According to WG sources, it’s 80 percent sure that test will start today. So standby. Also, because of Gamescom, I will be skipping troll stuff and garbage.
- SerB is levelling up the British arty branch, but hasn’t reached FV304 yet
- new modes for random battles confirmed (no details yet)
- historical battles concept is 70-80 percent ready, according to Storm
- historical battles current issues are revolving around tanks balance, making weak tanks more interesting to play and there are other problems too. They will definitely not come in 2013, but it’s completely possible they come in 2014
- currently Storm doesn’t consider too many TD’s in battles a problem
- separate T-34 tank with M-17 aircraft engine is not planned (not even for historical battles), as there is not enough difference from regular T-34
- different zoom levels for different historical vehicles won’t be implemented
- credit transfers betweem players won’t be implemented
- it’s not totally sure E-50 and E-50M will merge into one vehicle and even if it happens, it will take a long time to implement
- 7/42 companies do apparently not appear in RU/EU/US 8.8 patch, because they are being tested in China
- nerfs are based on statistics, not on personal opinions on developers
- Object 140 has internal fueltanks in the front (right), just like T-62A, their amount of hitpoints will be roughly the same as in T-62A
- SerB is currently in Chicago
- autoloaders carrying different types of shells (for example three AP and three HE) won’t be implemented
- one type of tank in battle modes (for example medium tanks only) won’t be implemented
- apparently, German turbine tanks won’t be implemented after all (SS: here I am not sure what SerB means, he says “tanks with afterburners)
- the 112 and T-34-3 will be testable on 8.8 test, but in the beginning, they will appear only in gift shops, as the developers want to strictly control their amount, so they are sure they aren’t “too good”
- apparently IS-7 won’t be buffed
- players won’t be able to purchase more identical tanks in their garage
- if 112 proves to be OP (according to rumors, it is), it won’t be nerfed, but its sale will be limited
Alleged 8.8 partial German tank changes from Murazor (Russian blogger):
- 88mm L/71: ROF increased from 6,98 to 8,96
- 88mm L/71: aimtime reduced from 2,9 to 2,7
- removed the HL234 and HL230P45 engines
- increased the second turret hitpoints by 50hp
Tiger II
- increased the stock turret hitpoints by 50hp
- repoved the HL234 and HL230P45 engines
Apparently, the VK4502 buff was a fake.
Dat Tiger H buff….
Atleast it will be able to compete with the IS in close combat and not from the other side of the map.
You mean now it will beat IS in BOTH close range AND long range?
Unless the IS is peek-a-booing, yes. The Tiger now can put in 2 shots for the IS’s one shot. Doesn’t mean you should do it though.
…I can’t believe the stupidity of your statement.
Look, while it has the highest HP pool of all tier VII heavies and has a decent gun, most of its armor is pretty thin and is vertical, making penetration very easy, not to mention being able to set it on fire from frontal shots.
The IS still has a more powerful 122 mm gun option AND has sloped armor that can make it much more difficult to destroy, especially with a skilled driver at the controls.
No, it’ll be balanced, especially when you consider that even then it still doesn’t hold a candle to the T29; if any tank is OP at tier VII, that one would be it.
Isn’t this basically undoing the long 88 Nerf from many many patches ago?
It seems so. Bet many don’t remember that.
i still remember when the 88 l71 was a beast on the panther 2, if i remember correctly it had 2.3 aim time and 8 rpm. with vert stab and perks, i was an absolute monster. i sold my panther 2 some time ago the aim time nerf changed the tank drastically…
I wonder if the 88mm buff goes for all 88s, or just the Tiger H
Gun softstats tend to be vehicle- and turret-dependent, you may have noticed.
Just the 88 mm L/71; no news on the L/56 yet.
112 and T-34-3 are gonna be soooo massively nerfed before they come in ingame store.
Anything to prevent a repeat of the Type 59 fiasco.
- frontal and side armor increased to 200/120/120mm
The actual 170mm of armor is strong enough anyway. Only a noob would shoot that instead of it’s stellar front big hole called the MG port which is 150mm and not really angled.
I would laugh my ass of the they make the front armor 200mm and nerf the MG port to 100mm LOL!!!
lets hope for a test today….
VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
- frontal and side armor increased to 200/120/120mm
- increased the turnrate of second suspension to 30 deg/s
- increased the turnrate of second turret to 26 deg/s
Yeah….this is not going to come at the liver server in the years to come.
If this change gets implemented in 8.8 tho, I’m sure it’ll blast your kidney.
Oh gods, that was so lame…
VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B front armor 200? good reason to start the mouse line now!
Dat ROF increase on Tiger O_o
The compensation for the loss of engine power for the Tiger II seems a bit underwelming…
The Tiger H’s gun buffs seem nice though.
I hope I will get credits back for the change… (Tiger 2 top engine costs 80k)
U dont take…
- 88mm L/71: ROF increased from 6,98 to 8,96
Well that is gonna be a motherfuckin machine gun :D
Well, the DPM becomes a turreted TD as it is played as one anyway.
Well it kind-of needs that, since it doesn’t have the trollish turret and gun depression of the T29, and doesn’t have the sloped hull armor of the IS. The only real benefits to it are the gun’s accuracy and its hp pool which can allow it to…um…tank a few more hits if necessary, but besides that, like already stated, it’s more of a turreted tank destroyer than anything else.
#wow #rare #Germanbias #followyourleader
Can’t wait for the second round of testing where they destroy the Tiger’s on-the-move accuracy like they did to the ’48 Patton :)
SerB says, Don’t try forcing me to do anything else in the German line, we are going to buff the soviet line to exceed performance of the German line since you ask for so much.
Well you’re not SUPPOSED to shoot on the move in a German heavy (unless you’re in a Maus, because it’s so slow that it probably doesn’t make too much of a difference if you do it right). You’re basically an armored box with a gun that only needs to move between shots to avoid enemy counterattack.
- 88mm L/71: ROF increased from 6,98 to 8,96
Buff Tiger II ROF with the 88mm also? As 8.96RPM is faster than the Tigger 2′s 7.79 RPM…
I think a similar thing exists between the Black Prince and the Caernarvon, Black Prince has a faster RoF with the 77mm.
probably everything about 88 will be changed, on every tank
No, they are different tanks.
have you ever even seen the difference in the L/71 or in fact any 88mm gun even if they are the same model they have to be adapted for different tanks and areas
Hey, where is buff for Panther?
Not leaked yet.
VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
– frontal and side armor increased to 200/120/120mm
What the hell? Already buffed twice the historical amount :D
But still – this tank is way more scary than E-75 :) Me gusta.
I don’t know about that; I’m still more hesitant to take on an E-75 than a VK 45.02 P Ausf.B in my SU-122-44 (and I’m two tiers below either one). Then again, I haven’t seen a VK 45.02 P Ausf. B in battle yet, though I’ve seen a few E-75s.
Will the changes to the german medium tanks be similar?
VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
- frontal and side armor increased to 200/120/120mm
Holy shit i don’t have to grind e75 anymore!
E-100 is still more useful in Clan Wars though. The Maus is really only used for trolling on Himmelsdorf.
- currently Storm doesn’t consider too many TD’s in battles a problem
“they should be able to take care of themselves in battle”
- the 112 and T-34-3 will be testable on 8.8 test, but in the beginning, they will appear only in gift shops, as the developers want to strictly control their amount, so they are sure they aren’t “too good”
wonderful wargaming, thanks now I know they will be a waste of money
“too good” ha funny,
Tiger is getting a lot of love and now they won’t take out space in some the higher tiers battles for tier 9s
To good chinees prems?, o yea…buy with real money this tanks noobs because they are op…hihi fuck those ones with gold earn from esports they don’t deserv op tanks. Such a shit wg is doing to us…i wonder on what they’ll spend the mill of euros frome this tanks.
“VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
- frontal and side armor increased to 200/120/120mm
- increased the turnrate of second suspension to 30 deg/s
- increased the turnrate of second turret to 26 deg/s”
Why did WG buff a tank that will be removed from the game?
Nonsense… :DD
Maybe because it currently is in every way worse than E-75 (and most of other T9 heavies) and it will not be removed (or rather merged with 4502A) for at least another year?
Probably as a stopgap measure until a suitable replacement can be found, and to cut a break to people that want the Maus before they have to grind an unfamiliar tank.
ROFL, instead of replacing VK4502 at tier IX they keep making it less and less historical…
I had a feeling those changes would make you raise an eyebrow!
Not sure why such a massive armour buff at the front was needed seeing as its upper glacis could effectively bounce shots (excluding on the weak spots of course) from most tanks in the game…
Well, main problem is that historical specs are armor: 80mm gun: 88mm L/71
Indeed, historically it would be tier 6/7 material. Saying that, most of the Porshe line is guilty of being somewhat historically dubious.
However… [inbound opinion] it does provide a wide range of interesting gameplay, which WoT as an arcade game at heart strives for. I’d rather see the hopelessly unhistorical line as it is than a more historical line of near identical Maus prototypes/variants at the higher tiers.
The German line is always going to have goofball tanks in some slots, just from trying to balance one tree that stops at 1945 with other trees that continue on to into the ’50s and ’60s. You either nerf everyone else into the ground to fight against 1945 Germans, or you buff the Germans so they can compete with Cold War MBTs. If balancing the two means we need more paper Luft ’46 designs, so be it. It’s not like the other lines aren’t full of paper tanks as well.
Agreed, angled mine easily takes between 5k and 14k “potential damage”,
unless one of the tier X behemoths or artillery get good shots at me.
The E75 is a good tank, too, but I always “tank” enemy fire better in the VK.
They probably haven’t found a suitable replacement yet, so they’re buffing it to stay competitive until such a time as they do.
- apparently, German turbine tanks won’t be implemented after all (SS: here I am not sure what SerB means, he says “tanks with afterburners)
There was a consumable called “afterburner” for E Serie Tanks in the 6.5 test. It was similar to the russian Removed Speed Governor but it didnt dmg the engine and worked, after it was activated, just for a limited time.
It was removed from the game and instead of this consumable all engines recieved a horsepower buff.
Here you can see it.
Yes I remember that, you could only use it for a minute if I remember right or it would destroy your engine, I think it provided a 10% engine bounus
Lol, why is the HL230 P45 removed from the Tiger, it’s his historical engine.
Some for KT (although it was the P30 historical)
Don’t trust wikipedia, the engine was the HL 210.
Also don’t trust other sources since they use wikipedia as there source :(
There is two ways to find out the real thing, dig through old archive or see variants of the vehicle
Jentz should be a good enough source :)
the hl230 p30 is historical.. 700ps (690)
I love you =))) :D
Love to see dat DPM buff for Tiger, but WTF why they removed the P45?
Will there be changes to the Recon Panther too?
I don’t think so the recon panther is doing “fine” last I saw WG say.
FINE?? it’s rubbish hence I nicknamed it the awful.panther
Public test finally starts.
Test Client Launcher was updated today, link here:
previous version was about > 8 MB, now it’s > 10MB.
Diffing the two versions results in some launcher html/css updates and Inno Installer update.
note: update is not yet distributed, only launcher was prepared.
Asian forum added 8.8 PT forum sections.
I smell a fake….
If mit, well Oo
I am forced to buy vk4502 b :D
Not sure about that T-34 with the engine swap, but I’d love to see a US or maybe a future Pan-European premium M18 with the …I think it’s a FAP engine from a truck.. at least that’s what the badge on the grille looks like (all jokes aside)
…the hell is that? :P
Anyways, downloaded the test server. Hanging on tight. Gotta try the new Russian tier 10 for CW.
- 88mm L/71: ROF increased from 6,98 to 8,96
- 88mm L/71: aimtime reduced from 2,9 to 2,7
Great the AMX M4 45 is useless now.
I’m pretty sure it was useless since 7.2 or when froglegs came out.
AMX M4 1945 has 10 deg gun depression and better mobility
Oh and two layers of paper armor.
The AMX M4 have way worse accuracy on the move and only 1 degree gun depression when facing backwards and sideways.
For some reason I loved the Tiger H but sold the AMX M4 without eliting it.
Well now the Tiger will be faster, and will be better at everything the AMX could do.
Relax Danny, it has to be buffed wheb the AMX M4 line finally comes.
And about 200 less HP than the Tiger. Not to mention it can’t neutral steer.
So Tiger II will have 9.19 HP/ton? WTF? That’s a huge nerf! For comparison, Maus has 9.26 HP/ton.
50 hitpoints lol.
50 hp to STOCK turret, that is some serious buff!
Yeah, I misread at first that’s for second turret instead of stock… even better.
There has to be at least another change to the Tiger II. The removal of its 2 alternative engines is just ridiculous, it’s a nerf all the way if that’s the only thing they change about it.
nonono, you missunderstand – Tiger II gets buffed, it will receive higher topspeed!
Tiger II cant reach the buffed topspeed cause of the lost engines? – How terrible
Thats utter bs long time ago they said they will increase its top speed and but its engine power wont be changed. Again those sons of bitches lied to us. Whats the damn point of that max speed buff anymore if you nerf those engine. Now i think let tiger 2 keep its engine and screw that speed buff.
They too said, that Ausf. B wont be touched cause “it is doing fine”.
Storm says “bullshit”, but everything is confirmed. How terrible.
new vk armor? old gold munition :P
112 OP with T10 MM and 250mm HEAT? shit MM+the need to spew prem shells=less credits earned, is OP?
Now that arty is gone, T10 is literally filled with TD’s that can two shot 112 anytime.
Or maybe they have decided to give preferential MM after all, so yes i agree thats even more than OP lol!
I guess why they put these two new premiums in the gift shop first..
Remember back then when the Type 59 was introduced?
I guess no further explanation is needed. They flooded the servers.
They fear that the same might happen with these two premium tanks, so they put it in the gift shop first so that they can take them out if they turn out to be either OP or if they get out of control. Putting it ingame would require another patch to take them out.
They will take them out if it turns out to be another Type 59.
Also note that the gold shells on their 122mm guns was nerfed, from 300 pen to 250 pen in HEAT.
About the 112…it is the 113 in tier 8, same armor, but worse gun. Yeah…
VK4502P needed that buff. sure, its unhistorical, but for now its okay. They want to replace the 4502p with a more histroical tier 9 counterpart (maus prototype?) at some time
Still kinda weird for these who sell the SP.
I guess the 88mm L/71 buff is referring to all tanks that carry this gun.
It’s simple:
Tier X: Maus II
Tier IX: Maus with historical stats
1) There is no Maus II. 2) Maus with historical stats would be both OP and unplayable at tier9. The only things that are unhistorical about it is engine power (3 engines were considered, with a maximum of 1200hp, testing prototype had a ~1000hp one, ingame one is 1750hp) and gun penetration (should be substantially lower).
There were plans for Maus II, plus, there are a lot of vehicles that didnt exist IRL.
Well, it’s even more murky than the 50M. Totally not a fan of it, we have one, we dont need two. Besides, at least 50M is based of original project that was technically possible, Maus II, however (just like Maus I btw) is just a dream.
I read (somewhere, can’t remember where) that the Maus II simply had an enlarged turret ring that would allow for a larger gun to be mounted in the turret; which itself would have increased armour.
Should this be true, it’s far too similar to the existing Maus to justify a new tank.
Yes, it was a proposal to mount the 150mm gun (which was the original goal of th project) on Maus. The chassis and the turret were, however, unsuitable for it and the project would require completely new turret and chassis improvements.
I can’t imagine having any tier 7 having to go against the maus, even with historical stats, it’s basically a T95, but good armor around the sides and rear too, as well as a turret…
I’m thinking that they’ll have the Maus V1 prototype at tier IX. The differences between the V1 and V2 prototypes differed more than just that the V1 didn’t have a functional turret or guns when tested; there were also armor and transmission improvements on the V2 prototype.
M1 Abrams uses a turbine engine.
Maybe turbine engines are too modern. Besides that, a tank with a turbine engine is basically a torch begging to be lit up…Yeah, that says everything. Fire chance..nuff said. Not forget to mention where they put the fuel tanks…
It could be an high risk/high reward option for Panther/Panther II.
GT-102: 1150HP, fire chance 50%
No thanks mine lights up too often already.
S-103 uses a gas turbine and it’s prototyped in the 40s and mass produced in the 50s. So it’s not really that out of time.
About time the vk4502 b got some love .
With this interim buff I guess the vk a+ b amalgamation are a long way off .
Like the tiger 1 changes play like TD now. Park up a machine gun away.
What bugs me..the Tiger did carry a HL230P45 in 700hp in real life…whats wrong?
No, Tiger I carried a HL210, don’t trust wikipedia.
During 1-minute google-fu, I found at least in several sources that only first 250 Tiger I’s had the HL 210 engine. Care to elaborate?
Apparently you’re right, I stopped reading only at the first series.
but i was just the HL 230 P30
I checked different sources, they stated:
Tiger :
-650 hp HL210
-700 hp HL230 P45
Tiger II:
-700 hp HL230 P30
Buffs on german tanks?! WG must have drank too much vodka :))
More nerfs than buffs.
More mold than brain between your ears.
Just wait for at least the test notes.
Obj140 holy shit WHAT AN UNIQUE TANK! now it even has the identical ultra flammable T-62A fuel tank.
Cant wait for this “unique” tank!
While Tiger´s 88 RoF buff is welcome, I was hoping for historical gun depression as well, both on Tiger, King Tiger and Panther.
My biggest “fear” is that it will transform Tiger from paper mobile sniper, that could compensate less gun depression with better mobility, into a turreted TD without any mobility or gun depression.
Tbh, not something I will keep in my garage any more, and hardly a good buff.
Another problem is Tiger P: If Tiger H will become slow cause of the lost engines and 88 gets buffed on Tiger P too, the Tiger H would have no advantages on his side. I mean, the only advantage of Tiger H in comparison with Tiger P is his much better agility…
If it turns into another Tiger P, but with no armor, whats the point of Tiger H anymore?
Well, lets wait and see for our self, but I got no reason not to trust this info atm :/
Yeah, but to be honest – Tiger P with buffed 8,8 would be fucking awesome :D
These are the same arguments for the 3601h vs 3001p dispute… you know what? At one tier I get the shitty tank, at the next tier YOU get the shitty tank. I think it’s fair.
And a higher HP pool, but the Tiger P has better armor (despite the more obvious weakspot on the Commander’s cupola)
OH God
Oh GOd
Oh God
please let that VK4502B buff be true…
So… while the Tiger H received a buff in rof and aim time in exchange for engine nerf…. the Tiger 2 only got nerfs ?
Of course, if you haven’t noticed, it clearly dominated among other Tier 8 heavies. Every single company battle was full of them.
Wait, or was it IS-3?
Not sure if sarcastic or stupid.
you mean 50 100, t32, VKA, 13 90 and is-3… yeah…
That does not mean the Tiger 2 is underpowered.
That also means that all the other tanks are much better than KT since they are used over it in TCs. So yea, you could call it slightly UP. But it’s zee german afteral, so it’s working as intended.
…because CW utility/popularity is the end-all be-all acid test of tanky goodness right?
You’re thinking about the IS-3, though the Tiger II was easily a close-second, if only because it COULD outperform the IS-3, but it required a skilled driver who knew about angling to do so, whilst the IS-3 is a tank almost anyone can pick up and use effectively.
ANYONE notice these are NOT final, and list is probably much much larger?
HL-230 is historical.. this is a hoax.
I wonder if they’re testing out how the proto maus would work at tie9 with these vk 4502(b) buffs.
Oh yeah buff the german tanks…
more like nerf them to oblivion. Fucking SerB >_>
These changes probably aren’t true, and are probably made up.
That said:
In spite of the mobility nerf, this would amount to a massive buff to the Tiger H.
Also this would be literally the first time in 3 years that the VK4502B got a real buff, and that’s one hell of a buff to be getting.
SerB currently in Chicago? 200 miles from me….oh no.
Run, run or he’ll nerf you!
I should prank call him if I can find out which hotel he’s staying in. XD
wat does repove mean?
Tiger II
- increased the stock turret hitpoints by 50hp
- repoved the HL234 and HL230P45 engines
ty ^^
Sceptical about those GER changes. There is no mention about the Panthers nor the Tiger I/II speed boosts, and the Tiger II was also supposed to get compensating buffs (lol, a marginal boost to a module which you will have ditched by the time your KT is elite).Taking this with a truckload of salt.
My guess is that this isn’t close to the full list of changes, just a few significant ones.
Because if you read the OP it states that it’s a partial list. That means that it’s not even sure it has all the changes for Tigers listed.
- SerB is levelling up the British arty branch, but hasn’t reached FV304 yet
Say in battle noob arty = perma ban :D
Btw, you can watch full video from that russian blogger (I don’t understand russian as well, but you can look at the picture). Apparently Panther L100 gun is being buffed to 2.1s aiming speed and RoF to 14.29 (current 12.5).
so the hl230 p45 will just be replaced with the hl230 p30 :)
IDk, but it seems like the E50 and Ausf.M get the “Saukopfblende”. Finaly! :D
According to WG sources, it’s 80 percent sure that test will start today.
Tommorow it is then…
nooooooo is it already too late for today or what?
i have been waiting forever on test server…
If you look into his video. you can see more changes:
Tank traverse: 23 > 26
HP buff on HL210: 650 > 700
82mm armor nerfed to 80mm
Turret traverse nerfed: 23 > 18
View Range buff: 370 > 380
Tiger II
Weight decrease 71 > 70
Tank traverse buff: 26 > 28
10.5mmL68 on it:
ROF buff: 5.26 > 5.77
View Range Nerf: 400 > 390 (seems it has top turret in vid)
Turret traverse buff: 25 > 27
More coming
German fanboys heads will explode from contradiction…
Speed Buff: 30 > 40
Traverse buff: 21 > 30
Top engine removed
Max engine is 234 with 900 HP
Top engine Removed
Biggest engine is now 234 with 900 HP
Traverse buff: 26 > 32
10.5 ausf B
RoF Buff: 6.00 > 6.25
Accuracy buff: 0.32 > 0.3
Aiming Time buff: 2.3 > 2.1
New turret model for both E-50 (no changes)
Engine is same as Panther changes, 700 HP.
Traverse buff: 29 > 32
Speed Buff: 46 > 55 (possible same for panther)
View Range buff: 350 > 370
Speed buff to 38
Same engine shit, 700 HP
Traverse Nerf??? 28> 26
Unknown wheigt and load limit increase: +3 each
JagdPanther II
Same speed increase to 55
Traverse buff: 30 > 38
Thats all it seems
Sorry for breaking reply system :P
There’s something fishy about those changes…
JgPanth is already hard to “carousel”, with 8* traverse buff it’s going to be impossible.
Wg buffing ze germans? OMG RUSSIAN BIAS!!!!!111111
That is no buff moron. Storm said its only to COMPENSATE for the loss of their engines. Do you know what compensation means? it’s the same situation as with the accuracy change, wheres arty got lowered accuracy , but the same time have been compensated by the fact that the shell hits the center of the target alot more often. SO it’s pretty much the same and tbh from same to worst.
Your example is a good example of why compensation in WG speak can mean either a buff or nerf, but rarely evens out.
And I even put the “:P” at the end. Oh well…
Lol too bad for Serb when he reaches Crusader SP. It’s a must free xp or risk going insane.
It’s not a problem if you remember to drive it backwards.
I think germans trade too much mobility away for these buffs. They must make some huge terrain passability buff in order to keep them some speed and mobility.
WG claim that they improved German tanks terrain applicability to keep mobility stay.
Personally, I don’t trust them, but we will see
They probably wont keep the mobility same for heavy tanks (ROF buffs seem substantial) but I wont see why they wouldnt do it for mediums.
Maybe because they are Germans?
They fk German players always, I won’t trust them before I actally see that.
I hope the 8.8cm L/71 buff will apply to all tanks that carry it.
JgTiger 8.8 would turn into a machine gun!
It was already close to one. I might just have to get one considering how well a friend of mine performed in one when his team wasn’t full of idiots.
Gj Tiger II lose 220 horsepower, 870>650… fuck off WG!
650 HP is buffed to 700 it seems.
Yeah that makes sense remove historical Engines and buff a weaker historcal engine to a unhistorical value… retarded logic!
There are soft stats to compensate that.
So, we will be left with only HL 210 P 30 on KT.
1 engine on KT, and ONLY 1.
Those 50HP will give me 0, 07 seconds more to survive, while i need more than 3 seconds more to get in cover. Scumbags.
SerB should be banned from Bovington , that pig is not worthy of even setting eyes on Tiger H
Pls stop wasting oxygen, also go for vasectomy so you cant reproduce…
Erm, wasnt speaking to you, also, ur mom asked me not to go to vasectomy, therefore (unfortunately) u happened.
Can wait for WT to release it’s tanks. At least you whiners will have another game to whine about.
- nerfs are based on statistics, not on personal opinions on developers
*Insert long and complicated list of comments by a certain Bellarussian man OR Rage Comic “Suuuure” guy here*
Silentstalker start testserver pls or I sue you thx!
Just lol -.- Looks like we will have asthmatic fat ass tanks. I already dislike to play ST-1 for that reason. Curse you WG, they look like fuck all the good vibe of the Henschel tree.
It looks like Tiger will have terrible mobility to have such a big DPM buff.
WHEN IS PUBLIC TEST???? 8.8?????
Any info about the Super Sponge changes? The only confirmed info I heard is that they will change the armor angle so it will become less effective. Regarding buffs I only heard hearsay and “we don’t really want to buff the SP” comments from SerB.
According to WG sources, it’s 80 percent sure that test will start today.
- this is like RNG, good….
They will definitely not come in 2013, but it’s completely possible they come in 2014
- historical battles in 2014…. so this year development of WoT was near 0%.
fcm50t gun will be worse than tiger gun after the patch wtf
And so It should be, now fcm is better than panther2 in everything…
Why do E-50/E-50M stat pages show 150mm frontal armor?
Maybe WG thinks that increasing armor value on paper alone (without actually changing them in game) would make shots magically bounce?
I guess with enough vodka, anything is possible.
1. its a bug and you look stupid for not waiting the official notes
2. its not a bug and you look even more stupid for doubting everything “just because”
Except that just as a few days ago when Storm said:
- the 150mm frontal E-50/E-50M armor will stay
So we are clearing missing something, which time will tell in a short while.
However, doubting 150mm frontal E-50/E-50M is not “just because” Frontal plate just getting 30mm thicker… yeah that sounds legit.
Hey, maybe that’s where Tiger II lower plate’s missing 20mm is going to! Because screw logic when you can have so much fun with it!
“- if 112 proves to be OP (according to rumors, it is), it won’t be nerfed, but its sale will be limited”
WTF is this shit? Is this real? Or is it sarcasm? I doubt it by it’s wording, so they’ll start selling OP tanks, “in limited runs” now? Fuck those white russian scums, bring Pay-2-Win back.
Guido retard is back, yeah dude, a tank with d-25-t on tier 8 is sooooooooooooooooooooo OP
pls leave this game
Well the IS-6 has a nerfed version of the gun that will be on the 112 and the IS-6 is consided OP by a lot of people.
Anyone respectable?
Do stats show its op?
(lets not forget is-6 has preferential mm, and 112 will not have it)
Is that all you have Paar? Empty insults to even attempt to dispute what’s said. Read what I quoted, and discuss that, instead of lobbing ethnic insults at a screen name.
That’s rich coming from *you*.
Plus your puerile outburst of RAEG doesn’t exactly inspire serious discussion, or even merit being taken seriously in the first place.
BTW, my stats vs yours:
Performance rating: Me -4
WN7: Me +20
Eff: Me + 284
Last 5352 vs your 5621:
Performance: Me +91
WN7: Me +214
Eff: Me + 514
Hurts don’t it that my opinion is just as valid as your own, and, I’m better than you at tanks at the same time.
wahts with the epeen?? RL dick too small? xD
- SerB is levelling up the British arty branch, but hasn’t reached FV304 yet
He probably run out of free XP
On the bright side it means that SerB (mostly) follows the same rules as everybody else (except that if somebody team-damages him, he bypasses the joke of a reporting system and just bans them for a week)
Wow, that sure grew in telling.