- apparently, the EU TD competition results are coming out today
- it has not been decided yet, how will the players get the T7 Combat Car and Mk.VIc LT, leaked from supertest
- apparently, the leakers will not be punished, because “they do a good job, bringing the light of knowledge to the people” (SS: of course, EU supertesters doing the same thing had to be sacked)
- there will be no separate Italian tree, Italians might appear in the EU tree (SS: “might” here means “they will”, no worries)
- when a model error is discovered, it’s not possible to make a hotfix quickly/cheaply
- developers decided to simplify some of the “unneeded” things in WoT and started with removing the bow machinegun weakspots.
- according to Storm, WoT models are needlessly complex, it’s more difficult to test and make them that way, they take more computer power to calculate and they produce more unexpected hit results (SS: “This shot didn’t penetrate even when it should have”).
- Tiger P turret weakspots will also get fixed
- it is already decided, how many shells in the autoloader will WT E-100 have
- Erlenberg map doesn’t have too many draws on it
- prolonged US scout line (Chaffee) and RU251 will not come in 2013 (it will in 2014)
- SerB on multiple conflicting historical sources on some vehicles: “When there are multiple sources, we can pick the one that seems more correct to us”
- SerB states that the armor of Object 140 is better than T-62A’s, turrets are practically identical
- Soviet breakthrough tanks (T-35, SMK, T-100) might appear in WoT
- it’s possible the effect of track “sliding” will be implemented (SS: as in – a situation where for example a tank is climbing a hill, but the surface is “slippery” (muddy) and the tank is trying to “get a grip”, so the tracks are moving faster than the tank is actually going, throwing mud around)
- there will be some tank rebalancing in 8.9
- it’s too soon to say which tanks will be buffed in 8.9
- during the upcoming big graphic improvement (SS: more polygons for models etc.) the things that should be round will be round (for example rollers, wheels, barrels etc, that are now “square-y”)
- the vehicles that are going to be nerfed in 8.9 have been already decided (SS: mainly Foch, Foch 155, T57 Heavy)
- Waffenträger Tiger has been abandoned because it’s unhistorical (devs didn’t find any historical sources)
- multi-turret mechanism has low priority, it will come in 2014
- it’s possible Soviet tree will get another tier 10 heavy or a heavy premium tank (SS: unclear question and answer)
- (SS: if I understand correctly, and according to Edrard’s explanation): it’s possible SU-85i and Panzer IV Hydro will be obtainable as mission rewards
- global remodelling will come next year
first, I just had to
your mom came first
well yes it would be weird if my mum was alive before me.
i think you mean wasn’t alive before you
Congrats, the Donkey is waiting
WT E100, how many shells will he have?
It won’t be disclosed anytime soon
Or it might be disclosed today by Evily :)
I don’t think so. He said he would not disclose the vehicles’ ingame stats.
At this pace, we might discover there is no WT E-100 :)
SS already translated WT Tiger won’t made in to game because there’s no source on it. So we can safely assume that WT E100 actually is somehow historical or at least mentioned in some german tech data.
- SerB states that the armor of Object 140 is better than T-62A’s, turrets are practically identical.
Too bad that on 140, turret is massively weaker than on 62A.
Overmatch turret roof with anything above 90mm.
Have fun doing that at ranges longer than 20 meters.
Have fun in close quarters combat.
Oh, and dont forget – RNG is a bitch.
I doubt tanks like the T-62A and Object 140 stay stationary during close combat.
They tend to circle of death, so you cant really stop and aim at their weakspots.
Not on all maps. Some require to stop-sidescrap-aim-shoot-repeat.
” – Tiger P turret weakspots will also get fixed”
What does that mean?
“Panzer IV Hydro will be obtainable as mission rewards”
My body is ready.
ZG: That the Tiger P turret will become stronger, for example by making the commander’s copula thicker
i somehow dont think that’s the case: commander’s cupola on Porsche is different.
but mantlet will be.
Dont those two tanks have same turret – Porsche’s?
Nope, Porshe turret is thicker, but has the CN tower for a Cupola
just formally the same turret.
cupolas are different.
the rate of fire will be buffed to right? like on the tiger H?
Okay thanks! I hoped for a this, not a nerf then.
Tiger P also has a weak mantlet compared to Tiger H, so perhaps they will bring them into line so that Tiger P actually has better frontal armour (aside from the front cheeks). This would balance out the RoF buff of Tiger H… I would be disappointed if they increased Tiger P’s RoF to match Tiger H.
- it’s possible Soviet tree will get another tier 10 heavy or a heavy premium tank (SS: unclear question and answer)
could this possibly be the object 279?
my heart just broke
Its implementation makes about as much sense as the Ratte’s. Wouldn’t fit in at tier X, much less as a tier VIII (at most) premium.
Ratte wouldnt fit into map.
That however, can be promo tank.
But probably will be OP if with empty track fuel tanks.
Depends on the map, but it sure would give a whole new meaning to “blocking”… :v
“- prolonged US scout line (Chaffee) and RU251 will not come in 2013 (it will in 2014)”
Hopefull;y that means the current Chaffee will be untouched untill then :)
- Waffenträger Tiger has been abandoned because it’s unhistorical (devs didn’t find any historical sources).
Logical. Why would Wehrmacht use expensive and pretty powerful Tiger as some gun carrier, when there is cheaper and becoming obsolete tanks?
and yes.
Pz4 trager was on napkins.
so it isnt an invented machine.
I can tell you right now that is not a pz.4 chassis or anything to do with the pz.4
pzIII/IV chassis.
I don’t think so.
no one cares about your thought.
Anon is right actually. That is a Pz. IV chassis. It’s modified though, most likely to accommodate that giant gun on the top of it and its recoil.
Would you believe the Sturer Emil was built on top of a modified 30.01H? Same thing.
And the roadwheel setup certainly looks very IV-esque.
Oh? Then the E-100 chassis would be obviously cheap and obsolete?
That’s not as illogical as Tiger imo because if they already had the E-100 chassis (was being working on independently iirc) then it would be cheaper to mount a big gun on it than mount that gun in a turret that would require a lot of work no doubt.
…and it’s not like it added all that much to the manufacturer’s expenses to come up with alternative uses for the thing, anyway. They did keep working on the thing long after the project got canned after all.
“When there are multiple sources, we can pick the one that seems more correct to us”
It means: they pick the one where russian tanks are most op.
Name: TrollVonTrolland
Son, you just ain’t doing it right.
It’s apparently popular these days: pretend to be a troll and start posting stupid shit.
Sad fact: I dont troll now.
I stick with this nickname ;)
exactly…..i mean “how terrible” :P
That must be why their guns tend to under-perform for their caliber to a hilarious degree.
Caliber has nothing to do with how much penetration a gun has even IRL. The only thing the caliber has an influence on in game and IRL is how big the explosion is with HE rounds. The early Russian 122mm guns perform poorly with penetration because when they fired AP rounds IRL they tended to be on the lower end of penetration when compared to guns the other nations used. Which is why the 122mm guns for the KV-1S and the IS fired primarily HE IRL, the HE shells were so powerful they could knock out a Panther in a single shot and if they hit the seam of the upper front plate the explosion would rip upper plate clean off. Not a big surprise when you consider the fact that the D-25T could bring down a building in one shot.
For the first time i don’t really care about the daily Q&A and i just want the WT info -_-
Beat that! xD
Somehow I dont think this is his real name.
Can’t be. Facts dont add up to each other.
- Waffenträger Tiger has been abandoned because it’s unhistorical (devs didn’t find any historical sources)
yes, and WT E-100 is…
If we’re at it, WG should remove all german tier10 and most tier9, except for Maus and E-100, because they are just the same, and yeah, russian bias.
VkP = E-75.
Good logic.
T28 prot.
I have no problem if they introduce fantasy tanks and balance them.
I’m not sure about making the models less complex… I mean, I often get angry when I can’t hide my weakspots, on the other hand the ability to shoot them is what separates good players from noobs… I mean, if there are good reasons to do so (historical accuracy in case of tiger II) i’m for it, but otherwise I’d rather stick with them remaining.
I want a T-35 and a SU-85I
yeah i hoped that they forget about e100 chassis but no:/ what next ?? medium tank on e100 chassis??
Light tank
Well we already have Aufklärungspanzer Panther that is Panther with new engine and crappier turret with crappier gun while having worse matchmaking, SO WHY THE HELL NOT?
(I am currently “enjoying” this beauty, if the max tier it meets would be 9 not 10 it would have been a lot nicer)
any informations about how many crew members WT E100 will have and which ones ??
Cant have less than 6.
“- apparently, the EU TD competition results are coming out today”
How surprising…
they are out, I won with the Foch :) I just wondered why I got 3k Gold more aaaand found out that I won :D
Now I have to ask you if you can give me the link of the results?…browsing the WoT webpage and forum for 30 mins and couldn’t find anything…even google couldn’t help.
- the vehicles that are going to be nerfed in 8.9 have been already decided (SS: mainly Foch, Foch 155, T57 Heavy)
any words on the KV-1S and its 122mm gun?
SerB is fighting 1 versus all. Who will win?
SerB wins, because his win historically accurate and balanced when SerB wins against all. ;)
A wild SerB appeared! Go WG Employee 1!
WG Employee 1 uses reasoning. It has no effect on SerB.
SerB uses How Terrible. It was a Critical Hit!
WG Employee 1 fainted. Go WG Employee 2!
WG Employee 2 uses reasoning. It has no effect on SerB.
SerB uses Fuck You. It was a Effective!
WG Employee 2 fainted. Go WG Employee 3……
lol +1
Serb uses I nerf you. It was super effective.
Oh come on, ive been waiting for the Walker Bulldog for ages now =.=. How much more difficult can it be to add tanks that actually existed rather than all these blueprint tanks that nobody wants…
Well, go apply for a job at WG and find out.
The moddeling is the same for both so it’s not easier to implement a real-existing tank than a blue-print one.
I see Woras, Woras everywhere!
How terrible…
- apparently, the leakers will not be punished, because “they do a good job, bringing the light of knowledge to the people” (SS: of course, EU supertesters doing the same thing had to be sacked)
- developers decided to simplify some of the “unneeded” things in WoT and started with removing the bow machinegun weakspots.
Removing those stupid cupolas on top of turrets as weakspots would be a way to go. They buffed it on KT to 150mm and sloped it more. They could change them to act as spaced armor which would mean they wouldn’t take any damage but you would still be able to kill commader in it for example. It’s just stupid to kill the tank that has 2k HP let’s say(e5) just by shooting the cupola again and again. I’m aware that USA tanks would might even become OP in hull down, but that’s what they are made for. It just doesn’t feel realistic in tank warfare imo. I shoot them myself whenever i can and i’m pretty sure i would regret this wish many times when i would be in a situation facehuged by an yankee tank and not being able to do anything to it, but i’m all up for realistic tanking.
Yes, it is absolutely not like there would be any pieces of metal flying off and around the tank while a Big piece of metal rips the commanders cupola to shreds, not at all. And yes this is a game, meaning that some things are just a matter of balanceing
The reason why KT cupola gets 150mm thick is because it was that thick historically.
It’s also not like the payload of an APHE shell (as in, most of them) would be going off after the cupola side trips the impact fuze, nosirree. And in no way would this send high-velocity shrapnel through the rest of the vehicle, or the blast do Bad Things in an enclosed space.
BTW you know why the Israelis eventually made their own commander cupolas for the M60?
I never said its that, that is unrealistic. What is unrealistic that you can kill a whole tank just by shooting that weakspot OVER and OVER again. If you really want to go into that matter where pieces of metal would fly around then what would next shell hit if the cupola is already torn off by the first one? Best way would be that cupola can take damage only once and then it wouldn’t take any damage but we all know it would be way to complicated to program. I just mentioned KTs cupola because it was recently changed/buffed and i liked the way of thinking by WG there. Removing or seriously buffing the “funny” weakspots such as MG ports and cupolas. You should make a move and flank the tank or exploit his other weakspots such as LFPs and not just sitting there shooting it’s commander’s cupola 100 meters away and eventually killing him completely just by doing that. And i already said that i would myself regret this many times, but i feel it would contribute much more to the gameplay where people would need to try harder.
So design a better system for “game-ably” abstracting something as painfully complex as what happens when a tank gets penetrated by a shell.
Until then, kindly shut the fuck up about it.
BTW bow MG mounts were a real weakspot which is one reason they were ditched, and as for people needing to try harder… seriously? The crop of blighted tomatoes that are the rendom pubbies?
You never read/heard how WG programers are limited, aren’t you? It’s not that complex, but for their level of knowledge it’s SCI-FI. And excuse me, but where does it says it’s forbidden to express your opinion here on FTR blog? And since when you are the boss who gets to command people to shut the fuck up? And i don’t really see how flanking is considered that difficult. It should be basic stuff and not some advanced super secret tactics. But i guess it’s easier to “exploit” the game mechanics and kill the poor commanders over and over because he is the unlucky guy who get the cupola position.
SS,thank you for all the Q&As.
Every night me and my friends will wait till they come out and translate them into Chinese so over 160,000 WOT players in China can read them.
These Q&As are one of the best resources for us to refer to.
- the vehicles that are going to be nerfed in 8.9 have been already decided (SS: mainly Foch, Foch 155, T57 Heavy)
Why the fuck Foch needs to be nerfed??????
Because tards dont understand it is a bad idea to stand in front of a loaded 155…
The gun and traverse speed are the few if not only redeeming factors on that tank!
Ok i can live with the 155, but i was talking about the normal Foch. Why that one needs to be nerfed too??
I don’t think SS is right in that matter, i think they only mean F155.
I think you forgot the medium-tank power:weight and speed limit, ridiculously thick and sloped frontal armor, and the long view range despite it being both closed-top and a TD.
Both versions have far more than “just” the guns and traverse rate going for them.
And i think you forgot the lowest alpha in tier9 td,viewrange as my su85b( 390m isnt a great viewrange,and tds have to get good one),low hp,ridicously thin armor for side,back and roof (that arty and he spammers love) plus two idiotic weakpoints in front that almost anyone can shoot with new precision,makes him balanced,so still no point for me to nerf.
If someone shoots their ufp is their problem,flank,aim for weakspots or wait for arty as any tanker has to do with any tank dealing with high armored vehicles.
>> – there will be no separate Italian tree, Italians might appear in the EU tree (SS: “might” here means “they will”, no worries)
I don’t agree on having Axis and their minions in the same tree as Allies fighting them. It’s just illogicaly insane…
The Italians changed sides already in what, ’43 already you know. The rest of the Axis Minors mostly as soon as Soviet pressure became great enough, save where the Germans were able to keep them in line at gunpoint.
> developers decided to simplify some of the “unneeded” things in WoT and started with removing the bow machinegun weakspots.
In other words, make tanks more noob friendly and obvliously start from German tanks since they’re mostly used by WWII keyboard-historians who totally fail at gaming and refused to L2P a lot of time ago…
I really hope this upcoming graphical improvement won’t bump the video memory requirement passed 256 MB or else I won’t be able to play WoT for a long time.
So… Other than Chieftain commenting in Forum…
“I doubt it will be comparable. The 122-44 is at a higher tier, where there are few US options. I would not expect a high-tier US premium TD.”
No word on whether or not US td drivers will ever see a premium td for their branch?
” (SS: of course, EU supertesters doing the same thing had to be sacked)”
.. that’s because we’re not Russian, and everything Russian is “a good thing”, including Stalin…
..and everything else is “Evil Corrupt Westerners Who Eat Babies™”…
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quote: “- during the upcoming big graphic improvement (SS: more polygons for models etc.) the things that should be round will be round (for example rollers, wheels, barrels etc, that are now “square-y”)”
making circles out of polygons … defying reality every day is a motto at WG HQ
Don’t worry, they will be advancing to sprites soon…
And they are nerfing the regular Foch…why? A balanced French td must be nerfed just because the French get it worse than the Germans.
- developers decided to simplify some of the “unneeded” things in WoT and started with removing the bow machinegun weakspots.
what a bunch of morons, yea, like tiger 2, nerf the frontal armour and remove weakspots = less skill to aim for weakspots, you only have to aim at the whole tank..