
- looks like Russian players playing on EU server want the “Stalin” inscriptions back. SerB reacts: “Write an appeal to the appropriate office, that’ll be more useful.
- WoT is influenced by real life politics too: for example in China, it’s forbidden to use real map on CW map
- it’s possible that when roaming is implemented, the chat will be disabled for the roaming players (SS: in order not to promote tension between players, spam etc.) – “measures against excesses from both sides will be taken”

- the FV300 British light tank might be implemented
- there are not enough TD’s for US 3rd TD branch
- M8 Scott won’t become US premium arty
- it’s possible that the Panzer V/IV icon might be reworked to reflect the vehicle better (SS: ATM it looks like a stock Panther), but this has really low priority
- Panzer V/IV model won’t be reworked anytime soon (SS: to resemble the way it really looked)
- Q: “Why does LTP suck so much?” A: “And of course you gave a Rolls Royce to your friends on your birthday?”
- disabling the chat between the two teams is not planned
- the balance of the lowtier premium special vehicles such as Tetrarch and Hotchkiss is monitored, but it is changed only if the need is extremely urgent
- according to SerB, WG deals with bots “normally”, their number is not growing
- Q: “Will you remove huge weakspots from tanks?” A: “Don’t play tanks with huge weakspots”
- Chi-Ha having bad MM? “Don’t play Chi-Ha”
- there is no plan for now to make a new “open” (permanent) hangar á la tank proving ground
- rare tank models being incorrect? “How terrible…”
- WoT boring? “Don’t play boring game”
- German TD’s won’t come in 8.8 (despite the Soviet 2nd branch not finished)
- 3x3km maps? “When it’s done it’s done”
- the developers discussed the idea to allow the players to change any tank to “premium” status, but decided not to do it
- the 8.8 tier 9 Soviet med tank with the rear turret is not Object 430′s predecessor, but a competing project
- Object 140 will be implemented
- SerB on laptop-series Radeons and the 0.8.7 FPS drops: “With Radeons it’s generally complicated. Something is being done, but no guarantees” – he suggests updating drivers
- the point of lowtier premium tanks is (besides being collectibles) to significantly help new players with grinding significantly
- SerB states that WoT does have influence on how the view on history is formed by its players
- destroying the house, behind which the enemy is hiding, will not be considered as an “assist” (SerB: “Oh Cthulhu, what greedy children have we dragged here!”)

“8.8 is going to be feature update mostly while 8.9 will bring some very exciting content.”

The_Chieftain (US developer):
“It is possible that the T29 mantlet is only 203 mm from a preliminary measurement “

132 thoughts on “5.8.2013

    • On the subject of the T29′s mantlet being only 203mm, thus penetrable by tier 8 tanks, does the area around the gun still have another layer of armor? Most tanks in the game have mantlet+turret armor in that area.

        • Not on the very inside of the mantlet. There’d be no armour behind the centre of it, but still. 200mm thick will stop most things.

          • Yeah, there’s a couple of pretty sizeable holes immediately to the left and right of the mantlet: http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/7742/me72.png

            Incidentally, I once actually punched through the innjer mantlet with my KV-4′s standard ammo, from ~100 meters, while charging the guy as fast as I could :D. Probably one of my luckiest RNG shenanigans.

            Basically, the mantlet edges will still be more or less invincible to anything other than the T110E3/T110E4 APCR (50/50), or the 408-450 pen HEAT shells (will punch through reliably) of the Foch 155/JagdE-100/Obj 268. But that really only concerns the T30 and T34, which run into tier Xs. The big deal is the weakness against guns in the 220+ pene range- TBH, that should probably come with some compensating buffs for the latter two, for the T29 it’s a well-deserved nerf.

  1. - it’s possible that when roaming is implemented, the chat will be disabled for the roaming players (SS: in order not to promote tension between players, spam etc.) – “measures against excesses from both sides will be taken”

    Its sad that these are measures that have to be taken… what a community we are…

    • Must be the traumatic experience from Test server chat.
      And charcharco, I’m suprised to see you here. Loved your guides. Are you still making them/updating them?

  2. - WoT boring? “Don’t play boring game”

    thx man i don’t, currently reading FTR is much more exiting

  3. What’s that “Roaming” all about? Don’t think i’ve heard anything about it…

    And i dont care for a third US TD Branch, but i really would like a good TD Premium for US…

    • Roaming is a mechanism where an account from one server can temporarily play on another server (like a RU player playing on EU server and vice versa)

    • You would think that if they didn’t have enough TDs for a third branch, at least they could pick one or two of what they do have and make premiums out of them.

  4. If Russians want their Stalins on tanks back they should go back whre they bellongs – RISSIAN server

    • Maybe someone should really tell those russians, that their great and lovely leader Stalin who everybody loves like a “saint” he was, killed more russians than germans did during the WW2.

      • Or maybe you should just grow the fuck up kid and stop forcing your ideals on other people c*nt.

      • Gotta add my 2cents, being Russian and all. Personally i don’t give a damn about him killing Russians in any extent – even he killed hudreds of millions, i wouldn’t care. I just gotta respect a leader which did something that had to be done WHEN it had to be done, kinda like Hitler helping industrial-age Germany.
        Sure, lots of shit happened, but there’s that part about the country actually getting things done, with a certain price.

        That said, i don’t play soviet tanks or i wouldn’t (probably) inscript stalin-shit on my tank (боевая подруга seems a lot more fun, same with автозаводский школьник) even if i played them.

        • Well, answering as a German:

          Hitler didnt help really… All he did was worsening the situation.

          He increased the industrial production for very short time, before sending it back to a pre-WW1 state. He built the “Autobahn”, which was planned a long time before him. The war brought inventions (eg the Me262), but Hitler ruined the German researchers as many left (just compare the nobel awards pre-Hitler and during the Third Reich)

          I can’t see anything positive in him, even though it is interesting how he managed to gain the power…but it’s nothing to be proud at, so I cannot agree to your comparison ;)

        • We still remember what he did in East Europe ( Katyn anyone?) so no war criminals on EU Server (that includes Waffen SS too).

          • It kind of makes sense actually. AFAIK as far as the average Russian has been concerned for the past five-six hundred years his rulers have been oppressive assholes ANYWAY; one who can show some real results in return presumably ranks fairly well in that context.

      • Sido, when will introduce roaming, prepare your ass to double penetration. It’s time to remind you who won WW2.

        • Who gives a shit, Russian are evil and bad. I Just remember what Russian shit do to our Country. They arent and they ever be part of Europe, Most of their fucking country are in Asia. Russian isnt Europe so why they should play on EU servers.

  5. - Q: “Why does LTP suck so much?” A: “And of course you gave a Rolls Royce to your friends on your birthday?”

    No, but I gave them delicious cake not a pile of crap.

  6. - the 8.8 tier 9 Soviet med tank with the rear turret is not Object 430′s predecessor, but a competing project
    - Object 140 will be implemented

    Don’t these 2 statements contradict each other? Or will it not be part of the 8.8 tree?

    • You could have read in the previous articles that 140 and 430 were competing projects after the T-54/55 went into produced.
      The dude that made the 430 was initially working on the 140 so they have some common features, hence they are in the same tech tree.
      When tested against each other, 140 proved to be inferior to 430, hence 140 will be tier 9 and 430 tier 10.

      • Re-read answers … it gets confusing …
        So 140 will be in, but not in 430′s branch.
        Maybe as a tier 9, because it’s not tier 10 material, but then as a side branch or on an entirely new branch ? I guess it’s to early to tell.
        It would be interesting to have a “ballanced” version of it as a tier 8 prem with normal MM. Could always use more mediums around :D.

  7. So roaming won’t really solve the issue with all those players from EU being stuck on NA server right?
    We have been requesting a server transfer for over a year now it nothing has been done about it.
    I still can’t play clan wars and the tank company system on NA is just cr*p. (only medium tc)
    I wish there was a way to put more pressure on them, pretty frustrating. :/

    • EU players have managed to prohibit some decals, so I guess players can put some pressure on WG. Also, we know there were transfers from server to server completed (from Ru to EU), so it is technically possible and there are some tolls developed already.

      So make an appeal and gather as much players as you can.

  8. I don’t get the whole LTP whine and moaning.

    New players are very happy to have a tank with which to farm money for low tier tanks and old players get a free bloody garage slot.

    What’s the sodding problem? :)

  9. - SerB on laptop-series Radeons and the 0.8.7 FPS drops: “With Radeons it’s generally complicated. Something is being done, but no guarantees” – he suggests updating drivers

    Where did I hear this is complicated before… oh yeah, the Nvidia “issue”. No serbitch. The problem isn’t with these two companies, it’s with your shit engine, sloppy code, and amateur devs. Winter camo is still always shown in the garage… WTF…

    And the hell with anything that deals with that baby/child killing PoS stalin and his idolizing idiot followers.

    • Again with the engine BS talk. Dont you people get tired of this?
      As for the Radeon problem, I dont see hpw SerB answering a question is in any way problematic. Stop seeing fanboy GPU versus wars everywhere…

      • Are you stupid or what? What GPU versus wars…their shitty game had problems with Nvidia GPUs also not only Radeon…(random tech three crashes on Nvidia’s)…so, yes it’s their shitty game engine that is causing problems and their incompetent developers who can’t figure out the solution to the problem…I wonder how it can be possible Nvidia’s or Radeon’s problem only in this game while all other games works perfectly…

        • The words of the all-knowing one. If you havent been playing attention almost ALL games released in the past few months have had some kind of problems. Tomb Raider had it with Nvidia, Nvidia fixed it. Metro had it with AMD, AMD and 4A fixed it. But it took em time. Same for Crysis 3, Infinite and Rise of the Triad.
          Also, what kind of calcculators do you people use that gives you such problems?

  10. “(SerB: “Oh Cthulhu, what greedy children have we dragged here!”)”

    I wonder if SerB knows that Lovecraft considered Russians to be savage subhumans :)

  11. BTW, how the Panzer 5/4? It was gift or premium tank, or it came with a bnus code? Just curious…. I’d like to have one. :3

  12. Guys, any way to ask in RU Q&A? Frank will not do it himself (but maybe he can translate Q), but FTR spawns some interesting problems we could shed some light on (if answered).

    • Ask your question. If this question has a good chance to get a viable answer I will translate it to Serb’s QA.

      • First, i would like to ask for AwfulPanther stats – a hard number, not only “doing fine”. I want to know if i suck or is it really NOT doing fine.
        Then i want to know where to suggest a buff and actually be heard ;) . I can write a quite complete study what i think about this tank.

        • >First, i would like to ask for AwfulPanther stats – a hard number, not only “doing fine”. I want to know if i suck or is it really NOT doing fine.

          No chance for direct answer.

          >Then i want to know where to suggest a buff and actually be heard ;) . I can write a quite complete study what i think about this tank.

          There is a Suggestion section on Russian forum (probably EU/US has it also). But chance of actually be heard are not good. But there is no better way exist afaik.

  13. -8.8-No new lines, some useless stuff like mission interface (IMO)
    -8.9- Soviet second med branch AND german second TD branch

  14. - the balance of the lowtier premium special vehicles such as Tetrarch and Hotchkiss is monitored, but it is changed only if the need is extremely urgent

    38H nerf would be good. Doesn’t make sense that it has far better stats than the regular H35, when premium tanks aren’t supposed to perform better.

    • Except Hotchy 38 gets buttloved by MM almost every battle, by being considered “equal” to tier 3 tanks.

      • That’s because the thing was nerfed to high hell and it’s gun can’t do much to anything above it’s tier.

      • @Panocek. Both tanks see tier 2-3 battles, and 38H doesn’t seem to appear top of the table anymore as of 8.7. What’s wrong with that?

        @That Guy Driving the AMX 50 120. At least its penetration is better than the H35′s SA38 gun. Using the 25 mm is a poorer choice IMO because of its limited range.

        • Did you even tried to play Hotchkiss lately? It’s nowhere near OP as it used to be. Moreover it’s really UP nowadays. It tends to end up in T3 battles often but even in T2 battles it’s mediocre. Days where it could bounce thousands of shells and still kille the whole enemy team are past gone. 90% of the tank have no problems penetrating it. Even MS-1 T1 pens it on a regular basis. Most problems with penetrating it have autocannons with their lower penetration. Its cannon has problems even at T2 penetrating some tanks and the tank itself is slow as shit. I find Tetrarch much more OP and better tank what Hotchkiss eventough it has paper armor. But as compensation for crappy armor it has insane speed and gun that’s crazily OP. 64 pen is higher than most T3 tanks and it’s MM is a bless. It rarely see T3 battles and is mostly in T2 battles.

      • They would need to make sure that the “premium tanks must be worse than elite tanks of same tier” rule was still in effect, of course – which would be very easy to do, for example: you cannot use a top gun and top engine on a converted premium tank.

        I think the main reason they’ve decided against it is that they’re always very careful when rebalancing premium vehicles (even when the arties got hit by a nerfhammer recently, the 105 leFH18B2, only premium SPG that we had in a game was unaffected, only moved up a tier). It would be a real mess to rebalance if, basically, all tanks in game were premium.

  15. Overlord:
    “8.8 is going to be feature update mostly while 8.9 will bring some very exciting content.”

    What could be more exciting than a Sturmtiger? ^^

    I’m still waiting for the day when this comes:

    -Sherman Firefly? – Next Patch.

      • What would be those? Projectile flying a reversed parabola?
        Really, the problem with ST is not rocket mechanics, it’s rather general balance (+branch problems).

        • 38cm cant be just some dot flyin’!
          Plus bounce would be trollish – bounce rocket and it dissapears? :D
          Still not decided whether it ll be arty/TD/Assault (?).

      • What mechanics? There’s no advanced mechanics for guns anyway, just simple primary school equation. So, smoothbore mechanics is a myth (as shells now behave more like from smoothbore that rifled) and the same goes for rockets: arty mechanics with adjusted velocity will do.

  16. “- WoT is influenced by real life politics too: for example in China, it’s forbidden to use real map on CW map”

    Since when is law=politics?

  17. Serb is an asshole. Should write the guy telling he will takie the Stalin inscription to the EU server, not to play on the EU server, bu then… Serb has a Soviet soul.

    • But seriously, who cares those inscriptions? (I mean it’s ok and good they are not available on the EU server)
      But if it is all what some hardcore russian commie fan needs – to play with such inscriptions on EU server – then let them, let them be happy… hardly anyone will understand those cyrillic scripts here.
      Let them celebrate their “hero”.

      • Well, SerB didn’t want to put “Jedem das Seine” for German tanks… Or “Arbeit macht frei” neither…

  18. “- Q: “Why does LTP suck so much?” A: “And of course you gave a Rolls Royce to your friends on your birthday?””

    I most certainly didn’t give anybody turd for my birthday.

  19. name St*lin is in my country prohibitet in same way as Hi*ler … as my teacher sayd “same murderer, diferent story”. Ruskis, get used to it, or play on RU server

    • WoT’s server isn’t located in your shitty country, they can do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t break the laws of the country physically hosting the game. Your revisionist leaders could ban the game if they’re so obsessed with Stalin and Communist.
      For the record, what do you do when you have to mention IS-3 and the likes? Use Obj. index name? It’s funny living in another kind of dictatorship, isn’t it?

  20. The arrogance of the developers will eventually kill this game. They are stubborn and refuse to listen to any advice at all.

    Meanwhile, War Thunder is getting better and better.

  21. - there are not enough TD’s for US 3rd TD branch

    Are they aware of the FTR proposal for the complete rework?

  22. - destroying the house, behind which the enemy is hiding, will not be considered as an “assist” (SerB: “Oh Cthulhu, what greedy children have we dragged here!”)

    want special rewards for everything you do? play war thunder.