
- skill MM? “For hundred and first time: I don’t want that”
- are you losing because of your team? “Don’t play team games”
- “Asian tree” with Israel, Egypt and such: “Israel and Egypt in one tree? Hm.”
- Tiran Ti-67 (SS: Israeli modified T-55 with 105mm L7), despite fitting the game criteria, apparently won’t be implemented, because there’s nowhere to put it properly

- SerB states that the limit for implementing tanks is not defined by a year, but by tank generation (SS: current unofficial limit is 1969)
- you will be able to use your WoT account for WoWs too
- what will there be in 0.8.8 instead of Soviet meds? “Will tell later.”
- tracks externam module model does have an armor value, this armor value however is just a number, the surface doesn’t count as “smooth”, the track armor doesn’t increase with angle and it can’t ricochet. This was done so, because modelling detailed suspension was impossible and modelling the tracks and suspension as flat surface was deemed incorrect
- the MM throws you on the one and the same map whole weekend? “How terrible…”
- Lehvaslaiho’s Medal action on RU server during an event being a propagation of fascism? “And imagine, there are german tanks in the game! And they continue to destroy our vehicles!”
- 112 in the game? “When it’s done it’s done”
- Swamp/Komarin returns? “When it’s done it’s done”
- SerB confirms: the Soviet medium branch has issues with the tier 9, the Object430U will NOT be in it
- so far, there are no tanks planned, that would start from KV-13 (it’s gonna stay a dead end)
- the new Soviet medium branch (when it’s implemented) will most likely start from the tier 5 T-34
- there are no hightier transitions from branch to branch planned (for example Tiger II leading to Jagdtiger, T-54 to SU-122-54 etc.), because the devs don’t want the players to just switch from branch to another on high tier (gameplay reasons: switching to a vehicle that plays completely differently)
- WoWp will have the same post-battle statistic as WoT (like detailed crits etc)
- sealclubbers with 4 perk crews on tier 1 imbalancing the game? “How terrible”
- terrain passability (hidden) parameter does influence things such as maximum speed reachable on that respective terrain, or the turnrate
- newly unlocked tanks do have “preferential MM” – they end up on top of the team more often. However, if you put such a tank in a platoon with a normal MM (elite) tank, this rule gets ignored. Furthermore, if you platoon two newly unlocked tanks, the effect lasts, but it is not multiplied
- Foch 155 overpowered? “Play Foch 155″
- Wargaming does have a psychologist employed, who identifies negative gaming moments. It’s called “User experience department”.
- Soviet tanks with autoloaders? “Not anytime soon, but there was a KV project from 1944 with an autoloader” (as a premium tank candidate)
- KV-13 too underpowered ATM? “How terrible…”
- Q: “Can you tell the players about the tank planned on the 15th birthday of Wargaming?” A: “Oooh, you want to give us a tank for our birthday? We want!!!111″
- after the Japanese tree, the combined EU tree is planned, but it’s not yet sure
- no plans to introduce an autoloaded gun on the Jagdpanther, because there are not enough data on that
- Q: “Will there be German vehicles with autoloaders?” A: “Hehe…” (SS: second German TD line will have autoloaders)
- apparently, Maus, E-100 and Jpz E-100 are doing fine statistically
- gameplay changed too much after the arty nerf? “How terrible…”
- there will be a global remodelling of the vehicles, that was announced earlier – with alternative models/differently armored hulls, it will be more like “hull with more armor = less speed” and vice versa
- daily player statistics in game? “Only if there’s time”
- some spawn points (the place where your tank is when the battle starts) are reserved for certain vehicle types, like TD and arty
- premium arty vehicles are on hold for now (SS: as in, no more new prem arties won’t be introduced)
- it’s theoretically possible KV-1S will be transferred to tier 5 with its historical gun (eg. will lose the 122mm), but DEFINITELY not anytime soon
- Durchbruchswagen? “When it’s done it’s done”
- there will be no special server for bad players
- Chinese and Japanese documents, used to make tanks, were translated to Russian/English by partners, not by WG
- Jagdpanther II won’t get a second inscription slot, as some graphical parts it (the junk hanging on it?) prevents that
- SerB confirmed that there will be some sort of “gift” tank for 15th anniversary, but he did troll a lot around, making fun of beggars and whiners, who asked about it
- so far there are no plans to introduce tankettes to the game, because balancing them is complicated
- it’s possible some mods will be implemented into the game at some point, but SerB doesn’t consider this really necessery
- dynamic tank characteristics in the garage are not implemented yet, because the developers didn’t simply get to do it yet, but SerB states they might do it now (no guarantees tho)
- tier 8 premium tanks driven by new players straight away a problem? “How terrible…”
- lowtier Soviet tanks (T-12, T-24) will come, but not anytime soon
- it’s technically not possible to make a mechanism, that would automatially stop the tank in game in case of player disconnect
- SerB doesn’t think that the cost of automatic (gold) fire extinguisher is too high
- premium SU-85I tank destroyer? “When it’s done it’s done”
- it’s possible that the T-44 might get a new hull module (when it’s implemented) with T-54 suspension
- no plans to change the Indienpanzer mantlet apparently
- as an ingame E-100 (DPS) equivalent, there was a Soviet project of the IS-7 tank with the BL-10, but this will NOT be implemented
- no WG branch/tree (consisting of fake tanks, made up by Wargaming) is planned
- SerB confirmed that there will be no higher tiers than 10 – increasing the limit for tier 10 will also not happen (SS: as in, implementing comparatively stronger vehicles to tier 10)
- it’s possible that historical battles will consist of tanks only produced in high numbers (no prototypes á la Dicker Max, although they fought as well), but it’s not sure
- your nickname will be blocked for all the WG projects, sharing the same account (WoT, WoWs, WoWp), but not for those that don’t (Blitz, Xbox)
- nickname cleanup is not planned – for now (SS: as in some of the desirable nicknames belong to empty account, that never played a single battle and were registered 3 years ago)
- T14 premium tank is doing fine statistically
- it’s possible that a tank gets buffed even if its stats aren’t that bad, it just is not nice to play (happened to VK3001P a few months after release)
- it’s also possible for a tank to be bad statistics-wise, but it improves in time without any buffs by itself (KV-1 after its split)
- there aren’t companies for each tier, because the 2 tier difference is just fine and the developers don’t want to split the players into even smaller groups
- Japanese heavy branch tier 4 and 5 gap won’t be filled with “Wargaming inventions” (fake tanks) – if nothing is found, nothing gets implemented
- it’s not yet sure, how big the patch 0.9.0 will be
- British superheavy 100 (1XX) series tanks will be introduced, if someone finds any data on them (SS: some say it’s just a hoax tbh)
- wheeled vehicles are not being worked on atm
- a Taiwanese branch was considered, Chinese partners wouldn’t be against it (in their eyes, Taiwan is “theirs” – a “renegade province”), but in the end, not enough adequate vehicles were found
- automatic server selection simply selects the server with lowest ping, but the mechanism to evaluate also “ping jitter” will not be implemented anytime soon (SS: not sure I understand it correctly, but it’s a way of measure how stable the ping is, whether it jumps a lot)

76 thoughts on “28.7.2013

  1. - Chinese and Japanese documents, used to make tanks, were translated to Russian/English by partners, not by WG

    I wonder who the partners are.

    - Japanese heavy branch tier 4 and 5 gap won’t be filled with “Wargaming inventions” (fake tanks) – if nothing is found, nothing gets implemented

    Someone actually thought that fake tanks would be needed?

      • Obviously, fake tanks are needed that high in a tree just to have a tree. On tier 5, they are not needed, tree can start at 6th tier.

    • Just look at the T-50-2 they created a fake tank to take the place of a Tier 5 scout that they planned to remove later.

      • “Le UFO 50-2″ was not strictly speaking a fake tank; it’s just that its specs were somewhat… imaginative.

  2. 9.0 Will probably be 2 gigabytes big, or more if I know wargaming.net since there 8.0 Patch was pretty big.

  3. regarding the gift tank …

    “LTP added!
    LTP (tier 3 hidden russian light tank):
    HP: 230
    weight: 10150
    hull: 30·20·30
    speed: 45.1
    is premium: yes
    load limit: 13000
    brake force: 11000
    rotates around center: no
    tank rotation speed: 52
    turret rotation speed: 36
    view range: 310
    turret: 30·30·30
    AP penetration: 51
    AP damage: 47
    AP accuracy: 0.4114286
    AP aim time: 2.1
    AP reload time: 2.4
    AP gun rotation speed: 43.75
    AP damage per minute: 1174.9999533097
    HE penetration: 23
    HE damage: 62
    HE accuracy: 0.4114286
    HE aim time: 2.1
    HE reload time: 2.4
    HE gun rotation speed: 43.75
    HE damage per minute: 1549.99993840854
    file name: ussr-LTP.png

    … might be 15th WG birthday gift tank – but that is only a guess on my part. Atm it is hidden … “

    • So Tetrarch, T1E6, and now LTP.

      …. how about some French tanks WG?
      Or even better? The German tree was there since the beginning of the game, how about a German gift tank for a change?
      Like… maybe the AGRIMOTOR you have been teasing us with for so goddamn long.

      • Maybe we will see this shortly after 15th anniversary…
        LTP too weak? “Learn To Play, as in LTP”

  4. “no more new prem arties won’t be introduced”

    did you mean “more prem arties won’t be introduced”?

    The double negation strikes again!

      • Glad to know im not the only one who gets urges to say “how terrible” in response to stupidity and absurdity…

        • And a grammatical correction is now stupid and absurd? Go check yourselves mates. He only tried to help. We all know SS makes some errors optimalizing (sic) the texts.

  5. “- there will be a global remodelling of the vehicles, that was announced earlier – with alternative models/differently armored hulls, it will be more like “hull with more armor = less speed” and vice versa”

    Any ideas which tanks in the game would/could get different hulls?

    • tanks that might get affected:
      T-34 (aplique armor), KV-1S (KV-85 hull), IS (early and late hull, the late is the hull of chinese IS-2), IS-3 (maybe the prototype hull without the “pike” nose), T-44 (from Silent’s info), T-54 (T-55 hull, though unlikely), Pz. III (schurzen), Pz. IV (schurzen), StuG (I suspect there would be StuG III / StuG IV + schurzen), JagdPz IV (two types of hull were made, historically), Pz. V Panther (difference between ausf. D, A and G hull + schurzen), JagdPanther (schurzen), Tiger P (100 mm or 200 mm front), VK 45.02 (A/B hull, the B hull is from tier 9 VK), E 50 (E 50/E 50M), E 100 (armored sides), M3 Stuart (there might be upgrades), Shermans (remember M4, M4A1, M4A3, …), M36 Jackson (M36B hull, basically M4A3 with turret from Slugger), T20 (T23 hull, T25 hull, whatever), M46 (upgrade to M47), Churchill I (upgrade to Churchill III or IV), Centurions, various AT series, etc.

      • Actually KV-1 and KV-1s might be merged into one – tank “split” into “fast” line with 1s hull and KV-85 turret/gun combo leading to IS-1 (with D-10T gun) -> IS-2 etc. Second “branch” could be KV-1E hull (extra armored) with some uparmored turret and lets say 57mm gun option. Leading toward T-150 and further “fat line”.

  6. “[...] the devs don’t want the players to just switch from branch to another on high tier (gameplay reasons: switching to a vehicle that plays completely differently)”

    Yea and with T8 premiums the switching is okey… and you don’t even have to play any lower tiers before (as it would be when switching from Tiger 2 to JT for example). A small logical inconsistency… well, money makes the rules… nothing new. ;-)

    • premiums are not part of a branch, so yes there is logical inconsistency with bringing them up

      • That and how many people switch trees and buy premiums to suit that new tree?

        I haven’t for the German TDs, as of yet, and same goes for my French artillery.

  7. - it’s theoretically possible KV-1S will be transferred to tier 5 with its historical gun (eg. will lose the 122mm), but DEFINITELY not anytime soon


    i hate kv-1 and kv-1s
    getting 1-2 shotted

    yes i have both of these tanks.

      • I’m not a fan of the “derp” guns, myself, either. As it’s the only thing making the M7 grind absolutely shitty, is the fact that the 105mm and 122mm U-11′s can penetrate my armor with HE to pretty much 1-shot my health. As those guns are quite a “high reward, low risk” weapon at low tiers.

        Pretty much the sole reason that I shall soon be VERY happy to be out of tiers 4-5 permanently. They just drain the fun out of it, for me.

      • thx :)
        just found out that google translator tranlates it as Upper headband leader genital Count.
        did you remove the registration? coz im a daily reader and i like to comment more. with avatar and shit you know.

  8. I would love to get the SU-85I, on the wiki it is implied you might be able to buy it on some specia site, anybody knows more about this?

  9. ” a Taiwanese branch was considered”

    Again, the translation is not quite clear. Is “branch” a whole new Nation, or just a line inside existing Nation tree?

      • So yesterday SS posted a well thought out, perfectly viable (maybe with some tweaking – looking at Patton) branch, fitting the general theme (copy-paste) of the tree, yet WG can’t find enough machines?

        • Taiwan branch was considered long time ago (that very proposal from yesterday was passed to Wargaming officially). I guess the vehicles simply don’t fit the timeframe. I can only guess that there will be some Taiwanese premium tanks.

          • Umm… Let me get this right. So Devs considered implementing Taiwan branch BEFORE they received Lahn’s proposal, or they’ve seen Lahn’s material and AFTER seeing it decided that it’s not enough?

        • You might want to look at the Tier 9/10 vehicles. They’re not exactly Second Generation MBT-level stuff.

  10. ‘- Lehvaslaiho’s Medal action on RU server during an event being a propagation of fascism? “And imagine, there are german tanks in the game! And they continue to destroy our vehicles!”’

    Geniuses. Our homegrown proto-Fascists, the “Lapua Movement”, got summarily outlawed already in ’32 after a *really* half-assed and ill-thought-out coup attempt.

    • You know it is because they wrote their own version of history and haven’t bothered changing it. Simply put to communists everything that wasn’t communist must be fascist… But yeah Russians just so you know, Finns weren’t fascists no matter what your books say.

  11. Was ist das eigentlich für ne Antwort von dem Typen immer zu schreiben. „Wie schrecklich …“
    Da fühlt man sich leicht verarscht.

  12. - the MM throws you on the one and the same map whole weekend? “How terrible…”
    WG “PR” and player treatment in a nutshell. This is something that they clearly can work on, and it wouldn’t require that much work (the game already have similar mechanism ensuring that you won’t be occupying bottom of the table in +2 tier matches for more than 3 times a row).

  13. - skill MM? “For hundred and first time: I don’t want that”

    “how terrible” for him.

    I still don’t see what the f’n problem is with this. Not a goods vs goods and baddies exiled to their own games, but just a, in general, balanced amount of goods and bads on each team.

    Whatever… “How terrible”

    • If you don’t see the problem -and the implicit consequences to peoples’ WRs- you must not be very good at maths.

      • Problem would still exist even if they implement skilled based MM. Last night i was playing my Ob704 and since i use XVM i saw that my team has quite good players, And what happened. Well we lost 15:3 cause all my good players decided to derp that game and died in like 2 minutes starting with Leo1 who was a smurf(slightly lower wn7 than unicum). It just the way it is. Sometimes even with good players in your team you lose and sometimes you own with army of reds(bad players by XVM)

  14. - there are no hightier transitions from branch to branch planned (for example Tiger II leading to Jagdtiger, T-54 to SU-122-54 etc.), because the devs don’t want the players to just switch from branch to another on high tier (gameplay reasons: switching to a vehicle that plays completely differently)
    But you can switch from T28 proto to T28 TD iirc. I don’t know is that classified as high tiers by them. I know for sure i did it like that. I started playing turreted TDs when they came out and then researched also turretless TDs(T28.T95.T110E3)

    - it’s technically not possible to make a mechanism, that would automatially stop the tank in game in case of player disconnect
    With my shitty connenction this would be really useful. I don’t even remember anymore how many times my tank drove itself in front of the whole enemy team cause my internet connection broke. :(

    - it’s theoretically possible KV-1S will be transferred to tier 5 with its historical gun (eg. will lose the 122mm), but DEFINITELY not anytime soon
    This should be done ages ago.

    • there are no hightier transitions from branch to branch planned (for example Tiger II leading to Jagdtiger, T-54 to SU-122-54 etc.), because the devs don’t want the players to just switch from branch to another on high tier (gameplay reasons: switching to a vehicle that plays completely differently)

      I’m sure that there was meant that devs don’t want players to switch from one type to another type in high tiers. (ex. TD->HT)

  15. Would you ever consider breaking down the Q&A post into paragraphs? of course it would be more work…
    1st paragraph = actual answers
    2nd paragraph = “When its done its done”
    3rd paragraph = “How Terrible” (Troll answers)
    In any case, I really appreciate the work/hours you put into this every day and look forward to each post.

  16. - a Taiwanese branch was considered, Chinese partners wouldn’t be against it (in their eyes, Taiwan is “theirs” – a “renegade province”), but in the end, not enough adequate vehicles were found

    Just another reason to offer a “Pan-Asian” tree like the upcoming Pan-European one.

  17. >>- sealclubbers with 4 perk crews on tier 1 imbalancing the game? “How terrible”

    Yea, it’s soooo much fun :D …

  18. “- SerB confirmed that there will be some sort of “gift” tank for 15th anniversary, but he did troll a lot around, making fun of beggars and whiners, who asked about it”

    Agree with Serb!

    That was a very unpolite request from the comment writer. That’s WG’s birthday and the players should give them some present not begging for premium tanks and gift tanks!

    When WOT celebrated it’s 2 year-birthday, I bought from them 2500 gold.

  19. rofl get owned Kv1s noobs

    - it’s theoretically possible KV-1S will be transferred to tier 5 with its historical gun (eg. will lose the 122mm), but DEFINITELY not anytime soon

  20. “it’s technically not possible to make a mechanism, that would automatially stop the tank in game in case of player disconnect”
    Can you elaborate on why this is impossible please?

  21. “- newly unlocked tanks do have “preferential MM” – they end up on top of the team more often. However, if you put such a tank in a platoon with a normal MM (elite) tank, this rule gets ignored. Furthermore, if you platoon two newly unlocked tanks, the effect lasts, but it is not multiplied”

    Does it accord also to discovered “years ago” tanks but newly bought or after 100 battles still stock?

  22. - British superheavy 100

    What tanks are these? I cannot find any super heavy british tanks other than the elephant and the TOGs online.