
- the XP price for unlocking Object 140? “Wait for the test” (SS: it’s roughly the same as the price for T-62A, eg. 200k XP)
- there will be no “special” subtitles for national voiceovers, because there are currently enough indicators what’s going on (tank being hit, burning etc.)
- maps not dropping evenly? “Play 1000 battles within one patch and show us the statistics”
- too many draws on Redshire map? “How terrible…”

- no perk reducing fire chance from fuel tanks is planned (SS: that wouldn’t even make sense, fuel tanks are starting to burn only when they reach 0 hitpoints)
- Japanese tree won’t have girls-und-panzer-style girly voiceovers
- the price of the future premiums will be “right”
- Q: “Will the national voiceovers be different from voiceovers in mods?” A: “Yes, a lot, considering the fact the only mod voiceover I’ve heard is the one with my little pony voices”
- the gold-to-silver transfer ratio won’t change
- the new national voiceover won’t be more “emotional”, because WG considers too much “emotion” tiring
- in the 8.8 ASAP video at at 2:25, we can see AMX M4 Mle 1948. It however won’t be implemented anytime soon
- Q at SerB: “Why do you (not just you) look the other way and not at me (into the camera) in the ASAP videos? Are you ashamed for the arty nerf?” A: “I am sorry, but I am simply not looking at you personally, I can’t stand looking at a suffering person.”
- tier 7/8 US premium TD? “No comment”
- a player asked about the issue (apparently not so rare), where light tanks farm in such a way that they ram their teammates until they are almost dead and then they go and commit suicide by rushing and are “farming” that way. SerB called it whining and said the compensation won’t be changed (SS: I think noone can farm that way, it’s pure garbage)
- SerB’s answer on whether the multibarrel mechanism is complicated to implement: “Nothing is complicated for the one who doesn’t do it himself”
- SerB on why the stock turret of the T-54 looks the way it does: “Continuity with earlier projects. T-54 was practicall at first considered to be a modification of the T-44. They came to the hemispherical turret step by step, considering various parameters (for example, the ease with which the gun can be demounted, removing the engine cover etc.) Oh well – that’s how the designers are, stupid not to know straight from the start how to do it! Probably because they didn’t read it on the internet…”
- public terrain passability parameters are not planned
- European tree won’t come in next 2-3 patches (SS: duhhhh…)
- premium Soviet medium tank will come in one of the next 2-3 patches
- premium British tier 8 tank: “No comment”
- artillery accuracy is the same for HE and AP shells
- platoon members are not guaranteed to spawn next to each other
- Leopard Prototype B won’t come as a premium, but it’s possible it will come as a hull option for Leopard PTA
- apparently, British crews will have the same english voiceover as the American ones, at least in the beginning
- high-tier multi-turret vehicles? “Ansaldo, AKA T-39″


126 thoughts on “15.8.2013

    • Hoep it’s a 6/7 tier. And hope they bloody well get on with it. With the US TD lines beign so popular it is sure to be a good earner for them.

      • I really hope its a super silly tank like an m551 or something ridiculous. This is a perfect premium turreted TD Especially with that 152mm. It would be like a tier 7 M8A1!

        At the time of the M551′s acceptance into service production in 1966, the United States Army no longer used the heavy, medium, and light tank classifications. In 1960, with the deactivation of its last (M103) heavy tank battalion, and the fielding of the new M60 series tank, the U.S. Army had adopted a main battle tank (MBT) doctrine; a single tank filling all combat roles.
        Partly because of this policy, the new M551 could not be classified as a light tank, and was officially classified as an “Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle”. Thus never really labeled a “light” tank. Perfect for TD MOAD!


        Lightly Armored (Aluminuim), fast (but not too fast (Power/weight 19.7 hp/tonne)), WITH A REALLY BIG GUN!(/launcher M81E1 Rifled 152 mm Gun/Launcher 20 rounds and 9 MGM-51 Shillelagh missiles(wire guided(ONE HELL OF A PREMIUM ROUND!))

        Also that saves the spots after the Chaffee for the M41 and T92!!!!!!!

        • 17-pdr Achilles would make a great addition as a US prem TD. Brits already have a prem TD, while the FCM 36 Pak 40 is French when it was actually used by the Germans. Don’t see why not.

          • i would rather they just made that an available option for either the Jackson or the M10.

            The 17 pounder is a 76x583mm shell while the M1 is a 76×539 shell.

            The 17 pounder is also a tappered case while the M1 is a straight case.

            All in all, the 17 pounder had much better muzzle velocity ( 884 m/s vs 792 m/s) and it was slightly heavier at 7.8 kg vs 7 kg of the M1 shell with a better cross section.


          • The Achilles is already planned to be part of the second British TD line plus it has nothing to do with the USA.

            • “nothing to do with the USA”

              Dude Its an M10 Wolverine with a British gun, that makes it at least 85% something to do with the USA.

            • Which is what I find very disappointing. They could’ve added the Achilles to the first Brit TD line, but instead chose prototypes and paper tanks (UC2pdr & CGC are the only exceptions).

              And so the long wait goes ever on for the Achilles (not to mention Firefly), unless they add a prem version to the US tree instead. WG did it for the RAM II despite requests to make it British, so I don’t see why not. Even better would be to simply add the 17-pdr as a module for the M10. After all, as WG would put it, “it’s historical”.

              Anyway, you got any proof on this “second British TD line”?

        • I wouldn’t mind having a fast TD similar to the hellcat, but the premium TD really should have 2 loaders and a radioguy… otherwise you can just forget training T10 TD crews…

  1. >- apparently, British crews will have the same english voiceover as the American ones, at least in the beginning
    This is going to cause some bloody butthurtness on the other side of the Channel…

  2. - the new national voiceover won’t be
    more “emotional”, because WG considers
    too much “emotion” tiring.
    Oh I can hear it :D

    ‘My Fuhrer, what’s your next absurd plan?’
    ‘Ram Stalin!’
    Aya ya ya ya ya!!

  3. - Q at SerB: “Why do you (not just you) look the other way and not at me (into the camera) in the ASAP videos? Are you ashamed for the arty nerf?” A: “I am sorry, but I am simply not looking at you personally, I can’t stand looking at a suffering person.”


    Anyway, how come no one is mentioning the post mortem camera bug? When it gets fixed and you can’t switch to another player nor turn it around. Or is it just me..?

    • Happens to me too, but not every match, not even in 1/2 of matches. But still a bug, so it should be fixed.

    • Nah.. I don’t use any mods, so that’s out :P

      It happens from time to time.. and it really knows to pick a wrong moment xD

    • Made me laugh too.

      I know it’s not really a serious queston but the serious answer, in case anyone really cares, is – he looked where the interviewer told him to.

      I recently did a video interview for WG and was specifically told NOT to look at the camera but to just look at the interviewer. It puts the speaker at ease and makes them seem more natural.

  4. British and American voices will be the same as the americans

    Great, how much do you wanna bet that it’s American voices used for them both.

  5. “Play 1000 battles within one patch and show us the statistics”

    End result would be somewhat like this with tiers over 7:
    Most frequent map: El Halluf (if you dont play arty) OR Himmelsdorf (if you play arty)
    2nd Lakeville
    3rd Fisherman’s Bay
    4th/5th Highway
    4th/5th Port

    Least games in maps Sand River and Cliff.

  6. As a modder I hope that it will be at least possible to change with mods one of “English” voices without touching the other one. So we can give to the brits a voice they deserve – fan made.

  7. “- Japanese tree won’t have girls-und-panzer-style girly voiceovers”

    Oh, we can do that by ourselves, no need to. It would be a nice bonus, though~

            • I never actually watched an anime series (not my taste)

              But if you judge a person by his or her personal taste on anything, then you discriminate. And that makes you a lowlife Anon :)

              I suggest you go to 4Chan /b/, there you can find similar pricks and have fun throwing insults at people.

            • You’re the one insulting here Tomogaso. I just wrote what I think and it wasn’t directed at anyone. It’s not my problem you have reading comprehension problems.

              And you can go that site yourself (whatever site that is) if you want to.

          • I suppose that you are an alpha male with a chisled body on which even the Greek gods would envy you.
            You came here between your sessions of pounding sluts, drinking creatine and playing online multiplayer games to share your opinion with us beta folk because you are mad that we are mating with your queen.

            *thumbs up*
            Now, please, i would like fries with that, and hurry up, ain’t gonna tip you if you’re slacking off.

    • such bullshit, jap tanks need jap anime voices, period.
      i will stick to my nanoha voice mod, the only thing that annoys me is that this new system will probably break all the voice mods and they will require readjusting/recertifying…

      • Why? Last time I checked Japan didn’t recruit pre-teen girls with freakishly large eyes to crew their tanks.

          • Jesus Christ get over it already. This isn’t World of some shitty anime, this is World of Tanks. Want anime voices? Then mod it yourself. Stop asking for retarded stuff.
            Oh, and inb4 the haters, I do watch anime, but the GOOD old stuff, not the crap they spew nowadays. And no, GuP isn’t that good, stop the fucking fanboyism.

            • Dude chill people were joking nobody really expects WG to make anime voices…sheesh…

              Taste isn’t something you can discuss. It’s completely subjective and thus a series isn’t bad because you don’t like it.

            • You can’t discuss taste because there are only two kinds thereof; “mine” and “bad”. :v

    • patch patch patch… this is so boring to have every 4-6 weeks a full download and a new search for the old used mods and the new version of it. Oh well, yes we need 500+ tanks, right.

      • The lifeblood of any Free 2 Play game is continual release of content that people will spend money on, that’s the one good thing WG does, from maps to tanks. They also put fixes in each patch, usually to fix stuff they broke with the last patch.

  8. “- Japanese tree won’t have girls-und-panzer-style girly voiceovers”


    GJ, you ruined it wg. My life has no meaning anymore. T_T

    Unless THE EMPEROR NORIO WAKAMOTO is hired to do the voiceovers. But I bet that wg will hire some 3rd rate voice actor who has experience only from hentai series, so Japanese voices will – hm hm – suck.

    Damn, and I was hoping for tsundere crew voiced by Kugimiya Rie (some would say that would be cookie-cutter, I’d say it would be classic)… :(

    • GJ, you ruined it wg. My life has no meaning anymore. T_T

      How terrible, try suicide.

      TBH – I want to drive Japanese tanks because this is something different, not because some cartoons. I’ll bet fans of this series will be able to install mod with such voices and normal users will not be pissed off by cartoon voices.

      • “I’ll bet fans of this series will be able to install mod with such voices and normal users will not be pissed off by cartoon voices.”

        Good point. I also wonder if this new multiple voice-overs will make installing multiple voice mods possible.

  9. Please turn on the test server.
    I’m looking forward how a little child.
    I can not wait.

  10. Well this is indeed going to be a pretty awesome patch.

    I find it weird that people keep whining “You’re ruining the game with every patch”.

    Not I might not like the players who play the game but the game itself is rather great and getting better with each new patch.

    Sure there is always stuff that needs balancing out and small things do sometimes get broken but on a larger scale – each patch brings cool new things.

    Sadly no hard news on what exactly happens to the SP yet but all in due time.

    The multi-turreted monster tank is looking pretty damn fine :3

      • Is this the supposed “poke” after the Stalin inscriptions then?

        If it is then I suspect a big fat nerf.

        • After german Spiegel brought the forum into a article its possible. But hey, they can take away the sniper guns of the german, it doesnt matter if you have 0,34 or 0,39 on your gun since CoD-patch 8.6.

    • since when has WG evenr given clear and complete change logs what they are about to do. you can ever be sure when the test is completed and the next patch goes lives they keep chaning stuff all the time.

      a lot of stats have been leaked for the USSR additions in 0.8.8 but only screenies of the German additions. the secondary German TD line has been mentioned as early as OB and its still not here. if you dont count the JPII and D-Max that is ;)

      all info about this game in advance comes from sites like this and “LEAKS” from Super testers.

      huge fans of the game and collectors of certain trees or vehicles, like me ;) want to know in advance where new vehicles are added and under what condidtion, so Xp can be collected on the previous vehicles.

  11. Silentstalker, Will the Chi Nu Kai be aviable for supertesters this test server?

    And will you be able to dig out it’s statistics for us?

  12. - a player asked about the issue (apparently not so rare), where light tanks farm in such a way that they ram their teammates until they are almost dead and then they go and commit suicide by rushing and are “farming” that way. SerB called it whining and said the compensation won’t be changed (SS: I think noone can farm that way, it’s pure garbage) -

    No one farms that way, they get nothing. They are forcing expenses onto me and impacting my gaming experience and my game economy negativly.
    I don’t want compensation, I want THEM stopped.

      • Now I know why the VK 2801 rammed every teammate at the start of the match…
        But never mind, after he rammed me i stopped him with my 128mm HE shell right through the rear :)

        And yeah… shouting “If I have to pay for this little sh** i will pay for the whole tank” :D

    • agreed,

      its annoying as hell because the one who is rammed can get a hefty fine for something he was not at fault for. if you drive a HT and a scout hits you hard enough for some reason he can suffer extensive damage which is tripled or X5 and fined to the HT in question

      • This is everyone who ever tried to form a train behind my TOG. they damage themselves on me and I have to pay their fuggin’ repairs for something that’s their fault

  13. I don’t know about you guys but I am SUPER excited about all these mentions of Hull Upgrades!!

    Not only is that going to DESTROY many trees, Its going to open up spots in the trees for opportunity!

    ever since i played that horrible Facebook game that shall not be mentioned WITH SAID hull upgrades i have always wondered why WOT wouldn’t have such a thing, OH and don’t forget about the Equips that give you extra Hit Points!

    For those that simply have no idea wtf I’m on about have a look see HEEYUUUUH

  14. I like this:
    –> maps not dropping evenly? “Play 1000 battles within one patch and show us the statistics <–

    I did play well over 1000 battles within one patch. And I keep record of them. And SerB is nor right – maps are not distributed evenly, even if I filter out (exclude) encounters and assaults.

    However, no-one ever said they are distributed evenly. No, they are distributed randomly. That I can confirm – the map distribution is quite random, however, leading to the fact Highway or Cliff being drawn twice as much as Erlenberg or Mountain Pass. Still perfectly random.

  15. - in the 8.8 ASAP video at at 2:25, we can see AMX M4 Mle 1948. It however won’t be implemented anytime soon


  16. “- apparently, British crews will have the same english voiceover as the American ones, at least in the beginning”


  17. - in the 8.8 ASAP video at at 2:25, we can see AMX M4 Mle 1948. It however won’t be implemented anytime soon


  18. SS, are the German changes that significant that they will “cause a panic”? If it’s just the motor thing, not concerned. But, it sounds like there’s something larger at play here, possibly gun mechanics?

    - maps not dropping evenly? “Play 1000 battles within one patch and show us the statistics”

    This has been proven before by numerous people. It’s BS.

    • when i watched the video concerning 0.8.8, it was stated that the Vk 36.01h would be converted to a heavy with minmal stat changes. (what ever that means ;)
      the Vk30.01h would be “balanced” for T5 HT duty.

      the removal of the un-historical engines from panther variants and possibly tiger would not hinder the vehicles mobilty and they will be compensated by a reduction in terrain resistance if engine power was lowered due to the removal of the engine.

      if i remember correctly the tigers will get a top speed boost so they can achieve their historical all be it theoretical top speeds, without the addition of more HP so accelleration stays the same.

  19. There’s already Japanese voiceover, it’s in the Japanese version of the game.

    And the voice actually kinda sucks, he’s even less emotive than the American guy. I’m fluent in both so I can understand what he says.

  20. Leopard Prototype B won’t come as a premium, but it’s possible it will come as a hull option for Leopard PTA

    is this a feature they will implement for multiple vehicles within a tree or just for a few select ones that actually have the mutiple hulls developed. also nice option with this feature is too give this option to the ferdinand and allow the upgrade into the elefant which is as historical as you can get. this can also be applied to the stug III with frontal plates added and Pz IV schurtzen ;) endless possibilities ;P

    also read in an earlier post that E-50 & E-50M could be united in one vehicle is that solid information and if so i jope for good compensation for E-50 owners ;) if it gets replaced by a more unique and equally capable Tier 9 med i am al for it now the only difference between E-50 and E-50M is the gun and the rear placed engine. also soft stats in terms of mobility are better.

  21. “”- Q: “Will the national voiceovers be different from voiceovers in mods?” A: “Yes, a lot, considering the fact the only mod voiceover I’ve heard is the one with my little pony voices”””
    Aww, too bad! And here I thought they would take inspiration from one of the best mods out there…