
Again, not much info today.

- Q: “Severogorsk is tiny and should drop only for lowtier tanks” A: “Your opinion is very important to us” (SS: eg. it won’t be changed)
- Swedish Rikstanken (based on the L-120) apparently won’t be implemented, as it is armed with a 7,92mm machinegun (SerB: “And who do you want to knock out with such a caliber?”) (SS: the fact something is equipped with a 7,92mm MG does NOT mean it can be implemented, regular 7,92mm AP shells have less than 10mm of penetrating power, the Panzer I Ausf.C gun is very, very specific in this)
- if you start teamdamaging SerB in random battle, you will get a temporary ban
- SerB on alleged leak of T57 HT nerf: “We don’t comment leaks” (SS: there is news about a possible T57 nerf, I confirmed it with WG RU, T57 won’t be touched for now, so it’s just a hoax)
- if you sell the Superpershing for gold, there will be no compensation for gold camo or inscriptions
- on Live Oaks map (and some others), there are some very tricky steep shores, if you drive on them, you will slide into water without the possibility to do anything. This won’t be changed.
- official XP formula won’t be disclosed

68 thoughts on “19.8.2013

  1. - on Live Oaks map (and some others), there are some very tricky steep shores, if you drive on them, you will slide into water without the possibility to do anything. This won’t be changed.

    Noobs trap? :D

    • Indeed.
      I got to know them very recently when I started playing medium tanks, since I mostly used the city part of Live Oaks, being a mostly heavy tank user.

      Having 10k matches and then falling to these traps makes for some really embarrassing moments.

    • “Noobs trap? :D”

      That’s not funny. I tried to ram a guy on one of those slopes (after watching too many episodes of RNG), missed and went into the water.

      Ok, it was funny.

      • It’s true that it happens to experienced players.

        And yes, I laughed at myself.

        Even better, there’s a good hiding spot for most scouts in the swamp that I like to spot from. Little did I know that the ELC is about the only thing short enough to drown there! Mega-embarrassing!

        • ELC is (i think) the lowest tank there is,
          with a mere 1.78m high you can just about drown everywhere.

          • The UC 2-pdr and UE 57 likely have it beat, doubly so as like half their height comes from the guns. Also prime candidates for drowning in rivers 2 cm deep, along with the oxen and half your family.

            • Reminds me of the time a ELC was crossing the little creek on Highway west of the north base.. somebody detracked it in the water and it drowned.

    • It’s pretty easy to accidentally reverse into some of them when hill-peeking. :/
      (Been there done that… >.<)

      • These places are not only on Live Oaks map. I fell into such a trap on the Fjords map. Really frustrating.

    • T57 isn’t OP in my opinion. It’s a paper tank best played from the second line or like a TD.
      Sure it can dish out around 1600 damage in one clip, but it bounces a lot if you aren’t careful.
      Playing it with gold ammo only, is VERY expensive, so not really an option for most players unless you are in a clan.
      It not that easy to play IMO at least not for me.

          • Then I’d like T110E5 back to its glory… if T57 is allowed a hefty 7.7 RoF Give us atleast 6.6 for T110E5… it got that… that… tu… tuo… tmoo…. tumour on its head and lfp is equally weak for TX guns.

            Buffing Maus E-100 with DPM would be a handy too… or then drop T57 RoF to 7 … Done with it. But constant nerfs could be done with constant buffs…

  2. Q: “Severogorsk is tiny and should drop only for lowtier tanks”
    A: “Your opinion is very important to us”
    Me : “So is your opinion…”

  3. Official Xp formula= Random Number Generator

    Cuz sometimes you can see people get more xp with 0 damage then 1000 damage, etc.

    A question to you SS: Do you know something about changing the xp system to the old way? I mean arty get less 50% td get less 33%. Even with highest damage i barely got middle range xp. Thx in advance.


    • In those cases its spotting. The 0 damage tank spotted damage for allies and spotted enemy tanks. The 1,000 damage tank dealt damage to tanks that allies spotted(so 50% of his xp goes to the spotters)

      • The problem is those 0 damage tanks didnt move at all, afk, bot, etc, so no spotted damage. Next time i will do some print screens.

  4. - if you start teamdamaging SerB in random battle, you will get a temporary ban

    it was worth it :D

  5. Ofc they are not gonna nerf T57 yet. It’s still being grinded massively. They still can milk out lots of cash from players that are converting exp etc. to get T57. Once it stops being that much popular they’ll nerf it and spit in the face of all players that spent money and time to get it.

    • And if I worked at WG, I’d do the same. That’s how you make money, kid. Welcome to the real world.

        • Never said it can’t be done other way. But the way WoT economy is built, making slightly OP tanks like Foch 155 & T57 Heavy are atm and thus luring stupids to pay money to get them is a good way to make profit. And in all honesty, if you are stupid enough to take the bait in form of slightly OP tank (which will be nerfed to make it balanced when there is no serious profit from it anymore – that much is obvious), you deserve to be left with less money on your bank/pay pal etc. account.

          • Do you know a way to perfectly balance all new tanks? Because WG would surely hire you.

  6. Poll

    SerB is whinning about teamkillers.

    Which one of the following would you say to SerB:

    A: Don’t play teamplay-based games then.
    B: How terrible…

    I hope I could catch SerB’s style.

  7. > (SS: eg. it won’t be changed)

    oh really SS? Apparently you didn’t get it first time…

    e.g. = exempli gratia = for example (czech: napr. = napriklad)
    i.e. = id est = that is (czech: tj. = to jest / tedy)

    I hope you get it, if not, well, what can I say, only that learning is a sign of intelligence. Not learning is a sign of ignorance.

  8. “- on Live Oaks map (and some others), there are some very tricky steep shores, if you drive on them, you will slide into water without the possibility to do anything. This won’t be changed.”

    I’m normally pretty good when it comes to driving, but did slide off the northmost shore once when approaching the bridge from the west, trying to be sneaky. It was…mildly irritating.
    The thing is coated with oil, I swear. I guess you can argue realism, though; a dirt bank like that probably wouldn’t hold a tank very well anyway.

    “- Swedish Rikstanken (based on the L-120) apparently won’t be implemented, as it is armed with a 7,92mm machinegun (SerB: “And who do you want to knock out with such a caliber?”) (SS: the fact something is equipped with a 7,92mm MG does NOT mean it can be implemented, regular 7,92mm AP shells have less than 10mm of penetrating power, the Panzer I Ausf.C gun is very, very specific in this)”

    I’m not familiar with this tank, but just because it has a gun that can’t damage anything above tier 1 (and even there have trouble), doesn’t make it useless. Give it insane enough stats otherwise (camo, view range, ground resistance, etc) and it can still contribute, it’ll just be a bit harder than the other tier 1′s to use.
    Again, though, don’t know anything about this tank, so you guys would know better than I whether or not it is indeed completely useless for gameplay purposes.

      • i just think all maps should be in the game for all the tiers…people just have to learn to play in many diferent ways diferent tactics if it wasnt for that this game will lose all the fun.. its not suppose to be easy to play wherever i think.

  9. “if you start teamdamaging SerB in random battle, you will get a temporary ban”

    Pfft! You think I’d give a damn!? His raging would be priceless!