Source: RU server (thanks for pointing it out, Axel!)
30 percent discount and 30 percent increased profitability on:
T-44, T-54, T-62A
Source: RU server (thanks for pointing it out, Axel!)
30 percent discount and 30 percent increased profitability on:
T-44, T-54, T-62A
YAY, one tank. Two Tier X tanks that come from it!
time for t-54.. hell yeah
Yupp T54 here I come again! Did lots of battles back when it was top tier medium, but I think this time it will stay as it’s also a very usefull Tier9 tank for the coming T1-T10 Clanwars campaigns.
when it will be? ;)
Nobody expects the chinese inquisition…
so there are still persons who remember Monty Python
now i have faith again
And there is someone who knows Tesla. I have faith as well.
G2G the Spanish Inquisition is at the door again.
You are hereby charged that you did on diverse dates commit heresy against the Holy Wargaming.net
then they can blow me…
guys ffs when the winners of the anniversary manoevers are announced(tank destroyers)
I just finished getting 206k exp on my T-54 to have it ready for Obj. 140.
me too, but i’ll still be uping my crew
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fantastic. i need exp for obj :D
Oh no! I bought it 2 days ago…
But I’m still driving T-54 to get XP for that Obj., so it’s OK I think :/
Russian Bias.
No srsly, nice Thing ;-)
T62A ! YAY ………………… NOT !
Btw, what about the promise of bringing in AMX 50B in august they made 2 months ago ? Or another ‘miscommunication’ ?
T-54, according to statistics best tier IX medium, also leading to best tier X mediums, and now on special!
This is handy, just gringind my way to new tier X, it will be nice to make more money with my precioussss T-54 :)
A good time for everyone with T-54 who wants to gather XP for Obj 140.
Crap still no Jagdpz E-100, T110E4, FV215b, Object 263 or IS-4
why no chinese ?
all nations been there, but no chinese ‘sniff’
mfg eXterminus
Was hoping for any tree but this one. I have a mostly stock T-44 in the garage and all it’s done so far is drill a hole in my stats (5 wins, 13 losses). I need to decide between using free-xp it get it up to elite status, free-xp past it to the T-54, or just sit out this special.
29 Tier 10 tanks in game (with Obj. 140):
Specials so far:
FOCH 155
T57 Heavy
Leopard 1
9 of 29 so far, so it will take 10 more months to get the rest of the tier 10 for a discount (not including new tier 10 that WILL come :)
Hey this is perfect timing for once, I’m about halfway to the T-43, maybe I can get a T-54 by the 15th. :D
fuck it ….
why would there be a chinese special…nooooooooooo. let’s make like all french + all american + all german + all sovjet instead.
Nobody wants cheapass rice burners. :v
Maybe it is just another official CZ/SK translation fail, but in CZ version of Special: End of the Vacations, on the bottom of page in list of other events in same time, there is “Na vrcholku stromu – Slevy a bonusy pro americké střední tanky vyšších úrovní” EN: Top of the Tree – Discount and bonuses on the top of a american medium branch.
So maybe EU will get US branch bonuses instead of USSR.
Come on, you know I am more reliable than WOT portal :P
Já vím, tak si to aspoň můžeš připsat do seznamu failů CZ/SK týmu a pak o nich napsat pěkný článek ;)