular medium. Reason being they frackin suck. Especially the 4202 with HESH rounds and no turret armor.
3. Is he really that clueless that he does not know that the 57 is better in almost every aspect to the 50B?
This guy cant be that stupid. Whoever owns Wargaming.net really need to shut this guy up. He is a public relations nightmare.
They said once that storm plays the “good cop” and serb has to take the role of the”bad cop”, i think he isnt that stupid, its just his job to be hated by everyone if you know what i mean…
sry for my english :D
Why would you want any of your developers to be hated? How does it benefit the customers by having a developer who seems know much less about the game, than the players themselves.
Could you ask someone to fix Caernarvons and Conquerors side armour? It is bugged, kinda.
Caernarvons roadwheels are bolted together on pairs of two. And the beam which connects to the hull of the tank, is huge box outside of the tank. I dont know the armour values of these beams sticking out of the hull, but it makes sidescraping useless, almost every tank can shoot Caernarvons side and penetrate almost on zero angle, due them hitting on the beams sticking out of the side and taking damage. Id say it is the same thing with Caernarvons and Conquerors side armour as the T29′s ears. They should be made to act as part of the suspension and non damaging hitbox, they could damage the tracks or suspension or just act as “spaced armour”
Thank you.
Yup, sidescraping in these vehicles is impossible because every shell even at the most ridiculous angle will penetrate…
“- Storm explains, why in real life tankers didn’t aim at lower frontal armor, despite the fact that in WoT it’s a vulnerable area: “Because in real life, the lower frontal plate was often covered by terrain irregularities. Tankers didn’t aim for weakspots anyway, they aimed at the silhouette.”
File this under “Duh” – it’s because in real life, they weren’t restricted to engagement areas that small-arms and anti-tank rifles can reach, and their view distances were 4x greater than the biggest map WoT has to offer; So of course you’d shoot at the silhouette since it was probably 4-7k meters away!
Long range shots will also be on a somewhat downward trajectory when reaching their target, making any slope on that lower plate even greater and increasing the chance of ricochets (assuming it’s not hidden completely).
Crews of shermans were trained to shoot at tigers weakspots
With weak spots he means they where told to flank and shoot the sides and rear ..
There actual targeting pamphlets that were handed out that said in a graphical forum that X,Y and Z are the places you should try to hit first if you can.
Only people who are alcoholics themselves would try to cover their incompetence by accusing others with it.
Ahh, that’s why on the forums you all ways read how the devs are drinking to much vodka.
“- it is confirmed that 8.8 will bring SOME vehicles and it was confirmed they won’t be American regular vehicles.
Today I heard an interesting theory on RU forums (allegedly from come community contributor folks there) as to what it might be: British line, ending with Chieftain prototypes, also having allegedly some light tanks… with 20pdrs. Odd, but I really hope it’s true :)”
Oh my God! Give us more frenchies!!! >:O
Self Propelled 17pdr, Valentine, Mk I, Archer
I suppose you could squeeze on a 20pdr or 25pder on it as well…
Sure its slow… has no transverse… but why not?
Thanks for the news. Also, not to be rude, but I spotted a few mistakes in the text.
- SerB !-things-! Sixth Sense still needs a nerf
- keybindings won’t be reworked do so one consumable type is bound to a key regardless in which slot it is
I understand what you wanted to say, but maybe you should correct the sentence to make it easier to read, I am sure it will help people who don’t speak english all that well understand what you wanted to say.
As for SerB wanting to nerf the IS-4, it probably stopped being funny and moved from the last spot on the nerf list…
If I may a little question: What gun could possibly replace the M62 while being more historically correct, but still a good top-tier gun? The D-25 T isn’t really a gun that should be used on Tier X heavy tank.
sure it is.. give it 300pen [ As Chinese IS2 ] as a regular ammo and some insane RoF.. it would be just enough “good” by RU standards :P
I think that reply has to be removed. If SerB ever finds it and reads it, he will do just that…
“British line, ending with Chieftain prototypes,”
Having a tankgasm right now…….so happy.
British line, ending with Chieftain prototypes, also having allegedly some light tanks… with 20pdrs.
WAT?! NO!!!
I want french tanks, chinese TD’s or at least Waffentragers!!!
Oh c’mon WG…… so sad ;__;
Good, finally a replace for FV215B. Maybe.
For me.. it would be interesting to see that FV215b goes up to tier X TD with an increase in RoF and maybe downgrade in some other characteristics.. and that Chieftain prototype thing gets on tier X heavy position :P
“- developers don’t concern themselves with WoT wiki”
Tell us something we didn’t know already, what context was that brought up in?
Someone complained that wotwiki is wrong or that there is something weird on wotwiki… something like that.
Maybe they found “legit” reason to remove wiki button from homepage , after one of their genius devs saw spherical tank article on wiki (facepalm).
Not on the NA/EU/SEA one… And anyway the portal link up top on NA and EU is back (and never left on RU and SEA), aside from the link under the Game section.
hmmmm, ponders adding spherical tank article to Wiki….
- premium tanks purchases won’t be limited by buyer’s ingame stats (SS: a player suggested buying hightier prems for example only after some number of battles played)
i’ve been saying this for ages, sometimes its a nightmare to play lower tiers like 6 and 7 and our tier 8 top tiers are all red tomatoes with a few couple of battles and dont even know the maps, are looking around shooting birds in the sky, rocks, buildings etc or just camp behind arty looking at the battle with no clue of what they should do and u try to help and they dont listen or even call everybody else noobs lol?!?!. I understand WG wants to make money, ok sell tier 8 prem to clueless players but at least make them go thu a decent tutorial if they have less than x battles.
Moar tutorial, less bucks.
- SerB things Sixth Sense still needs a nerf
I don’t need to know that I’m scoutet, after beeing hit. I don’t see any need to nerf ‘Sixth Sense’
>Today I heard an interesting theory on RU forums (allegedly from come community contributor folks there) as to what it might be: British line, ending with Chieftain prototypes, also having allegedly some light tanks… with 20pdrs. Odd, but I really hope it’s true :)
Two brits patch in a row? not likely IMO
- devs won’t implement active perks (skills) into the game (SS: active as in you have to press a button to activate it), because they don’t want more buttons than the regular 3 for consumables (4,5,6)
- the fact that there are buttons for another 3 consumables in WoT keybindings settings doesn’t mean 3 more consumable slots will be added, they are there just in case
I sense IQ of 40 in this one…
- it is confirmed that 8.8 will bring SOME vehicles and it was confirmed they won’t be American regular vehicles.
GER 2nd TD – or I will drink more than SerB drinks more than W. Churchill in the morning
(“Ljudmila, where the hell is my “mouth freshener water” ?)
- there are currently no plans to fix the issue, where – when hidden behind a wreck or something – the enemy target doesn’t light the silhouette properly
Just like the map bug in Redshire has low priority.Bugs dont generate cash , 83mm does.
“SerB thinks Sixth Sense still needs a nerf”
I’d like if they nerfed Sixth Sense. It’s a silly perk that takes away a lot from the meta-game. It’s baddies that benefit from it the most.
8.8 The Chieftain (Prototype)… Fingers crossed!
There really is light at the end of the tunnel!
As much as i want the Chieftan, i think its about time the French made an appearance, they’ve gone the longest now without new tech. But i am afraid they’ve been shoved into the cupboard :S
So, Kraut’s second TD line(Waffentragers) most likely won’t even come this year. And i can’t even remember when they were first announced. Storm may be “the good cop” but SerB is definitely retarded annoying one.
“Xbox WoT wasn’t made for Xbox One, because One doesn’t have a decent base of users yet”
Yup, we all know why that is :)
“Today I heard an interesting theory on RU forums (allegedly from come community contributor folks there) as to what it might be: British line, ending with Chieftain prototypes, also having allegedly some light tanks… with 20pdrs. Odd, but I really hope it’s true :)”
So we’re getting the Vickers Design No. 45569 T, followed by Chieftain-based designs? Doesn’t really make sense in my opinion, as WG could have just made a second British heavy line starting at tier 5…
It’s called e-sports, not cybersports.
Btw, keep up the great work, I love your blog. :)