Firday 13th – a good day for translations :)
- according to The_Chieftain, both M36B1 (M4A3 hull with M36 turret) and T53 (not sure what that is) are viable candidates for tier 6 US premium tank destroyer
- Q: “It is now possible to view the amount of tanks I have in garage in the new stats for my account, why is it not possible for other accounts?” A: “For the same reason we your account status is not shown to everyone you meet” (SS: as in, some privacy protection)
- “vehicles that won’t make a full branch” (SS: the player asks specifically about Israeli tanks) will be “definitely implemented in some way”
- the crew voices will not be extended anytime soon (SS: as in, for example more actions commented by voices, such as “load armor piercing!” when selecting armor piercing rounds etc.)
- WG considers the amount of tanks in your garage to be confidential information (as well as other “account status” info, such as the amount of credits you have)
- Q: “Why don’t you return the MM to the 8.5 state where most of the battles were of the same tier vehicles (like a team full if tier 7 tanks)?” A: “There was never such a rule. But there was +/-3 tier spread before, should we return that?”
- SerB on banning trollplatoons: “What about them? Do you have such a weak nervous system that you can’t eat until you kill a trollplatoon? It wont help – there will always be something making you angry. Work on yourself.”
- Q: “Why wasn’t the teamdamage system change described in the patchnotes?” A: “Description is simple – to teamkill is bad. Nothing changed in that regard.”
- TOG II is doing fine according to SerB
- SerB on some guns doing as much damage as they do: “Once you find a historical amount of damage the guns did in hitpoints, we will review it immediately” (SS: gun damage is a balance parameter)
- regarding the national voiceovers: it won’t be possible to select the voiceover pack manually (so that all tanks speak German for example)
- Q: “On what formula does the Courageous resistance work?” A: “IF(BattleLoosed AND (GotEpicAvard OR GotBattleHero))”
- some objects act like view range obstacles (houses), some don’t (a heap of hay) (SS: generally the easily destroyable don’t)
- On Westfield map there was a bush removed on F0, but there was nothing in patchnotes? “How terrible…”
- Mountain Pass (F6 quadrant) is missing one path that could be climbed? “How terrible…”
- El Halluf – a hill was reworked at G6? “How terrible…”
- Q: “0.8.9 – new German TD branch?” A: “Really?!” (SS: yes, SerB’s just trolling)
- Q: “What prevents you from adding some interface mod features into the game for more comfort?” A: “The fact that we don’t consider overstuffed interface comfortable”
- there was “no promise” to make the ingame chat possible to disable. SerB: “It’s a team game”
- French arty won’t recieve a shell velocity buff
- regarding possible rebalance: the amount of certain vehicle in battles is a secondary indicator
- it’s possible that (in clanwars) to use “air strike” won’t require the pilots (WoWp players) to be a part of the same clan, but will be performed by freelancers
- enough British heavies or meds for second branch? “Doubtful”
- apparently, the Encounter on the Mines map won’t be reworked, as the devs checked the winrate of both sides and the difference is less than 5 percent (the reason for the 5 percent is that stats have shown that the winrate usually changes constantly within those 5 percent differences, so the difference below those 5 percent won’t be taken into account)
- Lowe won’t be changed in the future, its stats are fine
- in 0.8.9, midtier arty will be buffed (SS: hightier won’t be)
- the reason for the possibility to disable the whole interface is making WoT movies
…. to rape the donkey!!!! MWahhahaahaha!!!
…. wait… am into zoophilia now..?
come here.
…. that asides…
“it’s possible that (in clanwars) to use “air strike” won’t require the pilots (WoWp players) to be a part of the same clan, but will be performed by freelancers”
as long as it doesnt become like warthunder.. ill be fine with it
And the hundreds of posts a day of people complaining about “planes” being in a “tanks” game will be something that forum mods will love to see.
That will make the whole “SPGs” in a “tanks” game ordeal look like it was christmas for everyone.
So, if people call arty players “clickers” what will they call plane pilots?
wankers. they play with their joystick after all.
Play with mouse and keyboard actually, but that’s by the by.
… damnit ._.
that was our first meeting *wink
13rd? Thirteenthrd?
It’s a thing now, haven’t you heard?
Firday 13th – a good day for translations :)
firday means friday in FTRese.
sorry off topic……do you think war thunder ground forces will be better than WOT ?
With its Pay2Win system? No.
In WT, I can buy my Crew skills with Golden Eagles, my reload is reduced like 50-70%.
Put that same principle to Ground Force,
Imagine a Ferdinand firing every 4 seconds with its 128mm.
to be honest WT is just the online mode of Wings of prey that is why WT is so good so i dont think that they ground forces will be good
and as Deathskyz said WT have a lot of P2W
Go on then, how is WT P2W?
Seems to me its using exactly the same system as WOT does. You can
A) Grind,
B) fork over some cash.
Lets have a look at crew skills. I can either grind the experience to level the skills up. Or I can pay some gold to level them up.
Now with the Above description, am I talking about WOT or WT? Exactly, they use the same idea, just different implementations of it.
Where things are different is WOT asks you for another whack of gold every time you change tanks, WT doesn’t.
Please tell me if you can pay in WoT to increase your crew skills to unlock 7th skill?? I didn’t find any. In WoT you can increase them with gold only to certan levels and than you grind, but in WT you can just keep buying crew points and rack them up.
Differing skill systems.
There’s 11 skill groups all of which are usable from the start in WT. None act like the main skill on crew in WOT.
Its like if WOT didn’t have the main qualification and everything was Perks and skills. The crew skills in WT have about as much effect as WOT’s Perks, although there’s nothing like Sixth Sense…
Seriously a fully pimped crew doesn’t give you a massive advantage. I mean hell look at this screen shot that was posted elsewhere:
That’s a Tier 0 plane shooting down a Tier 20 plane. Player skill is the important part in WT.
A loltraktor could kill a 50B the same way a reserve plane can take down a level 20 plane.
True, and neither has a jot to do with the Crew, just player skill.
Your reasoning is starting to sound a mite disingenious here; while player skill certainly more or less trumps raw game mechanics, that hardly means the crewskills aren’t advantageous – there’d be little point developing them otherwise, right? It then duly follows that if you can outright buy them for monies that’s one strike towards P2W…
not too long ago in WoT those skills and perks weren around so only mainskill was there. WoT has premiumammo wich replaces players skill with easier penetration. OK now you can buy that for credits but it looks like doing that is making enough players to buy credits for gold so its the same thing only disguised.
Oh and how a LOLtractor can kill a tier 10 … what about E100? or IS7? Or even KV4?
Matilda? ok WoT has little enough tierspread so that its not required to be possible.
WT for me is not as much P2W as WoT was before premium stuff for credits
Possibly. We’ll see. I’ll be happy as long as there aren’t any cap zones that automatically end the battle when some coward sits in it for a certain amount of time.
The gameplay can be similar for all I care.
Capturing the Flag is similar to both games. WoT and Ground Force…
Im more concern is with the Pay2Win. Even if Ground Force has Historical Battles, Nicer looking Graphics, much more responsive tanks and better historical accuracy, I still believe that it will not be better than WoT if…
I have my Jagdtiger with its 128mm. I decide I want to be better at the game. I throw the game my money, have my crew loadout this.
My Commander has Max Vitality and Spotting. He sees pretty much kilometers with his naked eye.
My Gunner has precise fire control and accuracy.
My loader reloads the 128mm shells in 4 seconds.
The game itself looks nice. But in my opinion, the gameplay balance is flawed due to pay2win.
A prime example would be NavyField and the Elite/Veteran sailors vs Rookie Sailors on a BB.
Navyfield is a very good (bad?) example of pay2win overall. Premium ships that were sometimes way stronger than normal ships, I believe there was a hedgehog weapon that came in a normal version and OP premium version, and the crew system was basically “grind many thousands of hours for a perfect crew or spend $$$ to get it instantly”. Not too surprising for a typical Korean grindfest MMO, I guess. It does make me appreciate the way WOT is set up, especially the crew system.
Le mad at the cap
Maybe you should go kill that coward. After all you already know where he is and you obviously don’t like him. A win is a win is a win.
Oh, a “no cap!” bloodthirsty bastard. You also hate arty, I guess?
More and more I doubt that.
1. Tanks number:
That is – no prototype, paper and/or “based on speculations/logic” tanks (no Maus or E-100 :(
2. Module damage:
Didnt devs said they tried this in alpha? It made campfest (expect insta-deaths in WT).
3. Map size:
Maps will be bigger – oh joy driving slow tank to fight :D
4. Garage battles (?):
Probably will be close as we can get with +-2 tier spread. HE away!
5. Track damage:
If I have to wait for repair to come and fix me – no thank you.
But then again……..I was wrong before :)
Good points Woras still I look forward to try it out. I will most likely play both WT and WoT. It will be intresting to see how the Wings of prey engine will work with tanks. I wonder if ground forces will come out this year.
All your points are points in favour for WT in my eyes.
A lot of people prefer realism in their games, large maps, realistic damage, no fantasy tanks…they all add to the game for us, not take away from it.
It won’t. Gajin has a lot of experience in aircraft simulators, so it’s natural that their game is better than WoWP which is WG’s first attempt to make plane game. On the other hand, ground forces is Gijin’s first game focused on ground warfare, while WG had a lot of experience in creation of RTS games and WoT has been developed for 4 years by now.
You have to be a WT fan boy to consider arcade mode realistic, even compared with WoWp.
Yea enjoy grinding through 4 pz 3s and then 3 pz 4s capped by a panther . Same problem with the aircraft it doesn’t really change until jets .
As for realism sure the hp system is arcady but the flight model in WT arcade mode is plain retarded and it gets annoying when players call it “realistic”.As for historic and full real battles those are not fun to play (for me). I ll just stick with the arcade game that doesn’t pretend to be a sim .
I think this is probably the most well mannered discussion about WoT vs WT I have ever seen.
Hurr Durr, WG pwns Gaijin, WoT is the BEST GAME EVURR, WG STRONK, GAIJIN NUB!!!44!!!!!!!4!!
2/10, let’s see some :effort: here.
waiting to see Fv302 get buff :D
FV304 bro, FV304 ;)
But yeah, I’m looking towards it as well. Grinding my Bishop right now, but I’ve played the FV304 on test server, and one thing I can say – British Arty of IV-VI tiers is just the biggest fun-troll grind EVER. Birch Gun with it’s turret, Bishop with shell travel arc and accuracy, FV304 with top speed better than ELC’s xD
So are those minor map changes real or is it just a product of player imagination?
They are real, but that fucking clown can’t answer properly to a legit question.
They are sloppy as fuck – the patch introduced more bugs than it fixed, yet they won’t even disclose what was actually changed, such as those little changes to the maps, because that fucking idiot thinks only heavy tanks matter, so for him “places hard to reach” don’t matter.
No. 1 reason for WG’s crappier than a bowl of shit PR is SerB.
‘because that fucking idiot thinks only heavy tanks matter’
SerB plays mediums more than other tank types. He constantly mentions how heavy tankers are the big whiners (whine about SPG OP, whine about TD OP, etc.) because they think they should be OP themselves.
Yes they are real.
“T53 (not sure what that is)” says “T53 Gun Motor Carriage: 90 mm AA gun mounted at the rear of a M4 Medium Tank chassis”
and a photo of T53E1 (with the gun mounted in the center of the hull)
almost ugly enough to be French.
Apparently this is some american version of the archer with their own tank.
T53 is this
The first picture is the later version of the T53, the T53E1, with the 90mm anti-aircraft gun covered in a shield. Expect a great gun, but not so great mobility and protection.
Expect the splash from a near miss HE round will kill and/or wound most of the crew with driver being the lone survivor.
Open fighting compartment – if you could call it one.
Is it a normal Tank or some kind of TD/SPG ?
Wow, didn’t know about any non-turreted Sherman TDs.
I’d still rather see the T34 get changed to a tier 8 premie since the T30 was moved to a TD and they’re essentially the same tank behaving the same way.
It’d give justification to adding the M6A2E1 as the tier 8 heavy premie, and to redesignate the pre-order ones into M6A2E1B’s
Nah, T53 is much less of a copypasta of the Jackson, visually and in terms of gameplay. Probably better camo and gun stats, but worse gun depression (don’t know if traverse is limited).
Would myself rather have the M56 Scorpion because it is smaller so better camo and still has 90mm. That and it is more imaginative because it isnt based on a current hull
Is that an american Waffentrager? :D
Friday 13th, SS plz.
A: “There was never such a rule. But there was +/-3 tier spread before, should we return that?”
Can we do this for a patch, so that atleast some of the annoying
“Oh my gawd I’m useless in this battle q.q Matchmaker sucks” players shut up?
Or return to “the old days” for one day:
Next 1st april, maybe?
“the jagdtiger has no side armor” tell that to a t1
Firday? What’s that?
the celebration of the fir tree of course
a pornstar
- Q: “On what formula does the Courageous resistance work?” A: “IF(BattleLoosed AND (GotEpicAvard OR GotBattleHero))”.
I see what he did there :D
- the reason for the possibility to disable the whole interface is making WoT movies.
And yet we have to modify avatar_handler file to unlock free camera for full movie capturing – WG made pretty nice free camera (for replays) with all sorts of speed adjustments and controls.
Wait, thats that SWF file i couldn’t find its purpose of it and looked like a media player with a E-10 as example image in it :D
This one. It unlocks free camera for replays (CAPS LOCK + F3 turns it on).
Dont know if any will do – downloaded special one (it has zoom out mod too).
You have a link to it??
Why WG dont officially implement it……strange.
Is the free camera works only in replays, or is it working in battles too?
@ Muerte92
How you………..I dont even……….*sigh*
I’m not accusing anyone with anything, nor I want to offend anybody. I’m just curious.
You know anywhere where i can find a full list of keybinds for it?
@ muerte:
I just 3 times told that it works for replays.
@ anon lazy ass:
Open that file with notepad and read.
I have written down the list of all controls.
- enough British heavies or meds for second branch? “Doubtful”
serB pls :p
You already said that the Chieftain and another medium tank are being considered for tier 10
Two tanks are a “branch”?
Hm, maybe leave FV215b and make second T10 heavy just like with Obj 140 with no new branch leading to it :)
Yeah but that would require logic and not having a pro-Soviet bias.
There are enough “mediums” for a second branch:
-Challenger (WW2 tank, not the later ones)
-Charioteer (20pdr turreted TD, there are not enough TDs for a second TD branch, call it a med while having the turreted TD drawbacks such as the slow turret)
-Vickers MBT (L7 armed paper tanks with above average speed)
-Chieftain Mk1 (120mm gun tank, chieftain prototype)
The lower tiers could be made of commonwealth tanks (canada, australia), so the lower tiers are covered too.
And what about the Sherman Firefly?
Australian Cruisers soon…please.
iirc there is a plan for a British Lend-Lease branch where you will find the Sherman Firefly a few tiers after the 3 Grant………….
Challenger and Charioteer are planned as tank destroyers for the 2nd British tank destroyer line.
The Challenger wasn’t a TD though, it was a medium tank…
“- “vehicles that won’t make a full branch” (SS: the player asks specifically about Israeli tanks) will be “definitely implemented in some way””
See guys, there is still hope for Super Shermans, T-54/55 with L7 and up-armored centurion variants with Patton engines! My guess is they will either we released as premiums or reward tanks like the Chinese tree when it only offered Type-59 and 62 or attached to another mixed branch as the end tier vehicles such as what they’re working on with the mixed EU branch. =D
Sherman+AMX-13 abomination :D
Didnt they had IS-3 TD? Or something modified of it?
I think the Sherman with and AMX-13 75 turret were captured Egyptian tanks. Israelis did use AMX13 variants however what I really want is one Super Sherman variant of theirs fitted with a 105mm long barreled French gun and the other one with an automatic 50mm gun. I’m not familiar with IS-3 variants however I can confirm that Israel has captured many.
I can only imagine meeting SerB in real life.
“Hey, nice to meet you, how are you?”
“How Terrible…”
“You know what time it is?”
“When it’s done it’s done.”
“It’s a nice day out today isn’t it?”
“We have a suggestion forum, go whine there.”
“Are you in a feeling ok?”
“That rock concert was unreal!”
“Want realism? Join the army.”
“I banged your wife.”
“How terrible.”
“I banged your wi-”
*Serbhands around neck*
“Lowe won’t be changed in the future, its stats are fine”
Eat shit and die, Wargaming, I’m selling that crap.
tempted as well, but got 1k battle in it.
No return of the LefH premium artillery’s prior ammunition speed? That’s a big bummer.
- French arty won’t recieve a shell velocity buff
That’s arguably the best arty in the game for it’s tier right now, so expecting a buff is a bit…
Lowe won’t be changed in the future, its stats are fine
won’t be changed in the future, its stats are fine
its stats are fine
WUAHAHAHAHA love that guy <3
- SerB died in horrible fiery crash? “How terrible”
hes such a fucking dick
I wonder how would you behave yourself when constantly being asked retarded questions by morons.
Probably same as him.
More like he’d RAGE QUIT in tears after two days.
I would start giving funny but serious content awnsers, but not always.
Like ‘Such changes aren’t worth mentioning, if you do, you can spam the forums if you want. If not, be angry *Trollface*’
My awnser would change from time to time.
I do agree that there is tons of retarded questions but imo questions about changes on certain maps and why aren’t they mentioned it anywhere in patch notes seems like a quite legit questions
My Job is to get asked silly questions (Amongst other things).
And occasionally I do loose it and give a sly answer. However when a Question is serious or has a point I try to be a bit more informative.
Obviously you never worked in call center, haters are constant, but this moron is giving stupid answers to normal questions. Still, you’re a stronk Internet warrior!
The last I heard he wasn’t getting paid for putting up with that shit, he’s doing it voluntarily. Which, obviously, implies he’ll answer however the fuck he feels like.
The one thing (apart from spawnpoints) that bugs me about Mountain Pass encounter is the cap placement – the way you can cap on top at one side of the bridge. Have played this mode like twice or thrice, but I can see how that may be abused a lot.
I found this –
I think Icould like this, maybe:D
So one possibility for an USA premium tank destroyer at Tier 6 is a hybrid of an Easy 8 hull (M4A3) plus the 90 mm gun and turret from a Jackson (M36). How different can that be, from what’s already in the game?
- according to The_Chieftain, both M36B1 (M4A3 hull with M36 turret)
In terms of crew training, the M4A3B1 would have radio operator while the tier 10′s (T110E3, T110E4) have instead a 2nd Loader. The M4A3B1 does not seem to be the ideal premium tank destroyer from a crew training point of view. Still that’s far better than what’s available presently.
Already have the M36 turret on 3 tanks, can’t he find something a little more inspired?
I didn’t catch that point : “regarding the national voiceovers: it won’t be possible to select the voiceover pack manually (so that all tanks speak German for example)”
=> start the game in English and all tanks will speak English. Start it in German and all tanks will speak German and so on…
Yea, but the menu will be in German also.
You can always go to WoT/res/audio and rename “ingame_voice_de.fsb” to “ingame_voice_en.fsb”
As if everyone already knows where to find the “battle” button and other stuff… :D I was switching languages way before they introduced the crappy national voiceovers. Not that I was able to learn much, though
- SerB on banning trollplatoons: “What about them? Do you have such a weak nervous system that you can’t eat until you kill a trollplatoon? It wont help – there will always be something making you angry. Work on yourself.”
this asshole wouldn’t be laughing if someone came in his office with a 6 year old screaming everywhere
Actually, there are more kids playing in RU than in EU :D So, he is immune.
He would be like this
“How terrible”. That asshole. Hope he get’s what he deserves.
I understand if there are trollquestions and he answer’s like that. But asking if or why something was reworked is a perfectly fine question. Maybe he is just mad because he is so goddamn ugly
If it was reworked – then it needed to be reworked. Is it too hard to understand?
It’s not, but i still don’t understand why it’s so hard to add just a little line in patch notes that will said something like
- minor changes on certan maps(insert name of the maps here)
Woras, tell that to the vertical tech tree!!!
‘- On Westfield map there was a bush removed on F0, but there was nothing in patchnotes? “How terrible…”’
That is the first time I actually laughed about a ‘How terrible’. Why be angry at WG when they removed ONE COMPLETE BUSH? Like the whole map tactics and stuff changed xD
Don’t you remember the riots over Bob Ross’ secret bushes?
I wanna start a petition to have “How terrible” as an in game inscription .
I would buy that
- Lowe won’t be changed in the future, its stats are fine
Only good thing about Lowe is it’s decent accuracy and credit making possibilities. Rest is shit. Speed, armor, camo,mobility,gun depression, RoF is shit compared to alpha(320) and every shot to the front your driver is dead and engine broken. If you are really unlucky it will catch on fire. This tank if you look how much it costs needs some serious buffing. Not making it OP but increase it’s performance.
The T53 was an attempt to mount a 90mm AA gun on a M4 hull, it was intended to be used in AT roles.
Here is a short article on it:
Beat me to it!
Found a reference to the T53: (Scroll down and 2/3 of the way down)
“This vehicle was an attempt to place the powerful American 90mm anti-aircraft gun on a self propelled chassis for use as a tank killer. Shown above are the T53 and to the right, the modified T53E1. 500 vehicles were to have been produced, but the order was cancelled. Questions arrose about poor mobility, instability, engine cooling, crew protection, excessive height and too little weight to handle the recoil of the gun. The entire project was terminated in the Spring of 1944.”
M56 Scorpion would be nice but too few crew. Same gun as T53. Much much smaller so insane camo value. It really would just be a fun TD and would buy in a heartbeat if they made in game
M4 speed with a 90mm gun, yes please.
Here’s the T53:
A Sherman chassis with a 90mm AT gun.
You hate trollplatoons which ruins the game for team? How terrible.
You want to disable chat? No way, it is a team game.
Nope, nothing strange in here.
PS: I do not care too much about neither of those, just pointing out some interesting occurrences
A: “There was never such a rule. But there was +/-3 tier spread before, should we return that?”
uhh.. mistranslation, or are they changing the spread, last I checked, we are still at +/-3, right?
Most non-scout tanks are at +/- 2.
I started playing when it was +/- 4. I don’t remembering it ever being 3.
I remember it being +/- 3 when I started and the change to +/- 2 happened when they split the KV up and took Vader turret from pz4 cause it would have been OP
Back in closed beta, it was -5/+5.
That reminds me how I tried to track the fraking maus with my kw3 (tier 7) with 107mm. It was 1 on 1, because lemmings gonna train. Couldn’t even do that, and my heroic sacrifice was for nothing – the damn lemmings did what they always do… T_T
Ahhh ok, I was counting the number of tiers! I thought a tier 5 being in 5,6,7 was “+3″ because it was 3 tiers. My bad :) I would love to see the tiers narrowed to +/-1 as they get more players, but that will probably take a long time, if ever.
“firday 13th” is also god for speeling
btw So many comments –> laag :o
- SerB on banning trollplatoons: “What about them? Do you have such a weak nervous system that you can’t eat until you kill a trollplatoon? It wont help – there will always be something making you angry. Work on yourself.”
troll solution for trollplatoons
Here’s a pic of the T53
“It wont help – there will always be something making you angry. Work on yourself.”
Just when I thought Serb was the biggest douche I’d ever seen he goes and says something deeply profound.
Pingback: 13.09.2013 | WoTRomania
I included the T53E1 in one of the older posts(old FTR) about American TDs…
I’d rather have the T78 (Chaffee hull + M36 turret) as the premium TD.
FTR needs a new poll SS about this golden dildo stick thing or something else