How to add an avatar picture to this site

Okay, some of the functions of WordPress are a bit counterintuitive. Some of you, who want to comment, ask yourselves “where the hell can I set my avatar for WordPress account” – well, it’s not that easy. Here’s how to do it though, courtesy of Edard:

You’ll need to sign up at with the email address that you’ve associated in your blog with your admin user account, and upload you image to After you’ve done that your image will appear whenever you post on your own blog or on other WordPress blogs (if you put that email address into the mail field of the comment form at that other blog).

Welcome on the new FTR

As was written on the old one, there are a few changes:
- in order to comment, you need to register. This is to prevent spam (it was tested before without this measure, just with captcha – there were 12 spam comments within 30 minutes. I really can’t deal with that on regular basis).

- if you don’t see any adsense banners despite the fact you have Adblock disabled, it’s because there are none, the will come in a week or two.

- RSS feed – sorry, Edrard said there is not much we can do ATM, we’ll have a look at it a bit later

- “ banned at my workplace” – sorry, that’s another thing I really can’t do much about. It is what it is.