
Not much today.

- SerB states that there were very few subcaliber and HEAT shells in WW2, two thirds of a tank ammo load were HE shells
- T28 and T28 Proto have different types of suspension-improving equipment, because they didn’t share the same platform
- Storm on historical penetration of guns: “It’s historical wherever it was possible”
- for now, tier 5 Flak 41 88mm L/74 will has the same penetration as the PaK 43 L/71, but “tests will show” whether it will stay that way (SS: most likely won’t, historically the Flak had lower penetration)
- Sturer Emil will not be called Sturer Emil in game, because it was just an unofficial name
- high tiers (Sturer Emil, Waffenträger) will have only like 20mm armor (against bullets)
- historically, the “classic” Waffenträgers (SS: like the Ardelt and Steyr people keep linking) were not projected for long 105mm, but only for 88mm and 105mm howitzer, that’s why they aren’t on high tiers, they’d fit like tier 7

78 thoughts on “6.9.2013

  1. - high tiers (Sturer Emil, Waffenträger) will have only like 20mm armor (against bullets).
    Overmatched/penetrated by tier 2 :D

  2. Ss dont let ensignexpendable make more articles , he only makes shitstorm. And his articles are …

    • I like reading them. I find them interesting, and I’m not the type to get emotional over an essay someone wrote on the internet.

    • I really like the idea of the blog having access to the stuff Ensign posts, but I have to agree that most of his articles are full of drama and he keeps antagonizing his readers. He could be saying the world is round, geodesic, and people would still yell it’s flat just because of how he delivers what he knows.

      Could he become some kind of adviser? Or maybe have an editor or something? Or at least only post stuff regarding russian tanks and send the info on the other nations’ tanks to their experts?

      As I said, I want to hear the other bell, but something must be done to avoid the 200+ comments f drama and trolling that EE posts become.

  3. Hey Silentstalker, could you be so kind and extend the “Q&A only” section to cover super test leaks and other actually informational WoT gameplay related stuff? Or make a new section “WoT Q&A and gameplay information”?

    I’d be grateful if you would consider this.

  4. ‘- T28 and T28 Proto have different types of suspension-improving equipment, because they didn’t share the same platform’

    That would be because the T28P was completely fictional

    • Yeah, it’s also kind of funny that T28 Prototype has HVSS which is more modern that VVSS used on regular T28.

      Regression or something?

      • T95 also has HVSS – according to the WoTWiki anyway – while the in-game “T28″ is pretty much bullshit anyway.

  5. The high use of HE shells had some reasoning behind it. Towards the end of the war, German manufacturing abilities were crippled to the point they were no longer making the high quality steel they started off with in sufficient quantities. The steel they were making at that point was softer, and found to be more vulnerable to HE spalling by the Russians. HE rounds are also cheaper to produce as you don’t need to waste as much valuable material on the penetrator of an AP round. Not to mention how effective explosions are at crippling tanks even when they don’t penetrate. It’s rather hard to be effective if someones has blown off your tracks, crippled your crew in some way (can’t follow orders if your deaf ey?), or done something like get your turret jammed.

    • I suppose it’s less complicated – tanks weren’t fighting tanks only – in fact, they were used more commonly as infantry support. The HE shells were used for destroying MG nests, buildings, etc. AP shells aren’t good for “soft” targets, u know :)

  6. I wonder if the Sturer Emil will get it’s real speed of 20 km/h or if it gets a speed buff or superior terrain passability :)

  7. - Sturer Emil will not be called Sturer Emil in game, because it was just an unofficial name

    Interesting. Then how it will be called?

      • Interesting that f.e. Hetzer can be named Hetzer even that it is not official name. As usualy WG has double standards…

        • I think Hetzer was sheduled for renaming but the WG decided not to bother, because it has low priority and it will “Confuse players”

        • Because M3 light tanks was Stuart..
          because the SPG was offitialy Priest
          because…fuck you wargaming :D

      • and everyone will call it Sturer Emil anyway and after few patches they might even rename them themselve…because those names are confusing and boring eventough historically accurate

    • Like those old days when KV was tier 5 tank and could rape you with 107 or 152mm gun? But KV had also armor to take some bashing.

      • Now KV has even more armor, since the KV-2 turret, wich was a weakspot, was replaced with a turret with all around 110mm of rounded armor.

  8. - Sturer Emil will not be called Sturer Emil in game, because it was just an unofficial name

    Dickermax bias?

  9. > – high tiers (Sturer Emil, Waffenträger) will have only like 20mm armor (against bullets)

    Sturer Emil have 50 mm of front armour.

  10. Pingback: 6.9.2013 | WoTRomania

  11. IMHO a better candidate for tier 5 would have been a Marder 3 with a rear compartment and an L/70. wich has more RoF, but less armor and speed than the stug.

  12. - Sturer Emil will not be called Sturer Emil in game, because it was just an unofficial name

    who cares the official name, Sturer Emil is Sturer Emil and deal with it!!!!

      • Unless you’re looking in the “Encyclopedia of German Tanks of WW2″ by Jentz, Doyle, and Chamberlain

        There it’s “12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61″ or “Panzerselbstfahrlafette V”(a.k.a. Pz. Sfl. V)

  13. “- historically, the “classic” Waffenträgers (SS: like the Ardelt and Steyr people keep linking) were not projected for long 105mm, but only for 88mm and 105mm howitzer, that’s why they aren’t on high tiers, they’d fit like tier 7″

    Well i don’t see a problem here – Waffentragen Ardelt with 8,8 on T7 and Sturer Emil with 12,8/61 on T8, with proper ROF and HP pool they will be fine.

  14. “Dicker Max and “Hetzer” are also not the historical names… seriously, fuck WG with their attitude towards historical accuracy, they only use it whenever they want. That’s what bothers me most.

    • Hetzer was supposed to have its name changed, but the devs decided not to, because it would “confuse players” and it wasnt that important anyway.

      • Plus, the fact that “Hetzers Gonna Hetz” is so entrenched as a meme in the community that changing the name would cause an uproar.