- MM being bad (one team has heavies, the other arties of the same tier instead)? “How terrible…”
- Q: “What are the specifics of the Chinese server?” A: “The Chinese players are less envious”
- second French artillery branch is currently not planned
- after 0.8.6, the amount of battles played on arty vehicles dropped “several times”, “many” players sold their arties, so far, according to SerB the impact on arty is as planned
- high tier profitability was introduced, because “there was a certain disbalance between calculated predictions and real vehicle profit”
- SerB states the new reward tanks are balanced correctly, despite the fact they will be issued to very good (clanwars) players, which kinda distorts the statistics
- Sturmgeschütz E-75 (based on Spielberger’s Special Panzer Variants) will not be implemented into the game, because there is no info on it (SS: in the aforementioned book, Spielberger vaguely mentions that there was a plan to make a StuG project, based on the E-75 chassis – but nothing more, no details, sketches, nothing)
- while the module tier is just an arbitrary number, vehicle tier is not arbitrary, because it’s used when balancing the vehicles of the same tier (while modules of the same tier don’t get balanced to each other)
- Japanese tree: “when it’s done it’s done”
- SerB on why the clay fences are not penetrable: “Imagine it like this: when the shell hits the fence, it will begin to turn over.” (SS: as in, turn upside down, effectively negating any penetration ability), it will be changed in the future (fences will be penetreable), but even in the future shooting thru obstacles will make the shells lose penetration, so SerB suggests using terrain to your advantage
- T58 is overpowered even for tier 10, there will be no “premium” tier 9 and 10′s
- Object 140 is “completely possible” (SS: I have a feeling this will be the new Soviet branch tier 9 tank, it’s a Kharkov experimental tank, designed at the same as Object 430, to which it was somewhat inferior) – this is how it looks:
- SerB doesn’t want to create WG fake tanks apparently, even though he admits that the E50M is mostly a Wargaming invention, based on real life designs and solutions
- the lighting on the new Sacred Valley map doesn’t seem unnatural, according to SerB, the map was made according to photographic references – there is no such area in real life, but the architecture and elements are real
- RU server having events rewarding medals, obtained for killing arty while in fact there is nowhere near the amount of arty to get them is not trolling, according to SerB: “Sometimes the cigar is just a cigar” (SS: original SerB quote says “banana”, which in turn is – according to google, the Russian version of the famous Freud quote, so I used the original)
- SerB states that the current increased amount of tank destroyers is fine, as both teams are balanced
- apparently (if I understand this correctly), Object 430U won’t be implemented for now (SS: will doublecheck)
- Object 770 will not be implemented, as it would be balanced around tier 11-12 (SS: an experimental heavy tank from late 50′s, equipped with a modern 130mm M-65 gun, penetrating 280mm at 1000m), this is how it looks:
- Soviets won’t get 3 heavy branches anytime soon
- the fact objects and vehicles have glass parts, that aren’t transparent is not engine technical limit, it’s simply saving the client computer resources from calculating pointless crap
- open topped vehicles won’t recieve a bonus for improved ventilation, this “bonus” is already included in their base stats
- tier 11 and higher vehicles won’t be implemented
- SerB states that while it was necessery to implement the IS-7 into the game, the game can very well do without the T58
- gold shell hardcap per battle is not planned
- SerB on War Thunder garage battles: “Specifically in War Thunder, in our opinion, the garage battles were unsuccessful (including the pay to win elements) – it’s one of the serious project flaws”
- Intuition perk can kick in during the autoloader drum reload
- the possibility for a tank to “push itself away” when rotating the hull against an obstacle will not return
- no plans to implement a “give yourself up” option into the game
- although all the guns try to immitate their real life performance when it comes to penetration, for many of them WG simply didn’t have data available
- Storm states that putting more types of shells into one autoloader batch is not needed
- it’s possible premium T8 tank with 200+ penetration will appear until the end of the year
- in 0.8.6 the possibility of AMX ELC to rotate its hull with mouse (like on TD’s) was returned, it’s not clear whether this is final
- the probability of crewmembers getting killed is the same on all types of tech (SS: as in, no types of tech have special saving throws or tougher crews)
- for now, the fire extinguisher mechanism won’t be changed
- Scout Panther is doing fine on tier 7
What about A-44? It was supposed to be tier 7 medium but with T-44-122 (not being premium) I don’t know what to think of it
T-44-122 can still be a reward/promo tank
SerB doesn’t want to create WG fake tanks apparently, even though he admits that the E50M is mostly a Wargaming invention, based on real life designs and solutions .>
I have to say I face palmed at that since they have the GW Tiger P that didn’t exist in anything, and also the T28 Prototype had a different turret model than what it has in game. So its false.. his statement. lol
Well, the “T” indicates a prototype, so you saying “prototype prototype 28″
Yes, they completely messed up that one.
The real assault gun would have probably looked like an upscaled Brumbarr.
all tanks in game are fictional, they are all made of pixels and none of them actually exist in game as you cannon touch them or ever own them
I did nazi that coming.
- for now, the fire extinguisher mechanism won’t be changed
Thank god, the system they were thinking was awful. But no news on American Premium TD saddens me. They have two whole branches of TDs yet no trainer.
Absolutely, every branch of every tree needs them released alongside as a matter of practice. Current branches without should have been already addressed with urgency. Bit of a fail really as its stopped me taking a US TD keeper.
You need to have that for a hardcore crew.
- Object 770 will not be implemented, as it would be balanced around tier 11-12
OK, we still have Object 277.
Object 770 is a projeckt from late 50s and early 60s.
- MM being bad (one team has heavies, the other arties of the same tier instead)? “How terrible…”
SS, do you mind sending them this:
I believe that is above “terrible”
For those of you who don’t see anything wrong there, they had 2 tier VIIs (one being arty), and we had none.
I have encountered with similar battles, but you know… In Soviet Russia(n game) anything can happen.
yeah i like to have 1 hvy and enemy get 5 of them, most time top. or to attack on a map with 5 scouts against only 2 lights. matching a KV-13, 3002DB or a Comet against a T29/Tiger/IS. Just if i look at their abilities they are really different and this is important because these meds or often top in my games.
There were more screenshots of games like this one posted on the EU forums (one team has at least one tank of higher tier than the other one, for example one team has only tier 4-6 tanks while the other one has at least one tier 7 heavy).
My suggestion: don’t pay any money to WG until they fix the bugs instead of adding stupid birds and messing up vehicle names and sounds. Losing profits? How terrible …
- SerB on War Thunder garage battles: “Specifically in War Thunder, in our opinion, the garage battles were unsuccessful (including the pay to win elements) – it’s one of the serious project flaws”
WoTs shitty game mode is one of the serious project flaws
serb being a moron as always
but he has a point with p2w stuff in WT, specifically the back-up plane token
never go full retard SerB!
Maybe it is but nobody is buying that crap anyway
im still waiting for a tier 8 prem med
Here’s a Type 59 for you (to kill)… (bad joke I know).
- Storm states that putting more types of shells into one autoloader batch is not needed
Yes, nothing like reloading two AP shells when four rounds are possible, then having to wait while your four of reserve APCR reload.
Oh, wait, now I get it. They want you to ignore the two AP rounds and load APCR instead. Really not sure why they think that is good for business. Can it really be that hard to program the game so the magazine will take two and two (or any other combo)?
“how terrible”
They are russians they can’t program anything.
Uh… except games?
One word: Tetris.
“- T58 is overpowered even for tier 10, there will be no “premium” tier 9 and 10′s”
This is total B/S … French can have a 3-shot autoloader Foch that’s fast and have great camo value, and you’re meaning to tell me we can keep our made-u p T110E4 POS but we can’t have a T58 with crappy reverse gear, sub-par armor, and a WG -made-up 3-shot autoloader instead of the design spec’s 6 shot one?
Utter… utter b/s.
Well, T58 alone might not be seriously OP, but 3 of them in a platoon… whole team dead in 5-6minutes by those 3 tanks alone
The exact same can be said about the Foch! I was in a battle where a ‘toon of Fochs utterly wrecked one flank while the rest of their team took our other flank. 8 tanks we lost to those 3 TDs…all because they could focus fire and annihilate whatever was in their path. If those things aren’t ‘overpowered’…then the T58 could fit right in. Yeah, they’d have to give it 3 rounds instead of the historical 6 rounds…but in all other aspects, it’d be weaker than the Foch. Its only upside would be its turret and big gun. Overpowered, my ass…thats such bullcrap… -_-
SerB on War Thunder garage battles: “Specifically in War Thunder, in our opinion, the garage battles were unsuccessful (including the pay to win elements) – it’s one of the serious project flaws”
Dha! it’s why i like WT more then WoT, no Frustration + more fun. Pay to win elements… (the purist) who give a shit if a player buys another slot,so fucking what! this comes from the number 1 unbalanced game in the industry.
and btw WoT will implement garage battles, it’s a 100% feature they are going to copy.
If you really think it’s the number 1 unbalanced game in the industry, I recommend you to play more games.
And I don’t think WT invented the concept, but rather adapt it. That being said, I agree it’s more enjoyable than randoms in WoT…
I just wanted to say that everytime I read your blog I actually click those banners to support your great work for community. And funny thing, I even bough some goods from advertisers site after clicking banner.
I’m sooooo crazyyyyyyy uuuuuuu.
Anyway, great work!
Thank you :)
Q: “What are the specifics of the Chinese server?” A: “The Chinese players are less envious”
Coudl it have something to do with the fact that Chinese get access to all the vehicles that have been removed from the EU and NA stores, and then some?
yes, but they have little moneys compared to the Europeans, and they are also ruled by communists and have a gay smog all over their cities, because they are to ignorant to invest in electric powered cars . damn commies back when i was a young lad in ww2 i wouldve nuked china:D
U old fag get a life
This is bait.
Truly would of loved the T58 to appear
Truly would love to have no more OP auto-loader tanks… specially ones with Big Ass auto-loading cannons.
Ten € on L_0_W never actually having played the things.
>> Scout Panther is doing fine on tier 7
Maybe on normal tier 7, not against tier 10 tanks…
1013 raw xp for 1st class mastery badge – that’s not much… (just got it). Says something about avarage xp.
>> – SerB on War Thunder garage battles: “Specifically in War Thunder, in our opinion, the garage battles were unsuccessful (including the pay to win elements) – it’s one of the serious project flaws”
That is actually true, you pay for slots and game doesn’t take this into account when balancing.
- the lighting on the new Sacred Valley map doesn’t seem unnatural, according to SerB, the map was made according to photographic references – there is no such area in real life, but the architecture and elements are real
I think it is true. But not only the new map, but also the reworked Widepark and Airfield (Murovanka is perfect). They have too much bloom and contrast. The map Airfield has terrain completely white in several places and you can’t distinguish the texture. Also Sacret Valley and Widepark have much white in white textures. It occurs in the atmosphere of the map not in the textures itself, because the tanks have bloom where in others maps doesn’t have.
I have Post processing option off because I don’t like the bloom. But it doesn’t depend in these maps.
- the possibility for a tank to “push itself away” when rotating the hull against an obstacle will not return
That was pretty useful. Now it is harder to drive against a will. If you make a mistake and line yourself up parallel to it, you could become stuck.
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“200 pen tier 8 premium coming this year” …
*cough* amx 65t *grumble*
Is there any chance of asking them are they going to implement Nvidia Sli compatability any time soon?
Probably behind 64-bit support.
Which should be behind multi-core support.
“Object 770 will not be implemented, as it would be balanced around tier 11-12 (SS: an experimental heavy tank from late 50′s, equipped with a modern 130mm M-65 gun, penetrating 280mm at 1000m)”
And what about the Leopard 1 and it’s 105mm L7A3 gun?
…which is for all practical intents and purposes the exact same gun as the Centurions have, and only marginally different from the one the E-50M has been driving around with since forever IIRC?
Your point, should you have one, is in dire need of some elaboration.
- after 0.8.6, the amount of battles played on arty vehicles dropped “several times”, “many” players sold their arties, so far, according to SerB the impact on arty is as planned
so why are you creating brit arty? Why are you developing something when you dont want that players are playing it? Sorry but this is stupid as hell…