
- for now, different destructibility of objects (depending on whether they are hit by an AP or HE shell) is not planned
- in arty aim mode, the distance to target is measured as “the length of horizontal trajectory projection”
- apparently, there is an upcoming Russian law, that (under some circumstances) bans pro-gay propaganda (SS: at least that’s how I understood it, didn’t really bother with finding out more). In connection with that SerB states that it’s not their business to deal with clans, that have pro-gay names and tells players to sort this out with Support
- the conditions for roaming won’t be disclosed for now
- the repair speed of a tank doesn’t depend on the number of the crew, but on the average crew repair skill (SS: in other words, tanks with 4 crewmembers with 100 percent repair skill don’t repair faster than tanks with 5 crewmembers and 100 percent repair skill)
- armor thickness doesn’t directly affect the chance of crewmembers being knocked out by splash, only indirectly
- wheeled armored vehicles won’t be added in forseeable future
- no 4th equipment/consumable slot will be added
- FCM50t profitability apparently won’t increase (“Profit will increase when you start playing better. You are not buying automatic earnings, but a possibility to earn in a successful game.”)
- less played branches won’t get buffed apparently (SS: not sure with translation here, it can be interpreted in several ways)
- SerB doesn’t understand, why Storm made the fact that the TD’s have reduced XP coefficient public, according to him, XP- and credit-making issues are not made public in general.
- Q: “Dear SerB, a clan renamed itself to “Conscience of goddamn SerB”, will you report them?” A: “Why? That nick makes no sense anyway, I have no conscience.”
- Storm states that the increase of arty tier by 2 will somewhat compensate the increased XP gained by dealing damage with arties in 0.8.6
- more realistic ricochets (currently, the ricocheting shell can damage only the tank it ricocheted from) won’t happen anytime soon because the developers want to reduce the server load as much as possible
- SerB states that new maps are comfortable enough to play on all types of vehicles
- apparently, other less popular equipment, such as CO2 tanks and wet ammo rack will also be reworked like the spall liner was. The spall liner however was specifically reworked in connection with the artillery.
- gold shells in general won’t be removed
- it’s too early to talk about 112′s characteristícs, because it hasn’t been properly tested yet
- dynamic characteristics of the tank (affected by crew and equipment) will be implemented
- gun module damage won’t be disclosed
- detailed collision model (with armor thickness etc.) will be implemented into the hangar, internal modules location indicator in hangar won’t be implemented however, specific values about what distance the vehicle is spotted on also won’t be implemented
- it’s possible the E-100 turret was moved more than necessary (and historical), Storm will investigate
- current TD XP gain penalty does mean the TD crews level up slower
- apparently, Soviet T-24 medium tank will appear in the game as a regular vehicle, part of another Soviet branch

86 thoughts on “12.6.2013

  1. ” armor thickness doesn’t directly affect the chance of crewmembers being knocked out by splash, only indirectly”
    I don’t quite understand, could someone elaborate?

    • Most probably armor lowers module damage the same way it lowers tank HP damage (yeah, every shell has two different damages, so no, modules don’t eat damage done to tanks hp), so respectively less damage is done and less chance of a module to be destroyed, damaged or crew member killed.
      This is just a speculation by me.

  2. “- no 4th equipment/consumable slot will be added”

    …just an idea.
    Why not completly remove the gun rammer from the game instead? It’s obviously a must-have for most tanks anyway. I have no single non-autoloader tank without it. Of course autoloaders, which can’t equip one, would also need some sort of RoF nerf to balance this.

    …constructive is feedback always welcome.

    • Same applies to Ventilation, then when you remove these two there will be other “must-have” pieces that will be on every tank and therefore can be removed (Gun laying drive, stabilizer), until you’re left with none.
      That equipment is a reward for those who play good enough to be able to afford them, at half a million a piece for a heavy tank, they don’t come cheap.

      • well, I wouldn’t see vents on the same level as rammer.
        But it’s true, without rammer, vents gonna be must-have then…

        • Vents is the biggest must have IMO.

          If I’m only going to be running 1 piece of equipment, it’s going to be Vents. +5% to everything is much better than +10% to reload for most tanks. Tanks with very long reload guns as their primary are the only times I would consider putting Rammer on first.

        • Actually, there was a post on the Blogspot site earlier; the Chinese experts that WG communicated with said that the 59-16′s autoloader wasn’t a ‘conventional’ design like the French or Americans used in their oscillating-turret autoloaders, it worked with a gun rammer.

  3. I wonder when they will stop saying ” reduce the server load ” and all this. Really, they have enough money to get amazing hardware, so why don’t just make a fun game without punishing their players and blaming the server load.

    More advanced mechanics = more fun = more money for WG.
    They just need to invest more in hardware….

    • The server load might need to be increased exponentially for some features that players request, which would mean discomfort for other players.

      • Discomfort for other players? Sorry, i don’t understand why.
        I mean, everyone would love awesome features.
        Like: you have a FV TD, you see 2 T50′s lined up. You shoot and your shell passes through both of them. Really, this would be amazing.
        Or you’re in a JgE100, a maus sidescrapes and near him there is a T50. Your shell bounces off the maus and you kill the T50 by ricochet.

        And true, the hardware investment would be quite pricy, but no pain no gain :) So if WG wants to take the game to the next level they have to improve their servers.

        • Because some features will use up so much computing power that they will create lag for other players. WG is improving their servers and constantly adding new features, but I trust that they know better which features would require enormous effort compared to very little gains.

          • As i said below, i’m thinking about doubling the existing hardware while just adding some small features. I’m pretty sure that this would mean much better performance for everyone.
            I mean…twice the actual power can’t lag :)

    • They bought secondary clusters for the servers, all it did was split the player base in half, it did nothing lag-wise.

      • Well I can feel the lag difference. Before splitting up there were lots of lag spikes on evenings. The server crashed a few times, even if the ping meter was showing a decent value. Now with 2 servers there are no such lag spikes. Oh, also my ping improved a bit. 50ms now, ~80 before

    • How about you think of just how many players play at one time over in RU?

      Myopic player is myopic.

      • So they can’t buy more hardware because they have lots of players? I wonder who’s myopic.

        There’s always room for improvement.

        • Go ahead and ask them for an estimate on how much more power will they need for a specific feature, you won’t get any satisfying answers here.

          • “any satisfying answers” – you won’t get any answers at all.
            They would rather try to milk this cash cow a bit more, and when WarThunder bites them in the ass, you’ll see how fast they will upgrade the hardware and all kinds of features will be implemented without complaining about server load

      • I’m not talking about upgrading the existing hardware. I’m thinking about doubling what they already have. True, it’s really really expensive, but they have to do it if they want to be on the mmo market 1-2 years from now.

      • How about you stop masturbating to cartoon chinese lolis?

        Weeaboo faggot is weeaboo.

  4. Sounds like the russians are homophobic. :/ And WG must follow their law , too bad
    (I’m not gay, but I don’t have problems with them :3)

    • Wait so now in Russian you can’t tell someone to “suck it”, because you will get arrested? :P

    • Russia is a wonderful country, where you can call a gay-homo-fag – gay-homo-fag – and it won’t get you into any trouble (apart from physical harassment, that may happen, sure). =)

  5. “- apparently, there is an upcoming Russian law, that (under some circumstances) bans pro-gay propaganda”

    And does the solar system still revolve around planet Earth in Russia? Gee, lol.

        • But all originate from some sort of disorder which should be treated and not popularized.

          • That last post by ‘anonymous’ is one of the most ignorant things I have read online this year. Well done.

          • Yeah, very Interesting that gays and pro-gay talk about tolerance all day, but forget it, when they could tolerate that some people think differently.
            You think it’s their right to do anything they want, I think it’s their right to get the chance to avoid the trap of fake-liberals who make them clowns.

          • Treated? You think this is a disease?! Get the fuck out with your comments. This is meant for WoT game, not some insulting comments like that!

          • Who did say it’s a disease? No one. You’re really great at intentional misunderstandings and misinterpretations…
            Anyway, just stay in the matrix if you want. Stay and think that you’re helping others when you convince them to pose as clowns of political movements who abuse their situation without knowing what exactly the cause is. And just take everything as an insult, you’re on the best way to create your intolerant world where everything is tolerated except if it does not match your own fantasy world.

        • I can see growing heterofobia among *them* – it is not good to be normal these days ;)

          • Nope, I’m not gay. But I live in knowledge taht everyone should be respected. Homosexual people have every right to tell their opinions(except in Russia, and the likes.. :D ) same as everyone else, who has been/is being misstreated: black people, women, minorities….

          • I have run across a fair number of people who categorise people into three groups:
            Gays, Bisexuals and Homophobes. Straights are only straight because they are homophobic as it’s not like someone can’t have any sexual interest in the same sex.
            How that works out with Gays I don’t understand either.

  6. it’s possible the E-100 turret was moved more than necessary (and historical), Storm will investigate

    Realy?! I mean seriously, the e100 was introduced back in 6.6 and wg needed up to 8.7 to figure out, that the turret was too far back and moved it therefore more to the front and now after the first testserver weeks they aren’t shure wether it is too far in front now? Seriously? They had so much time to do this right…..

    If this is right i hope they fix it before 8.7 goes live. Otherwise i garantue you, this won’t be corrected because wg will state sth like” we know ist but it has low priority right now”.

  7. current TD XP gain penalty does mean the TD crews level up slower

    Haha, actually in a sense it does. The fact that the tank gains less exp than its counterparts means that the crew levels up much slower than lets say in a med tank.
    So obviously, you need more games to level up skills in a td than in a med.

  8. SS, could you comment on the
    - dynamic characteristics of the tank (affected by crew and equipment) will be implemented
    part? Do you have (or have you come across, for that matter) any info on this at all?

    • Simple: at this moment, the garage shows you static numbers (for example rate of fire), which don’t take your crew and equipment into account. In future, the numbers will change depending for example on the skill of your crew.

      • I do hope they still keep the 100% numbers as well. It’s hard to compare equipment or tanks when 1 set is using baseline numbers while the other is modified.

    • It means that the rate of fire, traverse speed etc. statistics displayed in the garage will account for the equipment, consumables and crew skill – right now they are given for a 100% crew minus the commander bonus and nothing else.

  9. “SerB doesn’t understand, why Storm made the fact that the TD’s have reduced XP coefficient public, according to him, XP- and credit-making issues are not made public in general.”

    That has to be the more retarded thing I’ve seen him say… you don’t need to be a genius to figure out that you, doing roughly the same damage, same kills and same spotting as a heavy of the same tier in the same battle, and you get shafted with less exp, means that there is a xp modifier.

    • Agreed. I once saw an ISU with over 2x the damage dealt as a P2 get less XP than it. Sure the P2 got some spotting in to help it out, but not that much.

      TD’s getting less XP for effort in was already obvious to anyone who played them and checked the post battle stats for the team, we just didn’t know exactly what the penalty was until now.

  10. So any idea when 8.6 will go live? Next thursday perhaps?(just need to know how much free xp i will have to use on my gwpanther..:)

  11. - SerB doesn’t understand, why Storm made the fact that the TD’s have reduced XP coefficient public, according to him, XP- and credit-making issues are not made public in general.

    God knows how many things are hidden due to SerB’s paranoia.

    • I believe there is no god, and if it was, even he wouldn’t know how many things are hidden. Sometiomes SerB is like a Pandora’s box of World of Tanks. Once opened, shit keeps piling on.

  12. - SerB doesn’t understand, why Storm made the fact that the TD’s have reduced XP coefficient public, according to him, XP- and credit-making issues are not made public in general.

    Becasue Storm is not an Idiot.

    Any 2 observant players can recognize that there is something strange happening when a Medium Tank does half as much damage as the same Tier TD, yet the Medium scores more XP every single game they played side by side with each other. It’s blatantly obvious and Storm apparently can discern how it looks publicly to try and hide or pretend that inequality doesn’t exist between the two.

    “Elephant? In this room? … no, I don’t know what you are talking about. We don’t publicly acknowledge the existence, or lacking, of such Elephants in this or any room. “

    • If all of you are so observant – why does a medium of the same tier score less damage OR cash – but gets more exp?

      • Because the penalty modifier applies to XP only, not to silver. Also there’s stuff like “depends on who was spotting the target that you did damage to” and “depends on the tier difference between you and the target” so you can’t simply tell that for 3k damage you will get 1k XP and 30k silver, because it’s more complicated than that.

        • In the aforementioned example the meds were of the same tier, if you didn’t notice.

          I’ll give you the correct answer: there’s also stuff like “active performance”, which is calculated (according to serb/storm, can’t remember which) from the distance you are when an enemy fires a shot, EG if you’re closer to an enemy and a lot of shots get fired around you – you get more exp than you would if you did everything (dmg, spotting, spot-damage, shots taken, frags…). Which is exactly why a TD that actually camps in a bush and snipes from 300-400m gets less than a med that was actively “brawling” with the enemy. And yes, personally i have not really noticed any TD exp differences, apart from my Jg100 getting WAY less exp than any of my other T10s. My fochs (from tier7 and up to T10) didn’t really look “nerfed”.

          • That’s why the TD’s gain was nerfed in the first place. It was expected that they would do more damage per match than the tanks, so their gain rate was nerfed so that they would have roughly the same XP per match.

          • And that’s probably only the prelude to a general nerf for all TDs.

            Mind my words, in some near future, SerB will announce that a massive rebalance of TDs is coming, because they are gaining more xp than ‘regular tanks’…

          • I told you already, it depends on who is spotting the target. You will get more XP for damaging an enemy that you’re spotting yourself, than for damaging one spotted by someone else. As for brawling vs. sniping, you get more for dmg done from a distance lesser than 200m. Also if you’re close to the enemy, chances are, you will also get spotting damage on top of the one you deal yourself.
            Anyway, tier difference is also a huge factor, because I often end up as top XP on the list with my WZ-131/132 having dealt 0 dmg myself, but getting anywhere from 3 to 7k spotted damage on 9 and 10 tiers. And even more with Chaffee or the motorcycle because of the bigger tier diff.

  13. I’m tolerant to homosexuals. But I very much do not like it when they take their homosexuality and slap me across the face with it. “Look at me, Im gay look, look, look, Gay pride and all this shit.

    I dont run around the streets, waving a pack of condoms, yelling” Look at me, i fuck girls” right?

    Also, WG is staged in Minsk, so they are Belarussians, and not russians, so I think Russian law dosent concern them, right?

    • I mean come on, homos, you can stick your cock in whatever hole you like (except mine) , but dont yell it in my ear, goddamit.

    • I know that I’m probably making a mistake by posting a serious comment on the Internet, but well…

      Were did homosexuals exactly ‘slap their homosexuality’ in your face? They are protesting and demonstrating because they are constantly abused, harmed and even killed in Russia. They don’t have equal rights like heterosexuals.
      While you can take a walk around the city with your girlfriend (assuming you’re male) and kiss her all you want, if a homosexual wants to do this he runs into the danger to get bullied and physical abused by rowdies, teenagers and hooligans – not to mention that the police will often refuse to help you and take sides with your attackers.

      @SS: The law forbids making ‘gay propaganda’ to underage people (0-18). There are hefty fines for even mentioning homosexuality to teenagers, so I guess WG will soon introduce a policy for naming of the clans.

      • I guess Slavs must be huge closet cases in general. Homophobes always are.

  14. - the repair speed of a tank doesn’t depend on the number of the crew, but on the average crew repair skill

    Wait, you want to tell me that all of my 5 repair skills on other crewmembers are absolutely useless?

    • Nope.
      Having 1 guy with repair in a tank with 5 guys is less effective than having 5 guys with repair in a tank with 5 guys.

      And the repair reduction time is the same as a tank wich has 2 guys wich both have repair.

      Cause, you know, smaller tanks are easier to repair. One could not simply repair a KV-5 alone, now could he?

  15. “- for now, different destructibility of objects (depending on whether they are hit by an AP or HE shell) is not planned”

    Excuse me? HE shells DO do more damage. Try demolishing some buildings on Sand River, when playing low tier you will clearly see the difference. It’s probably due to splash damage or sth.

  16. - SerB doesn’t understand, why Storm made the fact that the TD’s have reduced XP coefficient public, according to him, XP- and credit-making issues are not made public in general.

    Like it was a fucking secret?! As a TD player, it was beyond obvious our XP was significantly lower than tanks. Being #2 or 3 for damage, but #10 for XP was a big fucking hint!

    The lowered XP for SPG’s is the reason I gave up playing them fairly early on.

    SerB can go fuck a goat, it was an issue that needed to be fixed.

    • And soon another ‘fix’ will come in a way of massive rebalance of all TDs, since they will start to be too efficient in xp gain.

      • I don’t think so. During about 50 matches that I played in 8.6 test server, TDs didn’t really stand out in exp gain. That’s because they are more glumsy (less reliable) and rarely spot the targets they shoot at. They are now about at the point they should be.

        • …have had similar experiences.
          I also noticed that it’s actually also a buff for brawling meds/heavies or scouts.
          They’ll now get more xp for spotting damage :)

  17. Do you know if the 53 BP-540 HEAT shells of the KV-2s 152mm gun I have in storage still will be sold for full cr price?

  18. Pingback: For the Record, 12.06.2013 | Panzerkommandand Ravandrell

  19. - apparently, there is an upcoming Russian law, that (under some circumstances) bans pro-gay propaganda (SS: at least that’s how I understood it, didn’t really bother with finding out more). In connection with that SerB states that it’s not their business to deal with clans, that have pro-gay names and tells players to sort this out with Support

    Am I correct to read this as gay-themed clans will become against the game rules? If so, wow.