
- SerB on historical battles: “In War Thunder, it’s possible in historical battles to fly with Dora from 1944 against Mig-15 from the 50′s over Stalingrad. We don’t like this variant, that’s why we are doing more complex system.”
- in WG statistics, winrate plays more important role than damage per battle, because “dealing damage is not the only way how to secure victory”

- when counting server winrates, the 10 percent of lowest and highest results have no influence on the average winrates, developers checked for this (SS: I don’t understand statistics much, but apparently, 10 percent of the highest and lowest results are regularily disregarded)
- it happens once in a while that SerB gets specifically teamkilled in battles, the guy gets banned for that as a general rule
- SerB confirms that the initial Japanese branch will consist only of light and medium tanks
- Japanese light tanks will end with a tier 5 LT
- there will be no post-war light tanks in the tree, there are two STA 25 ton candidates, but the STA program will go to the medium tank branch
- regarding Japanese light tanks, nothing more powerful than the Type 5 Ke-Ho was found
- it’s not planned to introduce the 120mm howitzer-equipped infantry support vehicle, based on Chi-Ha, as a light tank
- the WoT ingame interface solution (Scaleform) comes “as is” (“ready”) – and it’s not possible to do anything with the fact it’s a bit slow (and resource-hungry)

- no plans to introduce the German captured T-34 tank for now

101 thoughts on “1.8.2013

  1. My money is on the captured T-34 being released when the European tree is, so that the current Tier 5 German premium can be removed as it would then be in the Czech tree. Kind of similar to how the KV-5 was removed and replaced with the IS-6, only for a different reason.

  2. - it happens once in a while that SerB gets specifically teamkilled in battles, the guy gets banned for that as a general rule

    Thats wrong! The guy could become BLUE, but not banned by One Teamkill!!

        • When you own a game, make it free to play, and invest massive amounts of time and effort into making it better–isn’t it just a slap in the face to get spat at? The difference here is that SerB slaps back, with the hand of God.

          • If I was in SerB’s position, I’d ban them as well, either that or just stealth nerf their account so that their tanks would catch fire after every hit, even the non-penetrating ones.

            • He/she didn’t say that WG is a nonprofit organization. All he/she said is that WoT is a free to play game. If WG wanted to they could make it a subscription game like World of Warcraft.

            • They could make it subscription, but they’d make less money out of it. No one does subs any more for this reason. The idea that WoT is free to play out of some benevolence on the part of WG is as funny as it is stupid.

        • I suppose player gets temporary ban. It would be too much, even for SERB to ban account for life.

          • I’m still not getting any read of benevolence there, you are over interpreting the comments IMO. SerB made the game (I know it wasn’t a solo effort) someone comes and kicks sand in his face, he has the power to do something about it. It’s within the rules anyway (insults towards devs, etc). The situation was when he is specifically targeted because of who he is. And besides, rules or not, what’s the point of power if you can’t abuse it?

    • To quote an old Giles cartoon, “I suppose it won’t affect [the judge's] judgement although it WAS his parked car you kicked in and one of you broke his son-in-law’s nose.”

  3. the more often SerB refers to War Thunder, the more i wish to test it. Must be good if it is mentioned that often ;)

      • terrible compared to what?! World of Warplanes?
        WarThunder would be the storm and WoWp would be a drop – that’s how big of a difference is between the two

        serb is commenting on WT because they’re very much afraid of it’s success

    • It’s not to bad, different play style compared to tanks, but haven’t kept up to it otherwise, still prefer tanks.

    • My mate that’s actually in airplanes more than tanks tried both wowp and WT and he says WT is helluva fun and that it’s 10 times better thant wowp. WG did a bad job with wowp…

      • The comment from “Anonymous” was just to make fun of Serb’s favorite quote “how terrible”

      • Yep, I played both games and WoWp gave me epilepsy. War Thunder have much better flight models, it is like playing X-Wing Alliance but in WW2.

        • Maybe it’s just me, but that comparision doesn’t really inspire confidence…

        • I am a pilot in real life with over 8,000 hrs in all kinds of aircraft. The flight model in war thunder is much more “arcade” than wowp, even though both are arcade. The flight model of war thunder completely removes slideslip/uncoordinated flight realism and replaces it with an Ai controlled maneuver that i personally cannot suspend my belief on. I do see how this will appeal to a larger player base that do not know how flight actually works in real life and will fully allow a keyboard/mouse model to succeed over a joystick/throttle control scheme.

          I must say that it may actually make war thunder more of a success, but not by simulating a real flight model, but by actually NOT doing so. Real flight is taxing on the mind of even good pilots when challenged, and few people actually even rise to that challenge.

          I just personally can’t go that way, i probably am in the minority, but the tactics that this flight model omission/replacement allows, i can’t personally accept. I can accept the same rational if it does keep to promoting real tactics/maneuvers with a simpler flight model.

          • You’re not in the minority. WT had some good things going for it, map sizes and fidelity (accurate modeling of real locations), I liked the garage battle style, but ya, flying? Not so much. And the Pay to Win aspects of it I could do without. Plus apparently they are giving up on the combined arms aspect of things. I guess tanks are still coming, but they won’t be on the same field as planes.

            • I didn’t know that… hmmm that’s disappointing.

              I was hoping they would be able to pull it off… I personally thought they would make the time scales differ to do it – as in several air battles to take place in repetition over one tank battle and several tank battles could take place over one naval battle all on the same map with ‘local’ and “global” victories and/or defeats.

              They should still try, as for me the scope and theater of WT was the major appeal … one can hope … man that flight model gets under my skin – I was hoping to drive the ships and tanks in WT and AAA some of those keyboard/mouse Ai assisted aircraft. Oh well heres hoping for larger maps someday in WOT

      • I second this. I’ve played a bit of WoWP, and I’ve played WT on and off for a few months now. I can assure you that while WoWP might be a below-average-but-acceptable game by itself, it is a complete piece of crap when compared to WT.

        Also, to the guy who said this: “WarThunder would be the storm and WoWp would be a drop – that’s how big of a difference is between the two.” Extremely correct. I couldn’t have said that better myself.

    • Try Il-2 Sturmovik 1946, there’s no better game (although it costs 5€). I managed to make myself skins which I can’t do in other games.

  4. Well, seeing as SerB is the VP, I think he has the power to ban someone for TKing him….

      • Wouldn’t you do the same if you were him if you would otherwise get TK’ed 50% of the time? I know I would…

        • You would. Intelligent people would use civilized methods. Like treating their players like humans.

          • Seeing some of the comments here, and knowing how players of other games behave aswell…
            Nope, players arent human. They dont deserve it honestly :P . Besides, SerB does not ban those that killed him by mistake, but those that shoot him just for the sake of it.

        • Where does it says that he is killed 50% of the time. Everyone who knows who he is wouldn’t even dare to TK him because they know that the consequences are. The ones who TK him on purpose evetough they know who he is are extreme retards that deserve to be banned anyway. So, if he does get TKed once in a while, he could just get over it and not use his position as VP to ban people. I just recently sent replay where i killed 7 fucking tanks, saved the battle and still lost it cause two fucking morons decided to TKem eachother at the end of the game instead of capping. I got the answer that their mighty automatic system tracks the TKers and if they continue to do it, voila they get banned. FUCK their system and fuck all those blue idiots. Why don’t SerB report him in game and then wait for their system to ban him. Yea he’ll just ban him itself, fucking cunt.

          • I think you’re missing the fact that he’s not teamkilled more often exactly because people generally know this will result in an immediate ban by him.
            Anyway, since he’s the VP of WarGaming, the report process would be quite fast anyway:
            - player SerB reports the TK.
            - VP SerB, supreme commander of all and every department, including support, reads the report and gives out the ban.

            • If TK SerB results in perma-ban then its all worth it.
              I uninstalled the game a couple of weeks ago due to 80% of game is filled with neverending idiots either in own team or enemy.
              I do not know who is worse the siemka’s or the ahoi’s.. Still there were those moments when i ended teaming up with some good polish or other nation whom really understanded each others vision by filling up each of others cons and pros during the game and actually turned the tide of the game. But how often are those moments?? When checking the post-game stats there is always 5-6 players with zero-damage and thats their contribute to that game..
              What is the point winning or losing 15-2?? Why is it that my WN6/7 has been increasing well while my WR still is refused to improve? ( just check my stats at noobmeter or what soever..). The simple answer is: the game is rigged like a lottery. Anyone who refuse to admit that are simply too addicted to this game.

            • >implying lotteries are rigged

              The limits of your ability do not equal loaded dice, dumbass.

  5. “In War Thunder, it’s possible in historical battles to fly with Dora from 1944 against Mig-15 from the 50′s over Stalingrad. ”

    “In WoT it´s possible to do shit besides clubbing or getting clubbed, now shut up and gimme your money.”

    On a serious note:
    Seeing how long it takes them to implement features that have been promised as “almost done” for years I highly doubt that any ground breaking changes in the current game will ever see the light of day.

    Funny how
    “There will be no historical battles as nobody wants to play them” [serb asap video] changed into
    “We make better HBs than Competitor XYZ” in 6 months.

    • yeah.. :D and check how WG gives better weekend extras after war thunder was released… they are scared as fuck :D maybe finally WG developers will actually do something instead of just promising it

      • …and only yesterday or so someone was arguing specials these days aren’t nearly so generous as those about a year ago.

        Decide already people.

  6. “when counting server winrates, the 10 percent of lowest and highest results have no influence on the average winrates, developers checked for this (SS: I don’t understand statistics much, but apparently, 10 percent of the highest and lowest results are regularily disregarded)”

    It was long ago explained by Overlord in times, when he was answering questions on EU forum.

    Unicums and very bad players are removed, when checking tanks global win ratios, because tanks are balanced for average players. WG do not care that some skilled players are able to make in some tanks 60-70 prc. win ratios or that some kids are all the time suiciding scout in T49.

    • It’s a fairly normal way of handling statistics actually or else the very far extremes of either side of the distribution can massively skew the numbers. 3 standard deviations from the norm is often disregarded. Statistics as a subject is very boring though.

  7. SerB bans RU server inmates for asking him stupid questions and numb-nut buff/nerf requests/demands and as the number one TK magnet player of the game I imagine sometimes you just want to have a relaxing kill spree just like the rest of us. If SerB TKers just got standard response he would never be able to have a game and thats part of his job.

    reallyly want to know just what SerB’s ban button looks like – even though it is an on screen one I suspect it is battered to fuck.

    I am beginning to warm to the old bastard.

  8. “- SerB on historical battles: “In War Thunder, it’s possible in historical battles to fly with Dora from 1944 against Mig-15 from the 50′s over Stalingrad. We don’t like this variant”

    In WoT we got plenty of tanks from 40s fightning against tanks from 60s and this is apparently OK.

      • Well in WoT we dont even have historical game mode, but if they invent something in future i really doubt they will block all french tanks past tier 5.

    • Ian…you didn’t even bothered to read the full text that you’ve quoted.

      He’s talking about historical battles in WT.
      WoT doesn’t have such game-mode yet.

      • Historical battles does not mean only WW2 . A lot of tanks in game were used in the post war period . The amx 13 75 saw action .. not so sure about the 90 . T 55 , m46/48 t 62 all saw action why not a historical battle based on “valley of tears” or “operation badr”

  9. - in WG statistics, winrate plays more important role than damage per battle, because “dealing damage is not the only way how to secure victory”

    i dont like the wg Rating System and i think most of the Players will still use eff Ratin and wn7 Rating also the bronysite Rating(kiev armor Rating) is much better i think

  10. if he ever comes on eu server and in my game I would be more than happy to take the ban, hes an idiot

  11. - it’s not planned to introduce the 120mm howitzer-equipped infantry support vehicle, based on Chi-Ha, as a light tank

    “it’s not planned … as a light tank” maybe it’ll be introduced as an arty like FV304?

    • “It’s not planned” doesn’t even mean that it won’t happen, it means that it’s not going to happen in the near future.

  12. So basically, Japan will only have medium tanks for their end tiers at the start? I wonder if they will have 2 medium tank end tiers, or if they will be the first tree to only have one end tier at the start.

    • It’ll probably look like a reversed Chinese tree where we start with two lines that combine into one end line.

  13. SerB on historical battles: “In War Thunder, it’s possible in historical battles to fly with Dora from 1944 against Mig-15 from the 50′s over Stalingrad. We don’t like this variant, that’s why we are doing more complex system.”

    no, you dont do it because it would be totaly and utterly imbalanced :D

  14. - in WG statistics, winrate plays more important role than damage per battle, because “dealing damage is not the only way how to secure victory”

    what are they inhaling … gun powder? moon rocks? … how many times i was 1 shoted in battle, how many times i was literaly in 1vs15 battles or battles where our top tier was AFK. So in this theory more AFK players with same tank = buff, 1 tank with luck for team = nerf

      • do you actualy know that T30 … the old T30 was so much used in CW and so little in randoms that its winrate was actualy sky high, even after 2-3 nerfs? … it was not about T30 quality, but about that only sucefull clans had them (normal player was feard from T34 HC grind with 90mm in tier 9, so they had IS-7) … how many times T30 was nerfed? i think it hold record of 8 consecutive nerfs just because fearfull tier 9 grind

        just a hint

        • …none of which bears any relevance to your OP, nor, I suspect, the WG balancing team. And I RATHER doubt only “succesful clans” use the T30 to a degree that would seriously outweigh pubbie-random use – what’s your basis for such a claim anyway?

          • number of T30`s before anounced T34 swap to premium … it was on very bottom, but on top for win rates … T30 was around 68-70% win (very joyfull tank, 155mm, best alpha, perfect accuracy, no armor … devastating combo with IS-7) … IS-7 was around 52% on first patches. They were booth balanced, no doubt. But T30 suffered from low numbers in pub due to harder grind (IS-7 line was easier with derp KV-2, IS-3, IS-4) and no “big names” as in german (Tiger, Mouse)

            • And your numbers come where? The WG people get *theirs* straight from the server records you know, and can be assumed to know enough statistics to know how to deal with diverse sample sizes in their contexts.

              More to the point, the last I checked the T30 was *still* the proverbial glass cannon with an awful punch and no staying power, so what are you even trying to prove anyway?

            • T30 before swap and T30 are completly differend tanks. Nubers are from statistic sites … i dont know what site it was back there TBH. But there was quite an outrage after all those nerfs and swap. Nobody listened and than for couple of patches there was only one king of CW … IS-7 (IMHO still is, because of APCR premium, no need to swap between AP/HEAT for diferent targets)

            • I don’t give a damn about CW, you know. And I’m fairly sure it’s not a particularly important consideration for the balance team either. Anyways post-swap T30 is a *turreted TD* rather than a *heavy tank*, so “completely different” is kind of to be expected…

  15. One thing I noticed recently is Serb Is always slagging off War Thunder, pretty much every single Q&A session these days.

    Getting a bit twitchy are we WG?

    • MIGHT also be related to the fact that people keep pestering him about it. And what’s he supposed to do, praise a competitor to high heavens? Yeah right.

  16. “- Japanese light tanks will end with a tier 5 LT”
    “- there will be no post-war light tanks in the tree, there are two STA 25 ton candidates, but the STA program will go to the medium tank branch”
    “- regarding Japanese light tanks, nothing more powerful than the Type 5 Ke-Ho was found”

    Wasn’t there an article on here about a high-tier Japanese light tank candidate?

  17. I think it’s high time to ask: are there percentage points or percentages? It’s incredibly common to mix these two, especially for kids and it’s easy to miss something in translation. Or even some SerBalikes are not educated enough and don’t know what they say (or what they calculate and what errors they make)?

    Ingame crew skills are additive and that means percentage points. I still don’t know penalty/bonus values for camo – wiki says “percentage” but i strongly suspect percentage points there, too.

    Anyway, when you consider WG and numbers, you have to be very careful and don’t believe anything you get from them…