This is the regular daily QA thread. There will be one more special QA post after this today.
- Storm states that the player opinion “there is less than one arty and one scout per battle on average” is not true according to WG’s statistics
- how much arty in battles on average? “less than Storm would like”
- Storm on Superpershing armor: “We are not hiding anything. As usual, we don’t comment on armor.” (SS: when accused that they are hiding some nerfs of SP armor)
- the WT E-100 model is final
- gold shells for T69 will (in connection with their penetration nerf) be automatically sold for credits for their purchase price in 8.8
- according to RU support, the “Lucky” achivement is bugged. Storm stated that it was not fixed in 0.8.8
- it’s technically possible to have different reload times for different shell types on one gun, but this won’t be implemented
- Storm on MM fix in 8.8: “Some problems with settings of servers on which the MM runs were fixed – we will give them more computing power allocated on handling the battle queues, which will lead to better battle balancing.”
- no plans to buff Soviet tier 10 heavies
- IS-4 mantlet is penetrable easily. This is not a bug according to Storm.
- 112′s characteristics are now final
- no plans to improve IS-6 maximum speed
- Storm states that the lower frontal plate of King Tiger is historical now (100mm), the 120mm picture circulating on the internets is wrong
- VK4502P viewrange nerfs were done for “balance reasons”
- it will not be possible to buy 112 or T-34-3 for gold in 8.8
- Storm confirms: the Sherman/T-34 “massive nerf” (aimtime, spread) are valid only for those special tanks in tutorial
- Superpershing won’t recieve limited MM
- regarding the VK3001H/VK3002M relationship:
1) VK3002M stats will start from zero
2) if VK3001H was unlocked – VK3002M will be unlocked
3) if you have VK3001H in the hangar, you will get a free VK3002 with a garage slot and 100 percent crew, but without ammo, equipment or consumables
4) if VK3001H had camo, this camo will be cloned to VK3002M (with same expiring time), this goes for decals/inscriptions too
5) any accumulated experience on VK3001H will be transferred to VK3002M
- new VK3601H heavy tank MM weight and profitability “will be the same as on other tanks of its tier and class”
- it’s possible Sacred Valley will be reworked, specifically the issue where upper team can light up the lower team easily, but not vice versa
- Severogorsk won’t be limited to low tiers only
- Superpershing will be sellable for gold only until 8.9 comes out
- SerB states that the alleged experimental E-75 1200hp diesel was not real, only a wish of the designers. Maybach managed to bring its HL engine only to 1000hp until 1955
- if VK4502P is ever moved to tier 8, its armor will be nerfed to historical values (SS: in real life it was lot less, roughly like the one of the VK4502 without rear turret, the turret was only 80mm thick)
- 128mm L/55 wouldn’t fit historically in top E-75 turret
- GW E-100 not being able to dispose of a low medium tank because of bad depression? “Don’t let him reach you”
- combat missions font might be made bigger (SS: Russians are complaining about its size)
- in 8.8, teamdamage to a platoon mates will count as normal team damage (no free platoonmate killing)
- all the removed engines can be found in your depot
- the reason for the mid tier German changes was aligning all the tanks to roughly the same pattern (gameplay-wise)
- in the new rating system, average XP counts without premium account
*Waiting for someone to say first, holding a 2 by 4 stick*
You were first. Donkey is already waiting! :)
D: oh noes
Ok, as shameful as it might be admitting it, what’s with the donkey?
keep going…
Let me give you a hint:
- Superpershing won’t recieve limited MM
??? does that mean the MM weight does not get changed or that the SP will also get into t10 battles??
Q: “Will the MM tier of Superpershing be lowered?”
A: “No”
I see you’ve removed it from the list :P
thanks! btw THANKS bigtime for your blog! :-)
i was really worried there of an even bigger MM nerf
Wait, so SuperPershing meets Tier Xs regulary nowadays (as in – 8.7 and before)?
SP has limited MM (only sees VIII and IX) just as before, you can just expect a few more IX battles as MM weight was changed (don’t remember which patch) …
Perhaps it means that it won’t receive a stricter MM, something like battletier 8 only (like B2 which has only battletier 4).
Or the Type 59 when it first came out; thank god they fixed THAT mess.
Second… :P
- in 8.8, teamdamage to a platoon mates will count as normal team damage (no free platoonmate killing).
No free money for rammers and big “fuck u” for troll platoons.
It sucks that I can’t kill my platoon mates.
Sulomon, you are just a retarded troll, and nobody likes you..
That’s quite sad, me and my mates used to practice such thing as denial – where I would kill my mate who is about to meet his sure death, to deny our enemies the xp and money for him :(
That is cancerous faggotry, you know. Giving full repair costs for drowning was done for the very same reason.
That’s… GENIUS!
- SerB states that the alleged experimental E-75 1200hp diesel was not real, only a wish of the designers. Maybach managed to bring its HL engine only to 1000hp until 1955
So? Many nation have tanks from 50s and 60s so why german tank stats/tech must end with ideas on 45. Instead removing that engine totally you could have nerfed it to 1000HP and give some better terrain resistance.
or why can the wish of the designers not be done since some of the tanks are complete fiction made up by WG
This was with the afterburner, so 1000hp onlt for short time
- VK4502P viewrange nerfs were done for “balance reasons”
because this tank needed to be worse…already never see them in battle because they are so poor
I see them every once in a while, but they’re usually killed within two minutes, or if it’s a steamroll, never even get to fire a shot.
Since a long time, Storm started to answer again :D
- if VK4502P is ever moved to tier 8, its armor will be nerfed to historical values
Yes, 80mm on the hull and 120mm on the turret would work wonderfully for a tier 8 heavy…
What will happen to my VK36.01 crew when it becomes a Tier 6 heavy? It currently holds my best German crew with 3 skills and I would really rather not lose all that hard work.
It will be automatically retrained to the VK3601H heavy
Thanks SS, that’s what I was hoping to hear! :)
I was worried I would lose my crew.
Anyone know why they didnt increase the 62 dmg to 250 a shot?
And why would they have to? Does it have 100mm cannon?
Stupid that I can’t freely kill my platoon mates anymore.
Yep, it’s terrible. You’ll have to learn how to play.
Its exactly made so troll platoons like you cant troll the team by shooting themselves for free..
I am looking in my magic cards and see a new tutorial coming in 8.9.
At least they limited themselves to view range not anything else…
“it will not be possible to buy 112 or T-34-3 for gold in 8.8″
Say what?!
What will we be able to buy it for, credits?
Or we won’t be able to buy it at all in 8.8?!
Or does it mean it’s not available in the in game store just in the gift shop but still available when 8.8 comes out?
cash bucks only.
Ah, right, no gold, no cash, but digital money in gift shop only.
For a while there I was afraid the introduction of 112 was to be posponed once again.
It means if you wanted do sell SP and buy just “some” gold, then fuck you… Wargaming is greedy, they want all your money when you buy it from gift shop.
Or if you wanted to sell your SP to help offset the cost of the 112, WG has now taken that option away.
Unless… you know… you wait and see if it goes to the normal shop, once people realize that it’s not the second coming of Pre-Nerfs Type 59.
It’s called “a business”. Look it up.
- Superpershing won’t recieve limited MM
Welp, time to put the girl out to pasture. I was gonna keep her but this was just the last nail on the coffin.
Calm down nothing is changed.
SS clarified it in another comment around here: it won’t receive an even more limited MM (tier 8 only?), just the same MM it has now.
If that’s the case then I’ll keep it.
Please elaborate on the SuperP MM Change? No way its gun can compete in tier X and I thought that was the determining factor
For all of you asking this, Superpershing won’t get tier X MM. By “limited MM” it is meant “EVEN MORE LIMITED THAN IS NOW” so they are basically saying it won’t get tier 8 only matchmaking. So no, nothing has changed, SP will continue to troll tier 9s. And I’m keeping it, too!
“- the reason for the mid tier German changes was aligning all the tanks to roughly the same pattern (gameplay-wise)”
They aligned it to a ‘general german failtank’ type, so from now on noone will be mistaked seeking any good in german techtree.
Quite righteous move from their side towards playerbase I must admit.
Stop failing.
well other than E75 and JP2 all tanks are better now than before the rebalance
Even Tiger 2 where its debatable is in my opinion better now because it looses 2 major weakspots (MG and cupola) and gets more gundepression and faster reload. Lowerplate is now a tad weaker but pros learned to hide it anyway
- 128mm L/55 wouldn’t fit historically in top E-75 turret
This is the crap that gets under my skin. You’ll put that gun on the E-75 even if it wouldn’t fit, but you won’t envisage the 150mm in the Maus or the 173 KwK/44 into the E-100.
This whole “Selective historicity” is really annoying. If you want it historical, make the stock configurations historical, but the upgrades a little dreamed up (a little, we’re not talking 128′s on Panzer II’s here).. that’s what pixel tank upgrade can be.
“make the stock configurations historical, but the upgrades a little dreamed up”
…and that’s EXACTLY how they are ATM. :|
“…and that’s EXACTLY how they are ATM. :|”
how? is STUG gun historical on tiger?
Yes it is. Germans had few Tigers equipped in 75 l/70
makes sence to put the superior gun on a tank if it can carry it
Don’t fix what ain’t broken.
“- no plans to improve IS-6 maximum speed”
Then how about giving me the ability to neutral steer, if you insist on giving it the top speed of the Object 253 (the other IS-6)
“112′s characteristics are now final”
As much as I would LOVE the 112 to get another boost, I’m just glad it didn’t say the T-34-3 is final. I’ll be picking the -3 up to get started on the Chinese medium line, and I’m HOPING this means they’re going to bump it up a bit — better depression or a little more acceleration would be just fine with me…
about IS-4 is right.recently its ammo rack can hit easily .I hope they fix this soon
And every battle driver is dead, its not even worth healing him so ur slowass 24/7. But that was there even before it reached Tier10.
It’s those glorious Russian designs at play, similar to the armor made of Radio Operators.
“We’re not hiding anything… we just don’t tell you anything about it.”
Seems legit.
Isn’t withholding information hiding it?
WG Logic…
What will happen to equipment on VK.3601H?
I have vents on mine, but if goes from medium to heavy tank, will the vents get the same treatment or will it end up in depot or magically vanish.
Your equipment will be demounted for free and sent to the depot.
- VK4502P viewrange nerfs were done for “balance reasons”
What a load of horseshit.
Yeah, they obviously did it solely to annoy you.
I don’t even own the tank atm. I grinded it long time ago, but it does pisses me off to see one of the worst T9 tanks getting nerfed. Not by much but still nerfed and if you don’t have anything more constructive to say then don’t comment at all.
I dunno if I can ask things here… heh. Lets try. Anyone have an idea if there is any plan about setting the shell cost to 0 within the training room?
cause the repair cost is already 0, but the shells arent free… :(
No. The shells will not be for free because WG fears that players would then just organize matches in TR instead of playing randoms/TC/CW
More nerfs to the vk for balance!!!!!!! When will they ever stop
Whine. Whine never changes…
Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the amazing power of words and sentences, many have been whining just about everything: from their salary to bunch of polygons to simple, pointless things…
No matter what cataclysmic changes did these fools bring upon themselves, they still continue… And sadly, they will never stop. For it is not in their nature to understand, that self-centeredness and ignorance rarely bear fruit that isn’t rotten from the beginning. And so, this circle will never end, because…
Whine. Whine never changes…
- how much arty in battles on average? “less than Storm would like”
If they want to see more Arty in battles, then they need to go back and review the aim and load time “nerf” they put into the game in the previous patch. I used to enjoy playing arty, but not so much now. The need to seriously re-balance arty. It always sucked that you didn’t get near the experience credit, and even though they did improve that, it was at the expense of aim time and load time.
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