
- The_Chieftain, US developer and tank expert, is pushing for a 3rd US TD line. He states there are a few tier 3 to 6′s possible, but high tiers will be a problem
- when there is tank A and tank B, with tank A having a lot of engine power but bad terrain passability, while tank B has bad engine power but good terrain passability, it’s possible to actually test the difference by looking at acceleration: tank A will have better acceleration at lower speeds
- SerB posted this when asked about a single photo where the Superpershing has the “ears” on the turret.

- apparently 100 percent crews for credit won’t be implemented
- historical info on the Chi-Nu Kai will be published
- for now, there are no tier 8 premium candidates for Japan
- experience spent on unlocking top E50/75 engines will not be compensated:

“That would be illogical. You had a tank in elite configuration and after that you will have a tank in elite configuration. What is there to compensate?”


“What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not? Noone needs the engine alone apart from the tank. After all the changes, the player will again recieve an elite tank. So what is there to compensate?”


“You all put it as if playing the game was a hard work, that needs to be compensated. Or did you, like everyone else, play for fun? What is there to compensate? Fun time, spent in the game?”

- the developers decided not to increase the XP cost of E-100 in order to compensate for the engine lost, because they considered the E-100 XP cost too high anyway
- the different sound when shooting the Object 140 gun compared to T-62A is a bug
- the compensation policy has changed since the SU-85 case (SS: it lost its top gun and XP was compensated for it). SerB on the SU-85 case: “That was a different situation. 107mm on SU-122 for example stood outside of the main unlocking line (SS: leading to new tank) and the gun unlocking spot was clearly localized”
- terrain passability for the E-75 on medium and soft ground will be buffed in round 2 of the test
- no plans to implement modern tanks into WoT
- the game Bigworld engine and Havok have nothing to do with the fact the modern tanks won’t make it to WoT
- Q: “Will obviously overpowered Object 268 be nerfed?” A: “Noobs always think other “imbalanced” tanks prevent them from pwning, they don’t blame their own game skill”
- commander tanks (less hitpoints, bigger viewrange and radio range) are still planned, “when it’s done it’s done”
- Foch and T57 won’t be nerfed because of whine, but because they stand out statistically
- the arty nerf statistics are already available for the developers, SerB states that all the intended goals were met

212 thoughts on “28.8.2013

  1. “What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not? Noone needs the engine alone apart from the tank. After all the changes, the player will again recieve an elite tank. So what is there to compensate?”

    What about people NOT having an Elite E-75? :P

      • I want compensation in free xp for loosing 300 hp on my E-50 and the fact they misformed it with that ugly gunmantle :P

        Pushing team mates T95 uphill will not be fun anymore XD

        • It definitely is BS logic. The simple fact of the matter is that a person who did not unlock the engine will be on the exact same footing as someone who did unlock the engine. Both people will have an elite E-75 and that XP spent simply won’t matter, whether SerB wants to admit it or not.

          I understand that this is just a game, and balance changes happen, but the real issue here is that some players unlocked that engine with real money via free XP. A free-to-play business model doesn’t work if the developer can flat out remove something that was bought with cash.

          • That’s right – some people spent gold to free XP the engines. They have every right to be extremely pissed off. At this point, though, I think everyone expects WG to act like a bunch of weasels.

            I didn’t do that (and sure as hell won’t do it in the future, now) and this still pisses me off. I guess the only recourse is to go slaughter some noobs and be obnoxious in lower tiers. A drawback to the free to play model is that someone’s ability to mess with your noobs is limited only by your free time and will to do so.

            • Some people spent gold to free XP the engines. They have every right to be extremely pissed off.

              Nope. They paid for having much better / elite tank immediately. Nobody forced them to do that, it was their choice.

            • Serb has a poopy attitude. Probably from all the whiners. I wonder what the CEO would think of Serb’s comment. In the end Serb will be responsible for hurting customer marketing and retention efforts.

            • Buying your PC/Laptop was voluntary. I’m sure you won’t mind if the company you bought it from takes some of the RAM out…

          • gold->free xp for the engine was completely voluntery, why should you be comphensated

            • Some of us played it a lot when there were no tier10 mediums, then the top engine was not voluntery really. Get it to be on top.

              The people fucked over now are the ones that unlock it the last three months and until 0.8.8. They get 50 000 hard earned EXP deleted with the top engine, they could have spent it on the top gun etc. Not everyone fallows the patches and tests.

    • Shitty attitude from wg as usual. Typical wg logic as well. I for one went for the top engine first and I have not yet opened the top gun yet. So I lose 50k exp and I get nothing in return just because serb is too fucking stupid to see the complete lack of logic in his own reasoning.

      Compensating that 50k exp should be common sense just like it was with with the 107mm gun for the su-85 for example. But no. E75 is not a russian tank so fuck off fascist box tank players.

      • Reaffirms SerB’s shitty arrogant attitude towards the people who play the game, and actually put the money into Wargamings coffers.

        Yes, I voluntarily unlocked the best engine. I didn’t do it because I had to, I did it to get the best out of the tank and to enjoy it more. I paid my own money to convert XP so I could unlock it. If I had known that the engine would be removed do you think I would have spent my money on getting it? I have far better things to do with my money than line Wargamings pockets and get nothing back in return.

  2. What a load of bollocks why do we want a third US Td line ! By the way the Chieftain is not a developer.

      • Disagree with more the better, personally I would rather they sorted what they have out first, but just a personal note. He is the military dude for NA, same as our own Chally for the EU.

      • I agree. :) The more tanks, the better. More stuff to try. The only thing that bugs me is….a 3rd TD line…and still no premium TD for crew-training purposes? :/ Come on already…

      • He’s not a developer. None of the American employees do any development by definition. They are just a filter for the fat, overfed American forum-goers. They send in monthly suggestions to the office in Minsk that are summarily ignored. All Wargaming wants to hear from the NA office are the revenue reports.

    • You can just stop playing the game if you don’t like that the developers do whatever they want to do. It’s their game not yours.

      Stop acting like spoiled brats who don’t get enough of mama’s breast milk

    • TBH I’d much rather have some more mediums if they really want to implement some more US tanks right now.
      While an additional branch of TD’s is fine by me other nations should really get priority; the French and the British are being ignored and not to mention that the Chinese don’t even have arty or TD’s yet.

    • Hey the Chieftain is the one that got you the T71, T69, T54E1, and the T57 through National Archive researches. So cut him a break. You EU guys are a piece of work at times. BTW, FTR rocks!

      • Blimey I was simply pointing out a. He is not a developer and b. in my opinion (my opinion) other nations are in more need. By the way I am a

        • I don’t think the Chieftain working on American TD’s is going to slow down the research on other tanks by other people in any way.

    • Again with the retarded questions. Yes T2 arty is so fucking OP that they need to nerf it. I mean really.

      • Seeing as everytime that nerf has been mentioned, “T57″ was written and not “T57 Heavy”, then the mental retardation is on you.

        • Wasn’t it blatantly obvious that everyone meant the heavy? Also the irony of you accusing someone as mentally retarded is so right.

          • Gotta agree with you here; not being able to discern from the context (and by Common Sense(tm)) which T57 is topical is pretty dumb.

            • Really…. – then why isnt “T57 Heavy” used as the name if that tank is the topic?

            • Because Tier 2 SPGs usually don’t generate copious amounts of whine – unlike high-tier autoloader nasties? Duh.

  3. “Noobs always think other “imbalanced” tanks prevent them from pwning, they don’t blame their own game skill”


    • It is true people often blaim things they dont have for their failure, however in most battles I see the tier X tank destroyers often doing at least twice the damage as heavy tanks – which explains why they are so popular…

      But when good players in most of those tier X machines singlehanded influence the result of the battle more than equally good players in medium and heavy tanks it’s important to at least tone them down a bit.

      I hope more than the Foch155 is being looked into – Luckily CW is rather unaffected due to teamwork, but simply making a few weakspots weaker and dropping shell damage down 10% would far from cripple any of them (perhaps except the JP E-100 monster)

      Anyway I dont think anyone can reason with the devs…

      • It was predicted when arty was nerfed that the next threat (TD’s) to heavy supremacy would be next on the whine list. I often do twice the damage of tier X TD’s with my mediums, it happens. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

  4. - commander tanks (less hitpoints, bigger viewrange and radio range) are still planned, “when it’s done it’s done”

    First info on that came about when? Over a year ago? Along with clan wars commanders special abilities (airstrike, artillery barrage, air recon, etc.). But instead of doing something new, they insist on introducing new tanks and few (broken mostly) maps. It’s about time for some serious competition. And yes im thniking about War Thunder :D

    • Gimme a fast scout with 500 viewrange and a good radio and I’d be more than happy to remove the gun entirely :D

      • Stuart Jalopy, you mean? Personally I’d rather not be THAT dependent on the crop of potatoes that amount to the random pubbie tammates…

        • It’s not like you can make a big difference if you have a big gun with nothing spotted. And I’m hoping that EVENTUALLY the so-called allies will hit something. And if you are left alone against something that’s armed, well, play hide and seek, I’d love to stay just beyond their view range.

      • theres only a guarantee that WT will have more p2w… and as always after a few months Gaijin will ruin their game…

        • Tell me, in which way is WT pay to win, you level up faster, you get multipla planes per level, stock grind is not that painful, you can shoot down tier 20 with tier 1>
          In world of tanks, you got: premium ammo (only people with premium tanks can afford it – be real, who the fuck grinds with a tier 5 – answer: noone, because you fucking need gold to convert xp and you are wasting time by grinding on elite tanks anyway), crews only for gold, gold consumables (who the fuck would buy gold consumables without premium tank…), you got terrible grinds, while in WT the xp changes very slowly in later tiers and you can usually get 1 lvl per 100 games MAX (lvl 20 with average games of 20k xp 1 game in arcade lasts about 7-10 min, historical 10-30 min)! TELL ME HOW IS WT PAY TO WIN

          • You gotta be pretty shitty player indeed if you can’t well afford all the gold ammo and consumables you need with a standard acc. Just sayin’.

      • It does not need to be better. Just different. It’s enough to take some part of playerbase out of WoT, therefore putting some stress on WoT dev team. So they do better.

    • Yes, during the entire year they only introduced tanks and broken maps, nothing else…

      -_- classic whiner mantra and classic WT threat…

        • Physik, missions, balance changes, new render, new gamemodes (that most players are too stupid for), first step of a tutorial, soon statistic UI rework, and many more…

          • And how is all that of any serious value for any experienced player?

            Besides, apart of physics you failed to mention any serious ‘new feature’, didn’t you?

            Come on, UI rework, tutorial, balance changes… Seriously?

            • So new tanks that bring new game styles and new tactics are not of value to experienced player. But on the other hand we cant live without comander tanks and airstrikes… right

              I bet you are one of the people who thinks 0 damage penetrations are a serious issue ahhahahahhaha

            • paaranoja, 0% crits are a serious issue… they show us, that 99% of the players are even too stupid for basic game mechanics …

  5. > “Noobs always think other “imbalanced” tanks prevent them from pwning, they don’t blame their own game skill”
    Amen, comrade.

  6. Still cute how there is no refunds for the E-75 because according to serb, can look at previous examples.

    T-34 with the top 85, xp refund when it got removed, T-50-2 removal, the T-50 didn’t really get its xp refunded, but it got pushed onto another tank that you could redeem it from, SU-85 gun removal, refund. There were a few other instances I remember that they refunded. But oh hey, they all were Russian tanks that got a refund, go figure :/

    • mhh E-series doesnt start from tiger 1 but from tiger 2? -> exp from tiger 1 moved for free to tiger 2

      JpzE-100 not after Ferdi as tier9 but after JT as tier 10? Exp from Ferdi moved to JT for free…

      fuck this german bias!!!!!

      • That was before my time and I didn’t hear about that sorry :( but still, the T-50 just had its xp shifted around, they could at least put the XP back onto the 75 requiring people to pay money to get the XP off it if they wanted any money t all.

  7. “That would be illogical. You had a tank in elite configuration and after that you will have a tank in elite configuration. What is there to compensate?”


    “What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not? Noone needs the engine alone apart from the tank. After all the changes, the player will again recieve an elite tank. So what is there to compensate?”


    “You all put it as if playing the game was a hard work, that needs to be compensated. Or did you, like everyone else, play for fun? What is there to compensate? Fun time, spent in the game?”
    Such a rude and arrogant prick. I wasn’t unlocking 50k exp worth engine to have my fucking tank elite, but to get much more mobility that tank needs. At least you could compensate 25k. Because 50k is not something easy to grind, specially when you are not nolifer who plays tanks all freaking day and you are playing on standard account. That time spent to unlock one single engine was enough to unlock some whole other lower tier tank. Now better buff that shit good on second test server to compensate the lack of exp compensation -.-

    • You unlocked the engine because you wanted mobility. So you had mobility and had your fun. Now the tank changes and has a different kind of mobility and you expect to be refunded because you can’t have fun anymore with that tank? Where does it say that they won’t change tanks as they see fit? Also, I too unlocked the engine, and I too would be more than happy to have the 50k free xp given to me. But by no means to I see myself entitled to it.

    • Bitch please, grow up. You play a free game and you will get an elite tank after the change, elit as in maxed out performance. I’m quite sure you will not be giving bac the crew xp you gained and free xp you gathered during that grind.

      Also, its funny you call someone an arrogant prick while being extremely rude yourself. Double standards much?

      • His reply to the question about the T57 further illustrates his status as a paragon of modesty and etiquette.

        • His reply on anything that he disagrees is pretty much the epitome of 0-tolerance and rude behavior. He has no problem calling devs pricks, comie drunks, assholes and other great names but god forbid if serbs writes something offensive and suddenly he is king of ethical and political correctness… ofc vocalized trough more insults… the irony xD

        • Yes, because assuming about what T57 is all this about is so fucking hard. And my response was like that because that question was already been asked few times here on FTR, but i guess someone whos IQ is less than room temperature find it hard to understand.

          • So serb trolling retards is not the same as you trolling the retards? You can not stand idiotic questions not directed at you but he must answer every idiotic question in orderly fashion or he is an arrogant prick… I dont think you could be more of a hypocrite if you wanted to.

    • And I spent lots of time grinding 100+ k XP on my T-50 to get it all blown away. And what? You play, because you want to play and you have fun playing. If you are not sadist, that is. Game is not fun to play for you anymore? Stop playing.

      IIRC, when you agree with the terms, you also agree with the possibility of the game content changing.

      Deal with it or don’t play, noobity.

      • I would like to ask all stalinist fanbois and SerB admirers to skip my posts if they don’t have anything smarter to say than whining and being whiteknights. And i like being called noob by player much inferior to me.

        • 1. Noob. Say something now
          2. if you dont have anything to say other than primitive retorts obviously fueled by the game not being as you imagined, than dont post at all, if you still do, dont be surprised to be called a primitive hypocrite that you really are.
          3. Noob.

        • “And i like being called noob by player much INFERIOR to me.”

          lol, sure thing, noobity.

            • Not posting with valid nickname thus hiding behind random such as nyan cat does not give you right to judge others. I never said i’m the best…im far from it…but i did said when someone inferior to me call me noob i find it hilarious….since i can’t see your real nickname i’m just gonna assume you are average at best…otherwise i would like you to prove me wrong…
              Paaranoja retardo mucho? Wow…you are whole 2% above me by XVM…yes that gives you total right to call me noob…hipocryte…because inferior means being almost at the same level…NOOB

            • Also Paaranoja can you point it out where did i called you noob or anyone else here? You do have amazing need for attention since you like to stick your nose into other people’s bussines no matter does it concerns you or not, don’t you? Well there you go, you got yourself your daily dose of attention now stop being whiteknight, the saviour of poor and innocent. For a change you can go outside and brag around how you are great internet hero. Saving private Nyan Kitty. Starring: Paaranoja Oh and google out inferiority and superiority definitions and never go full retard again.

            • lol, whatever you say, noobity.

              Oh, and calling others whiteknights – saviours of poor and innocent while being part of the biggest forum/blog active group – whiners – is kinda stupid.

              As for my nick – Why should I give it to you? Or anyone else on FTR? To get trolled/targeted in-game by a poor failures like you? No thanks, I’ll pass. I don’t need idiots to bother me in-game.

            • A nerve has been hit for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
              And altogether too much protesting to appear credible.

            • i called you a noob because you decided to use stats as some kind of leverage, as if your stats alow you to be an asshole. i just wanted to show you how retarded that is. I dont consider anyone who can pass 50% wr a noob. That thing said, i must add that ether you are not able to count or read stats with understanding but 2% at that level is like 30% on average player level.

              …But nvm that, the reason im being a dick to you is because you are a dick all the time while preaching how SerB or WG should be more polite and understanding. now i dont care if you are 44% tomato or a 75% wunderkind, if you are a prick you deserve to know it.

              Also, this is a public blog, if you post on it you make it EVERYONE’S business, so dont try to deflect now like im invading your personal space. You have every right to write anything you want on the internet and i have the same and equal right to tell you how primitive and retarded you are. And it does concern me quite a LOT, you are the reason games go to shit, its your selfish drive to insult everything you dont agree with which in end drives devs to listen to retards like you and eventually ruin the game. I have been playing WOT from beta and not ONE prediction coming from people like you came true, and WOT is better than it ever was. If you dont like it so much you can just stop playing, you will not be missed, but lack of your deep opinions will be very welcome.

        • Just ignore some of these people. They’re so damned stupid and are massive hypocrites. Quick to call German fans names while getting upset when they’re called out for being fans of Stalin, WG, mental retardation, and their terribad stats. Once I looked up that pear or paar guy’s stats and when I saw them, it all made sense the way they posted here. Now I just see them post and say to myself, “that’s cute, amazing they can use a keyboard”.

          • Repeat abuser of empty Ad Hominems accusing others of personal attacks while again indulging in ampty Ad Hominems.

            And entirely blind to the irony herein.

          • Hello, Gino.

            How nice of you to visit us. Stalin – Psychotic and insane IMO. I don’t like him any more than you do.

            WG – neutral, they doo good things, they screw up – we all do.

            Mental retardation? If you say so. But I’ll rather be mentally retarded than ignorant.

            Have a nice day.

          • im am not upset of being called anything that comes from you, i dont get offended by internet dwelling retards.

            Also, i doubt you made any sense after looking at my stats whatsoever, but im still interested what you concluded. Pls, share, im very much interested.

            p.s. are you going to run away and stop posting once you get cornered like you do always?

            Two retards who apparently hate the game, hate the devs, hate russia but still play and post daly on this blog dedicated to the same game… and im the crazy one…

            • I’m just sitting here laughing to myself watching the usual suspects go at it. This paar guy is a blast. Calling me a retard is funny because my stats are superior to yours, thus a retard is better than you… lol.

              I watch news on WoT because it’s a fun and unique game and like to keep an eye on it while i’m taking a break from burn out. I like and dislike much that they do. They are inept developers driven by personal agendas, that much is certain, but WoTs unique enough to warrant an eye on it still. Until a competent AAA dev makes a game like this that is. Hell, even a “B” rated dev like Gaijin looks like they’re going to mop the floor with WG.

            • Your cheap excuses are bad and you should feel bad.

              Also having whatever kinds of metrics in a game in no way correlates to not being an idiot regardless, nor do bizarre revenge fantasies amount to accurate predictions.

            • @Gino

              Im sure you are better than me, thats why you post under alias and when asked about your real ingame nick you suddenly ignore me and stop posting. Yeah, extremely cunning plan.. no one will ever doubt you.

            • Lol “cheap excuses”. I don’t see any there for why I follow the news on this game yet. Then again it’s just kellogs going full pants on head retard as usual.

              It’s not hard to grasp White Knights, but rampant fanboyism is out of control anymore these days in gaming.

            • To recapitulate

              We got Gino, self proclaimed 1337 player that played the game, he so very immensely despises , so much that he burned out (that happens a lot when you are “good”) and now passes time by defecating over the keyboard… And all that while not-so-gracefully ignoring all touchy questions.

              Flawless…. HAHAHAHHA

            • whats your ingame nick, gino? i wanna check your stats as you must be some kind of uberunicum.

  8. “Foch and T57 won’t be nerfed because of whine, but because they stand out statistically”

    Your whines are powerless against the numerically rational statistics!

    • It’s kind of curious how they fail to realise or acknowledge that there is a positive correlation between the amount of whine and how much a tank ‘stands out’ in terms of statistics.

        • No. People whine because they were killed by such tanks. And in most cases they were killed because they didn’t made homework and didn’t learn strong and weak points of each tank.

          • Hell, I regularly see premium-tank drivers whining about “gold noobs” and people killed by hidden TDs raging about “camper noobs”…
            Stupid is as stupid does.

  9. ““What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not?”

    No that isn’t the point. I like my tanks to be mobile. I’ll take mobility over firepower if the needs are right. I regularly get the top engine before the top gun!

    “What is there to compensate? Fun time, spent in the game?”
    How about fun time I could of been doing something else with? Rather than getting an engine which has now vanished from any tank I have…

    • You agreed that you are okay with it if it happens.

      Didn’t read the terms of agreement?

      How terrible.

      • I doubt you would like it if the developers remove something you paid for. They covered this legally (EULA), but not ethically.

        • 1. They did. Do I QQ? No. I knew it could happen.

          2. Again, you agreed. Whiners did too, otherwise they would’t play. Is there anything about compensation? No. At least when I read it, there wasn’t. It wouldn’t be ethical if they changed the EULA ninja way and then did this.

    • You like tanks with mobility over firepower and you’re grinding down the E-100 line?
      Makes sense.

      • E100 can outrun E75 on flat narrow ground, my E100 does it without any special skills on crew :) engine power itself isnt everything; E75 engine does bother me only little, because it was quite long since i unlocked it but not enough to forget the pain it was so i really do understand everyone who is pissed off right now; i also used free xp to unlock it (circa 25k IIRC?), i did not covert them, though; anyway, i was using standard account and i dont think i had any premium vehicle at that point neither; i play this game long enough to get used to such things like this, even super pershing did not piss me off as much as the most of others and i would still like to keep it, if it will be playable even at cost of giving me even harder time to win in that piece of… metal;

        anyway, after these words from serb (if he said that), i am quite sure he never played E75 with Tiger II engine :) especialy did not unlock it with earned XP on E75 on standard account; therefor he should not talk about it, he has absolutely no idea what is he talking about and his words are only making things worse; being quiet about it would have been much better from him in this case

  10. Obj 268 OP? that shit can barely bounce a round or two if you’re lucky. The entire ufp and lfp can easily be penned even by T34. The only saving grace 268 has is camo. You’re spotted, you’re in deep shit. And it’s one of those tanks that you have to reverse back in straight line, otherwise the already pathetic armor will be totally negated if you angle it, while trying to back up around a corner or something.

    Not to mention this TD doesnt scares anyone the way Foch 155 does. When player see Foch they back up, when they see 268 they all rush to hit it.

    • The only issue with the 268 is the very limited traverse, which forces you to wait for an otherwise long aim time.

      • People really need to understand that the foch is not as OP as people tthink it is. Yes it doe 1800 damage in a clip, but it does that over 6 seconds minimum and afterwards it need to cower away forma minute.

        Front armour is 180mm and in tier 10 that is not a lot at all. The angle can make some bounces, but anyone with a brain knows you dont want to fire at that front plate anyway. Its side armour is laughable at best. 50mm is a joke.

        Why do people yell OP and why do they stand out statistically? Because idiots think being in front of a loaded Foch is completely fine and most of the players that get a foch155 are players that have been through a hell getting there and have adapted to their TD in the .48 and the Foch gaining a total of nearly 600k exp.

        The Foch155 is not OP, people simply make stupid decisions when facing one.

        • its not about Foch 155 being invincible, its about Foch 155 affecting battles more than anything else; get a platoon of 3x Foch 155 and you got a win, no matter what tank nor platoons the other team has. Its armor may not be the best, but its enough to deflect shells from those-who-are-less-skilled even by tier 10s or when you simply do not have enough time to aim for weakspots; then, the damage and penetration Foch 155 sports is enough to kill many tanks, but even one shot from it can suppress enemy; if you see most tanks that they fired their round, you will rush in to shoot before they reload; if you do the same agains Foch 155, he punish you real hard while you wont have time to aim for weakspot; if you are not in some giant, you probably are almost dead and before you run away he catches up to you with his speed and finishes you off;
          Foch 155 really need modifications

    • I find the ISU and 704 to be more annoying targets than the 268. Dunno why but bitches are really prone to lolwut bounces and shell-eating mantlet hits.

        • Try charging a nooblet with an ISU. It’s quite hilarious because 90% of times he just shoots in the middle, and guess what you have in the middle, a big stuffy nose which will absorb even BL-10 shots. Add in the magic slope of the IS and KV-1S and you have quite some potential to bounce shots.

  11. “- the arty nerf statistics are already available for the developers, SerB states that all the intended goals were met”

    More like exceeded… They didn’t nerf, but obliterate a tank tree only fraction left and imbalance is pouring in from all fronts, but ‘Hey we met the goal, lessen artilleries, which were statistically balanced!’… GJ…. not.

    • yep, not every retard and dog can now play arty.. Players specialized in arty can still pwn and have a huge impact on the battle, guess you are not one of them….

    • You don’t even need to specialize. I play arty only rarely and unless
      a) Team is full of potatoes and dies in 2 minutes
      b) Enemy scouts are good and kill me
      I can get around 3000 dmg in my 212A/T92

  12. - experience spent on unlocking top E50/75 engines will not be compensated:

    “That would be illogical. You had a tank in elite configuration and after that you will have a tank in elite configuration. What is there to compensate?”


    “What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not? Noone needs the engine alone apart from the tank. After all the changes, the player will again recieve an elite tank. So what is there to compensate?”


    “You all put it as if playing the game was a hard work, that needs to be compensated. Or did you, like everyone else, play for fun? What is there to compensate? Fun time, spent in the game?”

    What a fucking asshole. Spend real money for gold, spend 2,000 gold to free XP, spend 50,000 XP for top engine, get it taken away less than a month and get insulted by the developers for suggesting that’s unfair. Wargaming, your public relations is a fucking joke. Do something about it.

    • You stated you are okay wit it if it happens sweetheart. Terms of agreement, remember?

      Oh noes… don’t tell me you never read them!

    • I must inform you sir is that you are a joke.

      A joke because you are whining about things you signed you are okay with, also a joke because no one forced you to do anything, as ofc no one is forcing you to stay in this game.

      Close the door on the way out. Thank you.

      • Again, there seems to be a culture clash on opinions about decent business behavior. I have to side with the original poster here.

        It wouldn’t cost Wargaming much to compensate the owners of the E-75 top engine that 25.000 XP difference, it would be both the nice and the right thing to do not to upset the players who spend time and money on the grind which is not that much of a pleasure (trust me, I have the E-75 without top engine). It’s a trivial amount for most of us (3 Euro), but some of the players are children and don’t have much money.



    • Yes, they sell experience for gold and when you lose experience, the argument that you had “fun” while getting that exp is very weak. If grinding is so much fun, then why the fuck do you sell premium account and free exp for gold? SerB is absolutely retarded. They don’t give a shit about customer relations.

    • What a fucking asshole. Spend real money for gold, spend 2,000 gold to free XP, spend 50,000 XP for top engine, get it taken away less than a month and get insulted by the developers for suggesting that’s unfair.

      What a self-criticism, I’m impressed. Just one short note: phrase “what a fucking asshole” should be last one, not the first. But still, I’m impressed.

  13. “- Foch and T57 won’t be nerfed because of whine, but because they stand out statistically”

    So… According to the wot-news T57 HT WR is 51,4%. Foch 155 has 53,35%. 51,41% is WR for obj. 268. 51,67% for obj. 263. And my question is why there are no nerf for those USSR TDs? Cuz they are USSR made?

      • Yes, because after arty rebalance noobs totally don’t whine about TD’s being OP…

        Whiners will whine no matter what happens.

    • Obj. 268 will be nerfed. And it’s not only about WR, dumbass. You also have to look at things like avg. damage, etc.

    • Interesting you didnt mention FV215b, E5, E-100, 113, AMX 50B and E3 which are all better than russian counterparts. My question is why didnt you mention them?

      Cuz you are a classic whiner with brain the size of popcorn.

      • Maybe cuz USSR heavies are recommended for the begginers? And USSR HT lines are so idiotproof that it is no problem to see tards at tX in IS-7 and IS-4? And even if my brain is the size of popcorn it is still much bigger than you, sissy :)

        • And on Eu server every stupid noob and his dog is going for german tank, because the are “ze stronk tankz” -> germans are overpowered cause although all noobs play them they are still better than the russian ones :P

          arguing like the cry kids…

        • So, russian tanks are for beginners and thats why they are statistically bad? lol wut? and Russian TD’s are, by your logic, for experienced players and thats why they are so good?

          Basically the harder it is to play a tank the better its stats will be… my god, i think i exaggerated when i said you have a brain the size of popcorn, more like the size of a grain of sand.

      • “Cuz you are a classic whiner with brain the size of popcorn.”

        That much? I’d see it somewhere around rice.

    • Hey, idiot, do you really think WG makes decision based on WR alone? Especially WR parameter from an outside source? They’re making this game, and thus have access to all statistics, and can build their own statistical model out of various parameters.

  14. - the compensation policy has changed since the SU-85 case (SS: it lost its top gun and XP was compensated for it). SerB on the SU-85 case: “That was a different situation. because it was a russian tank”

    - the arty nerf statistics are already available for the developers, SerB states that all the intended goals were met:
    bad artyplayers does not plays arty any more, so WG can buff artys in 8.9 and good artyplayers can pwn again ;)

    • How are bad arty players not playing when I see them almost every game? Example from yesterday: 3 artys per team (tier 7, tier 6, tier 5). After battle damage done:
      Tier 5: ~400dmg + 1 kill (that one was actualy helpful)
      Tier 6: 0dmg – afk for entire game
      Tier 7: ~300dmg and whining that he got noob team.

    • “That was a different situation. because it was a russian tank”

      I don’t think so. The engine is not needed to get the E-100 IIRC. Also, I didn’t get any XP back after the T-50 changes – so much for Russian Bias.

      As for arty, hightiers are okay – mostly. But the lowtiers were hit really hard, that’s where I think a small buff would be a good thing.

  15. the compensation arguing by serb is pretty shit, we could also retain our money and compensate them with not paying anything, why? because its obviously not an effort or work to put up a game with compared to other games, pretty shit mechanics, bad fps and bad community handling

    • The bad FPS would be your computer made of masonry and similar high-conductivity materials, mine works just fine and the comp’s getting a bit long on the tooth to boot.

    • So dont pay. DO IT!, Even better, dont play at all. Just stop telling everyone how you will show WG what can you do when they anger you and than do nothing. Stand behind your statements, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!

  16. Actually I am afraid to grind even french maybach engines because i am afraid they will remove or nerf them too because they were made by germans. And therefore cant have so much engine power etc.

    • Fact is that historically the Maybach designers SERIOUSLY overestimated their own cleverness (echoes of the earlier Jumo 222 aero-engine fiasco arguably). The 850 horsepowers the AMX 50 and TDs get is what the French and German engineers IRL managed to coax out of the HL 295 before the machinery tried to self-destruct; only the Tier Tens get the sales-pitch ~Ahnenerbe*Magic~ performance version, for now anyway – and obviously they don’t have to research it separately.

      Dunno ’bout the one on the Lorry, but then again the whole tank is kinda poo and you should trade up to the Batmobile (which uses an whole different engine anyway) at first opportunity so the point is somewhat moot.

        • *shrug* I mentioned already what the HL 295 output in practice was. Just sayin’.

          And before you ask, no I don’t have too much sympathy for the woes of grossly oversized and categorically dumb designs which for mobility counted on a pipe-dream engine with a fantastic power-to-weight ratio rivaling high-end aero-engines. All the more so as everybody else’s outsize lunks – most notably the US TDs – are stuck with far more pitilessly realistic powerplant specs.

          • Did some research (I went on wiki) and yada yada yada I had a brilliant idea, if they want to give realistic figures for the HL engines, fine, but why not give the E75/100 the engine that MAUS uses(the real one that gives 1200hp) and be done with the problem. Was there such a big difference in size that it wouldn’t fit? I didn’t find any other details but, if it fit in a maus, shouldn’t it fit in an E100 as well?

            • The Maus used Porsche’s usual idée fixe the petrol-electric drivetrain – you know, engine driving generators powering electric motors actually moving the tracks. The setup’s kinda on the heavy & bulky side (all the machinery was AFAIK a major factor in the Maus being THAT big and heavy) and required stupid amounts of scarce copper, but apparently pretty good for hauling heavy loads which is why it was and still is pretty commonly used in locomotives.

              A very different animal from the bog-standard setup used in the E-100, in other words.

            • So, in other words, no engine in the german inventory that would produce 1200ish hp and still fit the E100. If so, Surely WG will find that it is also unhistorical, and use the same compromise-bat on the ones still using it. I wonder how good of a terrain resistance the e100 needs in order to not feel like a planet on tracks with 900hp.

  17. WG started to be very very cocky and dumb. I hope for massive playerbase drop. I lost interest in WoT a month ago and i dont feel like loosing anything important.

    • People have been “losing interest” and expecting/hoping for an imminent massive drop in players since I started playing in early 2012.

      Yep, WoT has sure failed since then. :D

  18. “- for now, there are no tier 8 premium candidates for Japan”

    Noooo, how are the all the Japanese-only players going to grind credits? Then again, the British don’t have one either. Will there at least be some tier 7 candidate?

  19. Hmm, the Tiger II needs buffs way more than the E-75. Also, commander tanks sound awfully like scouts.

    • It is already getting its weakspots eliminated, with the machine gun port weakspot being outright removed and the cupola receiving nearly twice as much armour, all for a nominal nerf of the lower glacis, which not only has a better angle now, but is also easily hidden compared to the previous weakspots.

      What more do you want?

          • I don’t agree that the armor is better. I currently hardly have issues with people penetrating my cupola, all one has to do is wiggle their turret. This is not the King Tiger I was finally starting to learn how to play after a few hundred battles!

            inb4 how terrible

            • The armour is objectively better. Lower glacis retains more or less the same protection, everywhere else it’s buffed.

            • Really, everywhere else is buffed? Upper glacis, sides, and turret are still the same AFAIK

  20. “they considered the E-100 XP cost too high anyway”
    And here I was thinking the E-100 together with Maus and E-50M are the cheapest expwise T10s in the game…

  21. Pingback: 28.08.2013 | WoTRomania

  22. “What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not?

    it wasn’t
    ı unlucked the engine for better acceleration!

    ”Noone needs the engine alone apart from the tank”

    and noone needs a tank with shit engine…

    just WG and its Shit logic…

  23. SerB is an idiot… Playing WoT for fun, riiiiight.Yes, WoT is fun with certain tanks that you like, especially elited, and with well traned crew, but to reach these tanks you have to grind. Grind often awful tanks from stock. That isn’t fun.

  24. - the arty nerf statistics are already available for the developers, SerB states that all the intended goals were met

    GJ, you make them useless…

  25. Hehe SS, I thought you banned Woras for his first post craps, but he started bulling about @ 5x page down again. sigh.

  26. Honestly though, I don’t see why everyone thinks the E-75 actually *lost* its top engine. The E-75 got its engine nerfed from 1200 to 900 hp. The tanks that used to have 870 hp got nerfed down to 700. And so forth.

    • Wrong mate. 1200HP engine got deleted, 870HP engine got buffed to 900 and 650 engine got buffed to 700HP.

      • Well, everything that had the 870 HP engine at its top engine ended up losing it. I didn’t have the 900 HP engine auto-researched on the E-75, even though my Tiger II had the 870 HP engine researched already. I think Serb is just trolling us.

  27. “- experience spent on unlocking top E50/75 engines will not be compensated:”

    “- the compensation policy has changed since the SU-85 case (SS: it lost its top gun and XP was compensated for it). SerB on the SU-85 case: “That was a different situation.”

    Yeah This time it was about Russian Tank

    Double Standards again

  28. “experience spent on unlocking top E50/75 engines will not be compensated”

    Total 100% bullshit, right there. The SU-85 got its XP back when the 107mm gun was taken away, and this is EXACTLY THE SAME SITUATION. Any attempt to dress this up as anything other than that is just mealy-mouthed anti-German bullshit.

    “What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not? No-one needs the engine alone apart from the tank. After all the changes, the player will again receive an elite tank. So what is there to compensate?”

    The purpose was to MAKE THE TANK BETTER, of course! You’ve made it massively worse with your hate-nerf, so we should be compensated for being stuck with a worse tank than what we had worked to attain beforehand.

    • So now you’re getting actually credible specific power levels in line with what the other countries’ heavies are stuck with.

      Cry me a river.

      • Whine, whine never changes… For hundreds of years, humans have whined about everything and anything, ranging from their position in society to a bunch of virtual 0s and 1s. Since humans knew how to talk, they have whined… And no matter what cataclysmic changes have happened, they never stopped, because…

        Whine, whine never changes…

        • A surviving Mesopotamian cuneiform clay tablet apparently complains about the youth of the day having no manners nor respect for their elders. Some things indeed never change. :D

  29. So much whingeing over an engine… Im playing it with the 870HP engine and mobility is fine for a 91 tonne tank. And now it gets better. Stop having a massive sadwank over a completely unrealistic module that you should have researched after everything else anyway.

  30. “You all put it as if playing the game was a hard work, that needs to be compensated. Or did you, like everyone else, play for fun? What is there to compensate? Fun time, spent in the game?”

    Except E75 without top engine WAS NOT fun.

  31. “for now, there are no tier 8 premium candidates for Japan”
    I don’t give a shit about Japan’s tier 8 right now, I want a British tier 8!

  32. I don’t see the point of getting angry about losing the top engine that I used converted XP to unlock, I learned a long time ago not to pay any more money to Wargaming for converting XP with, right after they nerfed the AMX50B in the patch following it’s introduction to the game. I realised if they were prepared to rip their playerbase off like that once, they would do it again and again. That is why I haven’t spent another penny towards converting XP since.

    Now I only use actual free XP to unlock upgraded modules for my tanks, I don’t use it to unlock the tanks themselves.

    I’m actually more pissed at losing the E75 engine, it’s the only T9 that I ever played that I enjoyed enough to want to keep it. Ironically I didn’t actually start enjoying it until I unlocked the top engine.

  33. “- Foch and T57 won’t be nerfed because of whine, but because they stand out statistically”

    I’m wondering where did they think all the whining came from?

  34. Dunno if this threat is still hot, but I guess maybe someone interested and capable to work througth this text.
    To me it seems that the spaced armor (plates from a panther) were maybe angeled the way they are after 0.8.8 UFP – 1st spaced plate 52° vertically – 2nd plate 38°+39°= 77° – but each 3 1/2 inches = 8,89 cm thick! Ingame (tank viewer – collision model) shows much less.
    Just the positioning I can not translate right. Does anyone know ingame values? Is that even understood right? LFP is not mentioned, is it? And how high does the 1st plate reach? I’d expect much higher than just the very corner. Does it mention that the 1st plate is cut for the machine gun port too?
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