Competition winner!

Okay, this was impressive. We have a winner so soon – to be quite honest, I did not expect it so fast :)

I recieved roughly 70 answers, most were “T-34-T” (which was incorrect). The correct answer was: PCHT-34 (chemical recon tank of the Czechoslovak army). This vehicle was misidentified as T-34-T by the Osprey Vanguard T-34/85 publication and from there, it has spread further.

The winner is: Mikhail800

Honestly, I am impressed. The article describing the error and the picture are not tied together. One more correct answer arrived till then.

Mikhail will be getting his prize soon…


It will be harder next time :)

34 thoughts on “Competition winner!

  1. Wow, impressive. I knew it was a Czechoslovakian tank because of the uniform, but couldn’t get further.

  2. So the competition winner was the first person that had it right? A bit unfair for other people that dont look 24/7 at this site no chance. Better just collect all the good answers and pick one from those.

  3. Ty Silenstalker for prize.

    Its hard to find right answer, but super-structure and soldiers uniform reveals it. :)

      • I tried to find common variants of T-34-85 (chasis was easy to recognize) of Czechoslovakian army.
        Most of them were bridging and recovery tanks.
        But super-structures these tanks didnt match with vehicle on the picture.

        So I tried to find some of other variants and first in row was chemical…then was easy :)

  4. Relax, there will be more competitions (I am thinking of some very nice competition names such as “Piss off WG mod”, “FTR’s Troll-a-thon”, “Shoot a siemka” etc…) :) There will be more rounds, and it will be harder…

  5. Maybe next time make the competition so those of us on the SEA server are also included… K? Thanks.

  6. i am looking for the shoot the siemka contest, and for support the “moin moin/ labas / proz / Hallo Kameraden / salam alejkum / ” players

  7. Damm i bet i was the second one this time… i should get up earlier next time. Btw how much time difference from Mikhail800´s answer? :P

  8. Just a tip to SS, make sure the image is not possible to be found trough reverse image search.

    • Eh, I have a vague suspect that this was the reason for some of the misidentification as T-34-T:
      On similar competitions on the official forum they digitally altered the image to reduce the chances of people using simple tricks like this one.

  9. After misleading to the T-34-T (like everybody I think) I was heading to a mine detector T-34 using after WW2 in RDA (missrecognised the uniform too).

    Looking forward for the next contest.

  10. What Competition, it was over before it even began!

    The competition should have run till Sunday!

    It would have been fairer to have selected the winner at random from all the correct entries!

    What a farce!

  11. Interesting, what exactly is a “chemical recon tank”? I’m guessing that it’s protected against chemical attacks?

    • Chemical recon tank detects poison gas, or poisoned water, so soldiers can avoid them or don gas masks.

      A competition and winner in the same day, and today? Many people do not even know there was a competition.