
As some of you probably noticed, the new EU Q&A issue is out. The only interesting thing in it is that:

- in 8.8, there will be national crew voices

As always, take it “cum grano salis”, this guy was wrong it the past, several times in fact. I’ll doublecheck it via Russian Q&A.

Another piece of info from the Russian server is that Wargaming is currently looking for closed-alpha testers of World of Tanks Generals. At least the game wasn’t scrapped or something.

Now to the regular Q&A:

- Object 212 too expensive, when comparing it to S-51? “Don’t want it? Don’t pay” and “Most of the vehicle properties are published in vehicle description. It’s possible to test it on the test server. No need to whine about the price here.”
- SerB doesn’t like the Sixth Sense perk and wants it removed. Whether it will be nerfed or how, he will warn players in advance
- there will be no rule about balancing TD’s in teams (SS: the player probably means either a hardcap on TD’s, or the rule that both teams have to have the same amount of them), SerB states: “I predicted that the next whine target will be the TD’s :)”
- in 8.7, the MM will be modified so both teams have the same amount of scouts
- SerB doesn’t like “mirror teams” and is even against forcing MM to give the same amount of scouts to both teams, as it is possible that with the reduction of arties in the game, this rule will become pointless
- tier 6 heavies have roughly the same balancing weight as tier 7 meds and TD’s
- T-50-2 player statistics in 8.7 will remain on the MT-25, “because MT-25 is a direct replacement for the T-50-2″
- devs are not issuing FAQ posts, because noone reads them
- SerB says he doesn’t appear in public (in media) more (apart from the Wargaming business) because he’s not interested
- there is a developer idea to actually give each clan player some new points (as in currency), which could then be turned in for tanks. But no guarantees, promises or details.
- there will probably be more “special high level content” vehicles such as TD’s (SS: I think there will, SerB is unclear here), such special arties are not planned for now
- tier 4 light tanks too weak? “Don’t play light tanks”
- if you have FPS increase in 8.7, it’s probably because you updated your graphic card drivers, not because of game optimization
- the rule where HEAT shells lose penetration when penetrating (the first layer of) spaced armor, when traversing the gap between the spaced and main armor does not apply to other types of shells
- analysis of patch effects data usually starts after 2-3 weeks from its introduction
- Brummbär and Sturmtiger were considered as a part of new separate German branch
- SerB didn’t get any offers from (Russian) national TV (SerB: “Thanks Cthulhu!”), he appeared only once on Belarussian TV one and half year ago
- WoWp: there will be premium tier 8 planes, but not soon
- for now, Wargaming won’t disclose the configuration or pictures of WoT servers
- the engine sound, running on neutral gear (when you stop), has no influence on camo factor of your vehicle
- captured T-34 in German tree? “When it’s done it’s done”
- new pictures for crewmembers? “When it’s done it’s done”
- will the Panther changes influence all Panther-based vehicles? “That’s a question for Zlobny, he’s doing that”
- SerB himself is testing the Xbox WoT, he owns a Xbox360 Development Kit, but he’s generally not a console player
- actually, there is a (theoretical) possibility, that flamethrower tanks will make it to the game
- also, SerB was surprised to find out that thanks to some sort of Havok implementation, WoT could theoretically have wheeled vehicles
- it’s theoretically possible to implement minefields on some maps, but SerB doesn’t think it’s needed, because it’s stupid to die by a mine and not by enemy fire
- it’s possible that within a month or two, SerB will publish the data on tier 10 Japanese heavy
- currently, the developers are “pulling” one of the O-I Japanese heavy variants to tier 9
- SerB himself didn’t test the MT-25 yet, because he didn’t like its predecessor T-50-2 either
- SerB won’t buy consoles for his relatives (kids), because he thinks that PC is more versatile
- free camera in replays and other additional replay functions? “When it’s done it’s done”
- XboX WoT will probably not have its account integrated with WoT (due to some Microsoft conditions), mobile WoT (blitz) apparently has really easy gameplay

86 thoughts on “9.7.2013

      • New pictures and names and a cut in the cost of changing their faces and names has been needed for some time.

      • It’s really needed, especially for China, they have the least amount of crew member portraits.

      • Please stop asking for worthless frills that don’t impact gameplay one bit, considering most of you lolli’s use anime cat girl or pony pictures anyways. Those resources should be directed at other important things. But, just like on the official forums, you think the game is perfect, especially “balance”.

          • And they all come from the same damned pocketbook, ms Ithinkiknowitall. Swallow your damned pride for once and look at the big picture and maybe people would be able to tolerate your shit again.

            Lets see, optimize netcode, do a complete balancing pass on all tanks, perhaps rework the game engine so it’s up to modern standards and doesn’t look like a launch title for last gen consoles… No WG, please, please, please make new faces for crew members you only see in a garage.

          • @Daigensui

            You should stop trying to help people understand how game developement works.

            It’s simply for most people to understand that different teams inside the WoT team work on different things, and that especially the art department often works on ART projects like crewmen pics in their free time, because they just love doing their job.

            Not to mention they have nothing to do with the netcode, but then again why not let the ARTISTS play around with IT programs every once in a while… that’ll work well.

            My point is, you’re right, but some people won’t understand basic logic, because it doesn’t fit their point of view.

            Or to put it into few words:
            Gino is only interested in HIS opinion, and HIS point of view, because HE is right, and not you.
            One might even go as far and call him a very dumb person.

          • Watch out, we have a project management and organizational structure expert over here!

            Tip: if you insult someone that is so obviously right (like Daigensui) you make yourself look like a total moron.

            “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

          • Business 101 will tell you employee time (aka salary) comes from the same source, pocketbook. I’m sure the WG artists during time off or on break scribble out art instead of living their lives. How about we have the art team working on new tank models, new map textures, how about assets we see IN GAMEPLAY if you want to go that far that you don’t understand how business works. Kankou has no ground to stand on, with anything, as proven in the forums, when she tried explaining how “balanced” the game is, and that she dispatches tanks with ease while others of superior knowledge and skill are in direct opposition to her ridiculous statements. She is wrong basically all the time in this regard, and is a bad player.

            The only reason I see why someone would defend her is because she’s a gurl-gamer. You’re not getting any from her, and if seen in real life, you may not want any of that anyways.

          • …and we should go with your implicit assumption that WG has their graphics people sitting idle on their hands while the IT nerds and game-mechanics folks are busy doing :stuff: because…?

            I mean, we’re not talking about Master of Orion citizen units here that can switch between farmer and scientist at the wave of a mouse.

          • @Gino Tusconi
            You can only spew bs and ad personam, huh?

            Let me tell you this, Mr “IKnowShitAboutOrganizationalStructure” – I really REALLY doubt that wg has only one team responsible for art. There are at least two of them, probably three (map art, tank texturing and animation, additional art – www, menus [which includes crewman images] and other). But hey, I never saw the actual structure of WG and I can bet that neither did you.

            Why don’t you just STFU&GTFO?

          • @Gino:
            I imagine you’ve never even talked to a gaming dev, so let me tell you something that might boggle your mind.
            These guys are in for it because they love videogames, if you think that a developer is in it for the big money I have to disappoint you.
            Games hardly make any money, because you have to spend it either on new games, or (which is the case for WoT) invest it back into the game.

            Yes developers get payed for their work, but that’s a plus for most, atleast those I’ve talked to, that’s mandatory and most of them would work for free if someone would provide them with the means to live. (Food, a place to live in, etc)

            Being a game dev is not a job that you “leave at the office” it’s a job you carry in your heart and soul.
            There hardly any devs in the world that are only in it for the money, and those that are fail with their first game.

            But how should I know if the art section of WG is not a “rotten apple”?
            Simple, those guys have made awesome stuff over the last three years.
            Did you ever see the “Kampftraktor”, Katjuscha or Nebelwerfer CG pics?
            Those were made by the art section, too, in their free time, because one of them felt like making them.

            Did you ever see the Ratte model some of them made that was used in the april fools video?
            That was also made in their free time.

            You must live a very sad life if you can’t accept that some people work because they love their work.
            I actually feel legitimately sad for you… poor soul…

            Welcome to the 21th century, we had this thing called emancipation some time ago, and people don’t care about gender as much as they did in the stoneage,
            but I guess it’s alright for you to think that way, since you are apparently from said period.

  1. - it’s possible that within a month or two, SerB will publish the data on tier 10 Japanese heavy
    - currently, the developers are “pulling” one of the O-I Japanese heavy variants to tier 9

  2. - also, SerB was surprised to find out that thanks to some sort of Havok implementation, WoT could theoretically have wheeled vehicles

    nice, now get me a puma :P

    • That Puma would be (T-25)² with a 5cm gun on Tier 5…so, just fast and maybe frustrating.

      • Might be possible to drive certain tanks with tracks broken in the future… (Lorr. 40t…)

      • …and the wheels powered by what exactly, someone pushing the vehicle? The tracks move by the final drive wheel at one end of the tank turning, there’s no power fed directly into the roadwheels at all. That’s technically doable ofc (Christie’s “dual-drive” system being from the simple end, IIRC the Borgward Leopard proposal had electric engines for all the roadwheels) but would add a lot of weight and complexity for some very dubious gains indeed.

        Also “wheelies” have retarded turning radius compared to tracked vehicles, especially long narrow multi-wheeled ones like the German 8-rads, poor payload for the size and *terribly* vulnerable tires, and just to top it off are all other things being equal obliged by their suspensions to be a fair bit taller than a tracked vehicle of similar capabilities.
        But at least even the lightest armed scout tanks would have something to faceroll with sadistic glee.

        • Given how fast my crews can replace a complete set of tracks – both sides – I don’t think changing a spare tire is going to bother them much.

          WG could probably implement all the wheeled vehicles it wanted with the current engine by treating them as tracked vehicles with transparent treads. Give them ridiculously low ground resistance so they can drift around corners like tanks (maybe even find a use for the space bar).

          • …except tires have bloody high ground pressure compared to tracks, that’s why the latter are used after all (including as add-ons *to* wheels). And realistically if you tried to powerslide with the average armoured car like that it’d probably flip right over, those things tend to be relatively tall and slapping a turret on top isn’t going to lower the center of gravity any.

            I also note you’re actively ignoring any number of other issues brought up, such at the in comparision to tracks appallingly vulnerable tires, nonexistent payload in terms of guns and armour (AFAIK the most that was achieved in the period was the T18 Boarhound with 6-pounder and ~50mm glacis – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T18_Boarhound ) and ridiculous lack of agility in terms of turning radius and suchlike.
            Basically, the things plain aren’t viable in the conditions of WoT battlefields and the role they were primarily employed for IRL (long-range recon) is flatly irrelevant.

  3. - SerB doesn’t like the Sixth Sense perk and wants it removed. Whether it will be nerfed or how, he will warn players in advance

    Wtf is wrong with this idiot, is he completely clueless?
    With the way the stupid spotting system works that perk should be DEFAULT like paintman saying you’re tracks are broken or whatever

    • Well, SerB have the point. 6th sense is mandatory nowadays, even more than workable amount of repairs (excluding the most heavy duty frontliners). On onther hand, it might be game shocking if they remove lightbulb.

    • “With the way the stupid spotting system works that perk should be DEFAULT like paintman saying you’re tracks are broken or whatever”
      They want it to work more like, “paintman saying your tank is on fire!”
      In other words, too late to do you any good.

  4. “- there is a developer idea to actually give each clan player some new points (as in currency), which could then be turned in for tanks. But no guarantees, promises or details.”
    - that idea is very interesting but frought with problems. It will be fascinating to see what happens with this idea. (Earning an M60 via clan battle participation over a year etc?)

  5. So SerB doesn’t like/want he 6th sense
    But SerB PREDICTED the next whine…

    With optimism – GET SOME

    SerB doesn’t like “mirror teams”

    But SerB BALANCES tanks, SPG, ARTY…

    With optimism – GET SOME

    SerB says he doesn’t appear in public (?)
    Two Words: LYNCH MOB

    Generally, when MICROSOFT buys a company it ruins that company itself.
    It appears that SerB is doing that ahead of time for the PC end of it.
    XBOX, PHONES AND TABLETS will remain (virtually) untouched.
    Those are the HOT markets for MICROSOFT.

    Two words:

    • Y’know, here in the civilized world, we don’t lynch people we dislike. Go back to the Hague, Slobodan Milošević.

        • IDK, being able to go out without worrying about your personal safety sort of suggests such. Hell, where I live bigwig politicians and tycoons can walk on the street without security around and few people even look at them twice. I’ve personally had a then-PM *rollerskate* past me on my way to the convenience store, and my uncle has a summer cottage next to that of one of the country’s most influential businessmen; he once simply walked up to the door to discuss some neighbourhood associtaiton matter with the guy.

  6. - devs are not issuing FAQ posts, because no one reads them

    just like devs don’t read forum :D

  7. - if you have FPS increase in 8.7, it’s probably because you updated your graphic card drivers, not because of game optimization

    made me laugh :))))))))))))))))

      • after a patch game runs slower but no new content added means game engine not optimized
        guess ur bored.. like me :)

    • “Upgrade your abacus to at least a pocket calculator” is SO going to be my new catchphrase for people whining about performance in games my not-exaclty-awesome box can run without problems.

    • It’s never mind if I upgrade my videocard driver or not,because I get 15-25 FPS anyway…and I don’t have wooden PC.

  8. - will the Panther changes influence all Panther-based vehicles? “That’s a question for Zlobny, he’s doing that”

    ” Blame Zlobny not me :D “

  9. “SerB doesn’t like the Sixth Sense perk and wants it removed.”

    How terrible..

  10. Any info whether the Panther rebalance will still happen in 0.8.7 (test2)?

  11. “SerB doesn’t like the Sixth Sense perk and wants it removed.”

    He’s Butt hurt
    Dont like it? Dont play World of tanks

  12. “SerB doesn’t like 6th sense?”
    “6th sense is not realistic!”

    How terrible…
    If you want realism, join the army!

    • hehe…I like that one :D
      although I agree with SerB on this one and hope they will completely remove it

      • You got to be insane!

        As if there is not enough of TDs and campers now that arty is removed, but you want to encourage it EVEN MORE?!?!


  13. - there will be no rule about balancing TD’s in teams (SS: the player probably means either a hardcap on TD’s, or the rule that both teams have to have the same amount of them), SerB states: “I predicted that the next whine target will be the TD’s :)”
    - tier 4 light tanks too weak? “Don’t play light tanks”

    It is time to give light tanks normal matchmaking, minus the Chaffee which could be raised up a tier or two and rebalanced.

  14. - for now, Wargaming won’t disclose the configuration or pictures of WoT servers

    They won’t? :)

    “The overall server setup depends on the amount of active players. The Russian game cluster, for example, peaks with more than 800,000 concurrent users, which calls for relevant server capacities. Presently the game cluster has close to 300 powerful servers with 24 threads and 64 GB RAM each. Besides significant computing power, we have huge database machines with a lot of RAM (our largest database server has 384GB RAM, to be exact) and powerful storage (24 HDD x 600 GB in RAID10).”


    • I don’t think a fairly vague enumeration of the overall specs is quite the same thing as describing the actual configuration in detail, nevermind with pix…

  15. Finally national crew voices! Yeah! My Soviet tank crew will know russian, adds realism and enjoyment to the game.

    • Does it mean the crews will have just accents or also foreign language speaking? This is something that should be cleared up.

  16. If he removes 6th sense, I can guarantee that will be the last time I play WoT.

    • i am playing less and less of wot because of this idiot hahaha, that removal of the light bulb will give me a very good reason to quit wot.

      i can foreseen that WG is gona fail if this idiot keep going on trolling player and making player piss off, this wot hot up to fast and will fall hard.

      the faster and higher you climb the harder you will drop.

      • Some will count WOT as an experience of gaming that ran it’s course, got ruined and they will move on with life -

        The remaining sheep follow the Shepard –
        Herded by his dog…
        And the Lemmings follow any idiot -
        For no reason at all…

        SerB changes his mind and game play like a woman
        A very indecisive woman –
        On the rag

        • Why do some people want to come off as intellectually and philosophically gifted when they obviously are not?

      • Also it’s “shepherd”, from “sheep herder”. “The Shepard” is a character from a QUALITY game series. (Or a *really* terrible misspelling of “gepard”, but probably not.)

        …and lemmings don’t actually follow shit save their internal migratory urges.

  17. - SerB doesn’t like the Sixth Sense perk and wants it removed. Whether it will be nerfed or how, he will warn players in advance

    He’s so butthurted. It’s like when kids are playing with the ball and if the kid whose ball is doesn’t like someone he says “You can’t play!”

    SerB is an idiot. Period.

  18. -SerB says he doesn’t appear in public (in media) more

    looking at the amount of player he had troll and piss off, i bet he is gona wet his pant going out in the public because he never knew when an angry player will come stabbing him in his back with a knife or shot in the head with a shoot gun hahahaha.

  19. - it’s theoretically possible to implement minefields on some maps, but SerB doesn’t think it’s needed, because it’s stupid to die by a mine and not by enemy fire

    SerB tested gameplay with minefield and died by mine

  20. - it’s theoretically possible to implement minefields on some maps, but SerB doesn’t think it’s needed, because it’s stupid to die by a mine and not by enemy fire

    SerB tested gameplay with minefield and died by a mine