
First, some info on US tanks from US server developer/historian, The_Chieftain

- in 8.7, US tanks won’t probably be nerfed (The_Chieftain stated on US forums that he is constantly working on measuring the armor of the US vehicles, but he won’t make it till 8.7): “No significant nerfing of US tanks is going to happen in 8.7″
- another piece from The_Chieftain: apparently, the M103/T110 won’t be nerfed, when it comes to armor
- The_Chieftain on T57/M103 supposed armor nerf, that was somewhat hinted at earler: “…..since then I found the army’s ballistic test report for the T43′s hull, which as near as I can tell is ballistically identical to the M103′s. Did moderately well, except for the lower front hull.”

Some more info from US server, regarding the Missions (aka “miniquests”) and Operations (series of missions)

- Mugsy_: there will be a special Operations (and Missions, aka “miniquests”) interface (UI) in next patch, it’s being developed
- missions can be considered WoT equivalent of Warcraft’s daily quests
- gold as a reward won’t be used too much until the testing of the whole concept is complete
- Operations (series of missions) will be historically themed series of missions (for example a “Battle of Kursk”)
- missions where you have to “do damage equal to 3-5x of your tanks health” are not technically possible now

BTW: I am not sure, whether Operations as such will come to EU server. It’s an American server thing, essentially (they have been running these for a while now, just not using this special reward system). We’ll just have to see.

Overlord’s info from his blog:

- 8.7 supertest has recently started, it’s possible that we will see 8.7 public test in like two weeks
- WG still plans to release one new map per update
- day/night battles and weather are being worked on
- T-50-2 will be replaced completely, it will not become a premium tank á la T34

And regular Q&A:

- according to SerB, TD’s aren’t OP now (“statistics don’t confirm”)
- patch 8.6 is considered “nice”
- there were (and are) no plans to reduce the HP damage done by HEAT shells, while increasing their effect against crewmembers
- spall liner doesn’t work when the vehicle armor is (fully) penetrated by HE
- SerB states that Soviet RPG-7 can penetrate Abrams, it happened in Iraq and one of the crewmembers was wounded, Americans then tried to blame some “secret gun”, but it was just a RPG
- it’s possible that the Superpershing will not be nerfed in 8.7 (there might not be enough time to make it)
- old tanks (such as Panzer 35t) have detailed suspension collision models, while the new ones have less detailed ones. This is intentional – the developers considered the situation and found out less detailed models are sufficient for the game, while reducing the load on the server
- the “miniquest” mechanism wasn’t implemented earlier, because developers simply had other things to do
- map “Stalingrad” will not be apparently implemented under this name, but something like Stalingrad (a map of that type) will come
- as for silver- and XP-awarding events (like the Russians had recently with the miniquests), SerB generally doesn’t like such events, because he thinks people should play to win and not to fulfill the mission goals
- SerB is also not fond of lowtier premium tanks, because they support pedobearing/sealclubbing (SS: experienced players preying or newbies), which means Bronetraktors (SS: armored improvised tractors, the Ni tank being the most famous) probably won’t appear
- it’s very rarely possible for a hightier tank to appear in lowtier battles, happens late in the night, when there aren’t enough vehicles to fill the slots and MM adds vehicles from other tiers to the battle
- there will be no “free tank” (or other reward) for changing the VK3601H into a heavy
- SerB’s comment on 0.8.6 MM: “It’s not that bad”
- it’s possible the VK4501B will recieve historical parameters within a year, that is it gets much less armor and loses the 105mm and 128mm guns (and gets dropped down a tier or two), it was made tier 9 because WG didn’t find a historical proper T9 candidate
- SerB on why there is no British autoloaded arty on tier 10: “Oh well, evil Zlobny conjured up something else, happens. (SS: here, SerB used the word “нашаманить” – I am not sure what it means, some slang word for find or conjure up?)
- you won’t have to probably manually remove the crew from T-50-2 before its switch, but watch the patchnotes just in case
- it’s possible that the second German TD branch (0.8.9) was changed compared to the early version that was made public last year, SerB will tell when the time is right
- there are no plans to introduce the IS-7 with 152mm at this moment, but if it is introduced, it will probably be a heavy tank, not a TD
- when the new French heavy branch comes, its tier 10 tank will most likely not be the AMX50B, but something new (SS: earlier 2012 trees showed both heavy branches ending with one tank, the 50B)
- there are plans to add the possibility to change the e-mail your account is registered to
- it’s possible HESH will recieve its own mechanism, but SerB doesn’t see it as an important issue, it has low priority
- neither Ferdinand nor Jagdpanther II will most likely lead to the new German TD branch, SerB will not share details about any merges or splits however
- Q: “Why is the capture much faster on new Encounter maps?” A: “How terrible…”
- default German emblem will not be changed
- new emblems: “if necessery”
- according to SerB, in surveys, players actually prefer only partial city maps, not completely covered with streets, so that’s how the devs will do it

104 thoughts on “29.6.2013

      • Or they could turn the VK A into a tier 8 premium….germans don’t have tier 8 premium heavys anyway….

          • And that is why you want to give them VK 45.01 ausf. A, which has no armour whatsoever, as a tier 8 premium? Makes perfect sense.

        • It would more sense for the Ausf. A to become a premium medium, since currently it plays with a Medium complex

          • Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

            I don’t like it!

            Yes the VK4502 A and B, especially the ausf. B is difficult to play and not 100% historical but the ausf. A fits well into tier 8. And so many other tanks aren’t historical.

            And i bet you we won’t get the new tier 8 and 9 for free.
            What will happen to the Tiger P?

            I am interested ho big the rage will be, if wg announces, that the replacement vehicles will only be unlocked but you won’t get them for free.
            Ofcourse you have to save again several millions of silver to rebuy the new tier 8 and 9.

            Crew wont be usable with their skills either.

      • And wat about Tiger? That tank is historically nerfed!
        It should be moved to tier 6 with kwk 88/L56 gun, and with a tier 8 engine.

        Instead of currnet Tiger I suggest Tiger ausf. E. That tank had 110-120 mm front armor on hull and turret. It also had 200mm gun manle.


  1. - SerB states that Soviet RPG-7 can penetrate Abrams, it happened in Iraq and one of the crewmembers was wounded, Americans then tried to blame some “secret gun”, but it was just a RPG

    Interesting. Was there anyone thinking otherwise? RPG-7 is not the weapon. The warhead is the weapon. Get a new high tech warhead and it will blow up anything you throw at it.

    • I’ve heard this before. Despite what Serb says no the US doesn’t deny it. You are right the RPG-7 is just the delivery method. Warheads can always be changed.

    • During Iraqi Freedom and ocupation at last 3 M1 were knocked out by RPG missiles. All in the same way. In urban area, hit in the engine from above. In Baghdad one M1 were immobilzed by recoilless rifle hit – again in the engine from above. All tanks after reparis returned into the line.
      So yes RPG-7 missile can penetrate M1. But no RPG-7 missile (regardless of warhead type) can not penetrate M1 frontaly. With extreme luck sides can be penetrated but with minor damage for a tank.
      Most M1 were damged not from RPG or ATM but from IED.

      • Strictly speaking those are *rockets*, not missiles, what with the lack of guidance systems and all. (And recoilless rifle shells aren’t even that.)

  2. “- patch 8.6 is considered “nice”

    Sure, if you consider nice the cluster split in NA broke the Clan Chat for a lot of people, and how PM boxes don’t close now, and ping times seem to be just as bad or worse on either cluster you log in to (if you’re in the middle of the country), and after-battle reports and combat records are broken with a couple of mods that were 8.6 updated version prior to the release (something might have changed between test and release to break them) – then yeah… this update is “nice” /sarcasm

    • Many of these problems I don’t have, with 8.6. So I’d say it’s more a few people have issues, as all of my PMs close properly, Ping is the same, Clan Chat works fine with my clan and all of my mods work.

      And I’m not the only one I know of with it all working correctly.

  3. - when the new French heavy branch comes, its tier 10 tank will most likely not be the AMX50B, but something new.

    Been waiting for them forever. It ended up with AMX-65t, if I remember correctly.

    • In an old french tech tree pic, which I saved from its online updating,
      It was once intended to end in an AMX M4 ’49
      The 65t was to precede it at tier 9.
      The line from T2-10 is:
      Renault R35 (light)
      FCM 36/20t (light)
      Somua S35 (Med)
      Renault G1R (Med)
      ARL 44 (The same heavy as other line)
      AMX M4 ’45 (Heavy)
      AMX M4 ’48 (Heavy)
      AMX 65t (Heavy)
      AMX M4 ’49 (Heavy)

      Shhhhhh WG doesnt want you to know…

          • IIRC the 2nd heavy line was supposed to be sans autoloader, so considering that I would expect the AMX M4 descended tanks to play similar to the Tiger tank given how these French heavy tanks were directly inspired and partially based on them.

          • Tiger II, to be accurate. By ’45 nobody considered the original box-on-tracks anything but painfully old-fashioned.
            I did get the impression the French were rather more concerned with mobility than the Germans had been though.

  4. “нашаманить” verb derived from “shaman”, so if for example driver drives and eater eats, then shaman “shamans” things.

    nashamaniti = “to shaman” (as a verb)

    • Technically correct, but the actual verb “Nashamanit’” is used in completed, rather than continuous tense (ie “Shamanit’ would describe the actual process, while “Nashamanit’” would assume completion of said process with given results)

  5. - neither Ferdinand nor Jagdpanther II will most likely lead to the new German TD branch, SerB will not share details about any merges or splits however

    Where do you guys think the tree will split? JgPanther? JagdPzIV?

      • Lol traktor
        Panzerjager I
        Marder II
        Marder III Ausf. H
        Sturer Emil
        Waffentrager Panther
        Waffentrager Tiger
        Waffentrager E-100

        Already done/confirmed…. This tree will most likely not change.

        • Was asking where the current tree will split into the new tree. But thanks for that list.

          • Just compare this tree to the current one and find the tank, which is the last in line with the current one. And yes, this involves thinking on your own.

          • I really find it hard to believe that the two trees split at tier 3..There should be a path for someone currently on the TD line to diverge into the new tree.

    • I’m asking if there is going to be a divergence like the Tiger P or JgPanther. I don’t understand why i’m having such a hard time explaining this. The Tiger P lets you go to TD’s, why cant you go from one TD line to another via the JgPanther or something?

      • Well you are having a hard time explaining it, because you asked where does it split and not why can’t I get a cross-over between 2 trees. And if you’re demanding this, I can ask, why I didn’t get a cross-over to the Leo from E-75 or wherever it suits me best. And to answer your new question I’ll cite the little neighbors girl: ‘Because!’
        So just play tanks. And wait for more announcements: maybe you’ll get a cross over, maybe not. We just don’t know yet, only how the tree will look like.

        • why I didn’t get a cross-over to the Leo from E-75

          Because heavy lines don’t cross into medium lines you fucking idiot.

      • ” And if you’re demanding this, I can ask, why I didn’t get a cross-over to the Leo from E-75 or wherever it suits me best.”
        You’re really comparing that, to having two TD branches be linked? lol..

        • Porno Tiger to Ferdinand is perfectly logical given the shared chassis. Oversized paper-project E-75 to nearly two decades newer, very real glass-cannon Leo 1? Gedouddahere.

  6. So they were lying when they said we’d see 8.7 after two weeks of 8.6.
    What a surprise?

    - SerB on why there is no British autoloaded arty on tier 10: “Oh well, evil Zlobny conjured up something else, happens
    Quite literally thought up. We can’t find anything on it (it would have an FV number fools)

  7. 1) would it be possible to fly from one single mission in WT directly into WoT random Battle?
    2) would it be possible to change my Tank in game to World of Warcraft avatar and join a raid?
    3) would it be possible to command WoT companies within COH2?
    4) would it be possible to buy a discount for a full price?

    • 1) Nope.
      2) You wouldn’t be able to hold the aggro.
      3) Nope, because many tanks are prototypes never fought in battle.
      4) Don’t know what use discount would be for you. It’s unusable item.

  8. No Stalingrad!!!!!!!!! :( I wished so much to party at Pavlov’s House! Fine vodka , pretty Rusky girls and balalaikas… the dream of every man.

    • It says it’ll be like that but would use another name….maybe not to offend people.
      I think it’ll be called Moscow and will be similar to the one available in PT(WoT facebook ripoff)

  9. its entirely possible that serb is an idiot – saying an rpg6 penetrated an abrams tank is only viable if it was penetrated from the front which is also entirely bullshit as much as unicorns riding rainbows

    • stupid capitalist! SOVIET UNION STRONK! single grenade from RPG-7 can destroy 100 abrams, Putin said so!

    • I give you PG-7VR,a warhead for rpg-7. Produced in 1988 and distributed across the world, it can penetrate minimum of 600mm of RHA steel, quite easily penetrating ambrams from the front on “soft” locations


      Its not smart to believe any propaganda, especially the USA one.

      • >Its not smart to believe any propaganda, especially the USA one.

        You can live comfortable life of luxury while believing in US propaganda, whilst people believing in Russian propaganda are all mongoloid, uneducated poorfags who can’t afford food. On a related note, US government kills far less journalists than the Russian one, though both do that on a regular basis. So yeah, believing any propaganda makes you a retard, but believing the Russian one makes you a doubleplus retard.

        • i find them (ru and usa) equally full of shit and their propaganda equally ridiculous for any non-bacterial life form to believe. Said that, modern military technology is hard to lie about especially if its battle trialed and/or specs are public knowledge.

          So when you hear: all russian tanks are inaccurate shoddy moving ammoracks – thats bs usa propaganda
          when you hear: all american tanks are unreliable, expensive, over-engineered gas guzzlers – thats bs russian propaganda

          both have some truth in them, but also both are blown out of proportion… so yeah, i search my own facts and know enough not to believe any side equally

          • `Murican ppl go fuck off your abrams is just a piece of shit so dont cry. only because you dont want to believe the fact that the leopard 2 is much better

  10. “- Q: “Why is the capture much faster on new Encounter maps?” A: “How terrible…””

    It’s funny how this fat retard gets so defensive when asked simple questions. The person asking wasn’t even complaining, merely curious (unless something was lost in translation), yet SerB still thought it’s an attack against him.

    • I think the reason is obvious…. with less cap time, rush cap tactic becomes viable. That means lot more instances of game ending fast with everybody recieving 400xp for win becouse no real fight actually occured, which in turn means you need to play more to get xp and credits you need…. just the way wg wants it….

      • Or, if you’re like me, you have long since disabled Encounter and Assault and don’t give a flying ph*ck about what WG wants with Encounter battles ;-)

          • oooooor it forces noob eu players to spend less time one kilometer behind the front line and actually forces them in close battle

            i have no problem with encounter battles, but i guess im naturally an aggressive player so it doesnt bother me that cap is so big and caps fast

            assault on the other hand, now thats not fun at all

  11. - it’s possible that the Superpershing will not be nerfed in 8.7 (there might not be enough time to make it)

    Damn it. I want the Super Potato out of my garage and replaced with a 112 ASAP. :(

    Might not be enough time? I know a fair bit of thought has to go into balancing the tanks, but come on. I’m assuming they’ve said the same thing bout the 2nd German TD line as well.

    • Selling SP and getting 112 was my plan too :( I don’t want to wait another month!

      • Shit now every SP owner wants that crap refunded for a 112. Old Type59 wolfpacks were nothing compared to 112 flood that’s coming and with 300HEAT pen.

        God help us all!!!

        • If you thought the type flood was bad, you will be amazed at the 112 carnage.

          • Giving 112 a HEAT shell as premium ammo is just trolling on WG part. 112 should get the same APCR ammo as IS6 or the HEAT ammo be nerfed to 250mm pen.

          • It gets the same gun (with a higher rate of fire) as the IS-2, 110, and even the 111 1-4. Not trolling, just trying to keep the ammo types the same.

  12. - Q: “Why is the capture much faster on new Encounter maps?” A: “How terrible…”

    Because answering only troll questions like that is to mainstream. – Hipster SerBofag

  13. As I said above in reply to Woras:
    The Alt French Heavy Tree was once posted as such, from tier 2-10:
    Renault R35 Light tank
    FCM 36/20t Light
    Somua S35 Medium
    Renault G1R Heavy
    ARL 44 Heavy
    AMX M4 ’45 Heavy
    AMX M4 ’48 Heavy
    AMX 65t Heavy
    AMX M4 ’49 Heavy

    As a bonus:
    Alt French Medium line!!
    Hotchkiss H35(L)–> AMX 38(L)–> AMX 40(L)–> Lorraine G1L(M)–> AMX-13 Chaffee/FL11(M)–>
    AMX Chasseur de Char (M)–> AMX-45(M)–> AMX-30 Prototype (M)–> AMX-30
    With the low tiers being the current tanks on the medium line, The line to the Batchat was altered tiers 2-4
    with the new light tanks: AMC 34, AMR 35, and the new med, AMC 35. the rest of the line was normal.

    If Mr SS can please give us specs on these… Much appreciated.

  14. SS, шаманить is a slang derivative (it’s not exactly a word you’ll find in any normal dictionary) of the word шаман – shaman, so technically you can say “conjure” from a translators pov. It’s kinda like saying “to google” in the context of looking up info – not exactly a word from Oxfords, but people understand you because everyone knows what google is =)

  15. “it’s possible the VK4501B will recieve historical parameters within a year, that is it gets much less armor and loses the 105mm and 128mm guns (and gets dropped down a tier or two), it was made tier 9 because WG didn’t find a historical proper T9 candidate”

    VK 4501 B? Did you mean VK 4502 B heavy tank (T9)?

    • He means the VK4502 B at Tier 9. As far as I understand SS, the VK4502 A (Tier 8) might also be changed, since they both share the same hull, only the turret is different. As far as I know, the hull armor was only 100 mm or 120 mm.

      @SS, do you know which candidates for a Tier 9 replacement tank WG coudl give us?

      • Hard to say. For the Porsche (Maus) line, some Maus prototype, maybe even the Tiger-Maus. There were so many prototypes available, I don’t know why they chose this solution.

        • At beta times they had much less research done than now, the VK4502s were an acceptable compromise.
          Now that they have good sources they can afford to redesign the tree in a more accurate way, IF they won’t do an half assed job like VK7201.

  16. Probably they will put Maus 1 as tier 9 and Maus 2 as tier 10 (easy copy/paste tanks), i don’t expect something else, mostly because i don’t think they have a tank for that line.

    • I’m pretty sure they can make up something like the faillöwe. Or what you sad because it’s cheap.

  17. > there are plans to add the possibility to change the e-mail your account is registered to

    Please, please god tell me I really read this. I waited 2 fucking years for this function!!!! O.O

    > according to SerB, in surveys, players actually prefer only partial city maps, not completely covered with streets, so that’s how the devs will do it

    I call bullshit on this. I want to see these surveys, I can tell you there is no way this were the player votes…

  18. It’s interesting to see why people are saying that the TD’s are OP now.
    Here is the lay down:
    - All TD’s are either slow enough to be very vulnerable to flanking, or they are lightly armored enough pen from the front*
    - Even the heavily armored TD’s have weakspots that are easy to hit from the front if you know where to the aim. Even the T95, T110E3, and Foch 155 follow this rule
    - Non-British TD’s have lower hitpoints, meaning that they will go down faster than a normal tank would
    - Non-turreted TD’s are still very vulnerable to good arty players

    The one TD in the game that might become an issue is the Object 263, since it is both fast and its frontal armor is virtually impenetrable

  19. Object. 263 already had a special weakness introduced and its very susceptible to HE. Don’t cry and get it another big weak spot.

  20. Well, in russian everyday language, “нашаманить” means “conjure up something without any facts which could approve it”

  21. “SerB is also not fond of lowtier premium tanks, because they support pedobearing/sealclubbing (SS: experienced players preying or newbies), which means Bronetraktors (SS: armored improvised tractors, the Ni tank being the most famous) probably won’t appear”

    No tractor tanks? And they call themselves Belorussians.

  22. FYI, I made those statements about Missions, not Mugsy_. I don’t want him to be bombarded with a bunch of questions he doesn’t know how to answer, because he’s focused on World of Warplanes right now. :)

  23. Pingback: 【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/28, 6/29– R2D2 | XVM战绩插件中文化团队

  24. “- according to SerB, in surveys, players actually prefer only partial city maps, not completely covered with streets, so that’s how the devs will do it”
    i’m sorry but that’s downright bullshit, i’d love to see those polls because my data shows that everyone wants FULL CITY MAPS.
    Even more with the arty infestation that was happening before 8.6, where open maps where useless(and to some extent still are)