
SerB started doing one really annoying thing: he stopped copying whole questions, so I have no idea what the player was asking, therefore I had to skip some nice answers.

- according to The_Chieftain, it’s possible (not anytime soon tho) that the T29 series of US heavy tanks will eventually be nerfed, because preliminary measuring suggest that the mantlets aren’t as thick as it was originally thought
- SerB won’t tell, how EXACTLY is the XP income calculated
- apparently, regarding the earlier announced intention of SerB to remove the unhistorical buffs of the VK4502P, while moving it down a tier or two, its replacement could be the “Protomaus” (one of the Maus prototypes the developers ran across)
- SerB states that while the HESH might be reconfigured for another mechanism, the spall liner will continue to work against it
- no new heavy lines have been introduced lately, because there are few candidates for them. They will come in time.
- it’s possible there might be a new “Interesting mechanics” video, explaining the 8.6 changes
- it’s possible the option (mentioned in March) to retrain various crewmembers to another role (for example radioman to gunner) will come in time, but it doesn’t have too high a priority, as there are “more important tasks” and implementing this would take like a month of work
- random games without platoons are not planned
- there are no plans to nerf tank destroyers for now
- SerB said he predicted that the next target of mass whining will be the tank destroyers – and that he was right
- shells in WoT are not objects, they have no mass or dimensions, they are basically just dots (so are the points of impact – they are not “holes”)
- SerB states it’s not true that a shell only has following parameters: penetration, damage, velocity, he also names caliber, base ricochet angle, base approach angle, damage to modules and splash. And that’s all.
- SerB confirms that since the RU7 server works with a special matchmaker version, then yes, at any point the developers can change the MM mechanism on various servers separately
- the WoWp open beta will be launched on 2nd July, but the unified premium account will come a bit later
- SerB is playing WoWp even for pleasure (not just as a job), he plays with mouse-keyboard and
- apparently, the preferred trees in Baltic countries and in China are Soviet
- it won’t be possible for players to choose their preferable MM spread (SS: some player actually wanted a -2/+4 spread for his KV)
- keyboard indicator on password screen, tank carousel selection in the garage and aim sights with timers and colour choices are not considered too important by SerB
- there are no plans to introduce a “cyclone filter” equivalent for German and American tanks
- Q: “There are too many KV-1S, will they get their 122mm removed?” A: “How terrible…”
- Q: “Will Hetzer lose its 105mm?” A: “How terrible…”
- it’s possible that when the hulls of the vehicles are interchangeable, the name of the tank will change with them, but for now this won’t be implemented (SS: there is a plan to introduce a feature that hulls will be unlockable as modules)
- the “bamboo canes” on Chinese maps provide no camo bonus at all
- more realistic tank destruction model will come
- SerB states that since this answering is not his duty but his free time, he considers it a relaxation
- MT-25 stats? “No comment on leaks, wait for patchnotes”
- your game settings are stored on your computer, not on the server, it’s impossible for now to do it serverside
- SerB confirms: E-79 is a fake tank, invented by the Japanese (modellers)
- this situation is impossible in WoT, as the physical armor in the game is 0mm thick – armor thickness is just a number
- SerB states that while he had some threats with violence, noone never showed up
- no alternative turret designs for Indien-Panzer have been found, if some appear, the devs will add them to the game
- T-44 is moving worse than T-54 (despite having a powerful engine), because “the suspension is obsolete”
- SerB states that the implementation of Japanese tanks into the game goes slowly. Wargaming did get some data, but SerB is asking players – if anyone has any additional data on the Japanese heavies, send them
- SU-14-2 elevation angle won’t be buffed
- periodical map changes are based on Wargaming’s interpretation of map statistics, such as sides winrates, places where tanks die etc.
- the case where a new tank crew member is being added to a tank (the MT-25 case) has not happened before
- Japanese medium tanks won’t be commented for now, but SerB comments on the Japanese tanks in general: medium tanks are ready (SS: as in all found), there are some issues with the heavies (not enough credible info on the O-I variants and the T10 tank), there are still tier 4 and 5 holes (Type 91 and Type 95 are tier 3 max, while the Iwakuro heavy tank goes to tier 6). As for tank destroyers, those are theoretically all found, but the developers are looking for more credible info on them (not the one found on the internet).
- KV-1S will stay on tier 6 and will NOT lose its 122mm
- it’s possible, that the Japanese tree won’t come out with a heavy branch, but with TD’s and mediums only, or even with a light/medium branch, without TD’s and heavies.
- Sturmtiger is still planned
- Chi-He and Chi-Nu Japanese tanks will appear as mediums
- SerB confirms that the age of the tanks fighting each other is irrelevant, Leopard 1 fighting a T-44 is just fine
- SerB states that the lower penetration of wartime Soviet guns is caused not by low quality gunpowder (which was partially imported from USA, thus being of good quality), but by bad armor-piercing shell design

51 thoughts on “30.6.2013

  1. “SerB started doing one really annoying thing: he stopped copying whole questions, so I have no idea what the player was asking, therefore I had to skip some nice answers. ”

    :( damn you serb

  2. Since they are not going to remove the top gun from kv-1s, I might buy that tank again, that tank when fully upgraded can boost anyone stats, shouldn’t have sold it when I researched the IS.

    • Stats are one thing.

      But KV1s is also absurdly fun to play, because it is actually fast. KV1 is just as good in its tier but it’s so slow I couldn’t play it one game longer than necessary…

  3. “- SerB states that while he had some threats with violence, noone never showed up”
    So they all did show up! :p

    • Well, in Czech grammar, it is absolutely correct sentence, meaning “noone ever showed up”.
      I suppose Silent was just tired (he has the same right to be tired and to make mistakes like everyone), so he mixed Czech grammar with English.
      Best regards,

  4. - it’s possible that when the hulls of the vehicles are interchangeable, the name of the tank will change with them, but for now this won’t be implemented (SS: there is a plan to introduce a feature that hulls will be unlockable as modules)

    If they implement this and don’t do it right, I may quit the game altogether.

  5. not considered too important, not considered too important, not considered too important, not considered too important

    then WTF is important for them? moving exit to hangar button every patch?

  6. Regarding the non-quoted comments, might be that the forum has a tree-structure available as option somewhere (but as I am not in the forums I dunno) Enabling this might show what SerB answered to, but only if he clicked to the reply-button at the right question…

  7. Is the T34 considered to be part of the T29 line of tanks? (They’re very similar), and if it is, I wonder if they are going to nerf it too (or in WG words, rebalance it so it’s more historical).

      • The top turret of the T29 is better, and the t29 is slight faster, t34 has the amazing gun tough, and the turrets aren’t that big of a difference, but if the t34 loses it’s turret armor you might as well just remove it from the game, there will be no point in playing that tank.

  8. “this situation is impossible in WoT, as the physical armor in the game is 0mm thick – armor thickness is just a number”

    - lol, that’s standing against statement about KV-5 weakpoint (“R2D2″) not being penetrated by shots placed near the countour of the miniturret (few months ago there was a picture on the blog showing the mechanism of mispenetration). So what is the true version?

  9. - apparently, the preferred trees in Baltic countries and in China are Soviet

    Wrong! Soviet ant German trees in Baltic countries have similar number of players. US tree would be the 3rd one.

    • Wrong? O, so your information is more correct than the information the game developers receive from the statistics of game? Or maybe you personal know EVERY player and from EVERY Baltic country?
      P.S. the fact that the Soviet tree the most preferred tree doesn’t change that German tree may be second most preferred (even if the difference isn’t that huge in between the numbers).

      • Do you even know how many countries belong to Baltic countries Daedal? Just 3.

        And I wrote that from my personal experience as you can visit players’ profiles.

        But on the other hand I suppose SerB was talking about RU server while I had the EU in mind.

        • I’m afraid SerB’s server-level statistics have your pittance of anecdotal observations beat handily, sir.

  10. >- SerB states that the lower penetration of wartime Soviet guns is caused not by low quality gunpowder (which was partially imported from USA, thus being of good quality), but by bad armor-piercing shell design

    This is true. Near as I can tell pretty much everybody used APC-BC style shells that had a ballistic cap, perpetrator cap, and the usual shell body and HE charge in the base. Except for the Soviets, the standard shell for the F-34 was apparently just solid shot with a ballistic cap, with the solid shot having this goofy sort of “tulip” shape under the ballistic cap, which I guess was intended to function like shell-normalization in-game in that it would “turn” the shell to better penetrate sloped armor.

    • If you look at their assorted penetration tests over at Archive Awareness you’ll note they had both mainstream APCBC (“sharp-nosed”) and their own particular hipster APBC (“blunt-nosed”) shells in use side by side. I understand the latter actually worked better at least in some scenarios.

  11. “According to preliminary measuring. . .”

    Wait, The_Chieftain has actually been out *measuring the armor profile* of cold-war era tanks? I thought he was just pouring over records. I wonder how many US intelligence folks got heart attacks when they heard a representative from a Russian company was allowed to walk up to a Cold-War tank, ruler in hand, and go about measuring.

    • First of all WG is a Belorussian company.
      Secondly The_Chieftain is an American citizen.
      Third all those tanks are obsolete cold-war tanks that are out of service and are sitting in museums.

      • Also, unlike Russian museums, most curators are more then happy to help with such projects so long as you give them some lead time to your visit. They WANT you to come and mess with their stuff because it looks good in the yearly report and can actually help the museum promote itself. For small museums with a small budget this sort of stuff can really help out in promoting the museum.

  12. I’m wondering is there anything at WG HQ that has high priority, because whatever they are asked it has low priority for now. I mean are they doing anything that matters beside adding new tanks and birds in game and answering questions with “how terrible”? Oh and btw SS please don’t involve questions that are answered by “how terrible”. They are not informative, and there isn’t any reason to be in these Q&A. Just some friendly advice.

  13. - SerB states that while he had some threats with violence, noone never showed up

    Those ppl are just as lazy as SerB.

    - it’s possible the option (mentioned in March) to retrain various crewmembers to another role (for example radioman to gunner) will come in time, but it doesn’t have too high a priority, as there are “more important tasks” and implementing this would take like a month of work

    Month of work or month of lazy , sitting, waste of time? They werent so lazy regarding 83mm , reaction then was lightning fast.

    - according to The_Chieftain, it’s possible (not anytime soon tho) that the T29 series of US heavy tanks will eventually be nerfed, because preliminary measuring suggest that the mantlets aren’t as thick as it was originally thought

    So we are facing a situation , just like in the future-gravity will flatten the mountains, and all tanks in the same tier will have SAME ROF, SAME MOBILITY, SAME ARMOR, IDENTICAL HP , if u get my point..same situation with Panthers…

    - SerB states that since this answering is not his duty but his free time, he considers it a relaxation


    Silent , question 4 u:
    can you post and comment E-25 performance (survival rate) from supertest, if available?

    • @Retraining crew primary qualification
      I wouldn’t second-guess WG on how long it’d take to change a feature in WoT without knowing how said feature is *implemented,* because implementation details could produce all sorts of otherwise unseeable problems.

      As an obvious example, you can retrain crewmembers while they’re still crewing a tank. What happens if you try to retrain a loader to a commander, while said crew member is sitting in a tank that already *has* a commander?

  14. >Japanese HT tree tier 4 and 5 holes

    hmm…I think

    tier 4 HT : long-barrel 57mm gun version (900m/s) “Tank Destroyer Otu” (駆逐戦車 乙)
    tier 5 HT : early planned (summer 1943) Type 5 Chi-ri

    • sry…revise

      tier 4 HT : Type 2 gun tank Ho-I
      tier 5 HT : early planned (summer 1943) Type 5 Chi-Ri

  15. Pingback: 【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/30 | XVM战绩插件中文化团队

  16. Do you even know how many countries belong to Baltic countries Daedal? Just 3.

    And I wrote that from my personal experience as you can visit players’ profiles.

    But on the other hand I suppose SerB was talking about RU server while I had the EU in mind.

  17. Can someone pretty please go ask them on the Russian Q&A why they’re working hard to get all the data on Japanese tanks, going as far as asking the players, but are fine with completely making up tanks that never existed for the British?

  18. SS i’m not getting smth here.
    - the case where a new tank crew member is being added to a tank (the MT-25 case) has not happened before
    What of the E3 and E4 tanks – when they were introduced? My friend actually didn’t buy an E3 beacuse he was butthurt that his 5-skill crew of the t95 (that had ~1k batlles in the T30 and then got transferred to the T95 straight after release) would be incomplete because of the diff in crew members.
    IIRC the butthurt was about getting another radioman or smth along the lines of, and the case with the T30-TD was similar, albeit the other way around – the T30 had 6 bodies and the E4 had 5 (when the 95 had 4 and the e3 had 5).
    Is this a translation issue or is WG shitting us?