Hello everyone,
US players probably do remember Garbad, the arty-hating, recently forum-banned cocky uni-cum (see what I did there?)
Well, looks like unicums themselves are susceptible to rage. Looks like the artillery makes him go over the edge indeed…
Then we have some “quality” garage whispers by Rancid_Alienist
Panzerkriege sure likes the word “bitch”
No Hall of Shame entry can go without an obligatory nazi (llNekell)…
…and an e-rapist (this time with a family twist): BlackTop
I like that Fudumkis guy, he makes me laugh
but this is wackamole and I masturbate constantly
totally nailed him xD
He is my new hero :)
Hehe, he owned the Garbagebin badly.
Fudumkis is just full of win.
lolz, I remember seeing him rage about arty, but never this much XD
he just got trolled HARD. oh, and could someone please tell me why he got forum-banned?
I’m afraid that if I ask on the official forums, the thread will get locked and I’ll get RO’ed, knowing the NA forums moderators.
He already had a lot of warnings, then he started mouthing off in one of the threads about the Stalin inscriptions and that was the final ban for him.
Oh Cthulhu, what terrible children you have…
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
Yes, and? The most recent arty update has increased the randomness even more compared to what it was before. Now the difference between a good player and bad player in arty is decided up to RNG more than player skill. And Garbad got banned from the forums because of the arbitrary 100 warning kick limit that do not reset, and he posted ALOT of info that benefited any one that would read it.
Well, the “stepfather” part was the breaker in this case. The rest is pretty much standard rage, true. As for Garbad – yes well, I never really liked him that much, personally I think he’s terribly overrated.
Garbad has always been a tool and has always been my first target when I’m in an arty piece. I have seen him rage numerous times, I wish I would have saved the replays.
i love how all these stat whores bitch about how arty is no skill…. yet they pump all these prem consumables and prem shells in game and dont mind that cuz its totally skill…. just cuz they are too scared that their stats will go down.
I’m a long-time WoT player, and I used to be in a clan with Garbad (the original MLP, if that means anything anymore). I rarely played with him directly, but I remember that even then he had a reputation for loudly professing his hatred for artillery almost constantly, with little provocation.
When I recently started playing WoT again I found it extremely amusing that he was both still playing and he still behaved this way. I understand that he dislikes artillery, and I understand why, but he is obsessed.
Garbad is and always has been a twat. The fact that he whines and gets all butthurt about arty shows that it’s doing its job.
Hey friend!
You’ve made a cool post there, and let me say I think it’s just fantastic that you’re putting your words on For the Record. That said, there a couple small ways that you could improve your post:
1: Who are you quoting?
The users of For the Record hold themselves to a high standard of posting, so when you quote someone, we enjoy hearing whose thoughts you’ve borrowed.
2: Do you have a grooming guide for mustaches?
Who hasn’t had the experience of carefully tending a beautiful mustache, only to have your friends and family tell you it’s just too wide? In your future posts, you should consider addressing this issue.
3: Check your privilege
In today’s society, many of us have a good deal of unearned privilege because of the color of our skin or sexual preferences. Have you considered the advantage you reap by being in the majority? If not, you should reflect upon this before posting to For the Record.
I feel like I missed something…
Don’t worry, he is a nut after all …
Ever heard of the time i was drunk? I painted hogwarts and killed dumbledoor. Hagrid got raped by a dragon and started playing halo. Which was when i kissed a girl.I proceeded to get another beer with koal and watched prawn with a dumpling up my nose. and that took me 10 mins then the bell rang and i got back to killing everythin. Then i taped a squid to my face and woke up of artheritis. It was the first, and last time i had sex with a cow
Paints quite a nice image, you know, I just hope you didn’t get wasted on brake fluid or something, because, no matter how hard I get wasted I either do something stupid and then proceed to getting knocked out, or I just get knocked out.
You yer fooker!!!!!!!..
…are responsible for me having to clean my cuppa tea of the monitor…….
Actually you are wrong, its the opposite. It is now harder for noobs to play arty.
The accuracy didn’t change, so the randomness didn’t increase. You have longer reload meaning you cant spam shell without thinking or just hoping on luck. The aiming time got increased meaning you have to preaim, be patient and know the maps so that you know where the tanks will appear. The dispersion on move got increased so you cant go trololo in TD mode.
The last thing to do is to lover the penetration some bit for some artys, so that there wouldn’t be that many penetrations that fuck up you day (they are rather random, and I am not talking about penetrations of roof armor, I am talking about 90 – 100 mm pen HE penetrating side armor of heavy tanks, you don’t need that much penetration for roof armor penetration anyway).
What a complete tool that Garbad guy is.
That rage session of Garbad was funny :)
Personally I get happy when my opponents rage.
“The lamentations of the enemy is the sincerest form of praise.”
What is best in life?
I was going to send this exact match in for the hall of shame. I just never bothered going back to dog out the replay. Garbad is a good player, but a class 1 a**hole. While his reviews of tanks are fantastic, his posts on arty (and his hatred) bordered on the absurd.
“I have every key on my keyboard macroed to shoot my gun”
I will now attempt to create a faceroll arty script.
Yeah, that was a great response.
gold ammo +ob268+16fps = WIN
Can’t believe he is using all gold rounds O.O
Can’t believe he can play with 16fps
Can’t believe he can win this…
I can play with around 10 fps.
I have 3 kills in the M37 SPG at 2 fps. 250 ping.
Thats nothing to be proud about.
Sure it is. He can run the game on a patato while in the Antarctic, and still is getting kills.
The arty players got a chuckle out of me, especially that “I have every key macroed” line
God damn it. Didnt make it this time.
Will try harder next time!
“Hall of shame” starts to feel like lessons of bad English.
Something I do not want to see regulary.
If Garbad is the same as Garbad the Weak, from Pirates of Burning Sea (and it looks like he is)… just sending him a big tiphat from a fellow player at Rackham, Roberts and Antigua.
And, looking his stats, he is as good in land and is the Caribbean….
Yeah, I had that confirmed before on the forums.
I’m from Roberts and Antigua myself.
Is there any game that makes people rage more than randomness of WoT?
Probably WoT is here worlds number one. I was so tiered with random noobs in my teams, that I moved to other MMO which is PvE. There I found that there are games which are played by normal, intelligent and helpful people and game communities can be totally friendly.
Unfortunately WG do not want to introduce PvE to WoT which atm kills this game for me, cause I am fed up not with game, but with people who play it. I would like to drive my tanks (have more then 30 with well trained crews equipment and so on) but when I realise that I meet those childish players again, I very fast resign from launching WoT.
Hey friend!
You’ve made a cool post there, and let me say I think it’s just fantastic that you’re putting your words on For the Record. That said, there a couple small ways that you could improve your post:
1: Who are you quoting?
The users of For the Record hold themselves to a high standard of posting, so when you quote someone, we enjoy hearing whose thoughts you’ve borrowed.
2: Do you have a grooming guide for mustaches?
Who hasn’t had the experience of carefully tending a beautiful mustache, only to have your friends and family tell you it’s just too wide? In your future posts, you should consider addressing this issue.
3: Check your privilege
In today’s society, many of us have a good deal of unearned privilege because of the color of our skin or sexual preferences. Have you considered the advantage you reap by being in the majority? If not, you should reflect upon this before posting to For the Record.
I’m just taking a moment to say you aren’t contributing anything.
Random battlegrounds in WoW feel very the same.
The funny thing is, Minesweeper isn’t (completely)random! You know those little numbers that show up when you click a square? Those are critical pieces of information. It’s really a form of math problem.
CS 1.6?
All of the DotA games?
It’s always the teams fault when you lose you know.
I don’t care how good or bad you are a shooting internet tanks, but nothing in games needs that sort of language. As of a rule saying anything that would get you thrown out of a bar is probably too far.
Oh sweet! You know how to throw them out while behind your PC?! Dude, you’re awesome, teach me!
The longer I do not play WoT and spend time in other MMO, the more sick WoT community seems to me. This post and last one with trolling account of retards from EFE or some other top clan, show clearly that WoT attracts too many idiots and people with mentality of 3 years old kid to be funny game any more.
What MMO do you play now? Please share in case we will need… you know.
LOTRO. And I found today opinion that this game has one of the most friendly communties in all MMO. So probably this is why I see such shocking difference. But I have also seen very nice community in Settlers. In both this games I have never seen quarrels, trolls are very, very rare, abusing never happens (at least I haven’t seen any) and word noob is mega rare (and if it appears it is usually in jokes).
I think that WWII theme, PvP and randomness (specially randomly composed teams) are main culprits of such terrible situation in WoT.
I actually agree 100% with Garbad.
Arti is, was and will be the biggest mistake in WoT unless they completely revamp how it works.
We’ve all had a bad day and we’ve all raged.
Yeah because it takes mad skillz to sit in a bush at the back sniping at enemy tanks while remaining invisible LOL
You can apply the no skill remarks to ANY tank in this game, HEAVY, MED, TD etc. The difference between a good and bad arty player can mean a Victory or a Defeat. The difference between a good or bad Heavy/Med/TD player means nothing because there are 14 other noobs where he came from.
This is entirely true. If you have the team whose arty can’t hit the broadside of a barn and can’t blunt a push then generally you lose. An effective arty player can suppress pushes and allow the heavys and meds time to position to nullify the threat.
“good” arty players still rely entirely on RNG to help them out every time they pull the trigger. in regular tanks you cant just point an click like you do in arty, you have to pick a spot on the enemy tank and hit him there. if youre a baddie you will get mad because you cant do damage in any regular tank, so you play arty because “HE duz moar damagze”.
as a rule, anyone who uses HE is probably not good at this game.
In a real tank you have to know how to abuse camo, firing lanes (map tactics), and viewrange and terrain abuse to be successful. In arty all you do is click then move so you don’t get CB’d then you click again.
In a real tank, you have to not only know how to exploit situations, but you also have to know how to CREATE situations that your entire team, including arty, can capitalize on. Arty is really just leading targets and hoping rng doesn’t make it land at the edge of the reticule.
With arty, you rarely have any of the tenseness other players get in combat situations. Like, “OH FUCK A IS-7 IS FUCKING RUSHING MY 500 HP CENTURION 7/1, WHAT DO I DO, HELP!” and you have to FORCE him to make a blunder on which you can capitalize on to win. In arty, sure you have 1v1′s of a T92 against a heavy or something where the arty just clicks on the incoming heavy and sees if he dies or not based on what RNG says.
How can you apply the no-skill remark to meds?
How did CarbonWard achieve his 90% 60-Day WinRate? Not in a bloody SPG since they aren’t anywhere near as decisive as a good actual tank.
Re-learn your ‘facts’.
The main skill factor of WoT is not how to aim your crosshair, it’s positioning, awereness of the terrain, friends and enemy tanks. All of those are even more important in arty, that makes arty even more skill dependant then normal tanks and the diffrence between good or bad arty is greater then for normal tanks.
What is easier with arty is that you have a bit longer time to make decisions making it slightly less stressfull and more relaxed to play. You also have a bit less need to know weak spots of tanks.
Hey friend!
You’ve made a cool post there, and let me say I think it’s just fantastic that you’re putting your words on For the Record. That said, there a couple small ways that you could improve your post:
1: Who are you quoting?
The users of For the Record hold themselves to a high standard of posting, so when you quote someone, we enjoy hearing whose thoughts you’ve borrowed.
2: Do you have a grooming guide for mustaches?
Who hasn’t had the experience of carefully tending a beautiful mustache, only to have your friends and family tell you it’s just too wide? In your future posts, you should consider addressing this issue.
3: Check your privilege
In today’s society, many of us have a good deal of unearned privilege because of the color of our skin or sexual preferences. Have you considered the advantage you reap by being in the majority? If not, you should reflect upon this before posting to For the Record.
once again, dont turn off abuse filter when you dont want to get abused.
God damn you’re right.
Because we all love being hit for full hitpoints by artillery…
Hall of shame? Then add me as well…
What’s your in-game nickname ? I think I’m going to buy arty
I’m sorry, but this ‘Hall of Shame’ thing totally misses its purpose.
(As long as its purpose is – as the name suggests – to expose and shame those terrible terrible badmouthy rage people!)
This game is extremely rage inducing and most if not all of the good players I know have done it or do it constantly. It’s just the way it is and in great player circles almost nobody cares whether someone is raging at noobs or not. This doesn’t expose anyone. Everyone knows players like Garbad are raging nonstop, this isn’t news or in any way surprising.
The rages posted here aren’t even any ‘good’. They are not shocking at all and I probably say MUCH worse stuff to people on a daily basis. (And quite frankly, I’m a little insulted I’m not portrayed here in any way!)
It’s not like anyone actually and seriously means the stuff they say. It’s just that: RAGE!
When I’m in rage mode, I should be allowed to say whatever I think will hurt or shock the person I rage at the most.
I’m not a nazi, but if someone tells me he is polish or jewish, I will definitely talk about that.
I don’t want anybody to really suffer emotionally, but if anyone is dumb enough to tell me about their family tragedies when I rage at them, he or she should prepare for some pretty disturbing stuff.
I strongly suggest to make this a competition for the funniest rages instead of trying to seriously shame people.
It’s like trying to shame inmates of high security prisons for drug-dealing. Everyone already knows they are doing it. As I said, it’s neither news, nor surprising, nor shocking, nor anything else. It’s just boring 08/15 rage that you read 10 times over every day if you play anyway.
Hey friend!
You’ve made a cool post there, and let me say I think it’s just fantastic that you’re putting your words on For the Record. That said, there a couple small ways that you could improve your post:
1: Who are you quoting?
The users of For the Record hold themselves to a high standard of posting, so when you quote someone, we enjoy hearing whose thoughts you’ve borrowed.
2: Do you have a grooming guide for mustaches?
Who hasn’t had the experience of carefully tending a beautiful mustache, only to have your friends and family tell you it’s just too wide? In your future posts, you should consider addressing this issue.
3: Check your privilege
In today’s society, many of us have a good deal of unearned privilege because of the color of our skin or sexual preferences. Have you considered the advantage you reap by being in the majority? If not, you should reflect upon this before posting to For the Record.
palmnut you get old fast its not funny.
Implying I’m trying to be funny
No, you’ve just discovered ctrl+c + ctrl+v…
You’re being retarded and should stop.
The mustache part shows you’re trying too hard.
Unfortunately no, I do not have a mustache grooming guide.
Mainly because I stay clean-shaven.
I fully agree with Garbad
You agree that masturbation is pointless?
+1 to reply :P
So funny and better rage then me xD
You know what this Hall of Shame thing does?
It challenges people like me to come up with WAY more horrible and disturbing stuff to top the rage that is posted here.
Who fucking cares, maybe some of you pathetic cheeto finger stained neckbeards will venture outside, lose some weight perhaps, learn social skills and actually have a life, instead of living it behind a computer screen, fucking pathetic man, just fucking pathetic. I would wager most of you fags never even touched let alone kissed a girl. You all make me sick, your forefathers would kick you so hard in the balls that you would become a women, which would probably suit your mentality anyways. seriously get a fucking life and stop acting like a bunch of keyboard warriors with elite haxorz skillz! you guys need a lot of psychological help if you want to be a part of society. I saw one of you fucks yesterday wearing a Zelda triforce tshirt. you walked fast with your head down and had the look of anger, but I knew you where just a sad pathetic faggot that didn’t know how to communicate properly. get fucked you weaboo shitstain. I hope you all get fucked by a dragon dildo in the ass until you cant take no more. you fucking pedophile queer up the ass loving homos. fuck you. fuck your family. fuck your house. fuck your clothes. fuck your pets. fuck your computer. fuck your room. fuck your brain. fuck your town. fuck your city. fuck everything you believe in. fuck the world. fuck everyone.
Wow, your son’s cum must have tasted really bad this morning.. :)
What the in the name of the Queen did you just fucking say about me, you
little chav? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the SAS, and
I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Ireland, and I have over 300
confirmed kills. I am trained in gentlemanly warfare and I’m the top rooter
tooter long range shooter in the entire UK armed forces. You are nothing to
me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the
likes of which has never been seen before on this great planet, mark my
fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over
the Internet? Think again, chap. As we speak I am contacting my secret
network of spies across the world and your IP is being traced right now so
you better prepare for the storm, banger. The storm that wipes out the
pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can
be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and
that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in
unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Royal
Marines and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off
the face of the continent, you little muppet. If only you could have known
what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring
down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you
couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn dolt. I
will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead,
You’re fucking stupid, mate.
wtf did i just read….palmnut never go full retard :D
I see PalmNut re-used the marine meme troll again and just edited it.
Implying I did anything more than copy-pasta
Searge92 comment is hilarious!
“I have every key on my keyboard macroed to shoot my gun”
“So when its time I smash my head on the keyboard and win”
Priceless. Props to you, sir!
Pretty much what Garbad said. Just lost a game because an arty slammed a manuvering ELC at full speed. Stops camping my ass.
All the arty patch did is reduce the numbers playing it, the actual mechanics are worse.
The first screen reminds me of this old WoW joke: How do you pvp with destro lock? Bind every key on your beyboard to Shadowbolt and faceroll.
I think hall of laughing should be better name.
Karwen…u are weak. if you can’t handle the stress of pretend tank battles in ur mom’s basement then… well ur weak
If you can’t handle the dicks of the two brothers you call fathers in your ass then you shouldn’t call others weak.. ;)
Just reported this shitty fucking comment, which is kind of funny, since i am one of wot-news administrators. that’s right ass hole. i don’t need to report shit, but i thought i would in this case just so you know how bad you fucked up. As a administrator, a user of elevated privilege, i actually have a special report interface that patches me directly to SilentStalker. so he will be here soon to ban your ass. that’s right, SilentStalker and i are good friends so he regularly bans the fuckheads that i run across on For The Record. he also gave me access to the mysql database on the server so i can see every post you’ve ever made – and man, you posted a lot of fucking shit. i actually am going to report your IP to the Europol, no joke, there is some seriously illegal shit in these log files which are currently up on my screen. You picked the wrong site to shitpost on mother fucker. this is the end of you.
This dude is actually better than the original post :D
First he is highly trained SAS and now he’s computer expert xDDD omg i’m rofling so hard -D:DDD
Have you ever been as far as even considered go want to do look more like?
Is there any point of reporting those idiots or it’s just a waste of time?
You’ll never know…
Well i can handle that.. so i say again your weak;-)
Blacktop is a hero you fucking bellend, dont play scum arty like a little bitch if you dont want to hear the truth
It doesn’t help that everyone who rages on Artillery is generally in a less than sensible mood. In fact, they’re generally pretty mad.
Friggin’ arty rage… It’s in the game, it has been since day one, nothing short of ripping a full fifth of the vehicle content and and grinding put into this game out and flushing it down the toilet will change that. So learn how to counter and avoid it, and stop whining!
Yeesh, I take a year-long hiatus from this game and somehow the bitching got even worse in that time.
Now, now. Simply wanting to gas Poles doesn’t automatically make you a Nazi. Just as little as telling them to get buried in Katyn forest makes one a Stalinist.
One can, you know, just be an idiot on the internet and really dislike Poles. The latter is something that tends to come naturally with playing World of Tanks on the EU server.
TBH I hate arty pretty much for the same reasons Garbad does. I’m just not as, err, vocal about it.
That “bind every key to shooting my gun” comment was pure gold though.
Well, the Garbad guy probably rages too much, he sure is right.
That Garbad dude is a moron and a retard, indeed much overrated and considered some kind of Master-Know-it-All ingame.
Shit happens, arty fucks one of your games. SO WHAT? Deal with the fucking thing and GET OVER IT, ffs. After all its just a game, nothing more. A game should bring fun, should be a pleasant way to spend your free time, not curse like a moron and say all this shit…If it makes you angry this way, you will have much more problems irl later, so maybe you should just have a stroke and make the world a better place.
Ya know ?
I like you.
You know, when you have been padding stats as hard as one of those lifeless freaks, you do get angry when someone fucks up your one round as you need a hundred to pad one more WN6 point or 1% WR. Yesterday I saw two KAZNA dudes, platooned in tier 8 premiums, one had 1k battles, the other I don’t remeber, both had XX WN6, 76% WR and were just padding along See, it’s hard do pad when you have 10k or more battles, so why bother, just get a new 100% gold account and feast on noobs. And then you’re a god cause you’re purple…
Rating is not the point.
The point is how they whine and rage about basic game mechanic.
I totally agree. Being a “WoT Master” and not knowing to take fucking cover from arty says everything…
To everyone still complaining of arty theese days ( 8.7 – 8.8 ) pls go ahead and play arty up to tier 6-7-8 and see what’s it all about, maybe you will even learn some arty safe spots and also will learn what arty can do and cant do.
^This pretty much.
It’s such a shame that a lot of those people just refuse to put any kind of logic into it. Is Arty gameplay flawed? Yes. But to say it’s 100% luck of the draw, it takes no skill, w/e, is just plain stupid.
And oh god is it really that difficult to stay in cover when you know that artillery has you zeroed in?
This seriously just makes me like Garbad more.
With that language i wont be surprised if Garbad will be banned from the game too.
I find Searage92′s reply about his keyboard macros and head slamming insanely funny. And Garbad is like he encountered arty for the first time. He made one reasonable remark there though, when he compared arty to whackamole … lol …
And this is exactly the only reason why I play arty. I love it when people play like noobs and get facerolled by arty. They flame at arty being noob and don’t realize that they where complete noobs by standing in the open without cover for the past 3 minutes. Those derps need to be punished, and I feast on their sweet tears of rage :)
I won so many games for my team with arty already which would have been 100% losses if there would have been a random spg potato behind the wheel and not someone who can pull some tactical things with those Arties :)
Took Garbad long enough to pop up here
Looks like we have a hall of shame star of our own here on FTR. This PalmNut guy is definitely taking some serious shit. :D
So whenever I see Garbot mouthing off I will link to this – Priceless LOL.
I never thought that I would like one of the HOS posts but this one I will turn into a shrine to the anti-arty poster boy and tee shirt as well. Lest We Forget.
Garbo speaks but Garbad only types.
Garbad is right though. Artillery is cancer of this game :>
You know, what’s the problem with arty? After nerf there are seldom enough of them to get Pascucci :( …
Typical uniScum (see what I did there?)
I am gonna do that in my t57 arty. all keys on fire!!!!!!!!!
someone should make a comic out of these guys lol
where am i?maybe i have to try harder to be in the hall of shame..
My reply to an ass like Garbad is usually something like “big wet sloppy hugs and kisses, sweetcheeks”.
That usually ends the conversation.
I am still not in the Hall of Shame -.-
And I am rly trying :(
Poor Garbad… he’s suffers from the biggest case of WoT-Bipolar disorder the game has to offer – the guy can write good reviews and useful information, but then rage so hard (and completely get counter-trolled as this example clearly shows) and literally become the paste-eating retard he calls out. When stuff like this happens, not just with him, and you get some uppity pixel general screaming about skills, I have to stop and laugh since the way this game works has nearly nothing to do with real tanking mechanics whatsoever. So mad, so suprsrs. Seems like ever since the muzzle was put on him, the “useful” can’t come out and the rage is the only thing left in abundance.
there are far better players than garTRASH out there, since he has been deprived of his primary troll feeding grounds (wot forum ban) he now rages and seeks anything to blame at, in fact, Yankee, leader of -G- got fed up with him and DEMOTED him to recruit due this.
his recent inactivity also caused that, because if he cant troll in the forums, whats the point of playing then, if he cant show off his skills to others like some gorilla beating his chest?
i think you can ask advice to many other players like Zazie, Flakker2, Mushrom_jp and even illusion, all you have to do is actually ask them, from personal experience, they can and most of the time, will agree to help you if you are actually willing to be helped
they all make me laugh. specially this guys saying polaks and gas things :)
Arty is trash though. One of the worst implemented units/gameplay I’ve ever seen in a game. It is too powerful and it’s skill cap is basement levels. “Click to kill” indeed. Now, they did address it a tad, which really only took the good arty players a handful of games to adjust to, but many arty stopped playing, showing how fucking lazy they actually were that they had to now put just a tad of effort into playing.
I’ve seen it said on the forums and it’s right. When the counter to something in a game is only the same unit on the other team then you fucked up as a developer.
I don’t get it, any rage over arti is justified.
And why is everyone ganging up on Garbad? I thought you muricans loved cocky and big-mouthed characters…
Now you just sound like a bunch of whiny Scandinavian socialists.
Because Garbad is a fucking troll, who ruins everyone’s fun.
Put this way:
He’s an arrogant, self-important person who believes that being good at a video game makes him some sort of god.
In short, he’s unlikable even by your opinion of American standards.
Is that really the stereotype of Americans floating around? To be honest we love peace but, we know when its time to kick some butt. We also know a video game is not the place to kick butt. Only the real world matters!
I one-shotted his clanmate once with my GWTiger.
POP goes the leopard!
Then there was that other time I raped his 268 with my E-100, without using HEAT.
Garbad defeated successfully
That garbad rage made me lol :)
Just an FYI for those of you not familiar with Garbad’s pubstyle. He spews comments out like this in every match where arty does anything, presumably for the lolz. He’s basically trolling all arty players every pub match, though usually not very effectively (as seen here). He actually is rather helpful on the forums (or was, he just got permabanned).
Helpful when he’s not trying to grow his E-Peen. True, he gave out advice, but he was also VERY condescending towards anyone who was average or lower (the average on the NA server is between 49 and 51% win rate).
The average on the US server are around 48%, some what lover then the around 49% of the EU server due a larger amount of draws.
Sorry, I felt a need to comment on this. Anyone who hates on Garbad is a total moron. He has been spot on about the problems with this game since the start and just because he outspokenly hates arty and bad players does not diminish his contributions to the game, notwithstanding his guides made for the community.
Did you read the latest contribution to the community ……….It’s at the top of this page!
I’d accept Garbad’s contributions if he wasn’t so damned arrogant, like most Unicums.
No one should act like he does in a game. As an average player I play to escape assholes like him not to be immersed in them. I play to win but, I enjoy the game win or lose. I’ve had wins that I hated and losses that I enjoyed.
The only bad players that piss me off are the ones that won’t even try. (ie hide in a corner, drive off cliffs, go AFK etc. etc.) In the end no one should have to endure bullying from these so called unicums. Its a free to play game and, everyone has the right to play without being harassed (not trying also means you are not really playing).
Garbad destroys any contributions he makes to the game with his arrogant attitude. I’d rather take my chances with a random team than play with people who actually think they are better than others because of a game.
Garbad’s on the Hall of Shame!? LMAO!!!
CarbonWad is still more of a scumbag than Garbad ever will be.
oh i see a FTR clan.. hehe do you mind if i create a FTR clan too in sea??
Garbad is actually a pretty nice guy. He just rages whenever he dies to arty. How is that news?
News; He also rages to Jsnazz
The difference being that while arty hating is debatable, Jbad hating is universal.
Jsnobb refused to do the MS1 challenge, and omplains about his kv1 not doing well in tier 7 games.
OMG I love watching Garbad rage! I would rather play with crappy people than have to hear his mouth running. Saw a great replay of him raging a few months back when an SU-5 nailed him.
Soma major drama going in here….
*chewing sounds*
I would report all the sensitive kids who reports insults. If you cant handle them at online game-dont play it. If you are such a weak emo-type person why dont you go see a psychilogist or just go cry in a corner with doll in your hands? This is a war game, its all about killing others. If you cant handle online insults from a person you dont know and whois probably in another side of Europe- go to doctor and ask him to search for your balls. They must be very tiny…