- Storm states that SU-152 in elite state is properly balanced
- there will also be an ingame event discount indicator (SS: as in “These tanks, items, services are currently in discount…”)
- Q: “What is the future of arty?” A: “Happy future awaits her”
- Storm admits that the frontal IS-4 armor slope (61 degrees) is not correct in game, it differs by a few degrees, it will be fixed in the future
- it’s “too early” for 2nd German TD line questions
- SerB on winrate/average battle damage relationship: “When chasing after damage, many such “chasers” forget, that a half-dead tank with 1 hitpoint is one extra gun on the enemy team. As a result, half-dead tanks are not being finished off, they keep on shooting, which causes average damage per battle not to drop, but the team still loses.”
- according to SerB, 113 is not popular, because it’s quite similiar to the IS-7, but almost everyone has IS-7 and therefore people have no need to level up a similiar tank
- the smoke (earlier very thick) was reworked to improve FPS
- no plans for now to remove the company point limits
- there will be no option to remove the side armor (the plate covering the tracks) from Maus or E-100, it would be unhistorical
- French new branches: “when it’s done it’s done” (SS: 2014)
- no plans to allow more symbols in nicknames
- player statistics have very low development priority “because the game is about tank battles, not about statistics”
- the sound of gears shifting (transmission is still planned), it’s possible more exhaust smoke will return when the engine is working under high load
- French heavy branch without autoloaders? “Possible, but not guaranteed”
- more clan functions within the game? “When it’s done it’s done”
- Q: “A kill should be awarded to the player, that did most of the damage, not the one who finished a 1hp tank!” A: “Injustice!!!111″
- press accounts are issued temporarily to journalists in order for them to write about the game, after some time they are cancelled
- ramming mechanism won’t be made more detailed
- Zlobny doesn’t deal with the MM mechanism, he only balances tanks
- currently, 8.8 is being tested internally for bugs
- Storm on MM: “At this moment, there are some problems with the matchmaker, which cause it to sometimes disregard some MM rules. It’s connected with high server loads. We know about the problems and they will be fixed in next patch”
- Havok won’t influence the movement (pushing) of various objects, such as cars, trams etc. – this is a serverside physics issue
- Hotchkiss H38 (“Micromaus”) won’t get better MM spread or lower MM weight, it’s doing fine
- the whole new German TD branch will be open-topped
- historical battles Tiger will use 88mm L/56
- it’s possible Dickermax will be in historical battles
- smoke shells for arty: it’s possible, but it won’t be implemented because of both client and serverside problems
- active armor won’t be implemented
- the fact that lately all the maps have mountaineous landscape is a coincidence
- Havok physics will come in one of the upcoming patches
- M26 Pershing is “mass-produced” enough to appear in historical battles, its class won’t be changed based on the era (SS: M26 was really a medium, but historically was designated as heavy tank for morale reasons), it might appear in 1945 and in Korea
- apparently, so far only one half of British and Chinese vehicles have been implemented
- 3rd US medium branch still planned
- the influence of crew skill is linear (unlike the XP needed to level crew skill up), eg. the difference between 80 and 90 skill crew is the same as between 90 and 100 skill.
3rd US Med branch wha??
hue hue even i do not see second . am i blind i inky see line that leads to patton 3 m48
We already have M48 ingame…
Never considered the M3 line sherman a second branch since it led back into the Main one
Indeed… What 3rd branch if there is only 1? And the “2nd” one is messed up with lights, meds and heavy so…
I don’t know… is the M60 considered to be a line of its own? O_o
T69 and T54E1 might be what he is talking about. T57 is pretty medium like as it’s just a slightly larger version of the other two.
They are talking about the line with the T95 medium tank
Well yes, there is only 1 branch yet implemented…
But there are 2 good candidates for a 2nd and 3d branch with T95 med and T77 drum loader med.
Uhmm nope. Is-7 is just flat out superior to the 113 :P. I mean that tank is… meh…
Why do you say that?
Well, its just my opinion after playing the tanks :P . I honestly believe the IS-7 is MUCH better then the 113. Usually it aint so, but the two tanks are similar in purpose and style with one being just better overall. True the Chinese has more DPM and is more mobile, but it has many flaws in the armouring and pathetic gun depression
Two words, 68 degrees…
It does not work as well as you might want it to. Especially against guns with more then 240 penetration and tanks bigger then it (almost all)
More two words, get closer! All the armor is angle, if you get close you shoot a little bit from top. So against tier 10 guns close range, hard times. The effective armor (with normalization 5 degrees) is 264mm, get closer to shoot from top and (for example on 64 degrees) you will have 233 mm effective armor. So…. IS7, 113 armor at longe range good, close range IS7 armor still good 113 not. And the turrets… IS7 turret hard to penetrate, commanders hatch is practicaly not penetratable (you can with a lot of luck), 133 has big comanders cupola easy to hit, besides you can actualy pen the armor next to gun (the flatter part), try that with IS7. O and the lover front plate on IS7 is smaller and can give funny bounces, 133 has a lot bigger lfp.
Daedal. You can pen IS-7 flatter part in front of the turret with T10 guns too, people are just too stupid to notice that. Since T10 TD’s it is actually pretty easy.
68 degree and -1 gun depression.
Hurr durr, anything with less then -7 gun depression dies faster then tanks with -8 gun depression
It has -4 degree gun depression, “hur dur”…
The 113′s UFP is actually stronger than the IS-7′s. Its LFP and side armor is total trash, but that’s a reasonable price to pay for a gun that is superior in virtually every possible way, and actually having some maneuverability.
May i add that 113 is beautiful while the IS-7 is pretty ugly?
all russian tanks have a crud look to them, the chinese just have a more polished look
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. IS-7 is beautiful
IS-7 wins hands down in terms of odd MGs pointing every which way. :v
SU-152 is indeed balance, it’s the SU-122-44 that’s overpowered.
SU152 have better DPM and dep than 122 44.
However, 122 44 is overall faster and comes with sloped armor. Its a fun tank which its action is a medium tank feeling than sitting and hiding in SU152
- Q: “What is the future of arty?” A: “Happy future awaits her”
Is this a troll answer? or an indication of some good/terrible things to come? :))
I would like to know more of this too
- Storm admits that the frontal IS-4 armor slope (61 degrees) is not correct in game, it differs by a few degrees, it will be fixed in the future
A few degrees, in which way? Depending on which way, the frontal armor could be either better or worse.
- 3rd US medium branch still planned
Assuming that the autoloader branch does not count as the 2nd medium branch, I do not know which tanks could fit in. I’ve seen the T54E2 in some video as a tier 9 tank, the T95E2 could fit in tier 10. Not sure how the gaps would be filled…(The M4A3 with the Perhsing turret would be probably a premium tank I think)
Let alone a completely new third branch. The M60 is already a tier 10 tank for top clans only, so we can’t use the M60 and any further revision would be too modern.
In game it’s 58 degrees, it should be 61.
That’s going to be quite the buff for it then… at 58 degrees its 264mm effective. at 61 degrees that jumps to 289mm effective. 25mm jump
Or 250mm effective front against AP… give it some angle and it can get quite funny.
I’d thought the Pz38H had its MM weight reduced a little while back? It’s still higher than all the other Tier 2s, but it’s no longer higher than most Tier 3s any more. It means you actually have a fair chance of a T2 battle instead of the constant T3-fest it was a while back. There was a reference from someone at WG on how no-one played it any more.
I still get 8 T3 game out of 10 battles… And it is mostly useless against T3, while even in T2 the TDs are killing it off in a jiffy. But yes its better than it was 1-2 patches back where I didn’t even see T2 games.
it’s “too early” for 2nd German TD line questions
Really? how many years have we waited already :P
r they coming in 8.9 or thats still not decided?
Says all vehicles in next german TD branch will be open topped.
Claims a bright future awaits arty.
let me guess, insta-kill when splashing open-topped vehicles?
I guess Storm and SerB can’t agree about IS-4 angles.
I think the model has some problems, not only frontal armor slope.
I like the idea of historical battles. Must be rid of all unused prototypes and must use same nationality and same year tanks on each side. I would think there are enough of us out there to support such a game variant. Also, WWII tanks did not fire on the move, nor could gunners efficiently acquire targets while moving. This is a major criticism of WOT.
Oh yeah? World War II tankers also did not have third person views of their tanks in battle.
Since when?
Strange… British crews were trained how to fire on the move and brace the guns to make them more stable while moving cross country.
Well, that was the early cruisers with the 2-pounders. The 6-pounder was already too heavy for that “elevation by shoulder” trick from what I’ve read.
Also I wonder WTF Robby *thnks* the Americans diligently put v-stabs in just about all their tanks for…
US trained gunners for gyrostabilizer shooting but the device was very difficult to keep in adjustment in actual combat, and was usually disconnected. Granted they could work theoretically to increase ht % while moving, but they were little used and other nations didn’t have them.
From what I’ve read some US tankers conversely swore by them, and Germans were apparently sometimes a bit jealous of the tricks a skilled gunner could pull with them.
Also probably noteworthy that just about everybody at least *planned* to add stabilisers to their tanks sooner or later…
Good news: All information revealed so far about historical battles seems to point to there being no prototype tanks or modules, nationality and year restrictions, etc.
Bad news(for you): Unless I’m mistaken, WG have never said anything about changing the fundamental gameplay of the game for historical mode, ie there will be firing on the move, hitpoints, and all that good stuff. Personally I don’t mind it, all I’m asking for is WoT with historical content.
we have any info about 8.8 test release?
“- according to SerB, 113 is not popular, because it’s quite similiar to the IS-7, but almost everyone has IS-7 and therefore people have no need to level up a similiar tank”
The ignorance… it burns! D:
My personal ecperience with 113…i was fighting alone with 3enemies. T30′s first shoot on me from 800 m broke my amorack. I was face to face with him. I shoot back at him 450 dmg. An is7 just pump out after a corner and shoot me while i was angling on it…puff…fire. my automatic ext did his job and i deliver a 480 dmg to is7. An is4 behind him shooted at me and damage my amorack again…in time for is 7 to deliver another shoot at me…guess what…i was in flames again and i burned to death…to me serb has no right to say that 113 has the same gameplay with is7. I have over 500 battles with is7 and never happened to me such a thing. 113 is a broken module tank thats way people woun’t play it at all.
I have stopped reading here:”T30′s first shoot on me from 800 m ” Nice trolling mate…
Any insight into changes they are looking at for the MM?
“Too early to take questions on the 2nd German TD line”
…few lines down
“They’ll all be open top”. :)
Arty is fine now, they better not buff it or it’ll flood the games once again ruining everything. The games are better, more competitive than ever, with less camping and more action.
in t1-t4 mr. bob? play tier X! every 2nd game 5-15 fking tierX TD. isn´t funny for heavys to get oneshooted.
SS, do you have any info about implementing Chieftain?
- Storm admits that the frontal IS-4 armor slope (61 degrees) is not correct in game, it differs by a few degrees, it will be fixed in the future
Few days ago it was correct according to them, now it’s wrong. If only they leave the fucking historical accuracy aside and just balance the game as needed and not like this. They buff/nerf some tanks according to historical accuracy while others are obviously not correct historically but they were balanced to fit the game and the historical accuracy is ignored completely. Maus and IS-7 are prime examples. They both are buffed/nerfed to be balanced in game and were not correct historically. Only some part of them is.
Great so in other words,WarThunder will have ground units soon and WG is giving us things which are in WT and things we want for loooooong time,coincidence? Guess not. WG has big rival.
thats what happens with competition, but i already chose which bandwagon to hop on and that my friend is Gajin’s
- Q: “A kill should be awarded to the player, that did most of the damage, not the one who finished a 1hp tank!” A: “Injustice!!!555555+″
fixed for ya
SS, a bit off topic, but has SerB said anything about if any amphibious light tanks will be added? Or if tier 10 lights will be added?
If you don’t mind, I can answer those based on previous FTR posts:
1) Amphibious tanks will only be considered once they add much larger maps.
2) They will add them if they can find suitable ones, although WG apparently has trouble with that.
-Storm admits that the frontal IS-4 armor slope (61 degrees) is not correct in game, it differs by a few degrees, it will be fixed in the future
-Storm on MM: “At this moment, there are some problems with the matchmaker, which cause it to sometimes disregard some MM rules. It’s connected with high server loads. We know about the problems and they will be fixed in next patch”
Is it their stupidity,is it the incompetence or are they just downright liars?
Not once previously BOTH issues have been asked about,YET on ALL occassions they have categorically denied that IS-4 has problem with front angle as well as MM having some issues.
That`s WG at it`s best.