Just a reminder, guys, the 8.7 test apparently starts tomorrow. On one hand I am surprised that almost nothing has been leaked about it, on the other hand, the source of this info is very reliable.
- links from and to the British arty branch? “Wait for open test”
- IF the E-50 tanks are unified (definitely not sure), E50M will simply become a hull option for the E50
- a “Wittman-like” medal (for a big number of kills) won’t be implemented specially for lower tiers, because the developers don’t want to encourage experienced players to go hunt newbies, tier 5 (Walters-Radley medal) is already not sealclubbing/pedobearing
- the rule that “weak gun = limited MM” applies only for premium tanks
- if Sturmpanzer Bär was introduced into the game (SS: SerB emphasized the “IF“), it would most likely be a part of Sturmtiger’s branch
SS: Sturmpanzer Bär was a superheavy (120t) 1943 self-propelled mortar project,armed with a 305mm mortar. The project was basically rendered obsolete by the Sturmtiger project and cancelled. This is how it would have looked:
- with the introduction of researchable hulls, GW Tiger P won’t become an optional hull for GW Tiger, because otherwise there would be a hole in the respective tier
- lowtier tanks, previously leaked from supertest (such as AMR P103, LTP etc.) won’t be introduced at once, but at different times for each
- new British and Chinese tanks? “will tell when the time is right”
- SerB doesn’t know yet what the Japanese tanks’ base color will be
- JagdChieftain (CTR) in WoT? “No comment”
- SerB won’t disclose the exact mechanism, how XP points are gained from combat, he only states that the XP gain is judged by active participation in the line-of-sight tank battle (as in, tanks have to see each other)
- no plans to give additional XP/credits for protecting allied tanks with your tank’s hull
- it’s too early to tell, what impact the 8.6 had on medium tanks
- SerB states that while the statistics are yet to show, arties are unlikely to be directly buffed. Instead, devs have ideas about some new artillery gameplay elements, which would raise the arty effectivity, but the concept is not finalized yet.
- SerB states that while he doesn’t remember whether the IS-6 in the game has electrical or mechanical transmission, you can check it yourself, if the vehicle can turn on the spot, it’s electrical, if not, mechanical
- the German 50mm L/60 gun module is too light in the game, it should be heavier, but this has low priority
- terrain passability is counted according to the point, located in center of the hull (SS: if the center is located on the road, while one track is located on rough terrain, the game will use the passability of the road)
- Russian players started massive whining about the T-44 being underpowered after 0.8.6, it was dismissed as… well, whining.
- StuG IV in WoT? “No comment”
- SerB believes he does have the T92 light tank documents/drawings, because The_Chieftain (US forums history expert/developer) sent him a lot of stuff
- SerB considers the “miniquest” (combat task) principle okay, but its implementation was a bit off.
What about Super Pershing? Will I be able to sell it in 0.8.7?
No. Probably in 8.8
The IS-6 ingame is the Ob’yekt 252, which had a regular mechanical transmission. The Ob’yekt 253 (the other IS-6) had an electrical transmission.
This is also confirmed ingame by the fact that the IS-6 cannot turn on the spot.
Curious that they would talk about correcting the gun module weight (of the 50mm L/60), considering they don’t seem to really give a shit about historical accuracy of the weight of some other modules – the different vaderturms being a prime example.
I assumed they used module weight as a not-necessarily-historical balancing mechanism.
I figure it’s because of some dumb Russian asking a stupid question.
That being said, what’s interesting is how the total weight (including fuel/ammo) of the tank is correct despite the unhistorical weights of the modules.
1) No it is not.
2) It affects hull/turret rotation speed
3) It affects vehicles’ gameplay (see 2)
- the rule that “weak gun = limited MM” applies only for premium tanks
How about special MM for locust and/or T-15 light tank.
Well, they have on par penetration as other tier3 light tanks. So they don’t have a weak gun.
Serb answer: don’t like tier 3 premium tanks? Buy tier 8 instead.
U mad bro? Why SerB would have to write such long sentence? It would be:
“Don’t play Locust and/or T-15 light tank”
“How terrible”
T-127 has “on par penetration as other tier3 light tanks”, yet it gets limited MM but the S35, Locust, T-15 and T2 LT don’t?
Because the T-127 is slow as dicks.
Sorry, no russian/soviet bias here, move along.
“Jagdchieftain, or rather the Concepts Test Rig (CTR) was a 1972 joint project”
Lets not push the boundaries farther than they already have been….
I think you forget that the M48 Patton ingame is made in the 70′s due to its 105mm gun.
The JagdChieftain wouldn’t even be OP. It’s like a slower, less armoured Foch with a better gun.
It has chobam armour on the frontal, dude.
The M48A1E1 was created in 1960.
No, the M48A1 ingame is the M48A1E1. It was an experiment dating to pre-1960.
I wonder what symbol will they use for Japanese tanks…I’m not that familiar with Japanese tanks nor the army, what symbols did Imperial army use anyway(except the flags)
Imperial japanese army symbol
Ugh, not ANOTHER star…! Just give the Japanese tanks a red sun. :P
I’ve looked at some pictures and I mostly cannot spot any symbol(star on some tanks) but i could swear i’ve seen a flower symbol on some japanese tanks. A 5 point flower symbol.
The symbols were on the nose of the frontal hull. IJA used Bronze Star, IJN used Anchor, JGSDF used Golden Sakura
The US didn’t put Stars & Bars, the UK the Union Jack or the French the Tricolore on their tanks either.
“- the rule that “weak gun = limited MM” applies only for premium tanks”
Then why the fuck don’t they do something to the Ram II? It’s useless against tier 7 tanks while T14 gets into MAXIMUM tier 6 battles.
It has roughly the same gun as the Crusader. Not only that, it is maneuverable, allowing it to POTENTIALLY get to the flanks of tier 7s.
The Ram II has compared to other tier5 mediums roughly the same penetration. So it’s not a weak gun.
Oh I forgot to mention, that the T14′s (tier5 heavy) gun is comparable to that of a tier4 medium (M3Lee). So it actually is a weak gun. And here again, the indicator is the bad penetration.
Still, Churchill III’s gun has better pen, better RoF, same alpha, same acc. And it gets into battle tiers 5-6, while Ram II into 5-6-7.
Not sure how fast the Ram is, but Churchies are categorigally anything but (the III is actually the marginally fastest of the lot, presumably thanks to the spurs the Soviets liked to add to improve track grip, and it’s no speed devil). Mobility has its uses.
It isn’t a slow tank (Ram II), somewhat slower than the M4 but it turns quickly.
Anyway, Ram II isn’t a bad tank, I really enjoy playing it even after ~400 battles. But it becomes terribly hopeless when it gets into Tier 7 battles.
Ahahaha epic how they rush a patch that brings a sweet OP premium tank. 112! my gold is ready baby!
Front armor of 113 which is a T10 tank, great top speed, 300HEAT pen, overall better stats than IS-6. And limited MM. What can go wrong?
I still can’t believe it they make it a Tier 8 premium. Nevermind, I’m gonna buy one :D
Good, goood….
The money is strong in this one.
I’m waiting for the t-34-3.Than I’ll decide what I’ll pick.112, T-34-3 or both.
Feel the greed inside you. Let it flow freely….Yeees, goood….
The Bär artillery would be much better in WoT than that fake GW E-100, they can even give it a shorter cannon if they think it would be overpowered.
Well, there are more catches to it. For starters, it’s heavily armored – good luck scouts dealing with something more armored than a Tiger. There is also 0 depression and very bad traverse. It would be quite uncomfortable to use.
The GW E-100 shares the hull with the E-100 and yet has half the armor and the same weight. So no reason not have the same historical accuracy on the Stpz Bär.
same with a lot of arty
Armor was removed on Artillerie, cause the weapons where so heavy and armor wasnt needed.
This was sturmartilerie though, taking on enemy tanks was part of their mission although not the main one.
Plus their job description sort of included being right in the teeth of whatever antitank wepaonry the enemy had lying around.
Will the Sturmpanzer Bär and Sturmtiger line probably be a TD or SPG line? What do you guess?
It was tested as TD, but this is not yet completely decided.
What if they created a whole new class of vehicles for assault guns like the Sturmtiger, Brummbar, StuIG 33B, and Sturmpanzer Bär? Something that would be a bit of a cross between an SPG and a TD. Would that be doable?
Yes, that was hinted at a few months back. I guess that at one point the developers did consider this.
So, what you’re saying is that they’re not considering that right now?
“So, what you’re saying is that they’re not considering that right now?”
Hardly, we got brit arties soon, soviet mediums, finally german TDs, then mayne japanese or w/e, and SturmTiger is planned for 2014.
“What if they created a whole new class of vehicles for assault guns like the Sturmtiger, Brummbar, StuIG 33B, and Sturmpanzer Bär?”
I understand it was considered, but what’s the point? The TD class overlaps with assault guns anyway. Just call them assault guns, slap them in the TD category ingame and call it a day.
Possible tree, although guns are still under research:
Ardelt 10.5 LEFH 18 Ausf 38(t)
SIG ausf Pz38t*
StuiG 33b
“- SerB doesn’t know yet what the Japanese tanks’ base color will be”
simple is best
Well out of that 3: Hay color(cause we can’t have camo patterns as base colors), cause we already have green(russians and fake russians, i mean chinese) US are brown.
I don’t see the reason for T44 whine. It’s the same tank as before, so wtf is wrong with russkies? They want every tier to be lead by USSSR tanks?
I don’t see the reason for Panther wine. It’s the same tank as before, so wtf is wrong with germans? They want every tier to be lead by Nazzi tanks?
How terrible…
Do i hear some butthurt Nitty?
Japanese defaul colour——>default selvatic camo
“- JagdChieftain (CTR) in WoT? “No comment”
This should have been the tier X TD after the Tortoise… :P
“- SerB doesn’t know yet what the Japanese tanks’ base color will be”
I would like to see some type of burnt orange-ish base color.
“- SerB believes he does have the T92 light tank documents/drawings, because The_Chieftain (US forums history expert/developer) sent him a lot of stuff”
SerB! I know what you are thinking; please don’t do it! Do not have the Chaffee and Walker Bulldog lead to the T92 Light, for the love of God! PLEASE MAKE THEM LEAD TO THE ASTRON LIGHT TANK! Make T92 branch off of the T71, please! :(
In space only Serb hears your screams.
And they are DELICIOUS.
- the German 50mm L/60 gun module is too light in the game, it should be heavier, but this has low priority
They must be joking. How about unhistorically low penetration of this gun? First panthers engines now this? WG you really dont have anything better to do than this?
SerB: How terrible…
ps. We just don’t like you too much. Actually, we hate you.
pss. Every German gun penetration in this game is nerfed 15+ percent compared to RL. Deal with it.
Because they murdered my beloved vodka addict grandpa.
L/60 is off by something like 5 mm. As for the rest of the guns, they’re actually correct assuming the guns fired Pzgr. instead of Pzgr. 39, so I see no problem
Panther engines: My guess is that the engines themselves are getting buffs, so there will be balancing.
1) It’s off by ~8mm (and at that lvl every mm counts)
2) What Pzgr?
3) No they are not: read a couple of penetration tests (17pounder was virtually identical to KwK42 75mm L/70 – in WoT 17pndr has more than 20mm pen advantage; Russian 122mm D-25T was virtually identical to German KwK36 88mm L/56 – you guessed it, 122mm has more than 40mm advantage! Just a couple of more obvious examples)
Let me guess: those are everyone’s SEPARATE tests using whatever wildly differing criteria for “penetration” the various armies used?
Nope, those “separate” tests actually came to same conclusion within a few mm.
That sounds a mite curious a claim.
“3) No they are not: read a couple of penetration tests (17pounder was virtually identical to KwK42 75mm L/70 – in WoT 17pndr has more than 20mm pen advantage”
Because it’d be totally legit for German tier 5s to have as much penetration as British tier 7s.
The T15E1 has some 30mm less penetration than it had in real life. Deal with it. Your beloved Germans aren’t the only ones getting gibbed on penetration.
That’s the whole point! Then you wouldn’t need to have L/70 on a StugIII at lvl5, or L/100 on a Panther or any such historical nonsense, if their historical guns had correct pen.
SerB: “German tank gun is poor pen. its russian historical.”
“devs have ideas about some new artillery gameplay elements, which would raise the arty effectivity, but the concept is not finalized yet.”
remember the E-10 screenshot with hull down position?
I think arty will have something like that. I want to see GW-Tiger transforming :)
I have no idea what you mean :)
link to that pic please
You want it to transform into a Schwerer Gustav or what?
as you can see on the pic, GWT can’t move but have better angles. I think that rate of fire and other parameters will be better in that position.
Now, all SPGs in the game are shooting from “marching” or “transport” position or so… I don’t know how it’s say correctly in English.
“- the German 50mm L/60 gun module is too light in the game, it should be heavier, but this has low priority”
German 50mm L/60 gun pen (only 67mm) must buff !!
Japanese chi-ha Type 1 47mm tank gun pen is 81mm.
SerB “How terrible…”
If they wanted to they could get another dozen SPGs for a 2ed German SPG line from “Rommel’s Funnies” by Panzer Tracts.
Hey SerB !!
Japanese chi-ha tank must buff !!
Japanese chi-ha Type 1 47mm tank gun elevation range of between -15 degrees !!
joke XD
exactly. historical chi-ha gun elevation range: -15~+20 degrees.
chi-ha tank is nerf by WG.
- the rule that “weak gun = limited MM” applies only for premium tanks
I would prefer to have that rule implemented for stock tanks also (and for those without the big cannon). It happened to me more often than I’d wished that I was researching KV-1S that I had to fight tier 8 tanks with 107mm gun – meaning I didn’t have any chance. Grinding 23.000exp for the 122mm wasn’t that much fun…
Would it be possible to add a rule that only fully equipped tanks will get the full +2 MM spread, or is it too difficult to implement/would take too much time getting into battle?
Was there such an idea and it was scrapped, or is it considered bad luck/how terrible that you got to fight against +2 tanks without the gun to penetrate them?
They make money from people who convert free exp for gold to grind tanks, so I guess that it won’t happen. Perhaps they should make stock tanks a little more balanced, some tanks like Tiger II or IS-2 are fairly decent even when stock, but I understand that as a matter of policy they don’t care about stock tanks balancing.
That and they swear by strategy which is good but not nearly enough for the balances that they do.
You get preferential MM for your first few battles in a new tank (confirmed various times by Serb). Also, lol, you would’ve had fun back in +/- 3 MM. And then before that was Beta…
My second battle with Matilda ( tier 4 med tank) half of both teams were KV-1S tanks. I was the only tier 4 in my team. No platoon , no late or early hours. Don’t believe that troll.
It happened to me as well, it either has really low priority compared to other MM mechanisms or it’s just plain and simple BS…
On the question of the Panther engine. The quoted Maybach 230 P30 engine developed 700 hp but this is actually 620 hp once cooling fans and engine auxiliaries are factored in.
According to “German Jet Engine and Gas Turbine Development 1930-1945″ there were plans to add in fuel injection to increase the hp output to a potential 900 hp.
With the gas turbines this can be pushed to 1100-1200 useable horsepower with a total of 3750 being produced and 1150 being directed to the output shaft on the GT 101 which was slated to be tested on the Jagdtiger tank since Porsche had one being used as an experimental test bed at one fo their factory’s but the book does not really say if it was ever installed in the tank. It does however seem to say that a more developed GT 102 was installed on the Panther for testing.
In any case the top speed of the tank was limited by track ware and parts ware to the same top speed of the normal panther. Also the General of Tanks limited the top speed to 40kph of all tanks to reduce fuel use and ware on the tracks and suspension.
PS sent the book to SS and he might be willing to go into more detail OR even I could write detailed article.
Wikipedia article is quite good for once, look there.
Its an ok blurb… but there is more going on then what it says on Wikipedia.
The article on the GT 101 however is much better. Although it reads as if ti is lifted from the book.
It basically is
> tier 5 (Walters-Radley medal) is already not sealclubbing/pedobearing
Fun part is that if you get 10 kills in a tier III vehicle in a tier V game, you won’t get anything.
4-7-2013 and no beta
So, what about Test server ? Will it be today or ?
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